- the objects that currently don’t stop any shells (for example telephone poles and such) will not be affected by the soft object penetration mechanism
- right now, it’s not even theoretically considered to allow shells penetrate multiple easy-to-penetrate tanks in a row (with penetration loss) (SS: a player was asking whether it is considered for example for a Object 268 shell to penetrate several MS-1 tanks in a row, destroying them all)
- developers on the alleged “too many TD’s” issue: “The rumors about the TD domination are too much exaggerated. At this moment, there are less TD’s than HT’s (we are talking about top battle tiers) and there is roughly the same amount of TD’s as there is of mediums” and “In fact, the gameplay on TD’s is quite boring and monotonous, when compared to LT’s, MT’s and even HT’s. So players played a bit with the new accuracy and then went back to play on their favourite vehicles.”
- Jagdtiger 128mm L/61 gun and WT Panzer IV 128mm L/61 gun are two different weapons, that’s why they have different XP cost
- Aiming mechanism in WoT being unhistorical? “And why not, we don’t have a simulator after all”
- penetrable buildings will come (when it’s done it’s done)
- it’s not to possible to shoot through holes in destroyed player tank wrecks (SS: wreck modules are very simplified and solid), but it’s possible this change will be implemented
- the mechanism to allow regular tanks to be turned into premium tanks will not be implemented
- the mechanism to allow regular tanks to use the crews for different tanks without penalties will not be implemented
- there are plans to introduce even more stuff than in-game world map (CW) and tournament mode
- there are plans for new medals (awards)
- the nominal armor in tank data is always the maximum armor thickness of that respective armor side (SS: as in, if a frontal hull plate has a small strip of 150mm armor and the rest is 100mm, nominal thickness in tank sheet will be 150), the nominal thickness however doesn’t include things like spaced armor and mantlet
- the mechanism for penetrating destructable objects will work so that each object has its amount of hitpoints, at first, when impacting the object, a shell makes a check whether it destroyed the object or not (did more damage than the object has hitpoints) and when yes, only then the penetration check will take place. (SS: It’s thus possible that if an AP shell with high damage but low pen (below 25mm) will impact with such an object, the object will get destroyed, but the shell will not continue to fly through, despite being an AP round)
The time has come to rant
you can not compare tds to meds or heavies… having more meds or heavies is not a threat or game ruiner like tds are. u put 5 tds with almost 1k alpha a shot if not more if it was autoloaders or hesh…. and thats camping map right there!!!! having 10 heavies isnt terrible u go and engage them on ur own terms without being fucked with 1 shot.
Easier to circle and gun down td then do the same to heavies.
He is probably an arty lover… Some think that TDs are more dangareous because they do massive dmg… which is true, but if it can shoot you, you have a good guess where you’ll be safe, and if an arty shots you, you can only hug a damn skycraper to be safe :D
If someone think TDs are even more OP than arty, they can go and try to play them, it takes some skill to play TD
its not about being op, its about breaking the game where its not functional. it creates camping and thats the problem. and imbalance.
May I ask you something?
Did arty not break the game? Yes it did, TDs doesn’t break the game, the problem is stupid PPL do, I constantly see players going where their mate died from that FV 183… And TDs can’t shoot the whole map like arty did… So with some skill (and some meds, and coordination) a TD can be easily dealt with.
Oh look a TD player getting pissed off. TDs do break the game the way arty used to break the game. The difference is that TDs are actually a whole lot more accurate and when actually spotted have decent amounts of armour and HP.
TD player…what the fuck is next? Play the game and enjoy it. All that wine-try playing that TDs and fucking grind a tier 10 TD. It ain’t easy.
I hate to break it to you but even War Gaming has admitted in an interview that more tanks have been 1 shotted by TD’s than have ever been 1 shotted by arty.
Source please.
Please. Have you ever played TDs? The main trait of high-tier TDs is that they are slow, big and have long reload times (this does not apply to AMX 50 Foch (155)). They may do 800-1000 damage in one shot, but then you have a 15-30 seconds of time to fire back.
If I do an example with T30: What to do if it hulls down? You could peep out, bounce on it’s turret, get the 750 damage and get back to cover where you’d cry about how OP it is.
OR you’d let it shoot you and attack it, it has an 18 second reload and horrible turn rate, you could circle it with an M103! The rest of the team will follow you and it will die rather quickly.
Just as playing TDs takes skill, so does battling TDs. They are just guns on a big podiums with GIANT drawbacks. Sure, T110E3 OOOH 300 ARMOUR OP WG FIX IT well if you flank it it’s pretty much dead. It’s the incompetence of players that makes TDs so enjoyable to play. Any tank is a pwnage machine versus a bad player.
Yeah, you cricling works. In god damn 1v1. It’s rarely possible in normal 15v15 battles. You just sound like a gay td lover. I’m not saying all tier 10 tds are op but what you said is 90% bullshit.
good one! ty!
back to trolling so soon? Please guys… go to the standard WG Forum if you want to insult people. Everybody is entitled to his own opinion.
oh WOW you sure showed me! oh NOES what is for me to do? Yes, I like TDs because in most cases people really are lame and I can pwn. What is there to deny? You know, you can check my stats anytime you want yeah? here you go, you can extend the “tanks” thingie to see how much I play TDs.
Oh and… I can see why you don’t like TDs. Apparently you aren’t good at them. Well why don’t you pick up from where you left with T25 AT and join the pwnage ;)
I also don’t enjoy playing arty and I never whined about that. Your argument is invalid. Have you ever thought that you are owning in tier10 tds because they are op, and not because you are good?
I don’t have a tier 10 TD. Where’s your point now? I’m saying any tank if you know how to play it, some people are just better at some things. Besides, YOUR argument is invalid, as you can’t judge something you’ve never played. You can whine how OP a TD is, but if you don’t drive one and pwn 9/10 games you don’t have the right to complain.
we are not measuring dicks here. show urs and i will show u mine?
What you said confirms you are 100% noob.
alex you make it sound easy but you forget that this is a team game and that T30 with 18 sec reload has his friends around so if you rush him to get a shot off you are most likely going to get killed by them. TD’s are not OP when alone, they are OP when they have support and no one likes to get out of cover just to get shot by 4 TD’s…
All that can be refered to any other class in game…..if there is 4 T10 heavies they wouldn’t shoot you? They would allow you to take a shot and then maybe one of them will eventually shoot you? No, they would slam you just like TDs. Whiners whined about arties, now they are whining about TDs. You know why? Because they SUCK at this game and no matter how WG change this game they will still whine….Also how come HTs are still most common class in the battles and no one whines about them….maybe because typical heavy driver is a fucking monkey who has no clue what he’s supposed to do, but oh boy he can whine on forum when a TD shoots the crap out of him…..Yesterday i was in a T8 tank(TD how convinient :D )….i was in a platoon with my two other mates also in T8 tanks…..it was T10 battle and we had two E100 in platoon as our top tanks….do i need to say both of them camped far, FAR behind the whole team on a fucking Ruinberg(heaven map for HTs) I watched one of them while i was fighting….he literally didn’t hit/pen one single shot….later on i saw he managed to do impressive 1k damage in a fucking E100….so they basically fucked up our whole team by camping behind instead of being in the first lines and they both have no fucking clue how to shoot….ofc they were both yellow on XVM…TDs are fine….only T10 TDs are a bit OP i’ll admit, but just because mostly good players are playing them that doesn’t mean they should nerf the whole fucking class….
eee one thing td’s the majority of they have paper armor hull for instance
i am hearing bitching about isu and obj 704 for being op cause of there armor
what armor???if you and idiot enough to shot at the gunmantlet yeah
also the majority of the time TD’s especially the highier ones are being NO1 priority for many tanks if they have a piece of brain and not being IDIOTS
also before bitching about td\s have you consider the stupidity of heavys??
e100 burning to death from the start to the end and then bitching for it….
if it is to nef every line the idiots are calling OP then fuck it let’s play lego
saying they dooo nerf the td\s will it make the maps less campy??come on
even on maps with 1 or no td’s the camping is being horedous large
Extremely few players can do a rush. Thas’t why td’s are so effective.
Because of the endless and pointless whine the WG guys don’t take into consideration most of the forums content….
There was the arties, now td’s. If WG will give up the td’s like the arties, WOT will become World of Dummies….
This already is World of Dummies…..game is infected with bots, morons and idiots….and best part is….WG is trying everything in their power to make the game more suitable for those kind of players and they don’t give a shit about old/good players….they will continue to do that because those same idiots are what keeps this game alive…some of them will buy premium…some will buy prem tanks, and the rest of them will serve as a cannon fodders and as a numbers to fill queue and there you have a reason why WG prefers them over experienced players….
* foch 155 is not smaller than the others TDs and it has a BIG reload time (its an autoloader though) but its like 20 sec per shot
My Light tanks begs to differ.
Yeah. Though I did manage to circle and kill a lone Foch yesterday in my Type 64 :)
Actually the real problem isn’t so much the TDs themselves but the people who play them. There’s a reason why they’re not as common as Heavy Tanks: a lot of people don’t like their playstyle. The people that stick with them, however, tend to get pretty good at them and can do disproportionately well in games, particularly if there’s a lot of places for a TD to hide and/or a lot of solid cover to protect them from arty while camping. This is also true if on a map with either a couple of major chokepoints that one MUST go through (i.e. Mountain Pass), or an area with a lot of open ground with little cover (i.e. El Halluf).
-right now, it’s not even theoretically considered to allow shells penetrate multiple easy-to-penetrate tanks in a row (with penetration loss) (SS: a player was asking whether it is considered for example for a Object 268 shell to penetrate several MS-1 tanks in a row, destroying them all)
This will be good [Insert Evil Laughter]!
RNG Videos will be full of T92 AP shells penetrating a whole row of stone fence posts…. and bouncing off the rear of an MS-1.
- developers on the alleged “too many TD’s” issue: “The rumors about the TD domination are too much exaggerated. At this moment, there are less TD’s than HT’s (we are talking about top battle tiers) and there is roughly the same amount of TD’s as there is of mediums” and “In fact, the gameplay on TD’s is quite boring and monotonous, when compared to LT’s, MT’s and even HT’s. So players played a bit with the new accuracy and then went back to play on their favourite vehicles.”
People cried about too much ARTY (which was getting out of hand) and now that they nerfed it people are crying about the thing that ARty heped to keep at bay. Cry babies will always cry about something.
“Cry babies will always cry about something.”
you can bet on that :/
I’m not a fan of TDs at all but I just say that it is how it is. Even though I despise those Tier 10 TDs, I wouldn’t want to see them go the way of the arty.
And yeah, as an arty player myself, I find the nicest, largest, and most stationary TD and lob one into him. It was actually HARDER to find those TDs back then cause they knew they couldn’t camp all day long and actually moved around to avoid getting smashed by arty. Back then, it was better to get spotted by a heavy or medium in your TD by moving it than to camp and risk a very abrupt end to your game. But after the arty nerf…
Nerf Tier 10 TD damage to 760-800 per shot.
Problem somewhat solved already. Why they had to make em do even more damage I have no freaking idea…
The same kind of change could have fixed arty as well.
iirc they’re considering that, but with a ROF buff to compensate.
not propably a good idea cause they are saying the loss in alpha would be coverd by increazing RoF
which i dont think it’s gonna work pretty good it mighty also add more problems then the solving
for example take the obj 268 with BIA and vents the reload is somewhere bettwenn 14-15 secs which has pretty high DPM
lowering the Alpha increasing the RoF would propably mean that it is going to shot faster obsiously but also it would be more fast to fire which means it can just oblidorate everything with low HP without waiting 15 secs for the next shoot also losing a shell in the current state is a pain cause you a 15 secs reload and in that time the target would be off or killed but if they lower the dmg increase the RoF the td could actually afford to lose a shot cause now it doesnt have to wait for 15 secs it would have to wait for 12-13 secs which is completly diffrent
but….. as with artys the whining would continiou on and on and on unless the storm of pancakes dont have anything else to whine about and bugger off the game
Then nerf overall DPM as well. By only 50-100 damage, and buff something else.
For an example, with the Obj 268 why not buff shell speed and/or gun arc/depression? By just a little, but it will balance out the DPM nerf.
The problem is game balance: In the old days (I am a “gay arty lover” – admitted, no need to insult me) playing TDs required skill. Arty might have been too mighty on some maps but its totally broken now. Another Reason for the TD Invasion (and there are more TDs than Heavies or Meds … sometimes even more than both combined):
Nowadays there are many funny TDs to play (the new german line, british are just OP in my opinion – and i love to play them, french Foch Monsters …) so many people will play them. And its much easier to just sit, camp and click tanks away with them. Bad players can really rock with the right TD. They will just die senseless deaths in Meds.
WOT had kind of a scissor/paper/rock System regarding the different Classes of vehicles. This is what is broken now: Artys are no more, TDs who are just camping, never move away but stay in a good position where flanking is near impossible will rule the battlefield.
There is not much you can do against an AT7 in a tier 7 game hugging the side of a stone and thereby exposing no weakspots if you dont have arty. Rushing it? Bonne chance, you probably die before you get there.
No more arties -> too many TDs in battle. I just had “Assault on Karelia” with 13 TDs 2 Meds vs. 12 TDs 3 Meds. It was a boring “Spotting match”. The better viewrange/camo combination won. And games with 10 TDs just aren’t fun to play.
If you see an AT-7 hugging a rock, does it not occurs to you that you can just leave him alone, go on another flank then laugh at his tears when he’s either tracked with no chance of fighting back or just too damn slow to get back to the cap circle?
Also, anyone stating that Brit TDs are OP… hasn’t played the AT-15. Even Tortoise so far looks to me to be just “meh”
I laugh when people complain about british TDs they are so damn slow and at higher tiers the armour means nothing with a large cupola to shoot at it and the fv183 is like 1 giant lottery machine sometimes you get lucky and 1 shot a tank but other times you do only like 600dgm
Apart from the turret issue T10 TDs seem to be well rounded (Speed, Armour, Gun, Camo). I have no issues with other tier TDs in general because they usually lack in one or more of the departments making them well rounded.
ISU-152 for example has one of the best guns in game pen, damage wise, lowish acc, no armour, mediocre camo, OK straight line speed.
Obj. 268 has a high pen gun, high alpha gun, high acc, good speed, armour, good camo… WTF?
you forgot the cloaking device ;)
That’s the only thing i complain about… they are (russian/french high tier TDs) near impossible to spot, even with my AFKpanther i had to drive 60-70m close to it, while it was blazing guns…
SS do you know which tank is next in top of the tree special?
Problem with tds? Play on your meds/lights/arty.
….oh, I see – you’re one of that “imma plain’ only mah heavies”, that thinks that he should roflstomp everything in his path (with wr way below 50% most probably)? Well, let me put it like this:
Adapt or uninstall.
+1 on that bro
Lets face it, I love TDs, but since the arrival of so many TDs, games have become unplayable.
TDs camp because they are made for this
Heavies camp because if they dont TDs will kill them, cause TD guns laugh at armor.
Meds camp because if they show themselves HT and TD will own them in under a second.
Arty camps cause its arty.
Either the camo of the big big TDs has to be nuked or their penetration.
To be fair most TDs are manageable.
It is things like the Foch 155 that is getting out of hand.
Good luck spotting one if the player is not stupid, and even if you do spot them the frontal armor is too good and it is too mobile to circle/flank.
Another problem is the T110E3 with that frontal armor without any real weak spots except the tiny
cupola. (NOT the MG turret on top)
But at lease that thing isn’t fast, and no auto-loader.
As a medium player I prefer the Foch 155 against me in some cases since I let some tomato pubbie go get the hits and then I can exploit the reload time.
I detest the 183 with HESH which 1 hit me in my T10 meds a couple of times, the T110E3 which seems impenetrable at ranges longer than 200m due to weakspots, and the Obj. 268 which seems to stay invisible till you actually get to 50m range.
“TDs camp because they are made for this”
Only in low tiers. Camping wastes armor advantage that many TDs get at high tiers, and is selfish.
Seriously all WG has to do to balance TD is remove the class wide camo bonus that TD gets.
If that TD can’t hide 100 m in front of you anymore its no longer going to be whined about as OP. You won’t have TDs on the 1/2 lane of Prohovka able to kill the entire team just because one of their team was able to spot a tank that was sitting still and not firing. The TDs then fire and stay unspotted because of camo bonus and kill the entire enemy team before they can spot the TDs.
Remove TD camo bonus and those TDs fire at the enemies and they will be spotted and the enemies can fire back at them.
Lets say for example in a battle heavies and some mediums can be spotted around 360 or so m away. And the TDs are around 300 or so m away. TDs can fire and not be spotted. Remove camo bonus and when the heavies and mediums get spotted the TDs will be spotted uppon firing.
AS a mainly TD player I agree to the general point here. The extreme camo of SOME TDs is really a pain in the ass, and especially the occasional “100m spotting ranges” (let’s say “very small spotting ranges”) are OP. But the point is, and I think this is the point why WG didn’t change anything yet, is that a general dismissal of the camo bonus is not a good solution. I am playing the German TD line(s), and I find hiding (camping) is the only viable option for the vehicles I’ve played so far (250+ JP battles as highest), at least for the early game.
Take for example the Stug III: every T5+ tank can pen it frontally, while it has less HP then every T5+ light. Incidentially, as I was just looking at the numbers, I also realised, that every T5 light&medium (except the Chi-Nu Kai) has a higher ROF on a top gun as well. Oh, yeah those other tanks have turrets, too. That leaves (sometimes) DPM, (to a very small degree) acurracy and camo as a pro.
So far that counts even more on the “Waffenträger-line”, where every spot normally leaves you dead in a second.
Of course other TDs and other TD lines have different pros/cons. This is just to be seen as an example that an outright general “camo-nerf” can’t solve the problem and keep certain TDs playable at the same time. On the other hand, I think, such a nerf would do nothing to a (more viably) agressively driven Wolverine or Hellcat. A “SerB-ish” “don’t play Stug” wouldn’t really cut it here, IMHO.
What is needed is a complete rebalance of ALL vehicles in game. Mainly in regards to “soft stats” from HP to AP to Alpha. And I personally think HP and Alpha are the key here. Better relations could reduce “one shots” or what I call “one second deaths”, for all tank classes and thus the “need” for camping for all tank classes. But the point is that, as far as I can see, this would prolong battles, and I think that’s not wanted. At least not from WG’s side (easy to make money from more possible gold purchases after shorter battles), and I also think a large part of “the community” would disagree.
Apart from that, two other points:
First: From personal experience I say, that I hardly ever see TDs “ruling the battle”. (Except for certain French Machines and Hellcats ;)) More often then not there is only a single TD in the upper half of the post battle screen.
And second: There are a lot of idiot’s, also in T8 or T9 battles I occasionally see with my JP. Single Tiger IIs or IS moving towards/into lower Tier Wolfpacks, and then screaming murder that a JP dared support those guys and do abaout 800 DMG in 25 seconds are not a rare occurance. As if it is game breaking that somebody dared put three rounds into them and not the two they can dish out.
But in the end, this is just the perspective of an average, low level player with about 2400 battles played…
> – the nominal armor in tank data is always the maximum armor thickness of that respective armor side (SS: as in, if a frontal hull plate has a small strip of 150mm armor and the rest is 100mm, nominal thickness in tank sheet will be 150), the nominal thickness however doesn’t include things like spaced armor and mantlet
That is obviously not true (“always” part). Check IS-7, for example – hull front armour listed as “150″, but there is strip of 240 mm in collision model.
I actually hope they give TD’s the “lets break them totally so then no more complains” arties had treatment. If so, i bet all my money about how the same people who now complains about TD’s being OP will complain about mediums being to hard to hit in their HT.
I’m sorry, but the whole discussion about TD’s is a direct consequence of the people wanting the arties to be crippled, after all, a armored TD’s biggest fear was being flanked or getting shot by an arty.
- there are plans for new medals (awards)
I will exhale with a well-said “finally” When they Include the god-damn historical mode. And probably the Sturmtiger.
wot player base is full of pretty match a mix of good players(small % though) and whining idiots where they dont know how the game works
there was whining about artys saying artys make maps campy bla bla bla the arty nerf camed and it was so and so but the whiners where satisfied a bit but nerfing artys means lot of players playing them start playing td;s and then whiners wake up again and start the bitching we will reach a point where all have been nerfed and the whiners wont have anything to whine (well that is too optimistic :P)
but i love calling me a noob driver the OBJ 704 cause it is OP after eating a 700 dmg in the face :P and not thinking of not getting shot at the first place…. but people what can you do about theseeee ??
- it’s not to possible to shoot through holes in destroyed player tank wrecks
What are these “holes”??? I have destroyed at least one tank by shooting through the gap between Hellcat’s hull and turret’s back. I guess that’s not a “hole” then.
For example the space between tracks and the hull.
Statistically there doesn’t need to be a lot of TDS in que to say theres a lot of them. Its when there are a lot of them in a single game with few tactical options to counter against. If a tier 10 team has 5 ultra high Alpha tds and the other has none and the maps is “td friendly”(few alleys of attack, flanks) the game is already set for the TD team to win, unless obvious stupid tactics are made and they lose the game for them(camp base, leave a flank wide open etc etc.)
High first strike advantage with some tds is incredibly high, higher it is, the more stagnant a team will be. This is an overall issue not only applied to TDS, but benefits them the most.(due to cammo changes)
Due to the accuracy buffs, tanks with high pen, but weak accuracy have their games totally improved. This means hitting a tank should warrent damage. TDs in general where buffed because most have excellent pen for their tier, giving them much more constant hits, and thus easier positioning in maps.
The arty nerf pushed fewer arties into ques, making TDS in general have more of a fighting chance in the open due to their first strike advantage, and armor values
Finally The armor buffs help TDS as much as armor oriented heavies, but because TDS carry the best guns fighting them armor vs armor isn’t balanced to heavies.
All of these advantages should be canceled due to TDS not having turrets, but flanking TDS only works if you aren’t flanking into another TD. Eventually you don’t have the option to flank and thus MUST confront a TD head first. All of this only counts a few enemy tds, if they are protected by mobile supporters such as mediums, attacking becomes suicide without numbers/firepower(your own td/autloader).
And without a firepower advantage as a whole team, numbers never apply until you gain an upper hand, which may never come and thus a game is lost before 30 seconds count down.
I have one of the best anti-td vehicles that you can drive. It’s a FV304. The spg’s short-range mortar-like gun is great for killing td’s at choke points and “arty safe” locations.
Ferdie holding back a flank? Have your FV304 drop a round on the backside of the Ferdie’s top deck and watch that full health td burn down to zero. Have a Hellcat hiding behind a big rock? Allow the FV304 to drop around into the Hellcat’s open turn and kill the entire crew.
Give the FV304 a try. You’ll like it.
SS: a player was asking whether it is considered for example for a Object 268 shell to penetrate several MS-1 tanks in a row, destroying them all)
What a remarkably stupid question. How is that even remotely important for real gameplay?
As for the armor, why not just give the armor range for a vehicle, why are we still getting so little information from the client and have to search the web for everything?
Great, now everybody is crying about TDs beeing OP.
Carry on and WG will nerf them.
What will happen?
The same thing as with the arties – high tier TD will still be good, but low tier will get worse than ever.
Result – a lot of people will play meds or heavies instead.
Next round – meds are OP.
For havens sake, adapt to the game, don’t ruin it with your whining.
- the nominal armor in tank data is always the maximum armor thickness of that respective armor side (SS: as in, if a frontal hull plate has a small strip of 150mm armor and the rest is 100mm, nominal thickness in tank sheet will be 150), the nominal thickness however doesn’t include things like spaced armor and mantlet
Oh really? So we should take form this that the T29 american heavy has the whole front of the turret 279mm thick(and not just the mantlet)?
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