Next “top of the tree” is…
(thanks to a bug in RU mission interface, that displayed the bonus early)
Next “top of the tree” is…
(thanks to a bug in RU mission interface, that displayed the bonus early)
The donkey is waiting!
LUBE is optional this time…
prepare your anus!
Bend over for the golden joystick….
Working as intended.
You are not even trying.
The donkey considers your offering and will be ready once he is done with the true “first”…
LOL, WG develops a patch for monhts probably, then 3 weeks of public testing and…. bug, bug, bug, fail, bug, fail, fail, bug…….
They really need to fire some people.
Well they did fire the EU supertesters, and nothing but issues since………….
They only leaked tanks and never noticed the multiple bugs…
Because the RU supertesters don’t leak and are so much better! :P
Oh and i almost finished VkB :D Thx wg, thx SilentStalker!
I’ve finished VK45b around December 2011… So its about time to Maus around.
LOL, same here. Have had it unlocked for ages, always something more fun to buy.
lol same here :)
99 bugs in a line of code, 99 bugs in a line code, take one down, pass it around, 107 bugs in the code.
haha LOL, made my day :D
I’d say that you sir, just won yourself one (1) free Internet! (Terms and conditions apply. Check your local provider for further info how to claim. Some fees may apply)
now i’ll play my VKB all day
YES, me tooo!!
Just what I waited!! :)
About time. Been waiting for the old girl since these discounts started.
Yay, this gives me at least 2 weeks to save some more money for a line that’s actually worth unlocking.
The T-44 > T-54 > T-62A is not worth while then?
Will get the VK B for sure not sure if I have the time / credits for the Maus will have to see else I will add it in my garage for sure.
Nah, I meant the Maus line. Whatever will come after it can’t be possibly worse.
might help if I could read it!
What are those other missions that are not available :3
RU server ones. Doesn’t concern EU/US, the missions are usually very different.
*sigh* I guess there is no point in waiting for either CHN tree discount.
I am, got money saved for both the T9 Chinese
Hmm, might consider re-buying the VK45.02B now that every game isn’t an arty-party any longer.
Though, that line is still horribly outdated and outpaced by the newer top tiers, and I had pretty much set my mind on waiting untill the rumored restructuring(VK’s made more historical and dropped down tiers) before I decided to go for Maus again.
Right after some needless nerfs, lol!
Currently sitting at 88K xp on my VK4502B. Let’s do this!
Shit, i was hoping for the US Medium line…who wants a useless Maus anyway?
I do~
its sexy
Oh boy, a brand new maus to do… no wait, the maus can’t do anything, not now, not when i picked it up like 12 patches ago.
wait, weren’t there different ‘top of the tree’ tanks 1 time? i think when we had foch and russians had something else.