Source: US forums thread (via Reddit)
I normally don’t steal forum posts, but this is something I wanted to do yesterday already. Kept it for today, because I didn’t have that much time, but it looks like someone did beat me to it. Enjoy!
There was a RU-stream today with veider (~1hr30mins) where questions regarding balance and future changes were answered. This is a transcript/translation from the Russian language. Expect lots of grammar mistakes. I’ll try to make it as short as possible. Doesn’t include troll questions and answers.
1. T57 Heavy and Foch155 will NOT be nerfed in the next patch (0.8.9) but they will be nerfed in patch 0.9.0.
2. KV-1S will not be nerfed in the nearest future, but devs are considering splitting it into two separate tanks (OP, probably KV-85 and KV-122).
2. A lot of tanks will be buffed in the next patch, but all of them are mid-tier. Don’t expect any T9-10 buffs.
2. Medium tier arty will get a slight buff.
3. VK 4502B may get a buff, but don’t expect that to happen anytime soon.
4. Tanks that will NOT get a buff: AMX 50B, AMX 13 75, T95, T43, Jagdtiger, JgTig 8.8 (regarding Tiger II chasis buff/nerf), KV-5, Maus.
5. Regarding IS-3 remodel, its armor won’t be worse. In fact it will probably be a bit better because of the angles. Also, the tank will be higher. The previous screenshot that you all saw is a work in progress.
1. 7/42 battles will be added later this year. There’s also a new tournament system being tested right now and Veider really likes it.
2. There will be some cool changes in the future, but don’t expect something as big as improved physics of 0.8.0 (OP, Havoc support, complete remodel of all tanks with much more polygons and better textures)
3. Bonuses for tanking (SS: the fact you stand there and soak up damage, eg. heavy tanks)
4. Devs do not like the current matchmaking (like 8TD’s in one team and 2 in the other) and we should expect some new tweaks and changes in the next patches.
5. Much more city maps incoming.
1. Object 430 will be added in the future and it will continue the latest USSR MT tree. Object 140 will not be removed from the game and will remain a T10 tank (OP, looks like we will have 3 Tier 10 USSR MTs in the game)
2. New light tanks: RU251 for Germany (~80km/h top speed), Walker Bulldog (will be somewhat a damage dealer) for USA. There’s still a decision to be made about USSR but right now they are considering a “paper” tank. It will have 3 wheels, with a turret that looks somewhat like the T-34-85′s and frontal armor plate which looks like the IS-4′s, but with 90mm armor. Expect more info soon.
1. There were changes in the mapmaking process and team so maps will be more balanced.
2. Reworked “old” maps were made by this team.
3. Veider dislikes Redshire in its current form. He wants it completely remade.
4. Veider thinks that Foch155 is a bit imbalanced
Q: Why did you change the Super Pershing?
A: it had a huge mistake in its collision model and “had something that it wasn’t meant to have.”
Q: Why was the T-50-2 removed?
A: Its role was way too different than what it had in real life. Besides, it was pretty imbalanced. So it was either change it for another tank or nerf it REALLY hard.
Q: You’re such a fans of “historically accurate” tanks. Do you plan to make IS-7 historically correct?
A: No. If we do this, we will have to move him up to Tier 12 or higher.
Q: Do you think that E-25 is imbalanced?
A: Statistics say otherwise. Easy to learn, hard to master.
Q: When can we expect to see garage battles?
A: Probably never. We do not think it’s a good idea.
Q: Another history question. How historically accurate is the IS-4?
A: Not very much because we gave it a new gun. It had only D25-T IRL.
Q: Why did you even release E-series paper tanks with paper engines only to remove them?
A: People change, audiences change, market change, new competitors.
Q: Competitors? Afraid of WarThunder?
A: Yes. But competition is always a good thing.
Q: Why do you sell T-34-3 and 112 only via web-store and do you plan to sell all of the other premium tanks via web-store as well?
A: No. We won’t change anything regarding current and future premium tanks. Selling Chinese premium tanks via web-store only is just a test.
Q: World of Warplanes or WarThunder?
A: I played both of them and liked them both. WoWP is easier to learn.
Q: You nerf and buff tanks according to the winrate of those tanks. Has something changed?
A: A lot. Now we also consider the number of battles, average experience, current tendencies and opinion of the community. That’s why we nerfed the T57 Heavy and Foch 155 in the first place, even when they don’t have the winrate ratio necessitating a nerf.
Q: Why did you nerf arties and buff TDs?
A: Almost every tournament game was heavily dependent on arties. We tried to shift this tendency a bit and we kind of succeeded. TDs were not used in tournament games so we buffed them to be more usable.
Q: Do you plan to nerf TDs to their previous state? With arty nerf there’s lots of TDs in matchmaking.
A: We’re currently investigating this situation but it’s too soon to tell because not much time has passed since the arty nerfs.
Q: T95 needs a buff!
A: No. The T95 is an awesome tank with unique play style. The only bad thing about it is its weak engine.
Q: So about that new German TD tree. Those TDs have almost no armor, are slow, but have very powerful guns. Is this statement correct?
A: Hmmm… Yes.
Walker Bulldog! ^^ I want it nao!
You’ll get donkey instead of bulldog :)
Whats with a stupid donkey joke all the time? I think it has already lost its novelty.
But now it’s tradition and our duty!
Idiot, that was meant for people who shout first, not for people who make comments with an actual meaning.
But as firsts
But about WB – I love Chaffee and am waiting for Walker since I’ve mastered its gameplay
Can we expect Walker Blldog being at tier 8? It seems so if they are listing it next to tier 8 RU251.
I predict a Chaffie nerf to come along with the Bulldog.
Isn’t donkey only for people who say “First” and not the first comment?
Congratulations, you get donkey now. Prepare
you guys realy like to dream about donkeys ass, this is why wot community is so retarded :)
I don’t like ass ass
Are the RU 251 und Bulldog still scheduled for 2014?
‘A lot. Now we also consider the number of battles, average experience, current tendencies and opinion of the community. ‘
Basic WG bullshit…
The day they will listen, will be the day when nobody will play anymore.
This quote is true only if community = SerB in Wot staff language.
I think he means the opinion of the RUSSIAN community. Everyone else might as well not exist.
No, no, it is a mistranslation: it’s not “community”, it’s “communists” :) .
All aboard the circle-wank train! Lets see how far the chain will go!
Gee, stop it with the commie jokes! It’s been over two decades since the Russians were commies, although frankly, from my experiences, there seems to be even more douchebaggery and idiocy on the RU server/forums, and they should give more attention to the NA and EU forums. However, being racist retards isn’t any good way to get SerB’s attention.
Sounds like a communist…
What are 7/42 battles?
ESL format: 7vs7 players, max tier 8 tanks and 42 tier points per team
RU251 might be the most fun tank in game with 80km/h :d
Gets terrible terrain resitance so you only see it downhill.
it will also have 90mm gun, those that mean 200+ pen?
You can get 80kmh downhill in the FV 304 arty. Which took some getting used to.
You can get over 90kph downhill in a Pz I ausf. C, although a single bump will either break your tracks and/or send your tank flying to its death. :)
If they’re going to introduce more tanks above that stupid (because obsolete) 72kph limit, I suggest they also give already existing vehicles (such as Hellcat) the ability to reach their historical max speeds. That would be quite great IMHO !
92 kph on the Hellcat and 98 on the BT-7?! YES PLEASE :D
The Hellcats lower than historic speed was a balance decision, not a limitation.
Actually more of a laziness to change it because they found it suitable for the said balance reasons, but before 8.0 it was actually an engine limitation, no coincidence.
“2. A lot of tanks will be buffed in the next patch, but all of them are mid-tier. Don’t expect any T9-10 buffs.”
“Tanks that will NOT get a buff: AMX 50B, T95, Jagdtiger, Maus.”
Yes, you just said that. It’s getting confusing. So the other tier 9s will get buffs? Or why are there these specifical 4 T9-10 tanks?
No T9-10 tank will get a buff.
Think the mentioned tanks were asked directly. Its doubled. No buffs for any T9-10.
>> 3. Veider dislikes Redshire in its current form. He wants it completely remade.
Really? One of the most natural maps. And natural terrain most suited for tanks too…
The only thing it needs is more bushes around I0 on encounter.
Redshire is worse than Campinovka. That field in the south is one huge kill zone no one can pass if both teams have some sane players. That does kill almost one third of the map as useable. The north team has a huge advantage with the center ridge line if they use it wisely. The spawns are much better in encounter and you can fight fire the mid ridge but it is still a huge campfest.
Really? We must play different games then…
Ehhh I get the feeling anyone thinking Redshire is fine hasn’t played it often in tier 10. When you have pretty much all tanks above 400m spotting distance, and most Pattons at the soft cap of spotting, and TDs with cloaking devices on the north ridge, and no concealment south of the river…
Yeah it’s unbalanced, leads to almost as many draws as El Halluf, except with much less cover and harder to hard turtle.
No Redshire is fine, if you know what you’re doing!
The amount of times I’ve seen teams just park on the two hills and sit there waiting for people to rush is huge. That’s not the fault of the map. You need some scouts.
The other day I scouted in a Black prince, mainly because I was able to drive through the hail of ineffective fire. I’ve also scouted in a TD and a Medium.
If people would engage brain, they’ll see there’s a brilliant spot which enables you to A) scout, B) give the enemy a spanking, at the same time! Yes it has weak flanks, but that’s why the rest of your team is there to help with that sort of thing.
As usual: a good scout changes the map massively. just a shame most people think scouts are light tanks, and a significant portion of those play by rolling their head up and down the keyboard and giving the mouse an occasional lick. Then screaming light tanks suck.
Scouts were nerfed by nerfing the arty – now there’s no much point in playing scout. If you want satisfaction, that is…
If you think the only purpose of a light tank is to kill arty….
You misunderstood me: main spotting dmg came from arty. All these high tier mediums and heavies can spot for themselves quite well…
The map is not that bad.. but the mentality of the players is.. and it’s ruining almost every single game on that map.
It has to be reworked
redshire is so and so if u get a good mm and you have meds and scouts then it playable i have been in a mm where both teams havent got any scouts or meds the thing is yes high tier heavys can spot stuff but scouts has the better cammon rating and as long as it doesnt fire no one will spot it so it helps a lot
a rework wouldn’t be a bad idea it needs a rework on how the middle ridge helps the north team (on randoms) to make huge killing grounds from there
Redshire is SHIT map. Everyone with a bit of tactical knowledge will call it shit. That hill in the middle of the map is so imbalanced and gives much more advantage to the north team. To win from the south base you either need to have good team vs donkeys, otherwise you are fucked.
Yay, a completely redone Redshire would be a good thing.
From a visual point of view I absolutely love the scenery that is going on and the colours that are used… but that’s where the list of things I like about the map ends.
From a gameplay point of view I think a reworked redshire would be a great thing. It’s pretty hard to make it worse than the current state after all ;)
4. Tanks that will NOT get a buff: … Jagdtiger, JgTig 8.8 (regarding Tiger II chasis buff/nerf), KV-5, Maus.
3. Bonuses for tanking (SS: the fact you stand there and soak up damage, eg. heavy tanks)
ninja buff?? :D
Too many td’s? Buff meds and tier 6 lights to be competitive with heavies
They are.
Q: So about that new German TD tree. Those TDs have almost no armor, are slow, but have very powerful guns. Is this statement correct?
A: Hmmm… Yes.
how is this better than the soviet or french line then . . ?
soviet: Mobile, no armor, big gun
French: mobile, front armor, big gun
Waffentragers: not mobile, sht armor, big gun
any better*
Much bigger gun.
Are we talking Death Star here :) ?
I doubt that the German Waffenträger at Tier 9 will get a better gun than the Object 704.
The JagdTiger has a better gun, so anything better then a JagdTiger gun should be better then the 704′s gun.
It depends how we judge ‘better’.
Will it have better penetration oralpha? Probably not. But for sure it will have very high dpm. Expect more than 3300 dpm on tier 9.
Vieder seems a nice guy by the way he answers some definite questiones. If they were answered by SerB, half of them were “how terrible” and especially about Campshire something like : dont play Campshire.
This guy should replace SerB at the Q&A.
No I like Serb’s trolling
Dev Q&A exist only because SerB actually finds time to answer those questions, Veider dont want to bother himself with it.
I swear i saw a an answer here from SerB himself that he’s not happy answering all the BS questions, but it’s actually part of his job to do the Q&A. So he must.
No he isn’t, He is a chief game designer, not a Q&A lead or community manager.
No buff for the AMX 50B? I thought they said they were gonna buff it earlier…
That s devs inconsistencies for you, both amx50B and amx 13 75 need buffed enough to be equivalent to T57 and T71, unless those last 2 get a massive nerf.
Stop talking about RU251, just introduce it already! T_T
Q: When can we expect to see garage battles?
A: Probably never. We do not think it’s a good idea
big mistake…
What is the appeal of garage battle any way? I don’t see the point of it.
So all these 45% guys can respawn faster and die again even quicker…
Which=more xp and credits
Or which = one team getting better players = half of other team ragequits after 1 death or just gets spawnkilled.
This. The fact that there are no “respawns” is one of the appeals of WOT.
+1 on that. Garage battle are interesting now because we are bored with existing modes, but if they were actually implemented you would realise it’s nothing special, rather boring and annoying. Imo they would be even less interesting than Assault mode which i’m not playing together with encounter since we got an option to disable it. Standard battles FTW!
Had I known you will make such a nice conspectus wouldn’t have watched it for one and a half hour yesterday… -_-
Dissapointed, no kv-1s rebalance in 8.9 :/
SerB is fighting hard…
VERY disappointed.
it needs to get off tier 6 (the KV-122) FAST yet WG don’t seem to think the same.
I guess we will then be seeing it in tier 6 campaigns/TCs for some time…
“-KV-1S will not be nerfed in the nearest future, but devs are considering splitting it into two separate tanks.”
Why hurry? An easy to master USSR heavy tank with great mobility , sufficient armor and “one shot one kill” troll gun at tier 6 is just fine. Balance does not matter.
“-VK 4502B may get a buff, but don’t expect that to happen anytime soon.”
Why hurry? An outdated, hard to master German heavy tank with shit mobility and bad (rear-turret) design at tier 9 is just fine. Balance does not matter.
“- Regarding IS-3 remodel, its armor won’t be worse. In fact it will probably be a bit better because of the angles.”
Why not ? The IS-3 is already the best overall Tier 8 heavy tank (perfect combination of speed, firepower and armor), so it has to be buffed in near future. Balance does not matter.
I am not surprised. Well done, WG and special thanks to SerB for his KV-1S 122mm troll gun support!
So it is Russian bias Foch 155 and T57 nerfs are not coming soon too?
Well, it is sure that the Foch 155 and T57 will be nerfed in 0.9.0, but it is not sure IF and WHEN the KV1-S will lose its 122mm troll gun. That’s a difference in my opinion.
Spoken like a fucking boss.
If the Foch 155 is nerfed they have to do all the tier 10 TD’s,
Dat sarcasm :D
Yeah, it was that bad that I’ve already knew he’s an idiot.
It’s for hisotrical reasons you n00b.
“The IS-3 is already the best overall Tier 8 heavy tank (perfect combination of speed, firepower and armor)”
HAHAHAHAHA bullshit.
How it’s bullshit when they are most used T8 heavies in TC and one of the most common T8 tanks in random battles you stupid ignorant fuck. Watch QuickyBaby’s stream when he’s playing Tank Companies with QSF clan and see what tank is most used. It’s not for sure cause of the nice look. And why would they need to nerf all other T10 TDs if they nerf Foch155? That pos is overperforming by far for such a long time. Only reason why i started to play frenchies are TDs and Foch155 which i want to have eventually. Even after they nerf it it will still be great TD. Just because you are butthurted cause you are dying mostly from T10 TDs doesn’t mean they all should get nerfed.
Oh, the IS-3 ain’t half bad. Rather mobile and nice gun. But armor? bitchplease.jpg, Tier Sevens go right through from the front and you can’t angle it at all or it’ll be WORSE.
Compared to KT and T32 it has slightly worse armor, but it’s compensated by much better gun than both of them. And remember that WG saw that IS3 is penetrable rather easy(which i agree with) and now they are implementing the new model “historically accurate” that should remain the same level of protection, but we both know that won’t happen. They already said it will be more armored cause of the new angles on the front. So expect IS3 to be more protected than chinese 110 and still have much better overall stats. It already have magic armor that will bounce when you least expect it, now it will be OP i don’t doubt that at all. I still remember when they changed IS-4 model to IS-4M. They said it will be only visual rework and tank will behave the same. They somehow “forgot” to mention that those sideskirts they’ve added are now acting as additonal armor. T59 before buff had 175 pen and it could pen IS-4 from the side bellow the real armor rather easy since it was really thin armor. When they changed the model to IS-4M those sideskirts acted like some sort of spaced armor and all of a sudden T59 couldn’t pen IS-4 from the side anymore. I wouldn’t call that “only visual rework”. They are gonna secretly buff IS-3 armor with this new model. Remember what i said.
Whaaaaaaat??? BL-9 better than the L68 105mm from Tiger II? Never…. BL-9 has MUCH worse Accuracy, Aimtime, DPM. Only advanatge is 70alpha damage more… not much If you ask me…
Pingback: Veider Q&A | WoTRomania
They should at least buff the IS-7…
Buff the aimtime on IS-7 and it’s gonna be perfect T10 tank. Might even start to overperform. Slightly nerfed RoF would do the trick imo. Increase the reload time from 11,xx seconds to 12,xx. Only thing i really don’t like about IS-7 is aimtime. It’s horrible. It was fine before, before they released all power creep imbalanced tanks, when IS-7 and Maus were the main T10 tanks. Now with all much superior guns it started to underperform. It’s still good tank, but could get some love.
Redshire map altered?
I’m happy with how it is at present actually.
Give my that sexist RU251! I want to get rid of my huge fat ass DAFUK panther!
You mean AFK Panther :D?
AwfulPanther that is…
You are awful if you call it like that, it’s a great vehicle.
no its not now
i heard is not awful , but not suited for its job , heck is even taller than a leopard 1 which can scout better than that A. panther , the only drawback its that leo 1 wont retain its camo value while moving like a LT can
This is how I see it:
1. Chaffee moves to tier 6
2. They find another tier 5 scout and a tier 7
3. Walker Bulldog introduced at tier 8
I will be glad too be this way, really want the Bulldog at tier 8.
Also as t7 they could put the T37 (which turret current chaffe got as top turret).
This is how I want it:
V: Chaffee
VI: T37 (Chaffee with second turret)
VII: Walker Bulldog
pretty much this bulldog is no T8 material
it ain’t. Simply accept it.
M24 Chaffee -> M41 Walker Bulldog -> T71 -> T92 Light Tank
that would be a much saner approach.
add the M551 Sheridan (minus the ATGM’s) at tier 9 and you nearly have a complete tree.
Dont nerf the donkey made me laught again :)
‘KV-1S will not be nerfed in the nearest future’
Fuck you SerB.
Did you read the second part of the sentence? The KV-1S we know today will be split into KV-85 and KV-122
Its not sure whether it will be split or not. I even stopped playing Tier 6 tanks, since I’m fed up with the KV-1S “low skill, high fun” tank flood.
Am I the only one who enjoys playing against KV1Ss? I mean, you can’t bully them but ever since I got the L70 for my stug and Jagdpanzer, I stopped fearing anything short of an IS in TDs.
On the other hand… Don’t get me started on the IS. Grrrr…
Nerfing German tanks becouse of War Thunder (if I understood that correct)?
How the hell they want to “fight” with competitors by discouraging people to play Wot?
They buffed Tiger H intensively. That alone will please many people.
You did not.
“Q: Why did you nerf arties and buff TDs?
A: Almost every tournament game was heavily dependent on arties. We tried to shift this tendency a bit and we kind of succeeded. TDs were not used in tournament games so we buffed them to be more usable.”
What a bunch of morons. They “balance” according to tournaments and randoms in the same time which has zero sense. Typicial idiotical WG.
Why dont you nerf m18 and kv1s then? fcin nobrains in WG
Whatever the reason, nerfing arties was a right move in the end.
I wouldn’t call it nerf, rather re-balance.
I love my arties more than ever thanks to all the noobs using one using tanks that spot for me instead of the SPG that misses everytime except when I am about to hit his target.
Q: Competitors? Afraid of WarThunder?
A: Yes. But competition is always a good thing.
Competition can have good effects within the system we currently have.
Competition thinking is wrong.
Q: You’re such a fans of “historically accurate” tanks. Do you plan to make IS-7 historically correct?
A: No. If we do this, we will have to move him up to Tier 12 or higher.
Could somebody explain what is so unhistorical about IS-7?
I believe the amour not at its correct values if i remember correctly. The is-7 IRL was a really good tank but was too expensive to make and the crew layout wasn’t that good if i remember been a while since i looked it up.
1. Real IS-7 was close to T-54′s perfomance mobility wise.
2. Firing rate was about 7-8 shots per minute.
3. S-70 (IS-7 gun) was nerfed in such stats as Accuracy and Aim time because of balance reasons.
always funny to see this myth…
how can a 68ton tank come close to the mobility performance to a 36ton tank, you need alone a engine with 80% more HP. Wonder where you you would find a engine with 1100HP+ that would fit that compartment. Not to mention all the problems the come from the increase HP.
While the gun stats might have been true, the mobility is certainly not.
> Wonder where you you would find a engine with 1100HP+ that would fit that compartment.]
IS-7 had a M-50T – tank variant of torpedo boat diesel engine. 1050 HP. Almost twice the power of the historical T-54 engine.
And you know – power to weight ratio not the only thing that affect mobility.
How does it come that it is known that off-road the Conqueror, which is a lot heavier than the Centurion, was very well capable of keeping up with the Centurions?
power-to-weight is not everything, there is a lot that influences mobility – RPM, Gear-Transmission Ratio, etc. etc.
Power-to-weight is very imporant. It’s easy to forget Centurion was so heavy it had practically the same hp/ton as Conqueror.
“A: A lot. Now we also consider the number of battles, average experience, current tendencies and OPINION OF THE COMMUNITY. That’s why we nerfed the T57 Heavy and Foch 155 in the first place, even when they don’t have the winrate ratio necessitating a nerf.”
means that foch will only be nerfed because of the stupid community
Where most people think it’s impenetrable, best gun, best rof, best speed, best reload time…….
BTW T57 is OP
Let me guess. You don’t have T57, but you do have Foch. Am i rite? Both tanks are overperforming. Period. T9 Foch is bearable with 120mm gun. I wouldn’t call it OP. Foch155 on the other hand is OP piece of shit and it needs to get nerfed hard.
not right non of those are op… lot of noobs with those tanks doing nothing..
Q: You’re such a fans of “historically accurate” tanks. Do you plan to make IS-7 historically correct?
A: No. If we do this, we will have to move him up to Tier 12 or higher.
Can Anyone explain to me, What Kind of Historical stats IS-7 have that it should belong to tier 12?
Copied from Konstantin Obvintsev above.
1. Real IS-7 was close to T-54′s perfomance mobility wise.
2. Firing rate was about 7-8 shots per minute.
3. S-70 (IS-7 gun) was nerfed in such stats as Accuracy and Aim time because of balance reasons.
Will amount of XP needed for Chaffee will drop because of nerf and add next tanks like Walker Bulldog?
Liar, pure and simple. They most certainly do not look at number of battles played. Tanks that almost nobody plays because they stuck will never get buffs. At least he admitted new German TDs will be slow. No armor, slow, and you know WG, the guns will have massive gimmicks. WG fargin sucks, period. Bunch of Stalin loving morons.
Cry some more . Don’t like then Then don’t play them .
Yeah, we get it you can’t play worth shit and like to externalise the guilt.
First KV-5 need a little gun accuracy buff or pen buff in my opinion.
Second WHY IN HELL T92 got its top engine removed? please give it back!!! or more splash radius!
Bitch please! In that case they should also increase its weight since they have added countless of times more armor to it. Made its weakspot harder to penetrate.
are u kidding? with the accuracy patch everyone can easily hit its tumors!
How terrible. You still have great armor if you manage to hide your tumor r2d2. And let me remind you that KV-5 has great HP pool and great DPM. Give it more penetration and voila. You have perfectly OP premium tank. It’s fine tank. Why did you buy the tank so you can whine how it need to be buffed?
since the release of the accuracy patch its hard to play KV-5 and more harder vs T9. i was very happy before the patch :P
4. Tanks that will NOT get a buff: AMX 50B, AMX 13 75, T95, T43, Jagdtiger, JgTig 8.8 (regarding Tiger II chasis buff/nerf), KV-5, Maus.
They said no t9 or t10 tanks will be buffed. But don’t them for their words. They said many thing in the past which turned out to not be true. Like, there won’t be ever T10 mediums and TDs.
3. Veider dislikes Redshire in its current form. He wants it completely remade.
Whatever you do faith of WOT is sealed. Good luck with it.
For the T95, i love the TD, its my favorite TD, but it needs a buff somewhere, like maybe a very tiny speed buff (up to 17km/h) or give it more HP, like maybe bring it up to 1,900 or 2,000
2. Medium tier arty will get a slight buff.
tier 4-6 i hope :)
these morons don’t understand kv-1s has about 50 winrate despite being the most op tank in the game, because SHITTY PLAYERS play them, they go through the historical popular kv-1 and get kv-1s, but of course the foch line is completely full of the shittiest tanks in the game, so of course only the really elite players grind all the way to foch 155. These morons blame the foch 155 and say it’s “overpowered” but the truth is that it’s ELITE PLAYER who worked his ass off to get it… dumbasses
Same goes for T57, everybody cries it is OP but don’t even have the tank. Its fine as it is.
U want OP td? Get the 268 fast,mobile,decent armor and good alpha AND because its russian it wont get nerfed.
Your tears tastes delicious. How terrible your favourite OP tanks are gonna get nerfed.
noobs will be always noob, but they got more money, they request nerf, nerf will be…
Fuck you WG, everytime i see a Q&A it disgusts me even more and makes me want to play even less than i thought possible…
specific things that will make me stop playing:
“1. T57 Heavy and Foch155 will NOT be nerfed in the next patch (0.8.9) but they will be nerfed in patch 0.9.0.” so they’ve bene OP for 2+ patches (that is around 2+ months, and they will remain OP as fuck for 2/3 months more?, are they fucking retarded?)
“4. Tanks that will NOT get a buff: T95, AMX-50B”
Again, the T95 is long overdue for a huge (at leat mobility) buff, it’s specs have remained essentilly UNCHANGED ever since it was introduced when the game was absolutely different(back then, the spaced armor ABSORBED 100% HE shells, when the “he fix” appeared all the sudden HE destroyed it, retarded and never fixes even when i reported it several times), it’s mobility got even worse after physics as terrain passability started affecting it(before, it could go “full speed” on every surface), try going through mud or uphill now?, either 3kph or even MINUS) .
Armor?, with the game uncontrolled powercreep with BS superpen OP guns the armor of the T95 is nothing, a T10 TD can pen the mantlet of a T95 just fine.
Oh and about the 50B, don’t get me started, will NOT get buffed even after the DISASTER they did with the stupid OP57?(which is essentially a 50B +better in every aspect -soft stats- that matters ingame, the only thing is the 50b has better mobilty -for nothing since it can’t take point-, so it can get killed faster than the rest of the team)
To add insult to injury:
Q: T95 needs a buff!
A: No. The T95 is an awesome tank with unique play style. The only bad thing about it is its weak engine.
RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIGHT, so getting killed by any arty, getting pen by every cheating t10 med or any tank, not being able to get to any part of the map before everyone is in position and getting overrun and circled to death by just about anything it’s now called “unique playstyle” uh-hum…, that alone teaches a ton about WG mentality, an absolute DOG of a tank that will only lower your WR and make you want to break your KB in half is called “unique gameplay”, fuck you.
aaand the gold star goes for:
Q: You’re such a fans of “historically accurate” tanks. Do you plan to make IS-7 historically correct?
A: No. If we do this, we will have to move him up to Tier 12 or higher.
ahahahahaha, right, why don’t you take a look at high end clan wars and tourney play and ask opinions from the top players in tha game?, tell how many IS7s do you see there?, what’s that?, none you say?, surely you must be mistaken :sarcasm:.
So having a Tier11 OP57 is fine. A Cheat100 that does 900 per shot to anything and can shot at any part of the is7 below the turret(with the same reload as you). or the OP10 meds that have more pen than you, more accuracy and far more mobility.
And the IS4…. simply lack words, they refuse to “add” the 20mm effective amror in the front since it’s a “minor change” yet 20mm seem important enough to remove 20mm from every Tiger2-chasis tank?, this is simply negligence.
i’m surely going to be winding down this game until the stuff that need fixing WILL get fixed(probably never).
i’ve played T95 and IS7/4 from day 0 and after all these years all i get from WG is abuse towards my choice:
in 3 years there was only a sinlge buff on the IS7 that came accidentally after the spaced armor and new pen/normalization system got introduced, and it didn’t make much difference)
IS4 got moved to T10 making it the worst T10 of the bunch, and essentially abandoned with no buffs.
and T95 is the same as when it got introduced(only a couple bug fixes that where a 0 armor spot on the side and a minor buff to a hatch from the front)
iS7 is performing quite good in clan wars right now. Same goos for E100 Btw.
“5. Much more city maps incoming.”
“2. New light tanks: RU251 for Germany (~80km/h top speed),”
Oh my god… 80??? I… I… MUST GET ONE!
“Q: Do you think that E-25 is imbalanced?
A: Statistics say otherwise. Easy to learn, hard to master.”
Its not single E-25s that are op… its the E-25 wolfpacks that are op.
Every tank in wolfpack is pretty much OP. I would say that coordination and good platoons are OP and not the tanks themselve. :) Sure, there are tanks that literally are win button if played in platoons while in others you still have to work your ass off to win, but at the end teamwork and coordination in platoons are the things that matters.
And how was TD actually buffed? Their hard stats stayed the same even though artys got nerfed. Also how can TDs be nerfed to their previous state, I dont see that? As far as I know, paint and camo net give a fixed value on ALL tanks, not just TDs, and not all TDs use net and paint, certanly not the high tier ones. Funny fucking questionare and retarded answers.
this is how you do Q&A, please learn, SerhowterribleB
Lol the person answered seemed like a tard anyways. I still dont see how TDs got buffed, since the stats stayed the same. Maybe they remove the XP nerf, but so did they do with artys as well.
Look, this guy treat his customers properly, it doesn’t matter if you agree with him or not, that’s not the point of doing Q&A. SerB’s Q&A is consists of f him flipping off his customers 1 out of 2 questions and he is happily doing it.
Since last month, I didn’t even bother reading every Q&A threads whenever I see even one troll answer from the preview page. It’s a waste of time.
I get more info out of this Q&A than over a month worth of Q&A from SerB or Storm
Quite the polar opposite to SerB this guy. Very tolerable to listen to.
Mid-tier arty will be buffed in time for the new German TDs which are open-top and “slow”.
KV-1S doesn’t sound like it’s getting nerfed soon unfortunately, probably due to SerB stalling.
Bulldog finally mentioned, RU251 sounds like it’ll only have speed on it’s side, and the reds getting a paper tank which will probably turn out OP as the T-50-2 (which he admits was OP).
They play good cop-bad cop and SerB is the bad cop :P
1. T57 Heavy and Foch155 will NOT be nerfed in the next patch (0.8.9) but they will be nerfed in patch 0.9.0.
I guess they haven’t milked enough cash from players that are still grinding/converting exp to get them. Seems like one patch more before they finally get nerfed will do the trick.
this is should be the kind of Q&A WG needs..
“Q: Why did you nerf arties and buff TDs?
A: Almost every tournament game was heavily dependent on arties. We tried to shift this tendency a bit and we kind of succeeded. TDs were not used in tournament games so we buffed them to be more usable.”
Very interesting. This begs the question: why do they care that: “Almost every tournament game was heavily dependent on arties.” I would highly suspect that arty is getting as much negative reaction among spectators as it gets from tankers.
WoT artillery is one of the most ridiculous player vs. player game mechanics out there. Never mind that the mechanic far outstrips the time frame of the game or the SPGs modeled in terms of anti-tank ability, the mechanic itself is inappropriate in a pvp environment.
Watching tanks poke their nose out to get a spot for arty then hide like a little girl to avoid enemy arty is probably about as much fun for the spectator as it is for the tanker. This leads to poor audience participation, which leads to grumpy sponsors. Here’s hoping that WG’s desire to make this game a viable e-sport will force them to finally fully admit that there arty mini-game is a bad idea in a player vs. player environment.
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