Hello everyone,
World of Warships is not exactly within the portfolio of this blog and I must admit I don’t follow its development, but several leaks appeared on Russian forums from the alpha testing.
Map – Solomon Islands
Map – Bees to Honey
Zuikaku and New Orleans ships
Other maps (external link)
Other ships (external link)
Heads will role for this!
Yarrr dem landlubbers will walk da plank!
Or swab the decks! Do you have any info regarding the EU Tech Tree for WoT?
Too soon.
Well the Aurora is in St Petersberg as well so that isn’t actually a bad idea …
Surely a 20kt lightly armoured, cruiser too bad, even for tier 1?
Tier 2 premium currently, remember that the Russians didn’t have the capacity to build more stuff so had to upgrade older ships more than most.
*grabs other book*
nothing on upgrades, but discovers that their torpedo boat fleet was based on obsolete French doctrine
*consults wikipedia*
Aurora was placed into reserves and not upgraded apart from the 1st world war upgrades (she was obsolete even as a WW1 ship),
And as far as cruisers go the last WWI cruiser is at tier 5 (currently)
Compared to the Konigsberg 1905 class, the tier 2 German Cruiser, Aurora comes out favourably, especially in terms of armament.
It would eat the Chester alive (but that has its own problems)
Tenryu is fast, but lacks main guns and gun arcs.
Ah, for some reason I thought it would be up against early first world war designs, where it would have decent firepower, but be far too slow to be of any use (slower than Dreadnought) . I really need to have another look at the trees
Are trees posted anywhere – in the way they are now in closed alpha? Any stats made public, so i can get some knowledge about game balance?
If you follow mr3awsome to the US WoWs forum you will find the most up-to-date tech trees around.
Here are my terrible twins
No HMS Hood on the British tree? That’s a shame.
Also, no submarines…dammit, I was really looking forward to a f2p game that allows for the use of submarines…
HMS Hood is an Admiral class Battle Cruiser.
Tier 7
Must those damned euro’s leaking again…
Is that actually WoWs ingame stuff? This Russian Fella uploaded a lot recently.
I’m calling fake on that, not sure what game it is but disabled comments are never a good thing (usually to prevent people from calling them out).
Thats fake. Alpha hadn’t even started then.
Lel, that’s War Thunder.
Looking forward to this game.
Agreed, it looks amazing and there really hasn’t been any good naval games released in ages.
I play WoT for tanks, WT for planes. I think WT might be better than WoWs but we’ll see
If WT includes submarines when they add ships, I’ll definitely be more in favor of WT than WoWs, which doesn’t seem to be including them at all.
Submarines will be even worse in WT than they would be in WoWS
If you can just imagine Homer Simpson drooling over doughnuts, yeah that’s what I look like right now….
For crying out loud WG, there’s enough polish on it to release more things to the public, STOP TEASING US!!!!!
At least it’s not me – i didn’t get to alpha…
WoWS would be a first for me never played naval combat games before and i know absolutely nothing about WWII warships. Looking forward to it
The ships come from roughly 1900-1950 (on average, BBs start after Dreadnought)
50 years difference? Does that make a lot of difference in combat in terms of weapons and stuff like that when these ships are fighting ?
Ships were expensive and often made in batches, which means the development and evolution of design often took a while, expecially when you take the Washington and London Naval Treaties into account.
As an example the Dreadnought mounted 10 12″/45 Mk X guns in 5 twin turrets.
These guns had a maximum range of 17,236 m (18,850 yards).
Yamato mounted 9 18.1″/45 Type 94 guns in 3 triple turrets. These guns had a maximum range of 42,030 m (45,960 yards).
thanks for the info
Ships – leaks, ha ha you so funny.
Doesn’t WoWS have NDA? : /
Yes I believe so but that doesn’t stop people these days
It does, why do you think it’s called leaks?
Also, NDA is technically you working on an honor rule to not break the agreement. Wargaming can take action on you but otherwise, they can’t stop you from breaking the rule.
There can be loopholes in an NDA, since apparently it’s not legal (iirc) to simply say “don’t talk about it at all”. They have to specify all content that isn’t allowed to be disclosed, and if they forget something, then it might as well be free to discuss.
I’m so hyped about WoWS, i really hope they’ll start open alpha soon, especially if they want to release the game until the end of the year…
Same although why do i feel that getting all hyped up for this that i will be disappointed come release.
No open Alpha, closed Beta comes next.
Wonder when they are accepting applications into closed beta they were accepting applications into closed alpha a while ago but the requirements were a little to high.
They aren’t accepting applications; the competition says that they will get into CBT when CBT arrives.
Ah right
when OBT?
After CBT
(We don’t know)
Wonder if there will be pirate ships :p
Really looking forward for this game cant wait till open beta.
Well WoWs developers not like it’s with WoT and WoWp show to be quite informative so far (I’m not sure but isn’t WoWs made by some fatmerican developer studio bought by WG ?), so maybe you won’t have to SS.
WoWS is made by WG and Lesta Studios, which is in St Petersberg/Petrograd/Leningrad
Where did you get the map names?
From the original post
link pls?
WoWp was… well i play it a little , and when i won 1 vs 3 battle with smoking half wreck of ishak 16 i felt really good. But i think only reason i play is for premium acc i have from WoT. Free exp helps too.
But WoWs should work just fine. Slow and steady gameplay will be ok for bigworld engine.
Most of screen will be water so high fp even for weak pc ;)
Good commander will be nessesary in this battles. No rock to hide behind, or bush. And low speeds means once you take a course its already decided if you die or survive :) I hope i will get to alfa or beta.
Since most of the ships have multiple turrets so i assume WG have developed a working multi turret mechanism i wonder why they couldn’t do the same for WoT
Tier 8 German BB, currently.
From what they’ve said many times, that’s the intent, yes. WoWs is their testbed for the multigun mechanism they’re working on, which will allow for multiple things from my understanding:
Existing tanks with more than one gun of higher caliber than a machine gun (i.e. B1, M3 Lee, Churchill I, KV-4, Maus etc.) will be able to use all of their weapons of at least 20 mm diameter, examples of this being that the B1 will get to use its 75 mm howitzer mounted in the hull and the M3 Lee its turret-mounted 37 mm gun. They have their disadvantages compared to the others, but they’ll have their uses. For instance, most people overlook the M3 Lee’s INSANE DPM for tier 4 (2200 – you don’t get that kind of DPM on a medium tank again until tier 7), which is currently limited by an inaccurate gun that makes hitting moving targets a swing and miss affair; that’s where the 37 mm gun comes into play, to shoot off the tracks off of a moving target and render them helpless for the 75 mm gun to finish them off.
This will also allow for multiturreted vehicles, some of which were confirmed to be added years ago, to be added to the game. Examples include the T-35, FCM F1, and Char 2C (not multiturreted, but multigunned). I have a feeling that of those vehicles the T-35 will come first, as SerB himself has stated multiple times that he’s looking forward to putting it into the game, but that it can’t even be considered until the multiturret/gun mechanism is finalized. The T-35 iirc is supposed to be premium, as are the FCM F1 and Char 2C from what I remember (although imho it might be possible to put them on their own minibranch of “superheavy” tanks, especially if they include the multiple variants of both designs that supposedly existed at least on the drawing board).
Very interesting,..
shitty game, better play bf4.
You mean COD wannabe with tanks?
No thanks.
I rather not give my money to a company thats even worse than WG.
Or to activision in that matter
I’m very interested in WoWs(unlike planes). Please give us some news if/when you have time?
can’t wait to see Yamato and Missouri XD
No TOG2 jokes?
I got one in german:
Ich hätte einen Tog Witz, aber der ist zu lang!
I sense WG is getting ready to line their pockets,
sonic still misses you
he wants some help to beat eggman
Now if only someone could make a game where you commanded Egg-Carrier like ships in aerial combat, that would be sweet.
Must. Not. Comment…
Must. Not. Break NDA!
I know that feeling ;)
I know how you feel. (Not in the alpha WoWs but in beta in another game)
Me wants… *_*
Any info about the gameplay? Can i shoot with ALL the guns at once?
Read the Q&A, all guns fire simultaneously and you can only control the Main Armament and torpedoes.
It has been said in the Q&A that the player will control the main batteries directly in surface engagements. All AA is AI controlled, but this and surface secondaries can have priority targets set.
Let’s hope that this game will be optimised on it’s release…’cuz neither WoT nor WoWP are.
Why does this looks like Far Cry 3?
Yes, that ship is so nostalgic…….
C’mon man… tanks can fight on the solomons.. they’re big enough while shells and planes fly overhead. ;)
They fought actually on both sides on Guadalcanal.
I was hoping for some in-game screenshots. Anyway, it will be interesting for me to see this game`s gameplay, because I have no idea how it will look like with battleships.
Like BF1942, no?
I call dibs on the Habakkuk carrier becoming the Landkreuzer Ratte of this game.
That or H-44 (basically just an upsized version of the H-41, which is supposed to be the German tier 10 Battleship), or this so-called H-45 that was rumored to be planned (it only appeared in a book as far as I know, but it was described as being 2.5 times the length of a modern Nimitz-class aircraft carrier and being armed with four 80 cm “Schwerer Gustav” guns in single-mount turrets; I’m absolutely certain it’s a hoax, but still, the thought of such a monster is terrifying)
no gameplay leaks yet?
I want a tier 1 map set in river of El Halluf.
No, not ANOTHER game with Sniperistan as a map!
Will we have Jackdaw in this game?
i am definetly looking forward to WoWS
Wow, i just post this on the NA server and it got erased, without warning, just vanish… WTH? lool
I post it offtopic and was up for less than 5min
Leaks are bad.
They don’t like them.