- according to SerB less than 30 percent of all players are in any clans
- there is some development of the visibility system being conducted. A player suggested the visibility system to encompass the view vectors of various crewmen (for example: the driver can see only forward), but Storm wrote such a thing (limited fields of view by crewmen) won’t be implemented. SerB adds that he’d actually like to have that, but he’s afraid that if they do that, there will be much confusion amongst the players regarding the visibility system
- BT-5 will most likely appear as an alternative hull
- rocket-carrying BT (“land torpedo”) will not appear most likely as a gun option
- WG is not aware of any project of a TD/SPG, built on AMX-40 chassis
- new high tier 8 premium with high alpha (490+) planned? “If there ever is such a plan, I will tell”
- apparently, visibility checks consume about 2/3 of server resources
- it’s possible to see someone who is online on another server as offline in your friend list – during peak times (when the server switches to “performance mode”), a share of data that is normally shared between servers stops being shared and this is one of its effects
- an undisclosed Russian historical source states that at least one Tiger took place in the Hoth’s assault to break the Stalingrad encirclement – it was allegedly destroyed by a 76mm Zis-3 gun. SerB states that it’s most likely not true – it was probably a Panzer IV with armor screens or something like that, he also adds that such a confusion (calling all the enemy tanks Tigers) was not uncommon. (SS: that is true, for example several accounts of Slovak National Uprising from people who fought in it call pretty much every SPG a “Ferdinand” – if these accounts were true, there were more Ferdinands destroyed in the SNU than there were ever produced)
- there were Soviet turretted tank destroyer projects (for example a T-34 hull with an open turret and 53-K gun (45mm M1937)), but they won’t be implemented for now
- Q: “Why do developers on one hand claim to fight sealclubbing and on the other hand they hand out tier 2/3 tanks en-masse?” A:”It’s the lesser evil” (SS: take that as you will)
- according to the developers it’s good and normal that there are various gameplay styles throughout the tiers, as it allows the players to pick the gameplay that suits them: “Simply play the game that suits you. I for example prefer tier 8-10″
- gun damage is basically arbitrary, it’s a balance parameter (no point in asking “why does gun A have more alpha than gun B”)
- other balance parameters include tank hitpoints, module hitpoints and other characteristics, that don’t exist in real life
- equipment, increasing the amount of ammo carried will not be implemented, other ways of carrying more ammo won’t be implemented for now either
- SerB states that WG would give out the T7 Combat Car even if WoT didn’t win, “as a reward for voting”
Hey Jude…
Jude? You mean Donkey?
St Jude’s day
Today’s the day for all those lost causes; like asking ‘firsts’ and donkeys etc to stay away
don’t make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.
Lah lah lah lah, lah lah lah lah…
Na na na na, na na na na*
Jajajajajajaaaa ja jaaaaa
I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob goo goo g’joob goo goo g’joob.
dont make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.
Hey jude, dont be afraid.
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.
And anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain,
Dont carry the world upon your shoulders.
For well you know that its a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.
Hey jude, dont let me down.
You have found her, now go and get her.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.
So let it out and let it in, hey jude, begin,
Youre waiting for someone to perform with.
And dont you know that its just you, hey jude, youll do,
The movement you need is on your shoulder.
Hey jude, dont make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her under your skin,
Then youll begin to make it
Better better better better better better, oh.
Na na na na na ,na na na, hey jude…
jude is german and means jew
Not juden?
Jude = jew (singular)
Juden = jews (plural)
Should have known that :D
Still that first comment was suspicious like me at 2 in the night walking home drunk :D
Can’t wait to get my hands on that T7!
Cant wait to sell it.
didnt know that we would get it for free… FUCK YEAH THATS EPIC!!! :D
Does everyone get it? Or just those that voted? When? When the patch comes out?
Everyone, with the patch 8.9
You want to bring a car to a tank fight?!
short answer:
I cant wait to club the sealclubber with the H35 and Pz 38H
as well as racked up some Cool-Headded
How do the developers fight seal clubbing?
by implementing club sealing
Club “Seal”. Duh.
pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun pun
Well everyone complains that the Tier 2/3 tanks are terrible so I am not sure how they are seal clubbing in tanks that are supposed to suck.
Premiums should be worse than regular ones – yet my S35 is OP OP OP. Also FCM is OP OP.
+1 mate, +1…
Maybe the lowtier prems have to be better, just for balance with high tier prems? ;)
Dunno about s35 but FCM isn’t OP it’s pretty balanced prem TD:
+Good gun (slightly buffed non-top marder II gun)
+riddicolous high view range, 400m, on tier III means that you can act as scout, earnigh a lot of patrol duty medals.
+good camo, with it’s high view range and trained crew let’s you pick people before they see you.
-bad engine->you can win the race with t95 but t28 will drive circles around you
-narrow gun arc, you can’t kill those speeders, coming to you
-somewhat underaverage armor.
-40 ammo isn’t enough
I’ts a little bit worse marder II, technicly not OP, but by using high level crew and few thousend battles player it’s become a beast just like every other low tier tank. (with exception of amx 40)
By implementing inferior promo tanks, so seal clubbers now have harder time. Some of them will switch to promo tanks, and won’t be as strong factor in the game. All of them will met more of high tier promo tank drivers, with make seal clubbing harder.
I agree with SerB about the spotting mechanics. I think crew position and turret direction for example should feature heavily in the spotting mechanics rather than a simple radius based system.
- apparently, visibility checks consume about 2/3 of server resources.
There must be a way to reduce such calculations. So they can add some destructible ground :)
100% agreed…
Don’t use visibility checks:)))
I think everyone would be happy if it would reduce lag and remove 100t tanks disappearing 50m away behind a small bush…
I think they should remove color outlines and leave tank half-transparent UNTIL you point your crosshair near that tank. Then it becomes fully rendered.
Here are some dumb ways:
* Calculate on client-side
* Remove visibility
* Reduce maximum visual range in half
Here is a clever dumb way:
* Calculate on client side, but not for the client calculating. In other words, farm out visibility calculations for client A to clients B through Z, preferring clients with low latency to the server. Think of it as Seti@Home for Visibility Calculations. Obviously there are some issues with this but who knows, it might be viable one day…
Client side calculations would allow people to use view range hacks. The reason that people can’t do the view range hacks that bad players think are real is because of the fact that visibility is calculated server side.
Make tanks always visible. No checks.
Then it would be super easy for client side hacks to show you tanks through bushes that would be impossible to see otherwise. This game would fall apart in 2 days if they did that.
Please engage brain before posting next time.
and have Arty bombard you easier?
NO thank
Pretty sure he meant to turn the playerbase into a server farm for visibility calculations.
In any case, the idea is ridiculous. Most of the userbase plays on terrible computers. It would be unwise to burden them further. The only way it could work would be as an opt-in system that pays out weekly gold, but, that is not in their best interested.
tl;dr just rework visibility and keep your tinfoil on tight
Most easy way:
Every tank within 100m is visible, always.
Visibility system should only come to work for distances >100m.
Problem with destructable ground is not server load, its network latency, far too much data to be sending around to 30 clients lagging everyone to death.
You guys need to forget about destructable ground, as cool as it would be, it isnt going to happen and for very good reasons, that have already been explained to you
RE the Tiger in Stalingrad – I read a long time ago about the allies in the west referring to all German tanks as “Tigers”. IIRC this was attributed to the similarity between the general profile of a Pz IV and a Tiger. Also, by reporting that three Tigers were incoming, they were more likely to get air support etc. than if it was just “three enemy tanks”.
You doubt the glorious russian soldiers, who are fought against the fasists? Shame on you. :D:D DO not forge the history, dude…. :D:D
“- an undisclosed Russian historical source states that at least one Tiger took place in the Hoth’s assault to break…”
Star Wars? I wonder how Tiger performed compared to AT-AT :D
They would attach a rope to it and let it encircle the AT-AT until it falls.
Tiger was in the Empire forces :D
It was not after Han Solo hijacked it and took a Joyride.
Solo random :D
If Empire had conventional tracked tanks, they would look like Tiger II. That’s what I believe and you can do nothing about it.
Tiger was more boxy – so it could house some better shield generators and was easier to do maintainance.
Hoth was a german tank commander, apart from a planet
It was a planet.
The planet came first.
True story.
- an undisclosed Russian historical source states that at least one Tiger took place in the Hoth’s assault to break the Stalingrad encirclement – it was allegedly destroyed by a 76mm Zis-3 gun. SerB states that it’s most likely not true – it was probably a Panzer IV with armor screens or something like that, he also adds that such a confusion (calling all the enemy tanks Tigers) was not uncommon. (SS: that is true, for example several accounts of Slovak National Uprising from people who fought in it call pretty much every SPG a “Ferdinand” – if these accounts were true, there were more Ferdinands destroyed in the SNU than there were ever produced)
Why im confused with Star Wars here?
- Q: “Why do developers on one hand claim to fight sealclubbing and on the other hand they hand out tier 2/3 tanks en-masse?” A:”It’s the lesser evil” (SS: take that as you will)
I would answer: If we handed out high tier premiums then we wouldn’t regular high tier prems you moron. Those low tier prems are fun to play.(I still love my My little Tertach from two years ago, its worth more in fun than it would be for the garage slot most people instantly trade it for like blind chickens)
Besides, if they handed out free Tier 8 premiums, you’d still have tons of seal clubbing. The only difference being that the seals would be derping around in T8 matches instead of T2 matches where they belong.
***Why im confused with Star Wars here? ***
i can see a tiger in the backround on right side
Good to know that I’m not the only on who thought “Star Wars” after reading “Hoth” :D
90% of readers imagined Tiger driving thru the snow :D
Wasn’t that hard to think of it, really.
No breaking news today. But thanks for summing it up.
And SerB confirmed some guesses that have have a load of little presents for every occasion…
And they would probably give it as a Trick or Treat present, being silent on GJ…
Misidentifying enemy gear was something all WWII armies did… Archive Awareness has some examples of the Germans identifying the T-60 as an American Lend-lease tank and an MS-1 converted into a bunker as a T-34…
So what will be the new year gift tank this year ???
Vickers 6t. Big as Medium I, machinegun armed. More details at last or prelast supertest leaks.
can the T7 see tier IV games?
What part of “+/- 2 tier” you dont understand?
That’s actually not the case for the first 2 tiers you know… T1s can’t meet anything above T2s and T2s anything above T3s without idiot platoons or special MM (ie. T2LT, can meet T4s).
seal clubbing?
oh for gods sake, these idiots have never played a game with real seal clubbing. Oh your tank got destroyed by a better player, here’s 2000 credits, better luck next time.
Better player – troll tank – no chance to survive.
“there will be much confusion amongst the players regarding the visibility system”
You mean more confusing than having a 50-ton tank up and disappear in the middle of an open field? Unpossible.
Yes it will be more confusing.
That suggestion is have view system made by giving A. Only the commander or B. All crew members a view cone that points outward from their location in the tank.
Here is the problem. None of the crew members would have their view cone covering the back of the tank so you could have a Maus face hug your ass and shoot you and you would not be able to spot it untill you turn to face because no one is able to spot behind the tank.
50 meter rule(sound identification) would still occur… but an E 50M at ramming speed would pass that in under 5s so it would still badly screw you up…
And astually the turret top mounted wievports were usually turnable all around.
Some were. Not nearly all, the Germans seem to have been particularly stingy about giving anyone but the TC more than a fixed-forward periscope tops and that was just for the gunner.
Bellman strikes again!
- SerB states that WG would give out the T7 Combat Car even if WoT didn’t win, “as a reward for voting”
soooo….gimic tank in place of actual reward?
It is Halloween(when 8.9 comes), they would give it as a Treat.
no, reward for loyal playerbase
Are you really complaining about a getting a free tank? AND a free garage slot?
Please just take your free 300g garage slot + whatever credits you get for the tank and be quiet.
150g*, only fools buy premiums, garage slots, barracks expansions, equipment, consumables, ammo, etc, at full price.
Ctfu noob, I buy premium account to ger more xp and credits.
So serb is saying we would have received the t7 even if wot did not win. But the fact that wot wins and we still receive the t7……
“- according to SerB less than 30 percent of all players are in any clans”
What happened to the statement that only very small amount of players…? Gotta love how statistics change when you actually look them instead of using the top of your head to other than screaming to other devs so you can get your point thru… But SerB is SerB, cheers to that!
only very small amount of players is in serious clans, most players are in useless pseudoclans where almost nobody has X tier, nobody trains tactics, and avg player effi is 800. they are only suitable for creating platoons with friends
30% isn’t exactly a majority.
It also depends on what counts as a “player”: Active or all accounts
As is, my friends and I (everyone I know IRL who plays WoT) are specifically not in clans so we don’t have to deal with clan politics, or constant nagging to join CW. I don’t need to be in a clan to platoon, friend list is enough.
And conversely some clans exist in name only and it would make no difference at all if the members quit.
Remove all clans and platoon feature from random games pliz. They onle make game unbalanced. I pay to play randoms, not with unbalanced OP clans.
…are you drunk?
( I guess the effect of water I poured to his drink is making him sobering up … )
But yeah if there is option asked for no arty ( or no TD soon ) there should be option for no platoons too! Cheers to that!
Pingback: 28.10.2013 | WoTRomania
“It is the lesser evil”
I am guessing he means that it is better to hand out low tier premium tanks. Than hand out high tier premium tanks and have the high tiers flooded with even more beginner players who can’t play the game.
They could always have dual-mode system where the commander is exposed or not, where one would typical exposed commander would retain the same stats and spot check frequency as is now, but have a decreased saving throw against damage as well as arty/top armor hits doing more damage, and tank buttoned down would drop the spot checks by a second or two but none added crew risk and damage. Would need some tweaks and tuning, but it could cut down on the checks and be historically accurate.
- equipment, increasing the amount of ammo carried will not be implemented, other ways of carrying more ammo won’t be implemented for now either
too bad, I’d really love to stow some ammo on the engine deck, behind frontal transmission and next to the fuel tanks :D
Proud to be in the Clannless majority.