Weekly FTR Contributor Review

Hello everyone,

first and foremost, sorry for the delayed contributor review, I was waiting for the Patreon to process the pledges to have it all at once – and today marks the fourth time the Patreon subscription got successfully used, thank you all!

Out of the 1567,1 USD pledged at that point:

- 387,09 USD came in successfully (the rest didn’t go through for some reason on the contributor side, insufficient funds on account etc. – and no, I did not expect the 1000 USD pledge to go through :))
- out of 387,09 USD:

35 USD went to credit card fees
19,38 USD went to Patreon (service fee)

leaving 332,71 USD for FTR – much appreciated! The list of contributors can be viewed here.

And once again it’s the time to thank also the contributors, who donated via Paypal:

Peter1289 (New Zealand)
Robert I. (United States)

Thank you guys!

The best way to help me and FTR is via the Patreon service


This is the Patreon account of For the Record. In case you read this for the first time and feel like contributing, here is an explanation what it is, how it works and how to contribute. You can find a list of all those, who pledged and help to keep FTR running here.

Thank you all!

0.9.2 Supertest patchnotes

This list of changes is almost certainly not complete, so take it with a grain of salt.

French tank changes

- AMX50B: gun aim time buffed from 3s to 2,5s

German tank changes

Aufklärungspanzer Panther

- reload time of 7,5/5,5 cm Waffe 0725 for turret VK 28.01 Ausf. C buffed from 4s to 3,4s


- aim time for 9 cm Bordkanone buffed from 2,9 s to 2,7 s
- reload time for the same gun buffed from 7,5 s to 7,2 s

Leopard 1

- 105mm gun reload time buffed from 9 s to 8,7 s

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July Missions Comparison – US vs. EU

Hello everyone,

today, several players have sent me e-mails about the difference between American and European July missions. I mean, the Americans have to have it better, since they are getting the LTP, right? Or… do they?


Random battles only, tier 4 and above vehicles

- get 5k XP once per day while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 2 gold fire extinguishers
- get 10k XP once per day while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 2 gold medkits
- get 15k XP once per day while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 2 gold repair kits
- repeat the 15k XP part 7 times: 3 days of premium (can be done only four times)
- repeat the 15k XP part 28 times (!): get the tier 3 LTP light tank

Total maximum value: 28 x 6 = 168 gold consumables (3360k credits worth), 12 days of premium, tier 3 light premium tank

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Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go Evaluation

Thanks to Vollketten for this one! A wartime video, showing the American soldiers examining the Japanese tanks and its weaknesses.



There is still the myth going on about the Japanese tanks being completely terrible – the truth is however, even this very light tank (a tankette in fact) was completely sufficient against the opponents it was intended to fight, the Chinese, who had practically no armor of their own and lacked anti-tank capabilities.

War Games and the Banks

Source: http://cyprus-mail.com/2014/06/29/war-games-and-the-banks/

Thanks to Vakahn for this one.

An interesting article appeared on the Cyprus Mail website, that mentions Wargaming. Gonna repost it here. It’s a bit longer though.

Author: Angelos Anastasiou

IN A DRAMATIC last-minute intervention last November, reminiscent of plot twists found in Hollywood dramas, a highly profitable gaming company doled out €40 million to buy a 30 per cent ownership stake in the then-undercapitalised Hellenic Bank.

On the face of it, internet gaming companies, no matter how successful, and banks make for peculiar bed fellows. Buying a bank is no simple task, not least because it’s an expensive sport, nor because running one is hard, tricky business. As banks pose systemic risks to national – and even regional – economies, whoever wants to control them is heavily scrutinised, closely monitored and tightly regulated by competent authorities. Entities buying banks typically fit a standard profile, which usually includes prior involvement in money markets or financial industries.

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Wargaming versus Bots – Progression

Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.asia/index.php?/topic/41670-botting-progression/

Thanks to everyone who sent me the link to this (cca 20 people, nice to know so many people from the ASIA server read FTR :) )

Hello everyone,

Yesterday, Tanitha posted quite a long post about what is being done with the bots on ASIA server (by the way, notice how Tanitha is starting to be the source of some very interesting info lately?). Either way, the post is linked above, I am going to summarize here and comment on it. The original text is in italics. The post starts with the classic “hi” and all that, gonna skip that.

World of Tanks is also unique in its player base, with WOT attracting a lot of middle age historians and military fans, a lot often attracted to WOT as their first online MMO. As such a large section of our player base are new to online gaming, and not familiar with the common issues brought to MMO’s in the way of bot’s. ​Bots are one of the plagues of online games, like other issues such as crime, unemployment etc, the botting issue is never “fixed” it is more a matter of constantly fighting the issue and keeping them at an acceptable level / percentage.

The last sentence is true, sadly, bots will never be eradicated from the game, not completely, there will always be some new software emulating player behavior.

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