
- according to developer Marsching, the situation when one team has one tier 10 heavy as top, while the other team has only tier 8, is okay
- there existed a T-34/57 with a model 1943 turret, but it never participated in fighting and therefore it won’t be implemented into historical battles
- it is not planned to fix a “feature”, where when you equip gold consumables for silver, then silver consumables and then gold consumables again, the game will offer to buy them for gold

- it is not hundred percent confirmed, that the KV-1S will lose the 122mm gun: “We are solving it at this moment”. Apparently there is a conflict between SerB and Zlobny, SerB wants to keep it, while Zlobny wants to throw it out. But the 100mm S-34 will be added either way.
- developers haven’t written officially, what exactly was changed in 8.8 regarding tank balance, because the patch is still being tested, it will be written for the final 8.8
- the “afterburner” (boost) option for German engines to increase their horsepower for example from 900 to 1200hp for one minute won’t be added. SerB states that the Germans did manage to boost their engines this way to 1000hp in the 50′s.
- it’s possible that the French maybach engines (notably the Lorraine engine) will be rebalanced to resemble the German engines in 8.8
- the T-54 to Object 140 link will most likely be permanent
- it’s possible French 1200hp Maybach engines will be nerfed to 1000hp
- the new WG rating boundaries (SS: for example 1000-1500 bad player etc.) will most likely be published on WoT web, but SerB considers player rating to be pointless
- Q: “Will T-44-122 be obtainable by mere mortals?” A: “I’ve never in my life met an angel or elf. We all are mortal. So, some of us will definitely get the T-44-122″
- Type 62 (the gold ammo of which got nerfed) will not be sellable for gold, as the gold shells it fires are common to more tanks
- the accuracy increase not long ago did not increase the accuracy of arty according to SerB, because the increase was compensated by making the aim circle bigger
- apart from some of the reserved spawn slots, the selection, on where you spawn in battle is random
- the fact the top of the Object 140 turret is easily penetrable is normal, according to SerB
- T-34-3 won’t be implemented into the ingame store straight away in order to prevent Type59-style flooding
- T-44-85 is simply a stock T-44 with early hull
- the 12 year limit for WoT will not be enforced, as the rating serves to inform the parents, not as a hard line

136 thoughts on “24.8.2013

  1. - according to developer Marsching, the situation when one team has one tier 10 heavy as top, while the other team has only tier 8, is okay

    How the fuck… I am hoping this isn’t a real dev and is really just some guy from a half-way house.

            • Ectar and a few others are actually doing great jobs keeping the talk up on the english speaking EU forum, and braving walls of flame, hate, or just plain insults to themselves when they are community managers and not Minsk’s devs. I agree though some others are pretty much rough people and they can get on their nerves quickly.

            • RU Admins are trolls that are on WG’s payroll.

              EU Admins are ghosts that are never around.

              and NA Admins are spineless incompetents that let the Unicums blatantly break the forum’s rules repeatedly by bashing everyone else.

      • WTF you talking about? Marsching is one of the original team members and leads Q/A department.

    • He is one of the lead persons on Supertest, as far as I heard, he sets EXP and credit prices for tanks and modules, also balance arty parameters

          • Only a person who thinks its OK to have tier 10 vs tier 8 only could have done the artillery “rebalance” . Both things are equally stupid actions.

          • Moron. Thats a stupid thing to say. As majority of the better players agree, arty nerf was one of the good changes in recent memory…

            • LeL, someone here didn’t play low tier arty. Arty was overnerfed, at least the low tier vehicles are pain to play now. The high tier is ok, but the lower tiers need a small buff, a 10% shorter aimtime & 15% smaller aimcircle would do the job. – This all was said assuming you are a good player who just didn’t play lowtier arty as of late or at all.

              If you are noob, who was being one shoted by arty before (a.k.a. arty whiner, class-1) – just lear to play, noobity…

    • If you ever bothered to read the wiki on how the MM works, it specifically says MM does not take vehicle tier into account. Only its MM weight is used when creating teams. Yes, it sucks, but working as intended I guess…

      • It’s also not like it happens all the time either.

        The only time I’ve actually had this happen to me was late at night, the que took over a min and the whole time there was only 1 T10 and no T9s waiting. Seemed fair to me to let the guy play and not make him wait indefinitely.

  2. - it is not hundred percent confirmed, that the KV-1S will lose the 122mm gun: “We are solving it at this moment”. Apparently there is a conflict between SerB and Zlobny, SerB wants to keep it, while Zlobny wants to throw it out. But the 100mm S-34 will be added either way.

    So the KV-1S will keep it’s 122mm gun -.- (bit sarcasm here)

    • Some people propose, that it will become t7 premium (with 122mm gun, of course), like they did with Pz4

      • Okay, THAT I can get behind; the 122 mm gun is balanced at tier VII, but NOT at tier VI.

    • Either way, I am kind of excited for the 100mm. It should be a very usable gun and will allow a slightly different playstyle. 100 will probably be a better solo gun while the 122 will be better in a platoon

  3. Some interesting notes here, although the tier-10-on-one-side-tier-8-on-the-other doesn’t exactly seem as okay as implied.
    Also, pardon my possible extreme reaction but the site of the image of the 34-57 with the ’43 turret seems ambiguous in terms of being safe for work. Might want to add something about that for some of those who take a look here where that could be helpful.

  4. It was probably just at the edge of matchmaker rules, and the T10 team had a T6+T8 platoon, while the other one had only T8′s.

    • Nah, something is definitely wrong. Saw two battles with 29 tier Vs and a tier VII, one of those battles had no platoons at all.

  5. ” Apparently there is a conflict between SerB and Zlobny, SerB wants to keep it, while Zlobny wants to throw it out.”

    I wonder how long until Zlobny is purged for “counter-patriotic activities”.

    • Well that’s a bit self-centered.

      If anything people age 14-20 are better at games than 20+, as your brain kinda shrinks and slowly stops working when you exit puberty (sorry old people, but your brain is dying deal with it)

      • Well, not like it’s Counter-Strike and stuff where it’s hard to keep when you are getting old. And brain degeneration wont start until into middle 30s.

      • yeah, you are right. It’s not like best teams in most cyber sport games are 20+ years old you know, I mean fuck them they aren’t important. You are right, carry on.

      • If anything the people age 14-20 are worse than 20+ because they aren’t as focused on winning as they are on just trolling everyone and getting mad at anyone better than they are where they start screaming hacks and cuss words.

        • Actually one of the most important parts of the brain, the prefrontal cortex isnt fully developed until around 25 years of age. This part of the brain is responsible for the ability to control ones impulses, this is the reason teeengaers think theyr imortal among other things…
          We really need more players above 25……

      • Yeah, I’ve never talked to any smart old people….. Sarc off.
        Honestly could you be more retarded?

      • You *whole biology* begins a gradual slide towards senescence and decreptitude about as soon as it’s finished growing up. Humans actually live a lot longer than animals this size ought to, and it comes at the price of an extended and increasingly crippling period of frailty at the tail end.
        You fail biology.

        Of course, them young’uns conversely tend to have a lot of the *learning* their elders already cleared ahead of them, which is one reason they’re so commonly supremely confident in ignorance…

  6. - T-34-3 won’t be implemented into the ingame store straight away in order to prevent Type59-style flooding
    Does this mean that the devs changed they’re mind and only t-34-3 will stay gift shop only and 112 will come to the normal shop, or the question was only about the 34-3?

  7. “it’s possible French 1200hp Maybach engines will be nerfed to 1000hp”

    Dont Touch my Amx 50B’s Engine >:O! Dont touch, no, no! Bad Dog.

    If it is nerfed to 1000 hp, then i can see the 50B getting major buffs here, as it’ll lose over 200 horse power, meaning in slower acceleration and top speed. I’m hoping that it remains untouched, the 50B was already nerfed to the ground, then they rerolled the nerfs, now they wanna take it’s speed?

    • I say they replace the Amx 50 Foch (155)’s engine and change it to something else. I guess this is how they plan to nerf the Foch 155…

      Just Leave my beautiful 50B alone!

    • I find 50B pretty useless right now. Right now it can do something against
      a) retarded opponents.
      b) can’t think of b)…

      • It’s useless? Haha nice one… it’s a pretty good tank over all, i think people just dont know how to use it. It excels as a second line support and flanker. It is one of the best tanks IMO. When i play it, i always tend to do around 3000 average damage per game, Have you ever seen a good player use it?

        • The fact is that a good player can make any tank work, and great players can make them work well indeed.

      • well.. AMX 50B is good tank IMO.
        it good sniper, decent support, and good flanker..

        with its mobility… like. wtf a HEAVY tank can go 70kmh?? (when going downhill)..
        it can support/snipe from multiple flank easily…

        my only problem with AMX 50B is… its turret armor so sucks… LOL

      • Nobody calls the AMX 50B useless, its my favourite tank in the game. I agree, people don’t know how to use it, but I am one of the few who does. I don’t have it on live server but I go on every test server just to play it. I hope they don’t need it’s engine. What’s the other stuff they merged about it?

  8. - T-34-3 won’t be implemented into the ingame store straight away in order to prevent Type59-style flooding

    Hmm….it doesn’t look that great so I don’t think there will be a flood any time soon ;)

    • There will be dumb pubbies who take one look at it and say, “OMG it’s a new Type 59 I want it I want it!” even though it’s pretty much worse then the Type.

      • Though many have said it’s “similar” the type, so of course there’s a major demand for it :P

    • Yeah, I don’t get people that wait for it like hell, it’s overall paper to clean my butt.

      • They’re hoping for a Type 59 surrogate, since the Type 59 has the highest silver earnings in the game. Greed is a powerful motivator.

        • Actually the JT88 has highest earning potential. Also it might just work out fine as a moneymaker. High alpha means you can dish out quite a lot of dmg with hit and run and since its a med its cheaper to repair.

  9. i think they want a new gameplay ..they make a lot of change and nerf all gun, tank and motor…with next version another multiple nerfed tank incoming. My e75 sigh …..

  10. > Apparently there is a conflict between SerB and Zlobny
    Спасибо товарищ! It was way too weird that SerB all of a sudden gave up on KV-122 after defending it for so long.

  11. Why people makes T-34-3 look sooooo OP? that piece of trash is an insult to Type59. It’s like the failed sibling.

    • I think that people is just looking for a tier VIII medium, there’s none since they removed the Type 59 and S Pershing is just a crappy pile of scrap underpowered, undergunned and finally underarmoured, sure it’s not a medium tank.

      • Other noobstompers will take its place, it’s not like you need an OP tank to destroy baddies on a regular basis.

      • I’ll buy it if it gets the 100mm gun. Roflstomping noobs that think that slightly nerfed tanks are useless is always fun. I like to feed on their tears. And this will not be a real nerf anyway, the tank will just need more skilled player to dominate the battlefield – just like almost every other tank, and that’s a good thing. IMO, changing the top gun and making the 122mm version a tier 7 premium with preferential MM would be the best idea.

        • Now KV1S with 100mm will be OP. With the 122 its just a noob-bashing tank, every serious player can easily kill it. But with a 100mm and decent rof .. Oh those tears ..

          • The same things happened to SU-85 when they removed its 107. The current SU-85 is much more flexible and devastating. It just brings less fear to enemies than old one but that is what makes them die faster.

            • In the hands of skilled player. Noobityz can rarely (read: never) use anything else than high alpha.

          • OP in the hands of skilled players – like every other tank and that’s a good thing. Noobityz can rarely roflstomp other noobityz in tanks that don’t have high alpha and at least decent pen.

  12. > Apparently there is a conflict between SerB and Zlobny

    Hopefully, the common sense gets over patriotism and Zlobny wins through. It’s time to say goodbye to this borderline OP tank which is mostly used as a noob basher and stats pusher.

    • and please after that remove the 90mm from the Hellcat , the 105mm from the Hetzer, etc, etc, etc…. make only one tank, let’s call it “standard tank” and let everyone fight only with that, then we’ll see who has true skills and who’s only an evil noob basher.

      • A TD with a 240 alpha gun is far more balanced at tier 6 than a heavy tank with ~400 alpha and yet is still fast with decent armor.

        • Yeah, a TD with 240 alpha, an extremly high speed, a surprisingly sturdy mantlet, excellent depression and the usual “ghost” camo factor. But, no let’s just look at the alpha, noobs can’t exploit reload time after all, they need some help.

          • It seems you have no Hellcat and just whining due to lack of skills.
            • 240 alpha? Yes, but this isn’t German accuracy gun. And I’m sorry, what alpha should VI tier TD have? 40?
            • Extremly high speed? Buy Cromwell and we’ll talk about speed.
            • Surprisingly sturdy mantlet? How terrible, aim in other part of paper armour.
            • Excellent depression? Like many other tanks, complains should be sent to Hellcat’s designers.
            • “Ghost” camo factor? Of course – with camo paint, camo net and camo skill when you are hidden behind double bush and make no moves.


            • The point is that the Hellcat is just as “OP” as the KV-1s, that is, they’re not really.

      • Funny that you say that, because the KV-1S in its OPness pretty much is the “standard tank” in medium tank companies, and much more common than any other heavy at tier 6.

        If anything nerfing it will add variety to the game.

        • And Hellcats are the standard TD in medium TCs. If they’re so well balanced, how come you rarely see Su-100, JagdPz4, AT 8, ARL V39, and Jackson in them?

      • Why the hell does the Hellcat need it’s 90mm taken off? It’s balanced, there is absolutely no reason to do so. High Explosive shells from a 76mm gun will wreck a Hellcat with ease…

      • 1. The Hellcat historically had the 90mm in the form of the Super Hellcat upgrade, which is what the elite configuration is. Google “Super Hellcat” and its pics will be the first things you’ll find.
        2. Even with the 90mm the Hellcat still isn’t a tank in the same league as the KV-1S. It doesn’t destroy tanks in a single shot for one, has only good and not incredible penetration for its tier, and itdoesn’t have the mobility, armor and HP to go head to head in close combat like the KV-1S does.

        The KV-1S is actually a rather average tank at Tier 6, and it’s only really the 122mm that makes it the terror that it is. The changes will ensure that the KV-1S will be a tank actually on par with the other Tier 6 heavies, instead of being the only Tier 6 choice.

    • Well DW2 suits well for that. 50mm everywhere and gun has only 67 pen guys who know how to angle and aim will win.

  13. Whine whine whine. Why my Premium medium tank not as good as regular same tier Mediums whine whine whine!

    Sorry people but WG wants your premiums to be worse than a same tier fully upgraded tank. You will never again see a Tier 8 premium Medium that is considered better than a equal tier Medium.

    Because unlike a heavy tank they can’t balance it out to make up for it being worse than an equal tier.
    T34: High Pen and Damage gun, 4 ROF, long aim time, less mobile than T32, 102 mm frontal sloped armor(Yes the hull armor on the americans actually matters because it is sloped so T32, T29 actually do have good hull armor compared to some other equal tier heavies)

    IS-6: Premium MM, slight increase in ROF, gun depression, health, 10 mm thicker side armor, otherwise IS-3 has pike nose, 10 mm thicker frontal armor, BL-10, better turret armor

  14. – it’s possible French 1200hp Maybach engines will be nerfed to 1000hp


  15. “Apparently there is a conflict between SerB and Zlobny, SerB wants to keep it, while Zlobny wants to throw it out. But the 100mm S-34 will be added either way.”

    On the one hand, SerB has a point because it’s histrically accurate that thKV-1S had a 122 mm gun…in testing ONLY. There were problems with that configuration, so that was replaced with an 85 mm gun on the production models, which means that should KV-1Ses appear in Historical Battles, they won’t have the 122 mm gun.

    On the OTHER hand, the 122 mm gun is a bit overpowered on a tier VI Heavy. The thing is that traditionally, Heavies suffer the worst when not at top tier because their advantages in armor and firepower are neutralized. Well, there’s a problem with the KV-1S in this regard: it has enough mobility that the armor deficiency is irrelevant, but even then, the 122 mm gun can still pen an enemy Heavy two tiers up, something that SHOULD be the sole domain of “glass cannon” tank destroyers that are just as vulnerable to the enemy as the enemy is to them.

    So for the interest of historical accuracy, the 122 mm gun could be kept for Historical Battles (though I suspect SerB has other reasons to want to keep it), but in the interest of balance, it should be removed or at least nerfed. However, I’m gonna side with Zlobny on this one, if only for one reason and one reason only: Tank Companies. As it stands right now, Tank Companies are a PERFECT example of “Complacent Gaming Syndrome”, as they are almost ALWAYS Medium Tank Companies, and the layout of either team usually is as follows:

    -KV-1S (this being the only tank pretty much guaranteed to show up)
    -VK 36.01H (for long-range fire support – not always used and to be honest is the only really effective counter to a KV-1S except for another KV-1S)
    -Any sort of scout (the ones I see most often are the Panzer IC, BT-7 and T-50)
    -SU-26 (THE SPG of choice in Medium TCs)

    Other things I see sometimes:
    -M4 Sherman and/or Panzer IV (running 105 HEAT)
    -VK 28.01 (again, running 105 HEAT)
    -KV-2 (not as common as one would think, but that 152 mm gun STINGS)
    -Tank Destroyers of any type (M18 Hellcat notwithstanding, as it’s also used as a Scout)
    -ELC AMX or AMX 12t (not as common as one would think)
    -Panzer IV Schmallturm (typically only seen when a VK 36.01H is unavailable)

    • *could be kept EXCEPT for historical battles.

      ftr, Y U NO HAVE “EDIT POST” BUTTON!?!?!?

      • What they’ve revealed so far about HB is that only modules which actually saw frontline combat service will be used(ie, no guns that were only considered or tested). So I really doubt the 122mm is showing up on the KV-1S there.

        Not to mention that HB still needs to be somewhat balanced, and the 122mm would be even more horrifically OP there when everyone else is running around with their stock peashooters.

        • I could see the Tiger I getting screwed in HB if it had to face IS-1s all the time. That L56 88 with 132 pen vs 175.

          • Yeah, I can see that too. But there’s a key thing to know, the Tiger I was put into service I believe in August 1942 (first fought around Leningrad). The IS-2 (The IS with 122mm equipped) entered service sometime in 1943 (having difficulty locating a source as to exactly when in that year it entered service). So even though they’re the same tier in WoT, the Tiger is a more dated design (hell, the IS-2 was meant to be the answer to the Tiger I)

    • are you fucking retarded, if they nerf that. some other tank will still be op and that will be the meta for tank company. once you nerf the kv1s something else will be mainly used in tank company because it will now be the most op tier6 compared to other tier6

  16. - the accuracy increase not long ago did not increase the accuracy of arty according to SerB, because the increase was compensated by making the aim circle bigger

    True words, the ‘pros’ now say you need skill to play arty…
    They haven’t played tier 2-5 arties recently, so they have the right to tell BS.

  17. I guess Russian bias exists (how terrible), but it’s more of an individual thing than an official company policy. Luckily, not all individuals have Russian bias, and others serve to keep it in check.

    • And luckily SerB should have the final word on everything as he mentioned in the past about decisions that he implemented against the will of other developers.

      • Considering he has in the past expressed his unhappiness with any number of things that are cheerfully in the game, it’s obvious his authority as the chief dev only goes SO far.

  18. Do you know how Russian bias exists? When an IS-3 hits you from 455m in WoT, you wonder what happened to your glorious German “Königstiger” tank… Yeah, that’s the Russian bias, kiddos.

    • It’s German bias actually, in real life the welding seams of the Tiger II burst off after some shots, you don’t even need to penetrate it.

    • Probably a realistic depiction actually of what would have happened if the IS-3 were fielded in time to meet King Tigers. Those tanks weren’t exactly a roaring success in practice, they’re only popular because they’re riding on their predecessor’s own partially-inflated reputation.

      If it didn’t have “Tiger” in the name then it would mostly be remembered alongside the likes of the Maus as one of the ridiculous lolweapons the Nazis desperately cobbled together near the end of the war because their delusional dictator still believed they had a chance in hell of winning.

      • Germany had excellent vehicles like the Sturer Emil… But they decided to stick with sh*tty and overly complicated tanks like the Tiger. I wonder what would have happened if Germany fielded easy-to-build vehicles (in example, an analogue of Sherman, maybe?) in WWII.

        • “shitty” thats why alot of allied soldiers run for their lifes when they saw one. even if germany could have build one tank in such exessive numbers like the sherman or t34, who should they have putten into them? you cant win a war if youre outnumbered 10 to 1. at the same time, it was pretty dumb to first declare war on everyone.

          • Given that at least one newly formed SS Panzer division got issued StuGs due to shortages of proper tanks, methinks they would’ve been perfectly happy with MOAR TANKS. The “industrially streamlined” design of the Panther and the E-series speaks of the same.

            The bigger problem was actually what they were going to put in the fuel tanks…

        • Sturer Emil was yet another discarded prototype recycled into something reasonably useful, and most assuredly no “excellent vehicle” by any stretch of imagination.

          Also the Germans plain lacked both the know-how and industrial capacity for a true “assembly line” tank like the Sherman or the T-34, and they knew it perfectly well too. The closest they got in practice was the Panther which, problematic design decisions aside, was the furthest they got down the road of a vehicle from the ground up streamlined for rapid mass production; the planned E-series (leaving aside the sideshow of the -100, which was devised simply as an economically saner alternative for the loony Maus anyway) aimed to take this further.

      • The IS-3 was build way after Tiger II. And the myth “Tiger” isn’t related only to the first one. In these days both vehicles were just called “Tiger”. If you talk about the “legend” or the “myth” of the “Tiger”, then you always talk about both vehicles.
        And the second version performed better than the first, despite some unreliability.

  19. It is not hundred percent confirmed, that the KV-1S will lose the 122mm gun: “We are solving it at this moment”. Apparently there is a conflict between SerB and Zlobny, SerB wants to keep it, while Zlobny wants to throw it out. But the 100mm S-34 will be added either way.

    It’s kind of trolling, I think they’ve decided long time ago. If they are plan to continue balancing policy, 122 mm should be removed from KV-1s, new 100 mm is far enough to keep it one of the best VI tier HTs.

    After that they could easily release KV-122 as VII tier Premium HT tank. Slightly worse than IS, with preferential MM and it would be good selling premtank.

  20. “- it is not planned to fix a “feature”, where when you equip gold consumables for silver, then silver consumables and then gold consumables again, the game will offer to buy them for gold”

    Soo… the game is letting you sell silver-purchased premium consumables for gold?

    • Actually, never mind. After re-reading, it sounds like the game isn’t offering to BUY them, it’s offering to SELL them.

  21. “- the “afterburner” (boost) option for German engines to increase their horsepower for example from 900 to 1200hp for one minute won’t be added. SerB states that the Germans did manage to boost their engines this way to 1000hp in the 50′s.”

    well then put it in ffs! There are tanks in game that are from after the 50s!

  22. - it is not planned to fix a “feature”, where when you equip gold consumables for silver, then silver consumables and then gold consumables again, the game will offer to buy them for gold

    1. Buy gold consumables with silver, then equip them on your tank
    2. Replace the gold consumables, which were bought with silver, with silver-only consumables
    3. Replace the silver-only consumables with the gold consumables bought with silver
    4. ……. Game offers to buy the consumables for gold, so sell them
    5. Profit?

    Can someone explain please?

    • I was mixed up by this as well, see a few comments up. The game doesn’t offer to BUY the consumables from you for gold, it offers to SELL the consumables to you for gold.

  23. “…one team has one tier 10 heavy as top, while the other team has only tier 8, is okay.”

    You’re full of shit, Marsching.