
First: Storm confirmed that physics test will come tomorrow.

- turret armor of IS-6 in the game is historical (won’t be buffed)
- Jagdtiger 88 armor will most likely not be changed much during its rework to HD (SS: the unhistorical LFP will stay)
- from time to time, when a battle ends, the client crashes. This is a known bug and will be fixed.
- post-mortem camera (specifically which friendly tank you will view next) apparently works as intended
- Storm is not sure whether the platoon spectator mode was postponed again
- Storm statest that T95 was NOT nerfed in HD (specifically the hatch weakspot size, clearance remained the same as well)

- physics test client will be based on 9.2 version, eg. some maps will be old (pre-changes) and only those HD vehicles, that were available in version 9.2 will be on the test
- Storm states that something like weather will come, but developers have to be really careful in implementing such stuff
- in new physics, the handbrake is mapped to the “spacebar” key. If you have something else mapped there (like fire extinguisher), you’ll have to remap one or another
- new motion physics will come neither in 9.7 nor in 9.8 – this is just a test for feedback collection, after the test it will be decided what comes next
- new motion physics (NMP) does NOT mean that the suspension of SD tank models will suddenly start behaving like HD one (independent suspension)
- historical Porsche type transmission will not be implemented for now
- Havok will come only after very long time (SS: definitely not anytime soon, “long KTTS” usually means around a year)
- NMP has no influence on client performance, it is calculated server-side
- when you get tipped on your roof, you will get the same countdown as when drowning, if you don’t manage to get back on your tracks within the time limit, you will explode
- NMP does not mean net the traffic will increase
- rails (the railway irons) will not become physical objects. This would significantly increase how complex the collision model is and it would lead to server performance drop
- the point of the physics test is to find out how good the NMP gameplay is
- some players are very angry about the content left out from 9.7 due to e-sports. Storm doesn’t consider it that big of a deal.
- Q: “War Thunder has tanks that smear themselves with “brown substance”” A: “If it’s interesting for them, let them smear themselves with it.”
- tanks getting dirty from mud in WoT apparently won’t come anytime soon, as there are many other issues with WoT to be solved first

102 thoughts on “26.2.2015

      • We all know WG. Ramming an ally laying on its roof will most certainly kill you, damage you or even make you responsible for the destruction of the vehicle.
        Pushing stuck allied tanks from ridges or bridges already counts as team damage. I wouldn’t recommend to do it.

    • To get your tank on tracks again after you flipped it, you simply press the “unflip” button in between the 10 seconds. (like you hit fire extinguisher when you are on fire). Alternatively you can also mount “automatical unflipper” (works like automatical fire extinguisher), but also once a battle.

    • By insuring your tank against flip overs. In case of a flip a tow tank will come and flip you right back. Of course with gold.

      • Or, have an arty shoot close to you. The splash will make your tank jump in the air with a chance of landing on its track.

        • WG will probably have a special key to push for flipping the tank upright and charge 50 gold for it

        • Man it’s not a nuclear bomb. I don’t think it would be THAT easy to flip a tank with the splash.

          • Well…. yeah

            At least not with the guns we have in wot. But in the normandy landings, naval artilliary (cruisers and destoryers mostly) was used to soften up the defenses, and help the assult until it reached the edge of their range. once, on of these massive shells hit near a german tiger, throwing it 10m away from where it was, and landing on the turret, and ofc killing the crew doing so.

            So some arty is powerfull enough to do so, but think of the arty hate if we had 400mm arty in wot, splash radius 20m, 8000dmg! Lol

    • same way you right a hot hatch after rolling it. Make sure you roll when you’re going really fast

  1. - post-mortem camera (specifically which friendly tank you will view next) apparently works as intended

    So skipping some tanks while clicking through the list is intentional? GJ, WG…

    • I found out that you can actually select any tank you want to watch in post mortem.. You do not need to switch between all of your team. Just hold ctrl+left mouse click.

      I have no idea what WG means under ”works as intended” but it is anoying as fuck.. sometimes you wont be able to switch whatever tank you want to watch after clicking and clicking… So I use the other way.. It works as intended indeed … But only than :)
      Hope I helped

    • I believe it works by cycling all the tanks IN your render range, and THEN those outside of it.

    • I think it has to do with the “speed” you are clicking. If you click fast you skip tanks so you can go through the list faster. So try clicking slower. ( srry for bad english)

  2. “- when you get tipped on your roof, you will get the same countdown as when drowning, if you don’t manage to get back on your tracks within the time limit, you will explode”

    Another way to suicide and deny those high tier jerks the free kill. Nice.

  3. “- some players are very angry about the content left out from 9.7 due to e-sports. Storm doesn’t consider it that big of a deal.”

    I could have told you that myself. No one in WG gives a rat’s ass about what you consumers think.

  4. “new motion physics will come neither in 9.7 nor in 9.8 – this is just a test for feedback collection, after the test it will be decided what comes next”

    Damn. Waiting for AW even more impatiently now …

  5. - Storm states that something like weather will come, but developers have to be really careful in implementing such stuff

    While in other game they just did that like that *snaps fingers*

  6. What the heck, I though the NMP was right around the corner with all these tests. That’s a real shame, I was really looking forward to it.

    Also, at first 9.7 was to have a big patch of HD tanks and now only a few are coming. This is really disapponting. :(

    • Did you really think that WG can do something fast and in quality?
      There were only arty nerf which was overdue.
      Physics which were overdue.
      And 9.0 test 1.

      • You forget, they keep their staff small as you can possible get….
        since their game doesnt provide for sufficient income.

        I just say “outsourcing”.

        So for the 12 ppl working there – its a well done game…
        so if they just had the same amount of ppl other games had
        - 10.0 release planned for summer ;)

  7. ”when you get tipped on your roof, you will get the same countdown as when drowning, if you don’t manage to get back on your tracks within the time limit, you will explode”

    WG, the place where lives the most retarded developers in the history of gaming. who the fuck came up with that idea?

    • it should have been like an instant death because all those shells would drop out of their case and explode inside

      • But but but… what about their “policy”? Gaming > Realism. I am sure they can make Maus roll at 60 km/h if it suits the game.

      • No. At least not as a standard. The shells usually don’t explode just by rolling them around and, morevover, the shells are usually in the racks, secured against falling out and rolling freely inside the tank which could otherwise easily happen even without overturning the tank. But still the timer sounds reasonable – engine can catch fire after the piping ruptured.

  8. Well, i really think that there should be separate brakes for each track – if at all. One “handbrake” for doing cinematic things is a BS…

  9. - Storm states that something like weather will come, but developers have to be really careful in implementing such stuff

    this was previously leaked from the insider, but #deniers gonna deny

  10. So, here is your reason to keep the stock turret on the ARL 44. You can’t flip on your back. How amazing!

  11. Q: “War Thunder has tanks that smear themselves with “brown substance”” A: “If it’s interesting for them, let them smear themselves with it.”
    And speaking of “brown substance””
    What is interesting for WG is dented fenders and transparent camo that people pay gold for.

  12. “physics test client will be based on 9.2 version, eg. some maps will be old (pre-changes) and only those HD vehicles, that were available in version 9.2 will be on the test”

    they must be working really hard on that…

  13. - from time to time, when a battle ends, the client crashes. This is a known bug and will be fixed.

    This bug is long in game…and still not fix…in the end storm will say that its not possible to fix and its intentional…storm brainfart.

  14. ‘post-mortem camera (specifically which friendly tank you will view next) apparently works as intended’

    Right. Ok.

    I think we can all agree it doesn’t.

      • 1. Be dead
        2. Hold ctrl until you could see the mouse
        3. Left click the name of that platoonm8 of yours or that tomato which keep bouncing shots all day.

        So if you want to view specific ally, no need to rely automatic switch since rotating through 14 allies is no good. It’s as simple as that, what were you playing all this 4 years, Woras?

      • 1. Done that (all the time! undead power!)
        2. I can see my mouse all the time (dont need ctrl for that). but my mouse CURSOR not that often
        3. Helps to have a Map ! = which the observed ppl never figure out, despite your best efforts to explain the issue :)

  15. “other issues to be resolved” should be figuring out how to stop the trend of 4 min games. I came here because it was a thinking man’s game. With game after game after game of 4 min Chinese fire drill style games it’s becoming a joke. Low tier games were playable a while back but today it was bum rush after bumrush. Every game was a friggin’ Chinese fire drill. Good luck playing arty when guys are in your camp 3 mins into the game. Middle to high tiers aren’t as bad, but it’s the same trend. They need to find a way to take a step back and make this more of a strategical, thoughtful game and less FPS.

  16. 88 no change? – i got it and i dont mind… just buff it somewhere else ?
    LFP doesnt hold any shot anyway so….. who cares?

    still funny: unhistorical is okay : if its a prem tank.
    otherwise *where is my hammer* ?

    nice logic.

  17. - physics test client will be based on 9.2 version, eg. some maps will be old (pre-changes) and only those HD vehicles, that were available in version 9.2 will be on the test

    Does that also mean that I will have only tanks I had befeore 9.2 ? Or the account will be copied from present ?

  18. - some players are very angry about the content left out from 9.7 due to e-sports. Storm doesn’t consider it that big of a deal.
    What stuff was delayed?

  19. “- in new physics, the handbrake is mapped to the “spacebar” key. If you have something else mapped there (like fire extinguisher), you’ll have to remap one or another”

    Oh noes, what will happen to “Stop and Fire” option?

  20. “post-mortem camera (specifically which friendly tank you will view next) apparently works as intended”

    I’m using it quite often, and quite often it just randomly jumps around the list, sometimes it decides that one particular guy won’t be chosen. Three tanks left, switches from my wreck to tank A, then tank C, then my wreck again, then C, then A, then wreck again, then A, then C…

    • I love it when the one guy that has good stats and is doing well has to be selected through ALT+mouseclick because the post-mortem camera decides he’s less interesting than my wreck + camping tank destroyers and potatoes….

      At least it usually doesn’t switch to arty’s, god knowns that would be the least interesting thing ever. Watching and arty wiggle it’s gun while not seeing what it’s shooting at.

      • “It usually doesn’t switch to arty”


        Not in my case. For me it usually start its irrational switchitng-fest with arty.

  21. The new physics look interesting and I can’t wait to test them, but now I have to figure out what key to bind the handbreak to now that space bar serves as my super-quick extinguisher. Alt key maybe? Idk…

  22. “- from time to time, when a battle ends, the client crashes. This is a known bug and will be fixed.”

    From time to time when a battle is about to start the game crashes as well. I reported the bug to WG (along with log files which indicate plenty of errors) but instead of forwarding the information to developers they keep trying to solve nonexistent problems with my computer.

  23. both my friend and I have once had the same problem where the game crashed, so you instantly load back in and the chat doesn’t work. So you have to restart the game.

    Same graphics card, but I have an AMD processor, he has Intel. Games are funny things. intermittent bugs are really easy to spot but difficult to sort..