Currently there are fewer answers because the developer thread has sort of new, VERY tough moderation (14 day ban for everything). SerB states that before, whiners, trolls and spammers were complaining that SerB is trolling them. SerB stopped trolling – and that worked for like two weeks, before whiners started whining even more, trolls trolled and spammers spammed, which pissed especially Storm off. So SerB started trolling again and the whiners, spammers and trolls started whining again about trolling. So, as a necessery solution, SerB asked mods to be much more tough on moderation.
- the developers are satisfied with the current concept of premium account (+50 percent creds and XP)
- premium account won’t be reworked, but there will be some PA features added (when it’s done it’s done)
- mass selling (selling in bulk in the depot and not by one item) and other UI features from WoWp might be transferred to WoT too
- Sturer Emil doesn’t have gold ammo on the 128mm gun, because it would be OP with it
- it’s possible other tanks will be released without gold ammo: “if necessery”
- unhistorical gold ammo will be removed from already existing tanks “if necessery”
- a player on losing team will (if he gets an achievement such as Top Gun) recieve the “courageous resistance” bonus (he will get the same amount of creds and XP as if he won) – this is calculated after the awards are assigned: if tank A gets 6 kills, earns 700XP and wins a battle and tank B on the other hand gets 6 kills, earns 500 XP (750 with resistance bonus), tank A will get the Top Gun (even though tank B got more XP with the CR bonus)
Also, an interesting fact: it’s possible the RU251 as a tier 8 German light tank will be scrapped (WG didn’t manage to find relevant info), as replacements are considered (and discussed). There is a possible candidate, but no info on whether WG will go for it or not yet.
Expect an article for a tier VIII light candidate
Damn, I anticipated the RU 251 to be sort of mini Leopard.
Are the other candidates post war projects similar to it or they are from WW2 era?
One candidate is post WWII, the others are WWII era.
Pz 38 D?
I’ll be waiting patiently for the article
aufklarungs E100?
That’s ain’t funny
But with WGs mind very possible.
i can feel it…
The Afk. Maus :D
schmalturn with short 88 on a stripped down Maus chassis, top speed of 60 kph.
Maus run at 60kph…
Ramming with that could send ELC to the moon.
Someone in the German EU subforum made this:
Kick ass Zarax.
They found info for VK 45.02 B, for Fail lowe and for WF on E-100 but they cannot found info for real tank?!? I call it bullshit, they simply scared that RU 251 would beat a crap from their precious PT-76 (or whatever they put as a counterpart to RU).
SerB said several times that the German museums refused to provide WG with information about RU 251. Apparently there should be two existing tanks, but both seem to be missing.
They even offered reward to any player, who can find more details.
But sure, WG don’t want to introduce OP German tanks, you are correct…Oh, wait…we have Waffentragers…
Yeah, It’s so badass looking that it would give WZ132 a run for it’s money. I think they are worried about introducing a possibly truly OP Light Tank. PT-76 is definitely tier 7 material and it has a leg up on all other amphibian tanks for being able to actually be fast in water. Most of the other countries Amphibian projects suck. Walter Christie actually sold his Amphibian designs to Russia and Japan. That’s why those countries and any Soviet partners have good Amphibian tanks.
What relevance does “being amphibian” have with WoT ?
Dude, the WT-E-100 is a fake of the highest order. Only automatic AA gun is real as development stopped in about 1940/41.
I was wondering when those mods would start doing their job. Most questions there are plain ridiculous.
- Sturer Emil doesn’t have gold ammo on the 128mm gun, because it would be OP with it
Aren’t pretty much every vehicle(except really shit ones like AMX 40 or ARL V39) OP with gold shells? Problem is not gold ammo itself, but the fact how many people spam it whole time….
P.S. From what i saw so far(and i had a chance to play in platoon with 2 Sturer Emils) which were btw really good players(both from 247 clan) this TD is really UP even with that huge 128mm gun…..reason is speed and agility….it’s HUGE target and slow as shit….even awesome -15° gun depression doesn’t helps a lot because of the slow tank/crap armor combo….possibly the weakest link in that whole branch…
I think SU-152 stock gun with gold ammo is the most OP tier 7 TD
Same here….basically you have ISU at T7……it’s really imbalanced with that combination….
Well, it you think so try SU 152 with best 122 mm gun and gold ammo…
It is a 122 mm machinegun! Shoots for 390 every 7 seconds!
6.92 seconds on my SU-122-44 with equipment and crew. Also, it’s more agile than the SU-152/122.
Hence the logic to not give gold to the new German TD branch … dat WG logic.
Yesterday a friend of mine and myself platooned. Me in the IS-2 and him in the SU-152 with the big derp. Even though it was a tier 8 battle (60% of the vehicles were tier 8) we managed to take out 3 tier 8 tanks and 2 tier 7 tanks just by ourselves.
If any gold shell is op it’s the gold on the SU-152 …. but that stays as it is … cause logic. Or gold on the Foch 155 or T57 Heavy … or E1 / T69 …. to name a few vehicles.
Nope some vehicles are even UP with it. Yes i’m looking at you Tier X meds. I don’t need to use gold because every tank has to have a weakspot/point/some worse statistics which indicate how to kill it and how to survive with it.
Just a BTW…
Trying to access English gives me Polish version instead. Other languages seem to be working just fine. Same thing happened to my friend. WG EU trying to outdo itself?
i see the english site
Working straight again. What a weird server hiccup.
Try to delete cookies from your webbrowser and it should be okay. This issue was talked lately and clearing cookies helps
Clearing cookies is just a placebo.
The real reason you then get the English version is because the bug is random.
After Serb announced that the mods would ban all trolls, was Serb banned?
yu so funni
I wondered where all the SerB trolling went – I thought that you were filtering it out SS or that Serb scored a really good batch of ganja.
Oh no, poor RU251 :(
If they pull the RU-251 I have no reason to stick around. I’ll probably move to War Thunder on my brand new PS4 when they come out respectively.
That seems like really shakey grounds for interest in a game, is one single tank, that isn’t even released.
I haven’t had any real interest in this game for a while now.
What kind of info do they need about it anyway? Its not like they have info on things like half of the other blueprint tanks…
>Its not like they have info on things like half of the other blueprint tanks…
Well, they do. Schematics, concept drawings by qualified people (like tank designers and not variety magazines), production orders…
-There is a possible candidate, but no info on whether WG will go for it or not yet.
What? Light armored Panther II / E-50? please, no more another awful tonk on tier8 again
I had it enuff with awful panther in tier 7
Be clad you aint grinding VK 26.01. Horrible in every sense.
Sorry bro, I finished grinding it before HEAT nerf. I’ve stack 118k exp on awful panther, and gosh, I don’t even know what should I do with this tank now……
Really? It’s fun as hell. I love how people say a tank is “terrible”, yet you can quite easily see people kicking ass with it consistently. Please consider the fact that you may be doing things wrong.
Ive yet to see anyone “kicking ass” in that huge chunk of scrap metal. 10000~ games here btw
yeah, pretty much any time I’ve seen one in battle, it’s been watching its corpse skid to a stop after getting nuked while trying to get to a scouting position.
Nope, something much more balanced this time.
You mean in a sense of true light tank? Not another aFAKE 40t panther light tank?
Don’t worry. You’ll get a Leo turret on the E-100 chassis. SpahE-100
Well I’m glad that the *developers* are satisfied with the current concept of the premium account, because let’s face it, clearly that’s all that matters… :-( (Those pesky customers expecting more for their hard earned dollars/euros/rubles be damned).
Premium Account is fine atm, unless, ofc, you want P2W elements?
- mass selling (selling in bulk in the depot and not by one item) and other UI features from WoWp might be transferred to WoT too
yay ^^
- unhistorical gold ammo will be removed from already existing tanks “if necessery”
Why don’t remove gold shells from ALL auto loading tanks? Would them balance instantly :>
How about no.
I can see T69 driver will crying out loud
And Lorraine 40t drivers with the 90mm F3 from the 13 90.
I can clearly see that you never ever played with french light tanks. Try to face E75 with AMX 13 75/90. Just try and i guarantee you that you’ll fail every single time. I don’t think that all gold shells are bad. If you can afford it – use it. If you can’t afford it – well at least you can whine, because you don’t know what autobounce is and preferably it applies to sidescrap for you.
lol… Why you want to Face a hard armored Tier9 Heavy Tank in a Tier7/8 Light Tank? just stupid… (BTW: You can easily flank the E-75 with the 1390 and load out your magazin in his side/rear)
Heh try to do it alone dude. IT IS impossible – E-75 rotates too fast. 13 90 is not a T-71 with fast reload and amazing traction/acceleration
You are not meant to face the e75 in a light tank …
Play normal match with these tanks. 13 90 often faces X tiers. And what?
He obviously meant that you should not engage an E-75 in a light tank.
You want BOTH great mobility, autoloader and enough pen to worry one of the most heavily armored tanks in the game?
The real question is SHOULD a 13 75 be able to have no trouble penning an E-75? I think the answer is it shouldn’t be able to easily pen it.
The problem isn’t really gold shells it is that a tank such as a T57 can do 1600 damage then reload his drum in about 20 seconds while a tank with a “big gun” such as the 215b 183 technically only has a 1750 average HESH shot with an almost 10 second slower reload. Sure a lucky roll on the 183 may kill you but the T57 will consistantly kill you more often because it doesn’t NEED that lucky roll to do nearly the same average damage FASTER.
Did the biggest troll just say that? Is he trying to justify his trolling by telling FTR etc it is the community who trolls him and not 1 person trolling the community? Did that really just happen or am I being naturally drunk?
ow ye SerB, that’s why you troll… Never saw someone with his position with such attitude of a child.
Yep.. :D That’s the way he let’s his real life frustration out. Everybody has a way, he uses his hate towards the community instead of hitting a boxing bag.
So what are u in ur little world, letting ur frustration out against a old man on the internet?
He doesn’t hate anyone, hating some internet idiots like you is pretty stupid :)
1) I love how the developer’s feelings about premium account are the #1 concern, not the customers.
2) I love how SerB doesn’t have to follow the same rules as everyone else. He’s allowed to troll, insult players, call people “retards”, and other stuff that gets a player banned from their forums. WG should get rid of him. Or at least lock him in an office somewhere and never let him speak to the public. He’s an awful spokesperson for the company, and is unbelievably unprofessional. Calling his paying customers “noobs”, “idiots”, “retards”, etc. is absolutely shameful. Not to mention that he answers many legit questions with “how terrible” or “if don’t like it, don’t play the game”. I get that there are trolls who ask stupid questions. But that doesn’t matter. As someone interacting with customers, his duty is to behave in a professional manner at all times, even with difficult customers.
Imagine if, at a Walmart, a manager called a customer a retard for asking a stupid question. His ass would get fired in no time.
oh and 3) that’s BS on the Emil being OP with gold ammo. Are you kidding me? A tank with no armor or hitpoints, and crap mobility, would be OP if it had gold ammo? If the Emil would be OP with gold ammo, then every single tank in the game is OP with it. Heck, let’s look at the SU-152. Better durability than the Emil, higher pen gold shells, better mobility (I think). It’s absurd. Especially since the Emil only carries 15 shells.
on the Emil.
How Terrible.
SPG have slow reload and limited numbers of shells. The world didn’t end. Learn to shoot carefully.
Since when is it a rule that “SPG’s” have slow reload and limited shells? By SPG, I asssume you mean “tank destroyer”, in which case many have high RoF and lots of shells…..
Are you trolling or just stupid?
TD =/= SPG in world of tanks.
Even IRL they are not the same.
And while a large number of the TD’s in game are SPGs that’s another matter.
On a technicality everything in the game with a gun is a SPG but most people don’t see it that way.
There is no such thing as a stupid question . The only stupid question is the one you don’t ask. And WG needs to have a professional community manager respond to things since SerB clearly didnt learn to play with others as a child. Its arrogance plain and he is so rude because he can afford to be.
No stupid questions? Have you seen the
Can my tank be buffed? Because I want it to.
Yup. A perfectly logical question.
I find it dubious how WG is having difficulty with having German tank designs considering that Soviet archives are supposedly “endless” and how Berlin was under Soviet occupation for so long. Any archives they might have had we would have had.
The RU 251 is a postwar tank, hence they won’t find any info on it in the Russian CAMD archives….
go look at the in-game tech trees. the German tree has the most tanks. I don’t think they’re having trouble with German designs. The problem is that now they’re getting into the really obscure designs, which are more difficult. Heck, tanks like the T-60, T-70, and T-80 (that were actually mass produced and fielded extensively in combat by the Soviets) were only added to the game recently.
How can there not be enough relevant information on RU251, it looks like one exists in a museum/collection of some sort.
You obviously didn’t read the FTR Q&A section, did you?
so their answer to why they’re not going to add the new light tank which would make the german lights feel like something, is because they read the map upside down? (aka, looked for the wrong town, and when they couldn’t find it, game up).
RU251, not enough info found.
T28 Prototype, not even photos exist, not a problem to add.
Yeah but the T28 Proto is American and they only partially despise them.
The RU-251 is German so dog help all those who ground out EXP on the AFK panther for it. (ME included :/ 105k too.)
So you want more fantasy tanks?
Its a built tank.
What are “PA features” for a premium account?
Better credit income and more xp over normal accounts. Its like 50%.
This section makes no sense – consider rewording it
- a player on losing team will (if he gets an achievement such as Top Gun) recieve the “courageous resistance” bonus (he will get the same amount of creds and XP as if he won) – this is calculated after the awards are assigned: if tank A gets 6 kills, earns 700XP and wins a battle and tank B on the other hand gets 6 kills, earns 500 XP (750 with resistance bonus), tank A will get the Top Gun (even though tank B got more XP with the CR bonus)
In the case that two or more players scored at least six kills each, Top Gun is awarded to the player with the highest XP. The XP bonus for courageous resistance (earning a heroic or epic achievement but losing the battle) is not factored into this comparison.
Courageous resistance XP bonus is not considered when awarding any unique achievement, Top Gun is just an example.
I see something very positive in that “courageous resistance” bonus.
Here comes an XP and credits bonus for someone who played very well, even if he was in a very bad team.
I hope it will encourage players to continue the fight even if they know they are screwed up :-)
No surprise on tier 8 light tank
Light tanks are obsolete in top tier anyways. No reason to ever bring a light tank when your Patton already has 420m viewing range and therefore will spot pretty much anything that isn’t hidden by high camouflage – and light tanks can’t do that either.
What is the fucking point of a Scout Panther when the view range of 390 is inferior to every single tier 10 heavy tank with 400?
SS, that “necessery” word, is it your thing or some kind of SerB-translation pun?
- a player on losing team will (if he gets an achievement such as Top Gun) recieve the “courageous resistance” bonus (he will get the same amount of creds and XP as if he won) – this is calculated after the awards are assigned: if tank A gets 6 kills, earns 700XP and wins a battle and tank B on the other hand gets 6 kills, earns 500 XP (750 with resistance bonus), tank A will get the Top Gun (even though tank B got more XP with the CR bonus)
is this part already in the game or is this something they’re considering for a future patch?