Thanks to wlw for posting this one:
Thanks to some diplomacy between Poland and Norway, a wreck of the classic Polish TKS tankette was imported from Norway to the Poznan armor museum. The wreck was in terrible condition due to the harsh norther weather it was exposed to.
Within one and a half year, the tankette was disassembled and restored completely. Some parts of it (like the roadwheels) had to be made from scratch, but in the end the result was a success. Unfortunately the originl engine could not be obtained and the tankette now runs with a post-war car engine. The tankette was test driven for the first time now, in September 2013.
Hard to believe anyone used such a cute little thing for war, isn’t it?
Tiny beauty…
Donkey has big beauty for you
The donkey has no interest in people not shouting “first”.
Ah.. no…
Another one as returned to the modern world.
Those tracks looks really narrow…
Yes, they were. This was a problem for ALL tankettes, Czech ones too – for example during the Lešany show a tankette got bogged down in mud and had to be pulled out by tractor.
If I’m not mistaken, they were 17 cm wide in the TKS, 14 cm in the TK-3.
Well, tyres in my car look to be wider… Still, such a cutie ^^
Without this little cutesy, we’ll never get Orlik’s Medal :D
Estonia had 6 of these cute buggers before WW2…..their fate lies unknown to this day :(
Oh this thing is so cute, you just want to hug it and tell it that everything will be ok now ;’(
I hope that TKS will be shown next week at the museum’s open day parade along with IS2 which was restored earlier this year. Also they have been working on FT-17 which was found in Afghanistan but originaly fought in Polish-Bolshevik war, unfortuneatly it was sent to museum in Warsaw (quite interesting story, tank going back to country after 90 years, before that it was a monument in front of Afghan’s president palace, which was given them as a gift from Soviets, who captured it during this war around 1920)
Now they are working on Cromwell, IS3 and Panzer III. Also they have running Stug IV, Sherman Firefly, T-70, few Pattons (M-47, M-48, M-60) and many other, mostly post-soviet, machines.
Needless to say it’s gonna be real fun next friday and I promise to send you some photos from there
CSWLąd jest otwarte w piątek?
That’s not restored, that’s remade. All that was left was a bucket of rust.
Actualy, most of the non-moving parts were probably just thoroughly cleaned. Which probably left the armor a couple mm thinner than it should have been.
It’s a genuine Civil War Sword, only 3 new blades and four new handles………….
Oh noes, the Bovington KT doesn’t use the right german period synthetic oli. Poppycock, it doesn’t have any historical value then…
In Belgrade we have a TKF tankette. In a museum of course.
Nice to know that something good comes out of the remnants we have left from the great wars.
Most vehicles and equipment leftovers from the Germans where scraped and trashed.
Like all the NbFz that the Germans sent up here… Makes me sad…
Can I just say…
So cute. Glad they managed to restore it, a piece of history shouldn’t be forgotten if we able to preserve it.
Polish tier 10?
Polish tier 10 infantry killer.
why not, just mount big gun and we have 10tier TD. like in new german line.
There was project of mounting 37mm anti-tank gun on the hull of TKS, called TKS-D: (unfortunately, only in Polish)
I want that for T2 TD on Euro branch ;)
Oh boy what I’ll give to have that cute tank ingame.