- it’s not possible to transfer WoWp maps to WoT, as both are made differently (SS: the map in question is specifically the WoWp “Eastern border” map or something like that) – SerB states there will be cool-looking maps for WoT too, but other
- regarding the maps, SerB states that if they tried to convert a map from WoWp to WoT, the amount of work would be the same as if they did the map from scratch
- it’s too early to tell how much will the computer demands of WoT rise in connection with the introduction of improved graphics
- Gvozdika will not be implemented into WoT
- for now, the player map disabling for random battles will not be implemented
- Japanese Type 89 (I-Go) medium tank is kept for the heavy Japanese branch, but SerB states the branch has an issue with missing tanks on mid tiers (nothing was found yet)
- the WoWp suffers from mass packet loss issues too. It’s being fixed (SS: hopefully this is related to WoT also)
- there is no difference in dynamic (acceleration) in case a tank stops manually (key “S”) and in case a tank is stopped by spacebar (“move and shoot”), no difference will be added
- multicure support? SerB: “I said it many times, there already is such a thing” – later, Storm explains more:
“The game already uses multicore support, it uses two cores. According to the statistics we collected, roughly 70 percent of all players have a processor with one or two cores. Cores 3 and 4 will be used, when we introduce client physics. By the way, this doesn’t reduce the importance of the video card. For example when I switched Nvidia 550Ti for 660Ti at home, I had the possibility to play on higher settings with the same performance”
- Q: “Why did you remove the log from T-34-3? T-54 and Type 59 have it” A: “Lack of forest”
- the fact WT E-100 has gun in the back is tied to the weight distribution (SS: yes, this is realistic actually, also the main reason why the Krokodil is unrealistic)
- the fact there are a lot of tanks that are “skipped as fast as possible” (SS: I think this is meant) is not considered a problem by SerB
- STB-1 won’t have adjustable hydraulic suspension, its clearance will be “normal”
- it’s possible to shoot an enemy tank so that the shell passes thru one armor, flies inside, penetrates another armor and destroys an external module from the inside (tracks)
- the bugs from this video (namely the rotating on the spot and the shells passing thru targets) are being explored by WG
- there will be many small bug fixes of the Archievements table in 8.9
- for now it is not known what Nvidia videocard will work best with the improved graphics, WG is still testing options
- according to Storm, it’s “not necessery” to ban the noobmeter (XVM)
- Storm states that the information that with the introduction of missions there are more bots in the game is not true
- according to Storm, the attitude of many players towards asian maps is negative (SS: related to a request to introduce the Great Wall map on regular servers and not just on the Chinese one)
- old scrapped maps won’t be showcased
- the new map that will come in 8.9 “appears nice”, it will be an American map with mines (SS: as in, coal mines, not exploding mines)
- Q: “Will there be more changes in 9.0 than in 8.8?” A: “First we have to release the 8.9. You never know what happens in production – some features might be shifted to later patches”
- the devs considered the option to not allow teamkills/teamdamage altogether, but decided not to do it
- regarding players complaining about other players being too rude: “Those people live around you”
- after the Japanese tree, the EU tree will be implemented (SS: does NOT mean “immediately after”, but as a tree)
- EU tree is not being worked on yet
- it’s not yet decided how the EU crews will work
- the tree will consist of one-nation branches (no mixing)
- the stock vehicle could be for example Fiat 3000, or Strv m/21-29
- it’s possible that the WoWp solution that reduced the load on the processor (shifting it to graphic card) might be debugged and used for WoT too
- PC WoT won’t implement the gun barrel into the sniper mode like the Xbox version has
- there will be no auction in WG projects (SS: SerB sarcastically states he predicted the Diablo 3 auction fail in some early answers and that it came true – Blizzard will be closing the Diablo 3 auction next year apparently, as it breaks the game)
- SerB states that there were some “little things” taken from the player suggestion forum section, doesn’t remember which ones
- client physics will strongly increase the load on the computer, but it will be possible to switch it off
- historical background and real place photos will not be shown during historical battles map load
- crew models (SS: as in you being able to see your crewmen) will not be introduced into WoT, not even with the improved graphics
- the FPS drop on mobile graphic cards is being investigated
- tier 9 medium tank shells too expensive? “Don’t play tier 9 medium tanks”
- for now there are no plans to introduced HS30 mit 90mm Bordkanone
The donkey is still waiting for you, as you posted first….
Hypothetically you’re first, Where’s that donkey?
Look behind ]:>
I’m horny!
Is it me, or the donkey kinda got old and died? It’s not funny anymore.
Monkies like second repliers
Hey, Silentstalker.
In a few Q&As ago SerB stated that there won’t be a non-premium Lowe which pretty much kills the possibility of a Krupp heavy tank branch but in all honesty what would be the point of that branch? I mean wouldn’t it have to end at tier VIII/IX? Wasn’t the tier X FailLowe a result of Yuri Pasholok’s mad fever dream? I think the subject of the Krupp branch deserves an article on FTR.
There was some post or that, Daigensui wanted to do something like that too. Personally, I think that apart from the Tiger-Maus (which is questionable), there would be no Krupp designs tough enough for tier 9-10.
Fail Lowe?
VK 72.01 K, an uparmored and upgunned(15cm L/38) special tier 10 Lowe with a rear turret configuration. It’s the same type of vehicle(As in, separate from all other premiums or in tree vehicles) as the M60 and Object 907
Actually it could possibly go all the way to ten, but only if the current tier 8 premium Lowe is given a buff and the gun it was intended to have, which is a long-barreled 150 mm gun similar to the one on the WT E-100 but without an autoloader). It would basically be a Heavy branch that trades out the armor of the other two lines in exchange for actually having a decent gun.
So what you’re saying is that the Löwe shold get a 150mm gun?
According to my info you’re mixing up 2 different tanks,
Tiger-Maus (VK7001) :
-150mm Kanone L/37 (or L/40)
-105mm KwK L/70
PzKpfw VII Löwe (VK7201) :
- Leichter Löwe: 105 mm L/70
- Schwerer Löwe: 105 mm L/70
Like you can see, it was never intented and never proposed for an 150mm Löwe,
I stand corrected, Adolf Hitler himself gave the order for a 150mm Löwe.
But to be able to hold the gun the Löwe needed to be redesigned.
The 150mm Löwe project was cancelled quite fast for the Maus.
Anyways, if you would like the Löwe with the 150mm, then it wont be a tier 8 prem.
More likely a tier X heavy,
And in fact be happy with the gun thats fitted, since there were plans to make the Löwe replace the Tiger II and arm it with the 88mm L71,
- the tree will consist of one-nation branches (no mixing)
Ok, so what happens when there are not enough tanks to fill all tiers (lack of tier 10s, ex. only the sweds got a historical tier 10 TD), would the minibranch end there and leads to a different branch?
Both are probably possible. But I suspect that there will be no branches without tier 10 vehicles. Pretty much every EU nation apart from the very minor ones can build at least full branch.
Pretty much every EU nation apart from the minor ones is already in game. Which nations could make a full one-type branch ? Sweden, Czechoslovakia?
Full? Depends. Swedish – several. Czechoslovaks – several. Yugoslavia too. Hungary possibly (with some stretching). Possibly Romania. Switherland in some form. Poland – maybe, I can’t see anything over tier 8 there. Spain. Maybe I forgot someone tho.
Yugoslavia could go from tier 5 or 6 to tier 10 with mediums.
There are also candidates for arty – tier 4 (Hellcat hull with 105mm howitzer), 5 (T-34 or Sherman project with 122mm howitzer), 6 (T-34 with 152mm howitzer), ~7/8 (extended Sherman hull with 155mm M1 Gun) and 9 arty (203mm howitzer on T-54 chassis). There are only two TDs however, both about tier 7.
What about that PaK 40 Stuart? That’s tier 3-4 TD right there. There was also a converted Somua with a 6pdr if I recall correctly. SO series (well, those are Soviet clones, but either way). And others.
Please, God no! No Somua! Whatever you do!
S35 with a 6pdr sounds pretty damn cool actually. Like a mini(er) Valentine AT.
Somua S35, not SAu 40. So it’d be a slightly more powerful S35…
Yugo tree:
Tier 2 – H-35 rearmed with 3.7cm kwk37, light tank, or alternatively Czech P-IIaj
Tier 3 – Czech developed Sh-IIaj
Tier 4 – Somua/6pdr
Tier 5 – Mark 4 / 76 – proposal of rearming Pz-IV with 76mm M1A1 gun
Tier 6 – Vozilo-A
Tier 7 – M-628
Tier 8 – M-320
Tier 9 – M-636
Tier 10 – M-636D with French 105mm F-1 gun as top weapon
Tier 2 – Sh-Id/Sh-Ij
Tier 3 – SO-75 M3A3 Stuart 7.5cm PaK40
Tier 4 – Mark III 7.5cm PaK – Pz-III w/o turret with gun mounted on top
Tier 5 – SO-76/85 Majbah – Proposed rearmament of StuG with US 76mm or Soviet 85mm gun.
Tier 6 – Vozilo B (based on T-34-85 with 90mm M3 gun), alternately modified M36 Jackson
Tier 7 – SO-122 M-4, aka Sherman with 122mm A-19, alternatively this could be tier 8, but it is really stretching it.
Nothing higher tier that is not armed with smoothbore.
Tier 2 – Hotchkiss/7.5cm leIG18
Tier 3 – M3A3/15cm sIG33
tier 4 – Hellcat hull with 105mm
Tier 5 – Sherman/122mm howitzer
Tier 6 – T-34/155mm howitzer
Tier 7 – Stretched Sherman hull with 155mm M1 gun, alternate armament 130mm M46 gun
tier 8 – SO-203 Kiklop, aka T-55/203mm howitzer
tier 9 – ?
Tier 10 – ?
the load in wowp may have been switched to gpu.. but in a “special” way.. the game still lags like a bitch in dogfights yet cpu is on 50% load and gpu about 60% .. cant wait for client physics if WG thinks this is proper multicore support
“the devs considered the option to not allow teamkills/teamdamage altogether, but decided not to do it”
which was a really “great” idea,sure
” it’s possible that the WoWp solution that reduced the load on the processor (shifting it to graphic card) might be debugged and used for WoT too”
WOWP is so damn slow and looks ugly (comparing to warthunder). Is it only my PC?
I would assume it is not your PC, but the graphic settings. Next, I will also assume you play only arcade mode, as every other WoT player screaming about how ‘good’ WT is doesn’t seem intelligent enough to manage prop trim level, let alone the magneto. WT arcade mode does not feature a flight model at all, but a very simple control scheme, as well as a low level of ground detail.
I like WoT, don’t like WoWp and War Thunder looks way better, full stop.
WT looks decent. Falters epicly when compared to BF3, BF4, Metro Last Light and Crysis 3.
As for WT vs WoT, well WT does seem to have better models and some vehicle textures… but the environment in WoT seems a little bit better (texture-wise). At any rate, it is not a big difference.
and did people actually pay attention to how the ground part of the map is made? It looks like all the small hills, roads, and buildings that tanks would loved yo go hull-down behind are merely painted portraits on the ground. and almost all the maps consist only of many chokepoints. Not exactly a balance-friendly setup for a ground battle.
- ” Q: “Why did you remove the log from T-34-3? T-54 and Type 59 have it” A: “Lack of forest” ”
there are a lot of stupid questions like that one, aren’t there? no wonder SerB is angry and trolling so much.
PS: I don’t want to be a smart-ass, but there is no “R” in the word achievement. this typo seems to happen quite often ;)
That’s a pretty good response from SerB though. It’s funny without being rude.
LOL @ SerB.
‘Gvozdika will not be implemented into WoT’
2S1 Gvozdika is a Soviet SPG, and the nickname (“Carnation”) has nothing to do with Godzilla whatsoever. :P
it’s mean Carnation
Re bugs, the rotating on the spot stuff is usually because of lag. The shells passing through glitch is weird though. If you look carefully, for the 704 one, bounce marks show up on the 704, so I think that was just a shell graphics bug, like with artillery rounds exploding in mid-air before. The E-25 on Lowe was just weird though. Maybe the client rendered the Lowe in the wrong spot? That’d be a terrible bug.
Regarding the ghost shells: no. Had them too, and you can see sometimes that others can do damage to the ghost tank. Its definetly a server bug since 8.8.
In my case an E-75 was tracked. I shot through him two times and he got a penetrating hit from a team mate between my shots. So its seems related to the shooting tank AND the target tank in combination. The last example in the vid shows it. He could kill other tanks, but not the stug
Not as weird as some of the stuff I’ve seen. In one battle, I had my SU-122-44 get killed by a KV-3 shooting THROUGH the hull of a dead M18 Hellcat. Yes, I’m sure it was him, because of several factors:
1) I saw him aiming the gun towards me even though I was behind a wrecked M18
2) The kill feed said it was him
3) He was the only one left on his entire team, and the only one in the battle in a KV-3, so it’s impossible for me to have mistaken him for somebody else.
I’m still not sure what the hell happened, even after reviewing the replay several times.
- crew models (SS: as in you being able to see your crewmen) will not be introduced into WoT, not even with the improved graphics
Good! That would be the most pointless thing ever.
I can think of a very good reason to being able to see crew members in open topped vehicles.
And then 50% of the playerbase aint alllowed to play the game anymore because its PEGI 18 rated.
And lose customers? No way.
Umad bro?
The most pointless thing ever, are u stupid or what?!
Open topped tanks without crews are pointless oh look all of them are autoloaders without visible autoloader mechanisms cause they get reloaded via magic, just retarded.
Visible crew is needed for an authentic tankgame its just they are too lazy to implement infantry and wounding crew effects and the main reason cause of the stupid age restricitions.
You do realise crewmembers in open-topped vehicles would increase the time needed to develop new tanks two-three times, the tank polycount two to four times, based on number of crewmembers visible, and would still look wooden and ugly as hell.
Video card, yeah right. Point is the game is bad optimized, compared to battlefield 3, people can run the game maxed out with 60 fps in multiplayed, and roughly achieve 50-60 fps on max settings in WOT. 70% of all players may have shitty computers, but thats not a valid reason not to optimize the game better. A better optimized game will benefit even the low end users. As it is now, theres no freaking reason that WOT should run at so low fps even on systems that would run 50-60 fps maxed out on modern multiplayer games with graphics 100x better than wot and with 30+ players online.
Indeed the optimization is horrible. My cpu (only a Core 2 Duo e6750!!) load is 70%!
and my GPU (only a 550ti) load is 35%!
Well bf3 etc have engines designed by the same people, whereas I doubt wg is going to spend the money to do that.
- the new map that will come in 8.9 “appears nice”, it will be an American map with mines (SS: as in, coal mines, not exploding mines)
exploding coal mines will be even cooler xD
- the stock vehicle could be for example Fiat 3000, or Strv m/21-29
I hope it will be swedish strv, this game have enough of ft-17 already.
Problem is though, the Strv 21-29 is pretty much another Loltraktor. Which is why either it or the Italian Fiat 3000 will be chosen, as both require little work to implement into the game.
You can say this about american t1 too. At least strv is of domestic swedish development and not another ft17 repaint.
Actually the tank was a German design from the end of World War One.
Initial design maybe but in the end it was developed by AB Landsverke.
Another Loltraktor is still better than another FT-17. I mean, we already have three FT-17 derivatives for tier 1 tanks (the FT-17 itself, the MS-1 and the NC-31), and will soon have a fourth one when the Japanese are added to the game.
This is true.
“- it’s not yet decided how the EU crews will work”
just make them all gypsies – problem solved!!!
Will steal the armour :P Not good :D
Or androids
Thanks, but I’d like to find my tanks in the garage the next day :)
Make them into a multi-national peace keeping force. Or… Have them be a brigade of mercenaries.
“- regarding players complaining about other players being too rude: “Those people live around you””
And Serb is tired of idiots. How terrible :)
- the FPS drop on mobile graphic cards is being investigated
That’s the biggest and only serious issue I ever had with WoT. I was even considering to buy a whole new standard PC just to enjoy my WoT with improved graphics. I even delved in to the depths of Graphic Card engineering to find the problem but it got clear that it’s way to complex for me to find a source. Its just doesn’t make sense that I can run most current games at ultra settings with solid 70 fps while my WoT with mediocre settings at improved graphics look like my laptop had a heavy case of autism and progeria at same time.
Please WG explore this and find a solution ! I’d buy 10 year premium account if you do! ;__;
Yours only
PalmNut ;__;
- regarding the maps, SerB states that if they tried to convert a map from WoWp to WoT, the amount of work would be the same as if they did the map from scratch
Well… then DO it… I want the 35km maps so arty wouldn’t be orbital death rays, 30v30 teams could happen, 30 minute battle times would make sense, and the earnings potential for good players would be HUGE.
But what will you do when you run out of ammo?
Ram the enemy tanks and try for a Kamikaze medal.
And what do you do when your ride tops out at like 20km/h?
Practise knitting?
” roughly 70 percent of all players have a processor with one or two cores. ”
How the hell is anyone able to run this game on one core?
The new lag issue is Telia’s fault, I found a workaround but of limited availability (I can help 2-3 friends) but not much can be done until this shitty operator get their things together. They are losing 50 – 70% of packets while the rest passes with 200 – 300 ms latency. It affects those who get their traffic routed through Telia, which is more or less ISP specific.
I have a direct Level3 connection so I’m routing through some of my friends which lets them play, because I have about 20ms to EU2 server in about 6 hops only.
EU1 can’t be 100% fixed like this, because it’s hosted on BCC-IP so you have to pass through Telia to reach it. But with my routing this means only one hop through Telia’s crap so the lags are rare and not so painful (normally, they have about 6-8 hops inside Telia’s shitty infrastructure alone!).
WG support knows about it, they say they can’t do anything about it, they don’t want to refund premiums etc. for the period when people just can’t play the game.
It is really fucking funny that WOT is the only game that is problematic because people use telia. I live in Sweden, och pretty much everything goes thru telia, or skanova regarding the internet.
“- PC WoT won’t implement the gun barrel into the sniper mode like the Xbox version has”
Because it obscures your vision even more than the regular sniper mode on PC. And PC version is trying to distance itself from the arcade feel of the Xbox 360 version.
“- according to Storm, the attitude of many players towards asian maps is negative (SS: related to a request to introduce the Great Wall map on regular servers and not just on the Chinese one)”
Maybe because they are completely irrational for armoured warfare, like Sacred Valley or Dragon Ridge, or very boring, one-tactic-only Pearl River.
Exactly; that being said the optimal environment for armored warfare is actually an open field, but we all know why THAT’S a bad idea *cough*ARTY*cough*
I’d personally like some more maps that are similar to Himmelsdorf, but that’s just me.
Speaking of things not suited for tank warfare…
Can any1 with a proper RU acc ask why cant I put a damn camo net on my Obj 416?
And while they’re at it, why on the NA server can’t I put enhanced suspension on the Panzer IIG?
Regarding the bug video, I can it as a future Q&A entry:
Q: “Shells of IS-3 and T-57 Heavy ignore target.” A: “Don’t play IS-3 and T-57 Heavy”
Damn typos, I meant to say “…can picture it as…”
- the fact WT E-100 has gun in the back is tied to the weight distribution (SS: yes, this is realistic actually, also the main reason why the Krokodil is unrealistic)
*cough* ISU-152/Object 704 *cough*
havent read so much bullshit
both of those tanks doesnt have strong frontal armor and both of them did not have those in real live
the testing with the ISU 152 with BL 8/10 was a failure.
I didn’t realise the WTE100 weighed 50 tonnes and had the IS suspension.
Weight distribution issues (and excessive overall lenght) were one reason the ISU with long 152mm got canned IRL, actually. And why they had started looking into rear-casemate jobs like the SU-101.
And that thing ain’t got squat on what the huge-ass German “super JPanthers” people keep pining for would be like…
Didn’t stop them from implementing them in the game, though. Proportional gun-to-chassis weight ratio plus layout (incl. armor) is similar in SU-100 and supposed Krokodil. ISU’s BL-10 is proportionally way heavier, and mounted much further forwards with 1-ton mantlet ahead of the first roadwheel. Seems to work just fine, especially given that WoT tanks don’t usually drive more than 2 km between repairs.
>>Seems to work just fine
Not. Ingame ISU is indeed balanced around that specific — its very sluggish, contrary to RL counterpart.
Then low-turnrate Krokodil should be a possibility. Consistency.
*shrug* The game has a lot of setups which while technically possible were too impractical for various reasons to reach production status IRL. Real militaries having this irksome habit of tending to judge their toys as holistic systems rather than by their kewlest aspects.
“Krokodil”, I suspect, may not be even *be* techically possibly on account of being too stupidly front-heavy for any suspension given the amount of armour plate and gun involved.
I’ll reiterate, given huge overhang Object 704′s BL-10 is more of a stress than Krokodil’s 17 cm would be considering overall suspension capacity; Kroko’s gun is LIGHTER than Ob’s _in proportion to suspension capacity_. Thus, its armor capacity is could be at least the 120 mm @ 60°. And what doesn’t stop WG from implementing one tank shouldn’t stop another.
Since WG doesn’t require production or prototype status or even original plans for game implementation, it doesn’t matter. And with WG’s liberal approach to “technically possible”, I argue Krokodil fits within that limit and reasons for its rejection lie elsewhere (intellectual property questions being the most likely).
And as for acceptance of workable solutions, we’re talking about THE military that accepted the supposedly disastrous Panther for its main tank for many years and didn’t even bother to fix it. Rather, it complemented it with even less workable Tiger B.
The E-100′s too front-heavy to have a frontal casemate-mounted gun. the Jagdpanzer IV and Jagdpanther in particular had severe issues with weight distribution which wore out the suspension in the front.
“For now it is not known what Nvidia videocard will work best with the improved graphics, WG is still testing options”
And how about ATI video cards ? I really hope that will optimise graphics also for ATI … i am not going to change my video card for a while because i don’t have money for it.
Wouldnt mind any tech tips from WG people, since they dont know a shot about modern hardware and software. When 70% of all players use no multicore cpu, its quite obvious they dont give a shit about those who use newer stuff, which unfortiunatley happens to be us who live in the more wealthier part of EU.
i’m running WoT on casio calculator FX-120, looks great, great i tell you.
Pingback: 21.09.2013 | WoTRomania
- for now there are no plans to introduced HS30 mit 90mm Bordkanone
a.k.a RU251 will get a terrible gun.
Wrong. Its that thing: http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/sandmann_bk/51859619/14185/14185_original.jpg
Bt-42 in eu tree?
Is that KV-2′s retarded little brother?
woops im a noob of epic proportions, u just have to scroll down and the camo net + vents are there :D
(regarding not being able to put camo net on obj 416)
- multicure support? SerB: “I said it many times, there already is such a thing” – later, Storm explains more:
Then I guess my 2nd core is just a lazy bastard…