Recently, Veider and Anton “Evilly” Pankov answered a bunch of questions. Please note that while Veider’s info is probably correct, there might be some errata later on. Summary:
- the question whether to allow crewman specialization retrain (SS: for example radioman to driver) is still being discussed, but likely it will happen
- there will be no map filter (disabling the maps you don’t want to play): this idea was scrapped because of the server load
- there will be an official “alliance” function in the Clanwars interface, it will be implemented next year (around the end of next year), it will incorporate common chat channel for alliance members, some bonuses on the map when passing your chips through allied territories
- earlier than the abovementioned alliance there will be a CW interface within the client
- there might be a “Japanese” map in patch 8.10, but it is not sure: it will be released for the test server and whether or not it will make it to live server depends on the player feedback (developers are afraid of bad rep of other Asian maps). If it doesn’t make it to the live server, it will be released for Chinese server only. It’s a mixed map (partially a town, partially a mountaineous-flat area)
- the reworked maps (Serene Coast, Swamp, Komarin) work fine according to devs
- Dragon’s Ridge is being reworked completely (it will be like a new map), but there is still a chance it will not appear ever again
- new perks and skills will come “when it’s done it’s done”
- there will be clan duels in 7/42 format, when the CW client interface is introduced
- new chat system will be the way it is now in WoWp (with some more additions), there will be a DND tag for players and it will be possible to write to a person who is in combat, all WG games will have unified chat (it will be possible to write from WoT to someone playing WoWp etc.)
- there will be a lot of event stuff (free stuff, bonuses) in December and on New Year
- there will likely not be any more modes for random battles
- Object 140 will get a turret armor buff (the closer to the mantlet, the thicker the armor will be)
- the upcoming high-tier content will be the “quests”: you will fulfill various tasks on various tanks and these will be tied to one another, these quests will be soloable and doable in random (SS: as in, complicated missions with better rewards)
- 2014 will be the “year of vehicle rebalance”
- there will be a warning implemented for troll platoons that the vehicles don’t have compatible MM spread
- +/-1 MM will most likely not appear
- Chinese TD’s and arty will not come in 2014
- T-44-85 is being supertested again, it recieved a shell pen buff
- historical battles will come in first half of 2014, it will be like random battles but with historical tech
- new tier 8 LT’s: they won’t come soon, first will come German RU251 apparently and Soviets, then the Americans
- there will apparently not be a WTE100 nerf
- third German TD branch is still being discussed, it’s still possible it won’t appear at all (SS: WTF?)
- apparently no new equipment is planned
- HD client: the amount of polygons for one tank will increase 6-8 times, materials will be better modelled (wood, canvas, metal), there will be prettier welds and round surfaces
- it’s not yet decided what to do with Sixth Sense perk, but there are debates withing WG (about nerfing it)
- XVM-like statistics and more mods will not be implemented into World of Tanks (most players don’t need it)
- second French heavy branch: “When it’s done it’s done.” It will have tier 6 to 10 tanks without autoloaders and with very tough turrets
- premium account for credits will not be implemented
- customization awards for tanks will be tied to quests
- hightier premiums for the Japanese: several variants are considered
- T69 AP shells will not be buffed
- ZIS-6 gun (107mm) will not return to SU-85
- statistics hiding will most likely not be implemented
- weather and night maps: “when it’s done it’s done”
- there will be a new British medium branch soon
- there are discussions what to do with gold shells (SS: possible damage nerf of HEAT)
- Object 279 will not appear in WoT
I didn’t have any problem with the T-44/85 on the TS, worked fine as it was…
That’s because the only thing they fought were other t44 85s and e 25 s
If you looked at the gun on the T-44/85 it is the same as the stock gun on the Tier 6 Type 58. It just fires a little faster. Premiums are not suppose to be as good as a fully equipped tank of the same tier…but to have the stock gun of a tank one tier lower is a little to much.
I’m just saying I liked it and probably would have bought it as it was.
A pen buff will have to mean a nerf elsewhere don’t you think?
Whats it supposed to have then? The kv-13 top gun?
If the T-44/85 were a Tier 6 with preferred MM instead of a Tier 7 with preferred MM i would have no issues with its current gun.
As it stood in the first test it is still a better tank than the current Russian premium medium…
A tier 8 hull in tier 6 matches, are you fucking insane?
You just described Panther M10.
same gun as Vk30.02 MAN, which is one tier lower, yet MM is limited to +1/-2 to it.
So basically it’s the VK30.02 MAN, with twice the hit points.
is it really worse than a regular tank of the same tier if that limited MM basically makes it one tier lower?
if it’s +1/-2, you have to compare it to tanks one tier lower.
Well they have made tanks unhistorical for balance reasons so realistically they could buff pen to say 133 for balance reasons
LT german still be the RU-251 ?
Didn’t Storm and SerB mention that they can’t use it anymore?
Not directly. There was just a mention that WG has problems finding enough data on it and that they might be looking at other candidates.
or just use other high-tier LT as comparison. Ahh, c’mon, I miss my 65++ kph german light tank speed
You can still achieve it…if you are falling from the stratosphere…
Or drive a Panzer IC.
and PzIc is high tier how exactly?
u can stronk pluton with a tier 10.
Any known stats?
Looking forward to heat shell dmg nerf
No, it’s already been nerfed enough tardo.
Same. Gold ammo becomes a gameplay choice and ceases to be the “load to win shell” that it is now.
jay, GoldAmmo nerf. hopefully the will do it for all Prem-Shells and not only for HEAT.
Imo nerf of HEAT dmg is perfect change. It will be still your choice – to use it or not. But if you want to spam it on left and right – you can lose 1 on 1 situation.
Obj.268 less dpm spamming 450 pen HEAT? Yes, please.
If you think it will be needed that much ,you are delusional.
Nerfed… Not needed ..stupid phone
if they nerf HEAT any more, it will become 100% useless compared to AP, and underpowered compared to APCR. Already, on tier 10 mediums, you’re better off firing your standard shell APCR over your premium shell HEAT in 90% of situations.
Right now, it’s somewhat balanced. HEAT still has its uses, but isn’t OP like it used to be.
You are right, now you have to aim and not use gold shells, how terrible…
is that directed at me?
I supported the pen/HEAT nerfs. It was good. However, I don’t support further nerfs. People are still crying about HEAT, even though now, HEAT is basically useless against anything sloped or spaced (which a lot of tanks have one or both of those)
Yeah HEAT is so much worse than APCR. Its a track Magnet. All its good for 50% of the times is tracking another vehicle, which is so much fun (not) when driving a E100 (which has to rely on HEAT for half its pens). I wish E100 had a choice of APCR and HEAT, and APCR with even 280mm pen would be far better than 334mm pen HEAT.
HEAT works when shooting at MAUS/JgE100 turret cheeks, lower front plates of E75/E100 (even when angled a bit at times), angled upper front plate of IS7, and such other flat/semi-flat armour surfaces, but it hits tracks way too much and can get very frustrating.
Only gold ammo nerf i support is add limit how much you can carry gold rounds 15-25%
typical scrub lord response
- second French heavy branch: “When it’s done it’s done.” It will have tier 6 to 10 tanks without autoloaders and with very tough turrets
Ugh, just release it already, SerB/Storm said they already modeled them and gave them stats…
Giving them stats doesn’t mean they are ready to be released. They could be OP or UP with the stats that were given so they are reworking their stats to balance them.
So it takes them nearly 2 years to properly balance something?
they have stats already ?!?
post/link please.
New British medium branch will appear soon – interesting, I thought they won’t add new vehicles for a while after 0.8.10… Also, te RU251 was not scrapped, as they said earlier – pretty interesting stuff here, and 2014 as a year of rebalancing seems like a nice idea ;d
Hasnt the second French heavy line been ‘done’ for a while now?
- second French heavy branch: “When it’s done it’s done.” It will have tier 6 to 10 tanks without autoloaders and with very tough turrets.
Oh yeah. I need those!
Sounds like more American alike tanks are coming, I hope they have amazing gun depression too.
Fuck depression. Gimme strong front armors.
well, IIRC the 2nd french medium line ends with the AMX-30, which is very very similar to the Leo1.
You dont read stuff, do you? You just come to comment.
amx m4s will be babies of american HTs and current french HTs.
Pro tip: the quote is about heavy tanks! ;)
you don’t read stuff, do you? My comment was a reply to Serb the king of poland. He was wondering about gun depression, and I commented that the tier 10 will be like the Leo1, which means good gun depression.
Nice try.
Still, you cant read, can you? :D
Shit I wanted to reply here… misclicked.
any idea what the tier 6 will be? also, one note. if the line already starts from tier 6? will we get new heavy for AL line too?
No the tier 6 will be the ARL44, the tier 7 will be the AMX m4 for the standard heavies, the Somua SM for the tier 7 for autoloader heavies.
Hm and again to grind that horrible M4 1945.
M4 1945 is not a bad tank. I like his playstyle, its similar to panther. I have no problem to grind it again.
It’s not entirely bad, it’s just worse than anything else. It *must* snipe, because it can’t do close combat due bad armor, low hp and DPM. Tiger is also a sniper, but can go into towns to fight ISes and kill them with superhigh firerate and healthpool.
Also looking forward to the Somua SM!
- there will be a new British medium branch soon
It seems that Firefly and Vickers MBT are coming
and chieftain (propably) as tier X
No because it is a heavy tank…
T57 Heavy is at the top of a “Light/Medium” line in the American tech tree. So everything is possible.
where to else then?
it will not replace 215b ; 215b stays forever according to SerB
The T57 line isn’t called a light/medium line. Its referred to as the autoloader line.
They are not going to stick a heavy at the top of a medium line unless they are all put together for a special mechanic like the autoloaders of the T57 line.
Chieftain is classed as Main Battle Tank, and the current in game MBT’s (T-62A, Leopard 1 and M60) are classed as mediums here, so will the Chieftain.
the Chieftain is not the same as those tanks though. It’s slower, and had heavier armor. “MBT” is a pretty catch-all term. Just because the Leo1 and M60 are mediums, it doesn’t mean all MBT’s would be.
It does make sense that Chief will be the end of a med branch seeing how there aren’t many other Brit heavies.
WG said it won’t be a medium.
- third German TD branch is still being discussed, it’s still possible it won’t appear at all (SS: WTF?)
Don’t fret, maybe they’ll just label it the “Assault Gun Tree” instead and they’ll still behave similarly to TD’s
- Object 279 will not appear in WoT
^ This is the real injustice and WTF. Srsly wtf indeed. It is for all intents and purposes a conventional tank in terms of engine, drivetrain, gun and radio equipment – it just has that crazy front end that’ll be nearly impossible to pen (for baddies), but still pennable between the tracks up front, below the hull down the sides (they’re flat) and all over the back of it.
It was said earlier on.. it’s too hard to keep in balance that thing
Look on it as a worse case than the “IS-7″ status
IIRC the fuel is located in the duel tracks, this thing would be a fire hazard =|
That said, I’d still love to have it in the game, its supposed to have great movement over rough terrain.
Yeah but it would probably be a CW-reward tank, like the M60 and VK7201.
Pray tell where the thing’s frontal weakspots are.
Disregard, reading comprehension fail.
Whats with the whole 3rd german TD tree possibly not coming? Didn’t they say that Sturmtiger will come in 2014? Maybe they will make a completely new branch of assault guns?
Maybe they are realizing that there are a lot of high tier TDs being played already and new lines only add to that.
- new tier 8 LT’s: they won’t come soon, first will come German RU251 apparently and Soviets, then the Americans
So sweet. Finally, they just do as usual, WG style! I was afraid if in the end, I have to deal with dat awful E-25
Actually the E-25 in its original light tank form wouldn’t be that bad – just look at the premium TD E-25 to get an idea of how it might perform.
Soviets before Americans ?
I haven’t even read anywhere what those Soviet lights might be while there are tons about American lights…
- there will be an official “alliance” function in the Clanwars interface, it will be implemented next year (around the end of next year), it will incorporate common chat channel for alliance members, some bonuses on the map when passing your chips through allied territories
Ok time to create new alliance. I even have the name for it: Northern Coalition. The land of freedom, the land of peace, the land of worthless players
As if the makeshift ‘alliances’ didn’t monopolize CWs enough already.
bro do you even diplo?
I think you meant Goonswarm
- 2014 will be the “year of vehicle rebalance”
Well that just sent a severe chill up my spine for the German tanks in my garage
We can only hope for some buff within a ton of nerf ofc!
Yep because of all those nerfs to german tanks.
Like Tiger and JgPzIV and the upcoming Lowe ‘nerf’?
Or How about Tiger II that one was a rebalance. It lost some mobility. It got a weaker weakspot(yay now they can pen my weakspot 9 out of 10 times instead of 8 out of 10 times so much of a nerf) But the turret and the machine gun weakspots were removed from the Tiger II(so lets see. Hide lower glacis and there are no visible weakspots nerf? or buff?) Its stock gun got the ROF buff from Tiger and the Top gun got a small ROF buff as well.
So far looking like Tiger II was buffed as well.
They are planning on buffing both VK45′s possibly.
So yep. The only thing they do to German tanks is nerf them. They absolutely never buff a german tank. Nope.
you trying to say the MG port and cupola on the Tiger II aren’t weakspots anymore? Source please.
yes, he is.
the whole front hull including the MG will be flat and have same thickness.
the cupola will be as thick as the *front (?)* of the turret.
I’m looking at:
ARL 44 and V39
Churchill GC and VII
AMX M4 45
T28 and Prototype
M46 Patton
Leopard PT A
Centurion Mk.7/1
“- Dragon’s Ridge… but there is still a chance it will not appear ever again”
But why not?
And what’s with the asian maps that are chinese server only? The Big wall or whatever it’s called will never appear outside the chinese server?
I would trade Redshire or Westfield for Dragon Ridge any day…
I hate Campshire, it’s the worst map ever. It needs a serious rework.
Westfield is an okay map, not the best, but okay.
BTW will there be any pacific themed maps?
Hmm, would look great to have Iwo Jima or Wake Islands but I can see people whining about “too much water” on the maps.. But having a volcano overlooking an island with a village and an airfield would be priceless <3
both those islands are plenty big enough to make maps for this game. Remember, the maps here are only 600mx600m, 800×800, or 1kmx1km.
Ye true, but the bigger problem would be in balancing the map. Having a volcano on one side and flat terrain on the other can be good for one team and bad for another :P
“flat” terrain is still not perfectly flat. They could easily do an Iwo Jima map with tons of craters, trenches, fortifications, little ridges and ditches, etc.
Probably not, because you’d have too many people trying to recreate the famous photo of marines raising an American flag at the summit of Mt. Surabachi. XD
- there will be no map filter (disabling the maps you don’t want to play): this idea was scrapped because of the server load
Understandable, but this upsets me greatly still.
Why no just give it as a bonus to premium account holders? Simply give an option to either take one map out of the playlist or decrease it’s drop chance (ex: 50%).
Hence a bonus/ benefit to premium account holders (WG will make more money) and it will give the developers a sense of what maps the players rather not play. A win-win situation.
Oh, that would be a very nice bonus indeed.
And sacred valley would be gone forever! Mwahaha … cough.
Sacred valley isn’t that bad. I’d just turn off campshire or ruinberg assault mode
Not gonna happen specially not for prem acc only….imagine the whining and shitstorms on forum from all nonpremium users…..
bye bye El Halluf
“- 2014 will be the “year of vehicle rebalance””
I can already hear the 4502P moving between tiers :)
SS do you have any (historcal)info about 4502P changes in WOT and adding some MAUS-prototype? i think 2 months old SerBs story.
VK 100 “Mammoth” maybe as the tier 9 instead of the VK 45 B?
Pretty much. We’ll go from a massively overbuffed 4502 to what would probably be a somewhat overbuffed Maus prototype [I'm fairly sure the vk100p only had 120mm frontal armour, so some liberal interpreting of historical datums would be in order to make it work]
However until the hull unification feature comes I doubt anything will change.
>> – there are discussions what to do with gold shells (SS: possible damage nerf of HEAT)
Can i suggest removing purchase with gold option :) ? That way, you can rebalance their price the single credit…
“- 2014 will be the “year of vehicle rebalance”” -> I feel some TD nerfs in 2014 then… dunno If at the beginning of the year, but some time in May-June maybe… (whiners win again after all)
I think that also….but except caping them at max 5 maybe like they did with arty, they really can’t do much with them….they already suffer being turetless(well true TDs, not turreted ones) and they already has a lot less HP than regular tanks and basically their main characteristic is gun and if they nerf their guns they instantly become useless…..
was AMX Me 45 get buff ?
it should get top speed buff
35 to 50 cus it uses same hull with 50 100
also currently its obsolete to tiger in EVERY single way.
Yeah, and can you imagine it was designed AFTER the King Tiger, and was supposed to be as similar to the King Tiger as possible?
Those silly French :D
Oh joy. Just what the game needs is alliances to cock block landings and attacks. Now wot can be just like Eve, where alliance clans hold each others dicks and lay friendly sieges to prevent attacks. It’s like meta camping for CW.
What? You don’t think hard coded diplomacy is a good idea? You must actually be intelligent then!
Such a stupid idea. Most likely created because of how shitty the RU server stagnation is.
Oh joy because that doesn’t already happen out of game via diplo right? Damn plebs
I think 6th sense should be available/ work only in scout tanks. Or remove It completely, but give scouts regular +-2MM.
And give to all scouts at least 130mm guns, right? If you are whining that much about scouts being bad to play why the fuck do you play them then?
yes, that’s clearly the logical next step.
Don’t be a moron. Look, newer light tanks often don’t get scout MM despite being just as fast, just as well-armed, etc. as light tanks that do get scout MM (see the Covenanter, Crusader, etc). They’ve released higher tier light tanks like the 13 90 and WZ132 which are the better scouts in high tier battles. Tier 10 mediums act as fine scouts in their battles.
The truth is, the days of 50-2′s running around scouting and contributing to tier 10 battles is done. higher tier lights and top tier mediums have replaced them. There is now zero reason for a Chaffee to see battle tier 12, or for an A-20 or T-50 or Pz38Na to see battle tier 8. They should just do what they did with arty. Completely re-tier all light tanks and rebalance them to go all the way to tier 10, add a few new tanks to fill gaps (walker bulldog at tier 9 or 10? Sheridan?) and give them all regular +2/-2 MM. Just like they did with arty.
- Object 140 will get a turret armor buff (the closer to the mantlet, the thicker the armor will be)
So the FV4202, which has been in the game over a year, does not get a turret buff, and the Object 140, which has been in less than three months, does.
Well, for example: it took Wargaming more than two years to realise that some lower tier tanks are underperforming, they got buffed this patch. I guess the FV4202 will be buffed in 2015 then. :)
Well, it took them 1 and 1/2 years to understand arty situation and do nerfs. Expect T57 and Foch 155 nerfs on the same timescale (and top tier TD nerfs).
you know… russians… others…
when they touch 6th sense i stop play wot immediately.
with this sight system and all those invisible TD campers you need it
And not graphics improvements???
no realistic movements, gun and engine sounds???
no DX 11???
no multi core support yet???
idiot just bejause they did not talk about it doesnt mean they arent working on it -.-
HD Client is graphics improvement, you noob. And multicore has been there for ages.
- premium account for credits will not be implemented
What kind of question is that? Might as well ask Starbucks if they’ll give out coffee if you collect empty cups. Why would a company just throw away one of their major revenue streams?
- it’s not yet decided what to do with Sixth Sense perk, but there are debates withing WG (about nerfing it)
I think a viable redesign for the perk would be: No time delay, light bulb pops up as soon as you are spotted, but it only works for tanks that your team has visible. That way it actually makes sense (no pun intended), your commander is skilled enough to know that the enemy tank can see him. As opposed to the current psychic powers they seem to have. He doesn’t know where the tank is but the knows they are watching.
not a terrible idea I guess. Although it would make early suiscout rushes more useful……it makes 6th sense work for your whole team :P
Suiscout wouldn’t work. Once the tank is not lit, no more 6th sense.
The idea is that the commander needs to know where the tank is. If it’s not lit then he can’t be certain he’s been spotted.
oh I see. so the tank needs to STAY lit for 6th sense to work……
idk, that’s a pretty heavy nerf.
Here’s the thing, WG (and many players) are obsessed with “OMG IT’S OP NERF IT NOW”
How about instead, they buff the tanks and things that suck? Instead of nerfing the T57 (it’s really not that OP) how about instead they buff the Maus, IS-4, and IS-7? Instead of nerfing 6th sense, buff the crappy skills like eagle eye or firefighting.
- third German TD branch is still being discussed, it’s still possible it won’t appear at all (SS: WTF?)
Maybe they don’t consider the Sturmtiger branch as a TD branch?
- 2014 will be the “year of vehicle rebalance”
God help us all.
Yep, it’ll be fucked up, if they touch Hetzer, I’m outta here
hah, Hetzer he says…
I bought permanent camo on my T40.
“Reworked maps are working fine”
Yeah, in the sense that Komarin was shit back then, and is still shit now. Status Quo achieved.
yep, on komarin changed nothing. its 100% the same shit than before.
Komarin changed a lot compared to before so stop bullshiting….how many times you saw draws or wins by cap on Komarin these days compared to before? How many battles ended up in a draw with all 30 tanks from both teams still being alive? Komarin changed a lot, but it doesn’t mean it’s not shit still…..What they did wrong with this rebalance is that they improved camping in those corners of the maps where bases are…..Game is going fine until you’ve reached the point of a battle where one team needs to finish off remaining tanks and win a battle and then you reach those campers in those woods….since in random most pubbies are dumb they are attacking one by one being executed immediately from invisible tanks in woods and it’s in 90% of battles like that….if the team is not coordinated well they will lose already won battle… needed more tweaks and changes, but compared to earlier version of the map with cap circles being far away from spawn points and compared to some other shitty maps we have in game right now it’s not really that bad….at least i didn’t had that bad games on it….
Draws still happen when enemy has 2-3 tier X TDs camping in forest near their base and attacker has some battered heavies and mediums left.
It’s also extremely easy to totally block one flank with one smart spotter and supporting TD(s). I did that with my AMX 13 90 by just sitting in bush and letting TDs (sitting behind, invisible) handle 4 attacking heavies.
Can’t remember if it is worse than before, but surely not better than the other maps with some exceptions. Camping is strong. They need to remove the base woods completely and fill the open space in the small villages with houses.
Still don’t understand why Dragon’s Ridge was removed while you still have maps like Redshire in the game. I liked Dragon’s Ridge but Redshire? Worst map that was ever added into WoT next to Komarin.
Redshire is one of the best maps in game
You probably play TDs/Arty exclusively.
Redshire isn’t that “bad” map but it is imbalanced….one team have obvious advantage and if they know how to exploit it they will win every time… encourages camping on both hills with one hill being “OP” compared to another….don’t get me wrong….i don’t like that map and i’m a TD player….it’s not bad but i still want it rebalanced….something is wrong with it and i hope they’ll figure it out…
‘there will be a new British medium branch soon’
- there will be a warning implemented for troll platoons that the vehicles don’t have compatible MM spread
oh like they give a fuck. they know what they’re doing
meanwhile there is no warning when you are selling a tank with permanent exterior.
Great, further nerfs might happen to hear rounds, and they’re not gonna buff the t69 ap rounds..
How long till you just take the gun off the tank completely?
Whining about probably most OP t8 medium tank being UP….quit fucking bitching….if anything, whining about autoloaders being UP is the single most retarded topic to whine about….
P.S. Don’t like T69? Don’t play T69.
shame that most people whine more than shoot. then again, it’s not like WG is doing much right anyway…
British medium coming out soon hopefully it’s gonna be the vickers MBT and they rebalance the british tanks and add a Hesh mechanic
“- there will be no map filter (disabling the maps you don’t want to play): this idea was scrapped because of the server load”
WoT would be soo much better game without Malinovka…
- 2014 will be the “year of vehicle rebalance”
germans will be nerfed again?
>2014 will be the “year of vehicle rebalance”
So just like every year, then?
I dont get it……what’s wrong with Dragon’s Ridge? the map is too unique to be reworked, considering that most maps are mostly flat. The tough hills are a distinct feature of Dragon’s Ridge!
‘- historical battles will come in first half of 2014, it will be like random battles but with historical tech’
Yeah historical tech with gold ammo, which will completely overcome any historical gun limitations and make the whole idea of historical battles pointless.
More fail from WG.
are you trying to say that premium shells are not historical?
You realize you’re completely wrong?
It would be perfectly fine for a sherman to carry some HVAP in historical battles, or a 62A to carry some HEAT. Maybe historical battles should have a limit on amount of premium ammo, but either way, it should be there.
And what are you talking about with “gun limitations” making the whole idea pointless????
The idea of historical battles is to have all historical tanks (no prototypes or blueprint tanks) using their historical equipment (so no Tiger with long 88). I’m not sure how having some premium shells somehow makes that pointless?
there will be a warning implemented for troll platoons that the vehicles don’t have compatible MM spread
I need this