Here’s a VERY interesting article about American military… thanks to FaustianQ for this one. Sort of depressing.
Also, having technical issues in 9.5? Here’s a WG guide of what you might check. Why this isn’t on the first page of the EU portal, I have no idea.
- in 9.5, the gun marks (rings) were not touched
- the current Russian peak (last weekend, compared to January’s 1,1 mil) is apparently 850k
- skill MM (“leagues”) was discussed and analyzed “more than once”, the conclusion was that it would not bring the incentive to play better
- Q: “Implement skill MM and see its results in praxis!” A: “Deal player, you can create your own online game and run experiments on live servers as much as you like!”
- claims that skill MM would improve gameplay “are not based on reality”
- the rumor that Havok was scrapped is false
- regarding longer tutorial, developers state that in real life, the longer the training, the fewer players finish it. According to developers, there is this strange idea amongst the good players that they were good from the start. Generally, developers will further consider the issue of better tutorial, but making it long is not an option.
- regarding the players skipping tutorial, a WG developer states that he met adult players on meetings who ignored the tutorial altogether, play up to tier 9 and don’t even know what’s aiming and that they should fire only once the aim circle gets smaller
- apparently, some players on Russian server found their significant others through WoT, including at least one wedding
- both Karl and the Chaffee racing were extremely popular modes
- on RU server, the winter mode will last only 10 days. This is intentional “not to make the holiday mood too common” (SS: they’ll prolong it, you’ll see)
- the winter mode tanks will use crews “analogical to regular tanks” – after the mode is over, the crews will be moved to barracks. If the barracks are full, the crews will be saved in “buffer slots” and moved to regular barracks slots when the crew space becomes available (like with Chaffee)
- the option to remove the Winter Mode tanks from hangar before the event is over will not be implemented
- more copycat maps (as in Ruinberg, Winterberg) will not come anytime soon
- developers are constantly working on client optimization, introducing fun modes does not influence this task
- after the winter mode is over, the crews will be retrained to “analogical regular tanks” (SS: that means Mammoth to T110E5, that TD whatsitsname to Foch 155 and the LT crew to LTTB)
- there are no plans at this moment to give Panther 88 limited MM
- Panther 88 will appear in ingame shop in 9.6
( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮ Hey Artakha, here’s a “First comment” for you. ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
something something donkey
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Not enough ╭∩╮( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
“- skill MM (“leagues”) was discussed and analyzed “more than once”, the conclusion was that it would not bring the incentive to play better” – yea sure, and somehow in a moba game called LoL ppl are crazy to get better and get into higher leagues (at least thats what I know from various forums and my friends, never played the game myself)
Plain bullshit. I hope that AW will have some sort of league system. I’m sick of playing with noobs in 17 games per 20…
I’d rather have a yellow player that communicates than a blue player that camps his heavy in the back farming WN8…
Agreed and this is exactly why stat padders are NOT necessarily good players. I’d rather have 14 tomatoes on my team than 1 stat padder or stat whore.
“I’d rather have 14 tomatoes on my team than 1 stat padder or stat whore.”
Too bad that “stat padder” or “stat whore” is winning games for you mindless pubbies…
Tomato logic, stronk logic.
Agreed. I am Unicum in my T40. How did I get that?
By not following lemmings
By not being a scout
By not going to cap when all the losers around me died.
By sometimes being the last one alive and still killing remaining 3-6 enemy players
In short – by playing like (facepalm moment) – a fucking TD.
And for that I get called a ‘camper’ and ‘stat-padder’. Obviously the people calling me those names are noob fucktard morons so I ignore them completely :)
T40 can sometimes be stronk skaut, tho…
T40 ! XD
And you call yourself a good player ? XD
You’ve made my day ! XD
He said he was good in the T40. Not that he was good at every tank.
i have blue stats But i always use my tank in the best possible way But that dont mean i have to give the enemy chance to shoot me patience is not a sin!
I want some form of skill based MM, but you know that most of the forms this could take will not prevent you from ‘playing with noobs’?
Anyway, if skill base MM in AW is successful, WG will copy it in one hot minute.
Dont be silly – WG cant even into Havok and HD :D
I didn’t say they would make a good copy, it is WG after all.
Its gonna be Confrontation all over again…
“Anyway, if skill base MM in AW is successful, WG will copy it in one hot minute.”
there wont be skill based mm in AW either… go hit a wall
Yep, waiting for AW to see WG’s reaction. I really hope that game will smash them all.
Kinda the same too. Well, I’m not all about “smash them” but mostly about what good new features and features that WG playerbase want will be introduced in AW
Then maybe WG will finally fckin learn smth and start actually doing smth with the game except tossing new maps’n’tanks all the time
WT:GF failed so WG have not learnt anything from em. But since AW is mostly a clone they should rather be more successful than Gajin with their tanks…
Clone by a damn good developers and with money of who really really want to rip off WG :D
Yea, and that’s why I hope the WG will finally start to think a bit :)
Bad comparison. In LoL, there is little grinding. However, in WoT, grinding is central. A person in a lower league would get just as much reward as one in a higher league (all enemy hit points have to go somewhere), so the incentive to do better is gone.
Kinda right but still, if sm1 wants to be better he will try, go up the league and eventually play with better (but equal) players. If sm1 is a “noob forever” or simply doesnt care, he will stay on the bottom feed and play with players like him
I’m just fed up with constant loses because I’m paired with bad players. Doesnt matter that I’m in 80% cases in top 5 in team. The battle is still lost, the credits and exp are gone. Why ? Cus half of those suckers die in first 3 minutes. The rest do little to nothing and here I am, fighting alone (or if MM is merciful – with 2-3 decent/good players) versus almost whole enemy team
I’m ok with losing a game where teams are equal but one played the game better and used better strategy. But I’m not okay with losing a game because of having incompetent players in my team thanks to the crazy MM
What I want to try is to play with a league system that has “+/- 1″ level of player skill range. Refering to the XVM color system – red tomatoes can only play with red tomatoes or orange guys. Orange guys can only play with red tomatoes or yellow guys (but not with both in one match). Yellow guys – with orange and greenies. Greenies with yellows and blues, blues with greenies and violets, violets with blues. Smth like that…or anything, just seriously, separate the good players from bad ones
Each system has its flaws but somehow tons of other online PvP games have various skill based/league/profile level system or smth like that and it works pretty much perfectly
The only kind of skill mm i would like would be ’1 good player per team, 10 tomato’s, 4 middleman’ Not all good against good, bad againt bad. I like to kill a lot from time to time, wont happen when i only meet equaly skilled players :)
You sir! Here, take my upvote, +1, my support, my nutella, my family.
Finally someone who understands that skill based MM with league system is just bad, and toxic… we need equal teams, i dont care if i am the only decent player in my team, its ok as long as the enemy team has at most 2 decent or 3mediocre players.
Funny how people think playing with better players would make them win more. You realize you would also play AGAINST better players right?? Actually being good player, as you seem to claim you are, would just make this worse for you. Because now you play with bad players against bad players and so you can influence quite a lot as your skill can be dominant. But with good players on both teams you will suddenly become “average” among them. And you will probably bitch even more about losing because of bad teams…. quit whining and get better. You probably make 20 mistakes every battle, just like all even good players do. So how about focusing on that.
Quite the opposite. If both teams would be equal (eg only green players) then basically the team that used better tactic (or well, had more luck) wins. If I would be playing with equal players then the only way to play with better players would be to simply get better, thats all behind it. It even works now if the MM will do a good roll and simply take similar-skilled players into both teams – those battles are the most fun for me, no one is doing retarded stuff, no one rushes like a lemming just to die and cry on chat and ppl are actually thinking of how to defeat the enemy and not just blindly shooting everywhere
I’d rather play with players with similar skill and be as you said “average man” among them than play with tomatoes that leave the enitre battle on my shoulders (and expecting that I will miraculously defeat the remaining 10 enemies…)
Not to mention about the noobs and newbies. Playing versus team of unicums when you are a fresh meat isnt fun. If the MM would be pairing noobs vs noobs that doesnt mean that they will be forever-noobs. Want to get better ? Then get better, use your brain and eventually start stomping enemies like you. Then you will go up the ladder and meet stronger enemies. Simple as that
And even if they dont want to make league system then at least they should make both teams even and not just randomly distribute players which end in one team having 1-2 good players + noobs and the opposite having 3 good players + some average players and maybe 2 noobs.
I’ve played few PvP-based games in my life and almost all of them had some sort of player sorting based on skill or profile level. Why WG doesnt want to do that is beyond my imagination
Fair enough =) I understand what you mean..
Right… except those “awesome battles”, where you kill 10+ tanks, solo a hight tier tank etc. are possible because of tomatoes. Battles like this are possible only because you take advantage of ridiculous mistakes made by tomatoes. Skill MM would basically create team battles – if you want to play with players of equal skill, play those – you’ll see how average your score will be when equal players meet equal players. I’m pretty sure WG is fully aware of this, this is why good players play WoT, to “own some noobs” not to be average.
serious mistakes by tomatoes….
The only two big mistakes i have seen in the last two weeks…. One, a greenie in an archer teamkilled a red player for “getting in his way” at the start of the match while leaving base, turned blue, got killed himself. The tomatoes of the team went on to win that game, against a team comprising of mostly yellow players.
Two, a blue light tanker charged across the field on Malinovka, lit the entire team up and died within 1 minute of the game.
Poor skill players are bad, yes… but “good” players going full retard is possibly worse.
Introduce skilled match making and wave good bye to all those 10 kill carries, wave goodbye to those clutch wins, and wave good bye to all those times while climbing the xvm ratings you outplayed that unicum one on one while a yellow or orange…. You know what im talking about.
Tomato games would be a bunch of chaos, and Unicum games would be a tedious camp fest which would end in plenty more draws than wins.
“serious mistakes by tomatoes….
The only two big mistakes i have seen in the last two weeks…. One, a greenie in an archer teamkilled a red player for “getting in his way” at the start of the match while leaving base, turned blue, got killed himself. The tomatoes of the team went on to win that game, against a team comprising of mostly yellow players.
Two, a blue light tanker charged across the field on Malinovka, lit the entire team up and died within 1 minute of the game.
Poor skill players are bad, yes… but “good” players going full retard is possibly worse.
Introduce skilled match making and wave good bye to all those 10 kill carries, wave goodbye to those clutch wins, and wave good bye to all those times while climbing the xvm ratings you outplayed that unicum one on one while a yellow or orange…. You know what im talking about.
Tomato games would be a bunch of chaos, and Unicum games would be a tedious camp fest which would end in plenty more draws than wins.”
yeah and what have we learned? unicums are unicums because theyve beat up alot of tomatoes and will disappear in total abyss of average players when they have to face equally skilled unicums who beat up alot of tomatoes…
I dont take any pleasure from stomping a noobs in such battle. Sure, the cred/exp outcome is nice, but whats the point ? Its like playing saper with cheat code – you know where the mines are and so you can do a super fast game with good time score but there is no fun or not even actual game in that.
Not to mention that WG didnt even separeted newbies from other players and that is another sin. Playing versus experienced players is not funny when you are a fresh meat (I was playing some MOBA once, first time in my life…it was all good untill there once was a time that MM fucked up and matched newbs with high-profile experienced players. Watching how you are getting beaten up every second without being able to do shit is not funny)
The problem is that if someone is a noob/newbie, then he is gonna fight against noobs as well so his stats will get better quickly and he will fight against very good players (which is gonna be hard for him).
Well if you put in skill mm, suddenly the +2/-2 mm can make or break a game. It will turn into more of a game of who got the better tanks and spawn than who is the better players.
are you even aware of the fact that you are just an average player? and that you have to play with WoT players on AW? do you realize that nothing will change?
My proposal of skill based MM.
Clue for team assembly would be average WN8. Average WN8 of both teams in match should be nearly identical. (XVM should show 50% chance to win)
It would be great because both team will have same chance to win the battle.
How it will work in real game? If you are average joe, you will play with average joes….if you are unicum….you will play with bunch of redest red barons :))) So in fact difficulty of game will be harder so you can show your unicum skills …This way some unicums stats will descent back to average joes… (and therefore game difficulty will be easier) and some average joes will become unicums (so they will see their suffering). And so on… IT will be more interesting and more challenging for everyone… Maybe noobs can learn from unicums in their teams and became average joes too…..
Yes, it will cause some sucidides maybe but it would be acceptable sacrifice for the same chances for both teams in battle.
P.S. It will be interesting experiment too. It will show us if are unicum players skill high enough to whitstand this…call it “bad luck” …
troll mode off – lets go play wot
The problem is that it looks like such system is in WoT right now (tho WG denies that they have any skill based MM). The team has some sort of “skill pool” and simply if the MM will throw a unicum in one team then it must throw 14 noobs in his team to meet the “skill pool” criteria while the opposite team gets eg 10 average players + 1 abv avg and 4 noobs.
And so the noobs die and unless the unicum is playing any sort of OP tank or autoloader or the enemy team will make a mistake and split, the unicum team simply lost. “Nec Herkules contra plures”
BTW: Also, what took my notice is that on lower tiers there are pretty much only noobs. I have no idea why but whenever I play a t4-t5 tanks, all I see are red and orange ppl with little addition of yellow guys. I barely ever see a green player. And it just cant be that good players are not playing low tiers at all (they still need to play lower tiers in order to get higher tiers…)
An addition to my first post
All in all there is a simple solution even for all the haters
Introduce the league system as a separate game mod. Instead of selecting “random” mode you select “league” mod (or smth like that) and you simply play with players and versus players that are on similar level. Period, that is all. You dont want to play this then you dont and if you want then all it takes is to make just a 2 clicks
the whole problem with all of this is that noobish-ness is relative. an excellent rated player with 12k games is a noobie compared to a unicum with 24k games. also, if you have 30 unicums all playing in a game, a single unicum won’t be carrying the games, and thus there stats would decline, as in their environment (i.e. surrounded by other unicums) they are nothing but an ‘average’ player.
just from a gameplay point of view as well, you would rarely see those incredible 10k damage games any more because you would have tomatoes to farm damage from. you would then have the problem of people deliberately jumping into a battle and then sitting there refusing to do anything for the team in order to kill their stats to get back down into a lower league which is probably worse than the tomatoes who at least can be used as meat shields.
the whole problem with all of this is that noobish-ness is relative. an excellent rated player with 12k games is a noobie compared to a unicum with 24k games. also, if you have 30 unicums all playing in a game, a single unicum won’t be carrying the games, and thus there stats would decline, as in their environment (i.e. surrounded by other unicums) they are nothing but an ‘average’ player.
just from a gameplay point of view as well, you would rarely see those incredible 10k damage games any more because you would have tomatoes to farm damage from. you would then have the problem of people deliberately jumping into a battle and then sitting there refusing to do anything for the team in order to kill their stats to get back down into a lower league which is probably worse than the tomatoes who at least can be used as meat shields.
edit to the above bit because i’m a noob on FTR. the only way in my opinion of achieving skill based match making that still makes the games interesting and variable is to make two teams that are as shit (or as good) as each other. still keep the tomatoes but have an even number of shit players on both teams. the number of times i have seen a fuck tard on one team and a unicum on the other and they are driving the same tank (and the winrate is something like 35%) and i’ve just thought “swap the two players”, boom problem solved skill based matchmaking complete.
do you know why are ppl playing horrible? wz111, get the kills omg yolo that guy for the kill, really frustrating, i can barely play, cant wait for this christmas time to end so thing finnaly go back to normal
regarding skill based mm, i personally enjoy playing vs better players, wich happens mostly between 00:00-02:00 in tier 10, although i would like “randoms” with better players it would make queue times very long and also unicums are maybe 3% of playerbase ( have fun waiting for a game ) and the rerolls would pollute high skill games, even though they are good players but while i am personally not an unicum i do know some unicums and the way they think so just way above mine for ex., very diffrent pov, my stats are good because i dont even know why, since some days i play for like 4k wn8 and the next day for 1,5, imo i would like to be mached up in more skilled battles, it would make me want to get better… or at least remove this bullshit requirements of the missions so maybe we dont get yolos that ruin the game, maybe the games would be longer than emmm 4 min
make a new server 8000+ player rating xD see where it gets us
Wow, a free T110E5 and Foch 155 crew? That will give me an incentive to play the winter fun mode since I’m on the M103 and Foch at the moment and I would like the keep them, but not suffer through diving them with untrained crews. I have the LTTB already, but I could always promote that crew to the T-54 Lightweight when I research it and use the “free” LTTB crew to replace them.
Il will propably be only 1 tank commander, like for Karl Mode… :/
Still, most likely with 1st skill ready for action.
I’m afraid the “retraining” will go as with the Chafee Sport – i don’t really know if and when it was actually retrained, i lost patience after week or so and retrained them manually myself (to T21, i’m taking the T69 line, since i want the US wobbleheads, but with as little scouts on the way as posssible – and i know that T37 is actually better than T21)
- regarding the players skipping tutorial, a WG developer states that he met adult players on meetings who ignored the tutorial altogether, play up to tier 9 and don’t even know what’s aiming and that they should fire only once the aim circle gets smaller
and that is why the tutorial should be a MUST.
you got a med/heavy/td/arty? want to play it? then you need to pass this little tutorial.
you cant or you dont want to? too bad, you are stuck in your actual tank.
I just went through the tutorial on WoWp (just for the free gold for WOT), and I must say that it is pretty good (the tutorial, not the game, which is dull). Similar thing in WOT would definitely help new players a lot.
why, tutorial is a waste of time
I went from not being able to even fly in a straight line, to being able to play the game more or less proficiently in 20mins. It helped me a lot.
Your stats say otherwise
Your personality says otherwise.
- skill MM (“leagues”) was discussed and analyzed “more than once”, the conclusion was that it would not bring the incentive to play better
Why not as separate mode?
Because WG are a typical russian company: “better is the enemy of good enough”. As long as they are making profits today, they don’t particularly care about improving the quality of the product for profit tomorrow.
How are Team Battles doing these days?
Better but still bad. Its for e-”sports” not for grinding tanks when you have no clan or shitload of friends.
No Woras No. Go troll elsewhere.
If youre a player who has a Rating of more then 5000 (more like 6000) Team Battles is a good way of grinding tier 8 tanks (tier 6 and 7 lights). I did so with my Centurion I. I played in a random team of good – unicum players (I allmost never play with my clanmates because… umm.. most of them suck). Few battles we lost. Like 1 out of 10. 9 victories (or even more) in a row is acctually quite good for grinding isnt it?
Even if youre a below average player you could make lots of XP if you have a commander who knows solid tactics for each map (Remember TBs Skill-based MM). But the main thing you need in TBs in order to win is good tactics!
And if you have a tier 8 premium tank you can make tons of money in no time by doing what i described above.
So… NO Woras i definitly disagree on you. TBs are nice and more fun then randoms most of the time.
Its for T8 and T7 LT…..There are other tiers to grind :D Anyways, WG said it will have some sort of skill MM in TB – it does?
it does afaik.
because noone wants to waist money on an useless idea?
“Hey lets do some retarded skill MM of which we already know by using common sense that it wont create the results those cry kids want it to”
“Yeah why not, we got some new dev who work for free”
And by reading the forums you would already know that making it wont solve the problem with the cry kids… the only thing that would change is instead of “make a skill mm” you would read “you made it the wrong way. You have to do the skill MM by *insert random retarded idea*”
Listen to kids more.
Oh well, AW :D
this. ^^
- on RU server, the winter mode will last only 10 days. This is intentional “not to make the holiday mood too common” (SS: they’ll prolong it, you’ll see)
Anybody remember when we had that fucking Xmas tree in our garage from November till almost March? Lazy developers
if it bothers you that much, why not just mod it away?
because not everyone wants/knows to mod it away something developers should do
Hey guys, I have kind of a unrelated question: for those of you who are xvm users, do you still need DokanLibrary installed in order for XVM to work, or is that thing not necessary now?
No, its not needed anymore (change a long time ago)
Not necessary.
Cool! Thanks guys!
don’t forget to delete win32 though. It interferes with xvm’s new setup
I smell an awful troll. Please, kill yourself.
I didn’t find that article interesting. That is a Liberal magazine, so they mistook people’s inattention to the Liar-in-Chief as reflective to the military. He hasn’t had time for the military because he is too busy fundraising and denigrating his political opponents.
Since we have had a Democrat president, the media has fully supported him in all the scandals. Most people didn’t know a war was going on, since it was rarely reported and they stopped the daily death counts.
The biggest problem, is that the military doesn’t approve of Obama. He has something like a 15% approval or worse; that makes it difficult when you don’t trust the leader that is sending you to battle.
I concur. One can tell right off the bat that the author is liberal and only brought up liberal views of the military. For example, “Yet repeatedly this force has been defeated by less modern, worse-equipped, barely funded foes. Or it has won skirmishes and battles only to lose or get bogged down in a larger war.” The US military has not lost a war. The American politicians and their willingness to see it through to conclusion have decided the victors. The military is not designed to change hearts and minds, its job is to secure the ground and allow the other governmental agencies to re-educate the population.
That is why we have failed in Iraq. Instead of going in and taking control of the Iraqi government for seven-to-ten years like we did in Germany and Japan to re-educate them, we were hell set on creating a democracy as quick as possible (less than two years). Although, I think that it probably would require a longer period of time to re-educate the Iraqis; perhaps a generation. The Iraqi hearts and minds were not re-educated and we pulled out to leave them to go about with their normal way of doing things. So, it is no wonder that Iraq is a failed democracy or as the author would call it a lost war quoting a military intelligence officer who obviously did not understand the goals given to the military versus the state department.
America is not willing to do what is necessary to win the hearts and minds. Now days it is not “politically correct” to rule over another country until it gets its act together. Plus, it loses the attention of the American public too quick and costs too much money. So, this is why I am against US involvement in the Middle East. They don’t have anything we need. And, my opinion is if they fuck with us in the future, bomb them back to the stone age!
And as far as the author’s comments about the meaningless praise heaped on the soldiers, I can tell you that it is a whole lot better experience than having dog shit thrown at them during the Vietnam War like what happened to my father (which, I suspect the draft-dodging author would have condoned). Or, being accused of not being smart because if I was I wouldn’t go into the military, like my college professor accused me of for joining the Army through the ROTC program. By the way, he made sure that my grade supported his assessment by giving all those in the ROTC program lower grades after we started wearing our uniforms. The professor of military science put out a notice to avoid that class after that.
Aren’t you adorable
Why yes I am. Thank you.
Hahahaha, aren’t you a caricature.
Post-WW2 soldiers are actually scum and deserve all the shit thrown at them. A bunch of dribbling cretins who think the world owes them just because they unquestioningly go to murder whatever brown people their leader points them at.
Don’t forget, we are stupid too.
“The US military has not lost a war”
Vietnam says “Hi”…
The reason they “have never lost a war” is because they usually either pick fights with countries that dont have a developed army, or rush into conflicts at the end game when they arent really needed. They are the kill stealing Jungler of the world…. or that arty who only takes shots at low health tanks, if your not a LoL player.
We can’t help it that we are strong. We were just born that way. We don’t even work out that much. :P
The military did not lose Vietnam. The politicians and American population lost the desire to continue the war. The Vietcong were defeated during Tet in 1968; however, Walter Cronkite declared that we lost. The North Vietnamese were losing their ability to maintain operations in the South. The North Vietnamese soldiers sent south were getting tattoos that said “Born in the North to Die in the South.”
Even after we pulled out, the South Vietnamese Army defeated the first Northern invasion. It wasn’t till the US government pulled its financial support that the North Vietnamese were able to overrun the South.
So, it was the US government that lost the war, not the military.
Vietnam was not a war. It was a police action, just like Korea… And Afghanistan… And Iraq…
If congress doesn’t declare war, we aren’t in a war. We still like to play with our toys, but we don’t need a “war” for that.
That’s why it’s called the Vietnam police action. Please!
Korea was a police action at first. Maintaining border integrity and helping the South hold back the North. It became the Korean war when the United Nations. UK, Canada, US, Australia etc sent troops in to help defend the South from the North Koreans accompanied by the Chinese, and Siviet advisors.
In Vietnam, the French failed in Indo-china. After being routed at Dien Bien Phu. That’s when the Americans stepped in to help the South Vietnamese. A few other countries joined the American lead, helping them but not sending the same number of manpower over.
In the Iraqi conflict as well as Afghanistan. Both were deemed a “War on Terror.” From Desert Storm the operation to push the Iraqi’s out of Kuwait. to hunting down the taliban in Afghanistan. Both are armed conflicts not police actions. This isn’t peacekeeping.
Just because the americans dont call it a war…. oh wait, they do in terms of Vietnam.
Spot on! Cptcav
“Civil War” you remember that.
Happened on American Soil.
Americans fighting Americans. North Union Won but South Confederate Lost. Still a lot of American soldiers died on both sides.
War of 1812 Canada burnt the White House and many other Washington buildings to the ground. Don’t believe you “won that one”.
You forgot the two most recent wars the Americans have lost: The war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan. :-)
If you really want to be technical Vietnam was not a war it was a policing action. The U.S. is not at war until congress declares war, we just called it a war because it was easier to say and complain about.
- after the winter mode is over, the crews will be retrained to “analogical regular tanks” (SS: that means Mammoth to T110E5, that TD whatsitsname to Foch 155 and the LT crew to LTTB)
That makes me wonder, if it would be possible to retrain my T110E5 crew for the Mammoth and replace the original Mammoth crew with them, so that I could gain the crew XP mission rewards for the winter mode (which we hopefully will get too) and get the crew retrained back for the T110E5 for free in the end.
Are you sure about those tanks? It wouldn’t make sense to provide people with crews for high tier tanks that they may not have (and let’s face it, a lot of ‘winter mode’ players will have come out of the proverbial woodworks for the holidays).
And I can’t find it back right now, but didn’t WG mention retraining these crews to several nations’ tier 1 tanks? They did the same thing with the Karl, which iirc turned into a Leichttractor commander, the Chaffee sport (-> T1) and T-62A SPORT (-> MS-1).
Chaffee sports xp went on the T1, but the crew were retrained to Chaffee crews.
this is pure speculation but i think part of the reason they would give away high tier tank crews is to try and get people to grind towards those tanks (or free xp’ing their way) which would provide WG with some revenue from premium time, premium ammo, premium tanks, etc.
the E5 is a damn good tank and is very popular too. i myself plan on moving my crew to the event tanks to play them so i can get xp on the crew then the free retrain back.
“a WG developer states that he met adult players on meetings who ignored the tutorial altogether, play up to tier 9 and don’t even know what’s aiming and that they should fire only once the aim circle gets smaller”
Advanced age and mental retardation are not mutually exclusive.
Well isn’t that amazing a developer who met other players and actually talked to them.
Brings to attention another trip by another developer
As he was going to St. Ives,
he met a man with seven wives,
Each wife had seven sacks,
Each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits:
Kits, cats, sacks, and wives,
How many were going to St. Ives?
- more copycat maps (as in Ruinberg, Winterberg) will not come anytime soon
But tehy are planed it seems
Ruinberg in Repairs.
Ruinberg under water.
Ruinberg in Space.
Ruinberg in Ruinberg (Ruinbergerception).
Ruinberg in chocolate milk.
Ruinberg in ashes, Fixenburg, Ruinburg on Mars, Ruinburg in lava, Tropical Ruinberg, Ruincityburg, Modern Ruinberg, Ruinberg in Ruinberg in Ruinberg (See if you can top that!) and Ruinberg with people.
Ruinberg in Burger.
Ruinberg in Iceberg.
Burger in Ruinberg!!!
Ruinberg in World of Warplanes
Silentstalker should implement like buttons on comments :)
+ 1000 from me
Ruinberg in SPACE!!! brilliant…
Ruinberg.. IN MY PANTS!
3rd Soviet LT crew? Might as well rebuy the MT-25
“According to developers, there is this strange idea amongst the good players that they were good from the start.”
What? I would certainly say that most good players were good from the start. Of course, if WoT is your first video game, it’s understandable that you will have trouble. But if you regularly play video games, you’re skill level doesn’t fluctuate between games. If you know how to play one shooter, you’ll get the hang off of another one in no time.
It’s just like sports. If you’re good at one kind, the chances are you’re good at other sports too.
“It’s just like sports. If you’re good at one kind, the chances are you’re good at other sports too.”
Most retarded comment I’ve read all day…
uhm many “athletes that are good at one sport excel in others” Why because Kinetically many sports are based on the same principles of movement. Running etc.
However, you probably wouldn’t know that from all the late night cake eating in your parents basement. Take another puff on your inhaler kid.
Oh, so that is why Michael Jordan was such a good gold player.
I’m also sure Michael Phelps would be a good football player, no?
Or Mike Tyson would be a damn good gymnast.
Seriously, stop blurting out brainfarts
Using that logic if im good with a recorder then I will be a frikkin virtuoso with a violin or double bass or drums or electric guitar…. i could do a concerto on a grand piano. >.> Stronk logic.
No you could probably read music, since you learned to do that on your recorder. You learned timing, counts, note location, what note tones sound like. It would take a while to learn other instruments. But it can be done.
I for instance. I play drums, guitar, accordion, piano, (keyboards) trumpet, saxophone and the bass guitar. I wasn’t proficient with them all at once but I learned and progressed after years of playing.
1) I don’t think you quite understand what “virtuoso” means
2) Playing an instrument is not comparable to sports
pretty sure i do understand, also… playing an instrument is not comparable to sports… but sitting on a chair staring at pixels on a screen, is?
Keep the logic coming, much lulz
That article you link was interesting…until you watch the video and fall over laughing at how unbelievably idiotic the writer is and how little they actually understand about the things they’re talking about. His “assertions” on the F-35 in particular are LOL inducing. Such quotes as “it can’t even get off the ground” (despite it having hundreds and hundreds of test flights from airbases, austere locations, carriers and amphibious ships), that it “can’t do any of its jobs very well” (despite it being the best fighter ever created from the perspective of those who actually understand any of how planes work) and that it “can’t fly in storm clouds” (which is just BS.)
Interesting concept for an article, but I’d rather see one written by someone who actually understands the topic.
The F35 is a joke, rather than drinking the manufacturer’s Kool-Aid, maybe you should read the congressional reports on the piece of overpriced garbage that an unholy alliance of your political representatives, corrupt army officers and private contractors have built for you.
Those hundreds of test flights are particularly cute considering the program was conceived in 1996, yet full rate production isn’t scheduled to start until 2018, 22 years later. Oh, and they now cost more than twice the initial estimate, yet the planes currently being made will need to undergo an upgrade program to even fire the weapons the USAF has had in its inventory the last 30 years and which were planned for the plane in 1996.
So yeah, you know absolutely nothing about the program, yet you blindly swallow the bullshit the manufacturer spouts because of ignorance or tribal loyalty. Well done.
- regarding longer tutorial, developers state that in real life, the longer the training, the fewer players finish it. According to developers, there is this strange idea amongst the good players that they were good from the start. Generally, developers will further consider the issue of better tutorial, but making it long is not an option.
“making it long is not an option.”
What a BS, WoT definetly needs some longer and more detailed tutorial, the one we currently have, is nice, but shows only the very basics of the gameplay.
We need a tutorial about the differences between vehicle classes, AP and HE shells, how capping work, (how many players know about the “5 seconds rule”?) , angling, sidescrapping, scouting, spotting, flanking, etc etc etc
I still remember my VERY first battle in WoT: i was with the T1, watching the countdown, and my first thought was: “WTF should i do?”
- regarding the players skipping tutorial, a WG developer states that he met adult players on meetings who ignored the tutorial altogether, play up to tier 9 and don’t even know what’s aiming and that they should fire only once the aim circle gets smaller
Considering ruskieland – not the last
you’ll ever see :D
- apparently, some players on Russian server found their significant others through WoT, including at least one wedding
What? XD
Okay, I’m happy they found each other, but still wtf!
What an achievement. Now lets collect such data for WoW :)
It’s strange that they’d be do upfront about this. Pretty sure gay marriage is both illegal and frowned upon in Russia.
TD whatsitsname to Foch 155
whatsitsname=Polar Bear
Polar bear = white.
White flag = french.
That tank is french.
Well played, WG, well played.
It seens u are blind; because French national flag is blue;white;red.
So I test it in January 5 on my official RU account.
Nope, deeeefinitely white, Historically, during war time, their flag is white.
For Sale:
100,000 French world war 2 rifles only dropped once… Best offer
So healing shells is gold;)
Yes but a polar bear is fat, and we are not fat so that tanks is not french. :P
Y’know what that mode could use?
the Return of the Karl!
Dear people asking about skill MM – consider this:
1. If you get a series of full 15v15 battles with best players only and another full serises of 15v15 battle with bad players, the good players will have the same win ratio as the bad players. Grandmaster has a 50% chance to beat a grandmaster, idiot has a 50% chance to beat an idiot and their XP and damage dealt will be similar (both leagues have the same amount of tanks, HP and the only difference would be some close range fighting bonus or stuff like that).
2. For an average player, it would be better to stay in the lower league, as it would give him bigger chance to influence the battle than in the higher league. This stands only if both leagues would have the same rules, especially credit and XP income. Some people wouldn’t mind #yoloing the first 10 battles into fiery death on some lower tier or premium tanks and then play seriously the next 20 battles if that would keep them in the lower league.
3. If there would be higher rewards in higher league – it would be a pain to balance and it would put off new players. Someone that is already good is less likely to abandon the game than someone that doesn’t get the mechanics. It would be bad business for WG.
4. Waiting times would be longer. That is obvious.
5. Good players already have the means of playing with other good players – Clam Wars, Strongholds, platoons. They also have some kind of reward for being good – they have more credits and XP.
A lot of stuff can be improved to promote good play and to shelter new players from great players grinding their yet another tank tree, but I don’t think leagues in random battles are the answer.
Dear idiot,
NO ONE asked for a 15 unicums vs 15 unicums. Most rational players would like to see a Unicum platoon on the enemy team being balanced by 4-5-6 green-blue players on your team, and not necessarily of the same tier.
That would also solve the problem of a green/blue/purple in a sea of red & orange on one team (seriously, I manage 4k damage while the rest of my idiots struggle to reach 1k?! Top tier Tier 7 or 8 HTs spamming HE because “it does more damage lel”?!?)
The article talked about MM leagues. If it’s a league, that sure sounds like 15 unicum vs 15 unicum to me. But I do agree with you that simply ensuring a similar mix of skills on each team would be better.
Clam Wars! gotsa get me into that mode, sounds fun
The article that is linked. The author identifies the symptomps but makes the wrong diagnosis. The problem is the -industrial military complex- of USA. The prime goal of the IMC is to preserve itself and keep the cash flow going, not making the most effective military equipment at the lowest price possible. The big military firms have spread their research & development and production to almost every state thus providing jobs everywhere and securing in this way some level of support from most state elected senators… BAE systems is now repeating this modus operandi in the EU thus securing support and funding for projects spread over several countries that otherwise would have been dropped.
Eisenhower warns of the IDC
Full documentary on the IDC
“regarding longer tutorial, developers state that in real life, the longer the training, the fewer players finish it. According to developers, there is this strange idea amongst the good players that they were good from the start. Generally, developers will further consider the issue of better tutorial, but making it long is not an option.”
they should make it optional and make several training like war thunder
” skill MM (“leagues”) was discussed and analyzed “more than once”, the conclusion was that it would not bring the incentive to play better
- Q: “Implement skill MM and see its results in praxis!” A: “Deal player, you can create your own online game and run experiments on live servers as much as you like!”
- claims that skill MM would improve gameplay “are not based on reality””
Bunch of arrogant hypocrites, typical russian blind stubbornness, of course they keep rejecting skill MM because in reality they are already using it to rig the MatchMaker as they please.
Roll on AW.
yep. Matchmaker is broken with no intention of fixing it. this Matchmaker 3.0 will be a joke.
They have a “Player personal rating” in the game Why can’t they use that. Instead of using Win rates.
Personal rating of 1-500
Matchmaking for players new to the game and players that need help for games.
501- 2500 Next Level
2501 – 5000 Next Level
5001-7000 Next level
7001- 9000 Next level
9000+ – (whatever) Top level.
What about adding lvl as in World of Warship ?
That can be fun !
Only shitters are asking for skilled MM. I’m not gonna even bother explaining.
After 3-4-5 games like this in a row, you’d be CRYING for skilled MM
I think part of the reason for not implementing a skill-based league play is WG’s desire to avoid the shit storm that would happen when a 50% winrate becomes the base. Imagine all of the unicoms’ reaction to being dropped a level after playing unicoms only matches. After all, unicoms would find it very hard to farm their peers for damage/experience. The howling and screaming about the league system being unfair would be tremendous as stat’s fluctuated up and down.
I’m getting so tired of this internet testestoron, why the fuck do statistics matter so much to people? Did we forget that playing games is for fun, as in, you know, leisure. If you really want to play competitive than find a fucking clan and stop shit-talking to pubbies with your elitist bullshit. Newsflash for you losers, being blue or purple isn’t worth shit in real life. So stop pissing me off, and play tanks for what it’s meant to be: F U N.
“I’m getting so tired of this internet testestoron, why the fuck do statistics matter so much to people?”
We generally hate incredibly stupid people, it’s a perfectly natural reaction
“Did we forget that playing games is for fun” – found the “lel i play4fun” tomato
For some idiots, being not only completely useless in a team game but also performing “destructive actions”, like bumping into others, blocking their shots, pushing them, etc – that’s considered “fun”.
For most normal people, winning is “fun”. Oh, and seeing the abovementioned idiots being slowly ran over by a steamroller
“If you really want to play competitive than find a fucking clan and stop shit-talking to pubbies with your elitist bullshit” – Here’s a better idea – why don’t YOU get the fuck out and stop polluting & ruining a otherwise very good game?!
“So stop pissing me off, and play tanks for what it’s meant to be: F U N” – again, stop pissing US off and get the fuck out of WoT, off the Internet and off from life in general. Fucktard.
P.S.: And no, I’m not going to go over the basic concepts of a “team game”, in which you don’t have the “luxury” of acting like a complete moron/jackas/idiot/douchebag like you would in a Single-Player game
spoken like a true shitlord looking to make excuses for his inability to play as a team, or learn a simple fucking game of tanks,….good job loser
Pingback: World of Tanks news 30 12 2014
Just gib the Panther pref MM, can you
c mon guys why do u want skill MM. my greatest joy in this hame is blowing up that hellcats, nashorns and even rhyms that are standing in front of me and let me aim in 3 seconds with my derp KV-2 :)
i wonder everytime i heard about skill based MM.
it means that
the better you play this game, the harder it will be to win
right ?
that sounds not so fair and motivating to me.
pls tell me if anything wrong.
No. Most people, when they talk about “skill MM”, they just want more balanced teams, so that steamrolls stop from happening, since they’re not fun for either team.
Most people don’t want this kind of skilled MM, rather then MM being able to outweight UNICUM platoons and horde of tomatoes. I really don’t consider so much fun loosing 8 battles one after another with constant outcome close to 15:1 or 15:3 with me as top dmg dealer and half of the team with zero. Why MM is not able to outweight unicums with few more blue/greens and rather put full tomato team against them?
Im always saying that server wn8 entry should be the best. Pepole with – 1000 wn8 should play on server 1, and ones with 1000+ would play on other server, . In this way we would get, less bots,noobs and newbies in t7-10 games. Bot players are not banned, got 3 of them in my friends list to see when they will stop playing. But it looks like, having a premium or premium tank wont get you banned, couz all 3 got 10k+ battles, and premium tanks. Anyway, this system is used in many f2p fps games, and no one cries that is bad.