
- it will not be possible to pay for gold by Bitcoin. SerB: “No – and you won’t be able to pay with candy wrappers either.”
- apparently, more “old-style” Soviet premium vehicles (slow, well armored, like Matilda, KV-5, Valentine) will not be introduced (“there is enough of them in general as it is”)
- the fact a tank has specialized crew (SS: as in, if a commander is a gunner also, he can’t in real life do both things at the same time properly) or not is reflected in the vehicle’s characteristics
- if there ever is a WoT version for MacOS, Android and *nix systems, it will most likely have simplified graphics, but no more info for now
- Q: “SerB is a writer, he should be writing and not designing games, hire game professional!” A: (SerB): “I shut up before this cool professional :) How is it possible we didn’t ruin the game without listening to you – I have no idea!”

From Overlord’s blog:

- right now scouts rebalancing is being worked on: “It’s one of the balancing priorities to make LTs viable again. Without screwing up the other classes.”
- apparently, the camo effect of bushes and trees will also be addressed
- apparently the lag issue is a “major thing” for Wargaming
- “There is a bug related to mastery badges. We are working on it.”

About bigger maps:

“Actually bigger maps have been tested for quite a while. It’s a complex thing that comprises performance and gameplay. I wouldn’t say, there is a clear plan for this thing right now. “

About too many 15-3 and 15-4 battles:

“This is not confirmed statistically. Just perception.”

About fixing the lag:

“I wish (we all do) it was that easy. When connection issues kick in, it’s always complex . Could be backbone ISP side, could be changes in game/packet traffic, and many other things. Any of the potential reason can also be quite difficult to deal with.”


“Traffic volume have increased X-fold since 2011 and situation is now different. The traffic gets huge spikes after each update overloading some/many networks and ISPs. Sometimes it’s difficult to find out on which side the issue is on.”

About MM balance:

“For random matches we ensure equal balancing only for top 5 vehicles. For the rest of the teams the requirements are softer.”

97 thoughts on “15.2.2014

    • i think also russia banned Bitcoins,
      strange act, as most hackers and all evil electronic front reside there.
      Evil Empire = Russia

    • Bitcoin might or might not work out. Until it does a certain degree of skepticism on part of serious enterprises is perfectly justifiable.

    • Ah..A true believer shows up .. You might as well ask to pay for wot gold with doge coins that is as legit as bitcoins ..

    • Why would any serious enterprise accept virtual currency that is subject to enormous sudden drops and rises? You know, WG isn’t running a casino.

          • ….and what was the drop in value of Bitcoins after they “lost” squillions to hackers..?? (ok.. Silk Road lost £1.6m…)

            $830 to $620 or something?

            Good luck with running a cash business where the value of your “cash” drops by 25% overnight….

            Here’s a tip.. “it’s not real”…

            • Lol Dingishire, money hasn’t been “real” since they dropped the gold standard. Most of the money in our economy is magicked up inside computers. Bitcoin may be more unstable than traditional currencies but you can’t trash it for “not being real”

              • …you can go to the bank, withdraw cash, go to shop and buy vodka..

                Does Tesco (or LeClerc, Dia, Lidl etc) accept bitcoin?

                Do you own a piece of bitcoin like you do a company share?

                Sterling, dollars, euros are actualy currency which can be traded virtually, withdrawn in real terms, spent, or shoved under the bed in an Oxo tin..

                bitcoin is entirely virtual and needs converting to currency.

                It is less tangible than a company share, since you technically own 0.001% of a companies assets with a share.. bitcoin is binary…nothing else

  1. “right now scouts rebalancing is being worked on”

    How? My bet: nerf their on the move camo again. D:

    • Wrong bet – why nerf them if they are next to useless now, many meds can do the scouting, equally well if not better than light tanks. Light tanks have become obsolete, simple buff won’t do, hence complex rebalance needed.

      • I know. Skauts used to be my favourite class. I am so very bitter about how much they suck in the current meta. ;( qq

        • “It’s one of the balancing priorities to make LTs viable again. Without screwing up the other classes.”

          I don’t think that means they’ll nerf them.
          And as it’s sound I don’t think they’ll buff them straight on either.
          I think they’ll try to change them so they can do something that the mediums can’t.

      • They should add t9-tx scouts with view ranges bigger than 420m. That would make scouts useful again.

          • the 30mm cannon on the m10 warthog is technically a “small calibre gun” next to the other guns in the game. can I have that on a light tank?

    • Actually if you add together all the tiers they had 133 and you guys had 131. So MM wise teams weren’t too bad. I would say part of the loss can be blamed on your guys EXTRA Tier 10 retarding form the looks of that T57 Heavy calling hacks.

      • They had 2 tier 6 scouts who cant harm any of you except the T71..

        The T71 can cause havoc with any of them if he does his job right….

        …but of course you don’t see that do you…

  2. i play serval other online games and i never llag on any of em but since 8.11 the magic programers of WG did an amazing job( working while drinking vodka must be awesome)

  3. Is there some kind of bug with arty im finding alot of my shots landing no where near my aiming point or in some cases landing off my aiming screen

  4. “I wish (we all do) it was that easy. When connection issues kick in, it’s always complex . Could be backbone ISP side, could be changes in game/packet traffic, and many other things. Any of the potential reason can also be quite difficult to deal with.”

    “Traffic volume have increased X-fold since 2011 and situation is now different. The traffic gets huge spikes after each update overloading some/many networks and ISPs. Sometimes it’s difficult to find out on which side the issue is on.”

    Sure, sure… 8.11 came out and suddenly all the ISPs in Europe started to develop network problems. Seems very likely…

      • Telia is only one out of many. This whole ISP nonsense from wg is like blaming everyone but the new cook in the restaurant on his first day, when all the guests start vomitting after the meal.

        • you forget that a lot of larger ISPs actually “run” part the backbone of the network thru their systems…

          Telia might own some of the backbone and that fucks up all other ISPs passing thru…

          If Telia (or another fucked router) are near the WG server… that will cause trouble for everyone… If WG tell their ISP to re-route around, problem solved…

          thats IF this is the issue..

          Not the answer, just another potential hole…

          • I didn’t play WoT since 2012, BUT:
            I play a lot of multiplayer games (inculding MMOs) and I have 0 problems.
            I repeat ZERO.
            If it’s an ISP problem every game should have it, not only one.

    • Hahahah yes, especiallly since the big intra-ISP networks does nothing else but pushing out patches for online games…. – because then this would happen each time an onlinegame is pushing out an update.

      A person working in Overlords position really cant be that stupid, it must be some try to deflect blame.

    • Then their corpses have been raped by their camo nerf, the bush camo nerf and the camo buff for tds, the physics and power creep in gerneral. qq

    • As somebody who’s attempting to get better at Scouting, I know exactly how that feels…

      Then again, some light tanks could zig-zag to avoid fire that much anyway, point and case: the AMX 12t – too slow to accelerate, bleeds to much speed on turns, doesn’t turn fast enough. The only thing it has going for it in terms of mobility is top speed, but good luck getting to that top speed unless on a long stretch of flat ground with no obstacles in the way whatsoever. The autoloader’s a miniscule consolation when all that happens is that everyone and their mother focus-fires light tanks because they’re such easy kills.

  5. Actually it is possible to pay via bitcoins, at least on ru servers. And many people do that. Bitcoins can be transferred to webmoney which is accepted pay service for ru servers.

  6. “- apparently, more “old-style” Soviet premium vehicles (slow, well armored, like Matilda, KV-5, Valentine) will not be introduced (“there is enough of them in general as it is”)”

    Damn, and I was hoping for one of the casemate/limited-traverse designs for the KV-4 as a premium TD. It’d basically be like a KV-5 but with a higher rate of fire and thus higher DPM, at the cost of not having a turret capable of 360-degree rotation.

    Oh well, I suppose they’ll find something eventually for a tier 8 premium.

  7. Posting here for people to see:
    Just btw…
    I play on standard graphics, with only good quality textures, tree leaves, good view distance LOD, full AA etc…simply everything I dont need for gameplay reduced, even though I´m more of a casual player, I like smoothness before visual richness. I observed like 10FPS frop from max graphic settings but no special effects bothering me etc.
    What my point is, I encounter no lags, no microfreezes next to no packet loss after I switched to standard graphics. I hope it might help some of you, who just like me prefer smooth playing instead of nice visuals.
    If interested, I can post exact settings and by the way, my machine was bought when Xbox360 and PS3 released, only gfx upgraded. My specs are: core2duo 2,4ghz, 4gb 800MHz ram, Asus P5N32E-SLI MB, WD Caviar 750G HDD and NV GTX 460, nothing OC´d.
    BTW average ping 10-20 FPS 50-90, wifi connection. EU2 sever set as default

    • Just like me mate :) I’m on the standard graphics settings from the beginning,all on max, AA16 @ 1080, and smooooth as silk :) I dont give a duck for visual effects,lighting,sky and other,i’m here to play and do some dmg,not to admire landscape and textures.

      year ago i replace gpu, 8800gt with gtx560ti (both 256bit) ..fps remains almost the same (80-127),rest of config- mobo990XA,AMD FX4100 (oc’d @4.7ghz) 8gb@1800ram, SSD+HDD

      I still have MF, and packet loss,not as bad as in the morning,but yes,its hardly playable.

    • I’ve had a massive FPS drop ever since 8.10, to the point of it being unplayable. I’ve tried all sorts of solutions, without success (paradoxically, the “standard” settings lower my fps even more for some reason) and the best advice I’ve seen people come up with is “Maybe you should try lowering the settings. Duh!”. It just pisses me off, is all.

      • cause it probably works for them…for me I didnt lower them I had em like this all the time, but didnt notice any lags, drops, nothing

        • Good for them, and good for you. I’m just pissed at WoT and doubly pissed when someone comes up with the idea that “Maaaybe you should to try lower the settings” like it’s the cure for goddamn cancer.

  8. About too many 15-3 and 15-4 battles:

    “This is not confirmed statistically. Just perception.”

    since 8.6 most battles end with one team roflstomping the other (15-5 and so)

  9. Silent stalker were also getting the fps drop on sea. I know no body worries about sea i wish i could transfer but currently i am living in the Philippines , from UK . 8.1O {yolanda killed my zero button} was a decent patch my pings ran at 26 to 31 now i get 22 and in really crowded battles i get 8 fps. I have just formatted my comp and downloading the game all over again to see if this will make a difference.

    Yes the national battles thing blows! Instead of wasting time on that i do not understand why they did not just give us the Chieftain tank or the Vickers MBT , does this insult there Russian bias. The British tank crews do not sound truly British but like you said, a actor.

  10. “- apparently, more “old-style” Soviet premium vehicles (slow, well armored, like Matilda, KV-5, Valentine) will not be introduced (“there is enough of them in general as it is”)”
    - Of course. Not that it is enough if them, just the fact that gold ammo makes nearly all armor useless and thus theres no need to bring any highly armored tenks in wot anymore, or even buff vehicles when it comes to armor.

  11. -“For random matches we ensure equal balancing only for top 5 vehicles. For the rest of the teams the requirements are softer.”

    A lot.

    • And it’s also complete bullsh*t! How many times I seen red-orange-yellow top tanks on one side while green-purple on the other.

        • How about this: you look up in this blog’s comments section where someone posted no less than 5 pictures of MM that is simply an auto-win for one side. If you still have the nerve to talk about balanced MM for the top 5 tanks, come back. On second thought, don’t. If you still have something to say, find a paper bag, speak into it, and your arguments will be equally effective – just hot air.

        • I’ll come back…

          Oh.. I don’t need to.. someone else has answered it for me…


          Hot air..?? Yours isn’t even luke warm…

          (SS…apologies… but it has to be shouted in very loud and annoying voices to get thru to some muppets…)

  12. Pingback: Novedades 15.2.2014 | Wot y Leaks