Russian People’s Creativity


Hello everyone,

Russian server has this pretty interesting article (linked above) about two “designs” submitted by Russian people for military consideration. As in other countries, this “people’s creativity” was actually seriously reviewed and considered by military expert, who then (if possible) wrote polite letters, usually rejeting the outrageous ideas people with no clue about engineering came up with. Sometimes, the proposals were submitted even without any sort of name or return address and two of those are mentioned in the Russian post.

Armored Bus of the Grateful Old Men


On 5.11.1915, a letter without any sort of return address arrived at the office of Inventions Department of the Central Military-Industrial Committee of the Russian Empire. Apart from the letter itself, the envelope contained several drawings on a tissue paper and only a cryptic interesting signature: “Grateful Old Men”

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Odd Models in World of Tanks

Hello everyone,

a lot of people complained about odd models in World of Tanks, so I decided to have a look at some. Other sreenshots were made by Russian players (Zozzoua and Andrey Bazyakin) and EU player Am3r1knu, thanks :)

It didn’t take too hard looking to do that, because some of these issues are quite old. They were never fixed however.

IS-8 has this 50mm hole at the back of both turrets (stock and elite). There is no real reason for it (there is no hatch or anything) – yep, it’s a bug.


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Object 260 Mission To Be “Complicated”

Hello everyone,

as you probably already know, in 9.5, individual missions (IM’s) are coming. What exactly are IM’s? Well, they are (supposed to be) missions, tailored to each player specifically (different from player to player). Based on which criteria and how exactly will it look is not known.

In any case, what was published – in December (possibly early January, since in order to unify the “festivities”, Wargaming is focusing on the New Year day and not the usual western “Christmas” dates), we’ll get to see some individual missions with exclusive tanks as rewards (these include the T28 Concept, T55A and Object 260). Check this out:


Here, Storm comments on how the mission will look. Apparently, getting the Object 260 (which is the ultimate prize) will be “very complicated” and the mission will be split into multiple stages the way the IS-6 mission was.

This Storm’s comment led to some rage by a player (the screenie is his, thanks by the way), who claimed that this is a bad idea, since he won’t have time to play hardcore every day the way it was required for the IS-6 missions and that “difficult” should not mean “tedius” and “no life”. Evilly (WoT producer) reacted on his post, stating that he should in fact wait for the missions to be announced, before he makes any judgements – he adds that it’s too early to tell the details. His words however do give us hope that for once, Wargaming did not mix “difficult” and “tedious”. Should be interesting.

Armored Snail


Hello everyone,

Yuri Pasholok published yet another of the strange and wacky ideas the Soviets came up with during the Second World War. Actually, technically, this “design” (called “armored snail” by the author) pre-dates the Great Patriotic War (as the Russian part of the conflict is known). It was proposed by T.F.Fatyanov from Leningrad in March 1941. As Yuri Pasholok writes, the idea was relatively normal from the WW1 static warfare point of view. Basically, it was an armored “torpedo”, weighing 100kg (200kg with a person inside), protecting the user with its 3-5mm thick metal plates. The designer proposed this “torpedo” to be powered either by the user (by hand and legs) or by a battery-powered electric engine. Needless to say, the project was not accepted in service.


Object 907 and T28 Videos

Hello everyone,

Russian videomaker Amway921 made two interesting videos recently (well, about a week ago). One shows the new upcoming CW reward (Object 907), the other the American premium tank destroyer T28 Concept, that will be available for individual missions.

Object 907 – it is said that it has relatively thick armor, it has Object 140-like mobility (okay-ish), but the gun sucks and the tank is nasty only when running gold ammo.


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Warganism – WG RU Drinking Game

Hello everyone,

this might be old news for some, but I see this for the first time. Apparently, Wargaming produced some sort of… board game, that involves drinking alcohol. It’s called “Warganism”. I mean…. wut?

Might sound like a joke, but it’s actually not too funny. Allegedly, the Russian server does have a bit of a drinking problem (not my words, this info comes from Russian players), but I guess it’s just a response to a certain demand.



Interesting Hornbach Ad

Hello everyone,

Hornbach is a German retail chain, aimed at various hobby and professional items and materials, used for construction, building and such. Amongst other things, they sell various tools, such as hammers. This interesting German commercial made me somewhat sad though – they basically offer hammers made from armor steel, gained from scrapped armor vehicles (from former Czechoslovakia, hence the old guy speaking Czech).



Some of the parts of the text I didn’t understand (when they shout), but basically, the old guy remembers the tank and is unhappy that they are making a hammer out of it, while the Germans explain that the armor steel is the best steel there is and that they are reforging the tank to hammers.