Hello everyone,
recently, V.Kislyi, the “big boss” of Wargaming talked with Will Wright, the SimCity creator during the GamesBeat 2013 event. The two original articles can be found here and here, but I’ll just post here a quick summary of what Mr.Kislyi said. Feel free to read the full articles, they are quite entertaining.
- the important part behind WoT is the fact it’s accessible to old players, who can’t keep with the games such as Counterstrike
- WoT is aiming at average families not having too much gaming time to spare
- 15 minutes match (with 5-7 min average) was one of the first WoT requirements
- V.Kislyi is happy that the game makes people go look the tanks up on Wikipedia to learn more
- apparently, the biggest enemy of WoT is not competition but players’ wives and the justification of the game in their eyes
- WoT didn’t do one special thing “right”, its success is the combination of its elements
- Wargaming has 20 to 25 mathematical analysts, who check the post-patch statistics, analyze them and alert developers
- a part of the game is building a culture around it, including “museums, eSports, books, a historical department, and archives”
V.Kislyi: “If you want a mass market product, you have to create a culture”
- V.Kislyi also supports cloud gaming (SS: a type of gaming where the processes and calculations are done on main server and the picture is streamed towards the client console, that has in the end to do very little, prolonging its potential longevity)
- V.Kislyi is also not worried about WoWp and WoWs success
”- V.Kislyi is also not worried about WoWp and WoWs success” WoWP is already one big joke hope WoWS will be better.
Your opinion is very important to us….
Seriously, why do you comment on something what you don’t use, there are thousands of others who like the game. As an example: Let’s assume you don’t like soccer (football), will you also post under every soccer news your opinion that soccer is big joke?
but you have to admit, before WG started giving tokens in WoWp which people use to buy premium account for WoT, servers were almost empty and they struggled…nobody was really interested. Most ppl I know will give up planes as soon as WG remove tokens from the game…so, 2-3weeks?
There were lots of people on the servers before the tokens and actually fewer now then before the tokens.
“Your opinion is very important to us….”
What “us”? Do you work for WG? Oh, you don’t? Then stop pretending and shut the fuck up, you retarded cunt.
Cant you just stop posting nonsense.
What information did your post bring besides kids nerdrage trolling ?
I know monkeys like bananas.
Everybody including me just suddenly became dumber by reading your reply.
Wana banana ?
If I noticed well.. approx. same amount of players is with and without the tokens. The only difference now are the peak hours during the weekend or evenings, when there is a bit more players due to the extra spare time (:
Now, just imagine how many players did WoT had with it’s earliest version ^^
The servers had about 5K players before the tokens came, now it’s about 2.5k.
But the real problem was 5.3, in which the boom and zoom vs. turn and burn
plane gap widened so that TaB planes became pretty useless.
It has gotten better, but I guess most people are just waiting for the release now.
5.3 pretty much ruined the game. I know this is a rather strong statement but it did.
Before that patch you could actually evade, and shooting was an important skill. Then they decided it’s too hard for the average Joe so they brought immensely powerful homing bullets into the game.
Just check that.
chill dude thats my opinion if you dont like it then scroll down
btw watch some Jingles vids if you want to see how stupid and unrealistic this game is.
“V.Kislyi: “If you want a mass market product, you have to create a culture””
Yes culture of obeying and stupidity if u eat.
“Wargaming has 20 to 25 mathematical analysts, who check the post-patch statistics, analyze them and alert developers”
If they are exist send them to learn ballistics.
“a part of the game is building a culture around it, including “museums, eSports, books, a historical department, and archives”
You forgot banking business
>watching Jingles for an informed opinion on historicity
Maybe he’ll inform us with his History Channel level knowledge.
“jingles” is a retard.
and why would i expect a realistic game if i install an arcade dogfighting game with hitpoints?
I never said im watching Jingles ”retard” … good, if you want to play arcade games, but some people like me want more realistic game with historical battles and planes that really existed they dont want Fckin German blueprint jets…
for the final i want to show you something (yes its from that ”retard” Jingles) /watch?v=OpTgzfK7tUU go to 19:00 for the biggest LOL ever.
Actually German Jets were NOT only just blueprints. They were used int world war 2 and they overcame those allied planes… The problem with them that at the time it was just too costly and there were too few… alse a bit ahead of its time. You’re mentally handicapped if you can’t google after it and say things without ANY knowledge. I can too, bark in the wind like a dog.
I actually like WoWp better than War Thunder.
Of course, the fact that WoWp shows *accurate* statistics for all its planes is probably a part. When I buy a plane in WoWP I can look at its stat card and modules and infer what it does and does not do well. When I buy a plane in WT I look at its stat card and infer what it did and didn’t do well 17 patches ago, when the dev team last remembered to update its statistics.
Thanks Silent for cooking this down. Older player targeted – Jingles, just the other day, said that he played WoT because of the pace or lack of it. Time for my nap.
I just turned 53 and while I play all lines, I gotta admit I’m much better with arty and much worse with lights. So that part rings true.
I don`t know really. I am 21 and seriously suck with lights (definitely can`t use that speed and understand the combat), mediums (its better, but still…), while being pretty good with HT/SPG. I don`t think age is the only limiting factor. Its more like one of the most important ones.
Light tanking is a *very* acquired taste. Playing against heavy tanks 4 tiers higher is NOT fun, especially when you get maps like Himmelsdorf or Ensk where scouting is pointless. If you’ve got tens of thousands of games under your belt and have memorized every obscure dip and bush on every map you can do well… for the rest of us there’s fast mediums.
- apparently, the biggest enemy of WoT is not competition but players’ wives and the justification of the game in their eyes
well i can certainly say he’s got that one right!!!! my wife detests the game!!
same here…
Same here
Same here :-(
my wife also plays WoT :) not that often, but enough that she’d rather I played WoT than most other games!
True dat… :/
Same… and we’re not even married yet!
How to solve the wife justification problem with the game:
Start building model tanks. LOTS of model tanks. Display them in every part of the home. When she is up to her ears in tanks then she will see the justification for collecting tanks that take up no more space than what your computer already does.
You’re welcome.
Ooops, that was “Reply” to all…
I’m a guy who was a hardcore gamer when I was younger. Now I don’t have quite as much time to play and WoT’s system fits me perfectly. It combines my love for tanks with CS like gameplay and some wargame like abstractions such as viewrange and armor models that you’d get used to from playing Combat Mission.
Another thing that really hooked me was all the really cool paper tanks and post ww2 tanks that i’d never seen before.
I have issues with some parts of the game and it could be better but it is overshadowed by the joy I get pretty much every day as you’ll usually get a couple of really nice games.
Wot is nothing like CS it’s not twitch based. That’s the whole point
Nothing like CS? The whole arcade basis is clearly copied.
Matches where death is permanent.
Hitboxes that matter.
Arcady realism.
Also the whole notion that you don’t need any reflexes to play is also bull. While it might not be as punishing as other games and generally harder to react to different situations when you are in a tank you’ll still gain a massive advantage from reacting faster and do the right decissions.
You say it like CS is the only game that has those elements?
And these aspects of the game can be thought of without ever hearing about CS.
I still think WG should have focused on WoWs before the planes, aerial combat might be more popular but there are plenty of other games doing the same thing.
WoWs wouldn’t have much competition (is there anything remotely similar except for NavyField?) which would draw more users to just their game.
Hence I can’ t even remotely understand why they would put WoWP development before WoWS … seeing WoWS would have it’s own space instead of competing against other flying games like Warthunder.
Perhaps its something to do with how long it takes to model Ships compared to Planes? Each game is made by a different studio, but I guess WG saw that WoWp was developing faster so they pushed that.
The most creepy thing about WoT IMO is the way its designed and managed – its like they hired some sociologists and psychologists to make the most addictive yet casual game mechanics and then just fill it with tanks and shit. Brrrr
All games like that are addictive. Warthunder too is like that. Although with the time you spend up in the air doing nothing at times, you might occasionnally question your existence enough to stop.
And it doesn’t take a genius to find the way you get players to keep playing : Incentives. I could stop now, but OUH, A GUN. AND ITS ONLY 1k XP AWAY. And equipements are on sale, I must get a handful of rammers, let’s farm !
Yesterday night I stayed up an hour later than I thought I would because I was at arm’s reach of the AMX 13 90. And I know exactly why I’m going to keep playing this week : I’m grinding the new german TDs.
And also there is the pure fun. Driving around in tanks you like to play. Even if I had everything unlocked I would get out my tanks for the fun of it. I would play less, but I would still play.
And these incentives are well managed, so that you will almost always find something to be grinding/farming about at least for the first few thousand battles.
i must say it like when you load up WoT there’s some mechanism for coating your keys and mouse with a form of skin absorb-able crack cocaine!! i was going to bed at 10 last nite after ‘one last game’ next thing i know i was getting into bed at 1am!!
“apparently, the biggest enemy of WoT is not competition but players’ wives and the justification of the game in their eyes”
So true ;)
- V.Kislyi is happy that the game makes people go look the tanks up on Wikipedia to learn more
Totally true. Before WoT i had very little knowledge about tanks in general and when i started to play i googled so many tanks and sitest about tanks :D You can’t just play WoT and not care about tanks…
- Wargaming has 20 to 25 mathematical analysts, who check the post-patch statistics, analyze them and alert developers
So they have 20+ guys monitoring statistics for balance problems, yet it takes them month to realize that the foch155 does better then every other T10 Tank, or in another case YEARS until they realized that the Kv-1s is played more then all oter T6 heavys combined?
What are these guys doing instead of working? playing cards?
They keep adding content, change mechanics, and balance things in the game over time, not all at once, these changes provoke other changes, even things that seemed fine before would be deemed OP or UP now. Sometimes they need to make changes to some tanks to accommodate another competing tank branch.
Coming up with needs for balance for some of the tanks don’t come up immediately.
And tank balance and statistical analysis are not the only section of the mathematicians’ work criteria.
Well, nobody said they where GOOD mathematical analysts. They can’t even figure out how many people are in their own department! Between 20 and 25? Do they suffer from RNG too?