Edit: an explanation of this is here
Well, it sure looks like roaming came for some Czech players sooner than for everyone else :)
According to the player, he did nothing – just one day his EU client started logging him on Russian server. No EU missions, he can’t play companies or CW, no bonuses etc. – currently it’s being sorted out by support.
SS you should create new category next to Q&A only , WG EU fail only :D
Great idea! If we have a shame and blame why not a WG fail? lol
Well, to me it already feels like 80% of stuff getting there is about WG failing hardly.
Another fine day in the WG EU office…. I really wonder from which zoo do they hire their EU staff from -.- Not from Slovenia, that much is clear :P
As I wrote in the mail, there are several options for EU players to play on RU servers. First option is, to use this program:
It wasnt meant to do roaming but it works. Just use it, and you can log in on the RU server with your EU Accounts.
Secont option is descriped here:
Change the scripts_config.xml which can be found in “res” to the described text in this post. (the stuff in the quote)
With both ways you are able to play on the RU server. RU3 and 7 have the same location as the EU servers, so you shouldnt have ping problems.
But there are still some bugs. You dont have the missions (as written in the news) and no clan icons.
Nice one it works. Now we have couple more servers to choose if EU1 is again full and EU2 laggin alot.
I’m astonished this works.
How can I trust that this isn’t a botnet?
Because I tried it and all my chats are suddenly getting spammed with cyrilic.
I just noticed that this one only supports 5 servers, and doesn’t support Vietnam server. I suppose this can be fixed, since it seems that a few similar Russian-made tools support the Vietnam server too.
Very interesting. I’m an American that plays on the Russian server. Ping is just fine for most tanks but I would love to roam to NA server to play the more inaccurate guns like the BL-10 and the KV-2 152mm.
can someone explain why it works for you but not for me? I can only log in on servers where i have already an account but i can’t roam
Just look at this here, hope google translate helps you out:
>53,93% WR
54% is nice? loool not even close to nice…
Everything over 50 is nice. Unless you’re an elitist prick.
B-but… m-muh unicum purple!
Well said mate. 54% is WELL above average and a very good WR.
Phobos is 56% so I guess he thinks that extra 2% makes him so much better. I’m 59% so I guess I’m a million times better than Phobos in his eyes.
“Looks to me like some idiot programmer at WG EU tried to screw around with roaming code and messed something up…”
Considering you repeatedly admit you don’t understand the technology side of things that’s a bit of a bold statement.
To me it looks like someone messed with his client, maybe installed some dodgy Russian mod which changed the list of login servers he uses.
But being an IT guy I always suspect the user of screwing something up (usually proves to be right).
You are right actually. Maybe it was a misjudgement on my part. Will fix.
“Considering you repeatedly admit you don’t understand the technology side of things that’s a bit of a bold statement”
“But being an IT guy I always suspect the user of screwing something up (usually proves to be right).”
2edgy4me m8
le upboat :^)
The nose on that emoticon looks vaguely Jewish…
Pssst. Jews did 9/11
le jews did le 9/11 XDDDDDDDD
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
>Being this bismuth
You really have no idea what “edgy” means, right? You’re just throwing that word around because you saw cool kids on leddit doing that. Your faggotry is distasteful.
inb4 “I was just pretending to be retarded trolololo EPIC XD”
Le 9gag army face
As an IT guy I would say your keyboard is broken.
There is a Russian mod to show ping to each of their servers and it’s part of several modpacks, but I am not sure that it’s the cause.
what advance/benefits can have playing on russian servers ?
cheaper premium or more bonuses or what ??
It’s a treacherous way to spread Communist Revolution across the world.
I found that, en masse, there is a higher probability to have larger percentage of decent players on RU server as opposed to NA server. Not sure about EU though. High tier (9-10) only counting.
Wonder if he’s able to buy any of their “special” gold tanks in the store
THIS is the problem with fast patch rollouts. lots of new content but waaaay too many bugs.
I plan to roam to the RU server…only to buy the tanks you can’t get anywhere else…then go back to the NA server.
You will not be able to do that
Won’t be able to. All the info you see will be tied to your NA account. It’s been said on the 3.11 FAQ.
Didn’t they say that that was only to prevent “mission touring” (temporarily roaming to one server just to cash in on a mission, which could overload it) from happening? Anyways, what higher Tier premiums do they have for sale to the masses that we don’t? The T-44-122, for example, is only available to Super Testers. I’m not all that interested in lower Tier ones like the Pz. II J, as I don’t do seal-clubbing.
They also have that crappy Sherman variant that was beta tester-only for US (and EU? I don’t recall) freely buyable.
If US players could also purchase it, there would be massive amounts of complaining from beta players who would no longer have their special snowflake reward tank. Not that you ever see them around anyway.
WG also doesn’t want people roaming to other servers to buy tanks because they don’t want them taking advantage of other servers’ specials. Which is a bit silly, since the gold that the vehicles cost is constant throughout the servers afaik (only the $:gold ratio varies) but eh.
The lower-tier special tanks (like the PzIIJ) are code-only tanks, I think any server can use them actually. The difficulty is finding the box set for sale and bringing yourself to pay $100+ for half a handful of low-tier tanks.
I think this error was caused by leaving server settings on auto
doesnt work for me
Guys, the screenshot depicts just a silly joke of a person, who has no experience in communication with foreigners and, to say blunt, almost no presence of common sense. Just don’t make conclusions on the whole company based on one mistake of one employee.
I work in Wargaming and have more than 5000 battles on WoT EU since release time. A lot of ppl remember me as an organizer of early World of Warplanes Alpha.
I personally have never seen such expressions made by my colleagues in battle. We have always tried to be a good example for players, and to adopt common practices of chat communications at EU cluster.
I hope this guy will learn how to behave and how to chat. Just forgive him this mistake.
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