Tank Made Out of Shells

Thanks to Ugly_Joe for this one

Source: http://simplepimple.com/2013/11/artist-builds-chinese-tank-using-only-empty-bullet-shells-10-pictures/

Hello everyone,

the following pictures show a model of the Chinese ZTZ-99, made entirely of spent shells and casings (in total over 48 thousand). The model weighs 6,5 tons. It’s currently on display in China’s Museum of Industry in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.

That must have taken a LONG time to make…


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Invite Codes

Hello everyone,

a couple more invite codes from the Polish CD Action magazine (500g + 3 days prem) by Plmarian, Radoslaw K., CaptainTeemo_2013, SchnauzerFaust, “Pawel”, Tigerwaffe, Kewis7



Hello everyone,

the following picture was posted on Yuri Pasholok’s blog. I do think that it’s very… self explanatory. The post was called “realities” (in the sense of “how it really is”) – I think it’s very realistic depiction of the current state…


M3 Grant “Leak”

Thanks to (just like the previous screenshots) J.Saunders for this one.

Hello everyone,

yesterday, I posted tankopedia screenies with some of then vehicles, that were developed a long time ago. Here’s one more. It’s a vehicle, that will very likely appear on tier 4 of the “Firefly” branch – it’s the M3 Grant.

Keep in mind that these stats belong to a vehicle, that wasn’t even supertested and was developed years ago.


Patch 9.3 Is Here

Hello everyone,

some slowpoke news – as you might have noticed, patch 9.3 is here! A weird thing – maybe I am blind, but I can’t see any mention of the HD textures anywhere, so just keep in mind – for maximum quality, you have to download them separately (see previous posts on FTR). Much stronk.

If your launcher throws errors, try restarting it several times, helped for me. Now I am downloading the patch normally. Also, as for the “forums down”, some stronk haxor group claimed they “shot down” WG EU server or whatever, but it was likely just some kid making fake claims.

So – enjoy!

Fast and Furious: Libya Drift

Thanks to mbd for this one.

Hello everyone,

as you probably know, after the fall of Qaddafi, Libya became locked in a state of perpetual civil war with several fractions fighting each other, Al Qaeda and IS got involved as well, it’s a mess. In any case, this is what happens when people, who are not regular army soldiers, get a hold of tanks. The drifting is nice though…

Invite Codes

Hello everyone,

here’s a bunch of invite codes from a Polish magazine CD Action, that came this month with them. They are 500 gold + 3 day prem I think. Enjoy and thank you all!

The codes are from Berliett (attached a message for FTR readers: “have fun”), Jedajmacko, Candel, DominikoPL, Bartman000, Pothkan, Mrorome, Ireneusz, PaK_Wagen, Dankey20, Dr_Wycior, SorontarPL, Golinski, Roophert, Rafix200, Atikabubu, Stavros3, Kat0wice, TytusPullo85, Didyoukillme, Duszek_, Rafalwie, Tomek C., DieselEngine, Yavorenko, Alergik, bleetz_, EdziuW, Whpony96, Vegan_Sausage_Of_Doom, qraq,


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Sherman Firefly and Sherman II Leaked?

Hello everyone,

some time ago, following data appeared on official American World of Tanks tankopedia (the portal wiki). The data belong to four tanks: Sherman Firefly, Sherman II, AC I “Sentinel” and AC IV “Thunderbolt”. So, is this the first leak into what the Firefly branch will look like?

Unfortunately, no.

You see, these four models have something in common. They have all been modelled for quite some time (in some case, maybe for even two years). Yes, the Firefly model actually exists, there was even a screenshot released at some point, long time ago. Of course, these models are not in HD, as there was no such thing as “HD models” back then. In any case, all four tanks exist on the internal WG server and for some reason, someone (probably by accident) added their data to the US site. It was deleted after a short while, but someone took screenies.

Of the four tanks, the Firefly line will have the Firefly itself and the lend-lease Sherman (whether it’s the same vehicle as this Sherman II, that is unknown). AC I and AC IV are not scheduled for release anytime soon and there is no regular branch planned for them (as you can see from the gun choices, they are clearly intended as premium tanks). It’s not the “real deal” – Firefly branch tanks are, as far as anyone knows, not tested even interally (let alone supertest), but it gives us an insight into the way WG wanted to implement the Firefly.


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