9.4 Test 2 Feedback

Hello everyone,

just a quick rundown of some of the things in test 2. The camouflage fixed – yea, I tried to look at it in Tank Viewer and nothing seemed wrong, so who knows. Personally, I think they fixed this:

This is from Test 9.3 actually and it’s a Maus, but you can see that the turret texture is stretched wrong, so maybe it was present on the Tiger II as well. Then the visual model changes – I had a look at both of the test 1 and test 2 versions and I have absolutely no idea what they changed visually on any of those listed models (Centurion 7/1, KV-85, M5 Stuart, M3 Lee) – both versions are identical. Whatever it was, it was probably on the “let’s shift this texture two pixels to the left” level.

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9.4 Test Round 2 Started

Hello everyone,

test 2 of 9.4 has begun, with the following changes (compared to test 1):

- added new map Stalingrad
- reworked the gun sounds, based on test 1 feedback
- fixed the bug where the ricochet damage counted twice, fixing also the improper issuing of Dumitru, Orlik, Bombardier and Warrior medals
- fixed the bug with shells flying through tanks, that appeared in test 1
- reworked the design of game menu, that opens when pressing Escape

- fixed issues in visual models on following vehicles: Stug IV, M56, Object 260, Panzer II Ausf.D, Panther 88, Centurion 7/1, KV-85, M5 Stuart, M3 Lee
- fixed issues in collision models on following vehicles: T-55 NVA DDR, Object 260, T95E2, StuG IV, Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71
- fixed visual camouflage on models of T95E2, Tiger II, E 100
- fixed the loading capacity on StuG IV and Panzer II Ausf.D
- nerfed the reload time of T28 Concept

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New Wargaming Video about Engines

Enjoy! The video is a bit odd (why call it a “carburator” engine, why not call it just gasoline engines, that is far better known). By the way, the information about the Germans using gasoline due to their wartime situation is not correct, or at least not entirely. The real reason, as explained by H.Doyle was, that the Germans required certain peak operating time for their engines, which corresponded to gasoline engines. If they required like 2 hours more (IIRC), they would have gone for diesel.


New Function on Wot-News: Recommended Tanks

Hello everyone,

I’d just like to inform you of a new, experimental function on wot-news, programmed by Edrard in cooperation with the WN8 rating guys. If you are into rating and all that, you probably know that one of the wot-news functions is to check your WN8 rating on this page:


A new function was added to this table – a list of recommended tanks under the “WN8 Suggested Tanks” button. If you press it, you get the following screen:


This is a list of the tanks that you should play (or shouldn’t), if you want to increase your WN8 rating. Basically, it shows the vehicles in your garage, that have the best (and worst, on the right side) rating increase (or decrease) per battle. You can use it as a tool to pad your stats improve your rating in order to be a better player. Enjoy!

“How we make WoWs: Export Automatization and Content Verification” – Part 1

Source: http://m.habrahabr.ru/company/wargaming/blog/241083/

Hello everyone,

what follows is an article from Wargaming technical developer blog. I hope you will find it interesting. I did not translate some of the parts literally to express what the author means better, I hope you can forgive that :)


With the private preview of Wows at Gamescom and Igromir, the game release draws ever closer. Currently, we are in the middle of alpha-testing stage and us, developers from the Wargaming studio at St.Petersburg, called Lesta, have a whole bunch of questions to decide. Given that, we already managed to pass a whole lot of obstacles. Below is the account of how we managed to adapt the exporter of our engine to the needs of Wows and how we created the process of content verification.

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Hungarian Branch in WoT – Part 3: Turán medium tanks

Part I
Part II: Light tanks

Author: Karika


In this part, we’ll take a look at how could the Hungarian Turán medium tanks be implemented into WoT. Everything is the same as in the previous article: I will not predict game parameters (health points or alpha damage) and the balance parameters (radiorange, RoF, etc.) would not necessarely be implemented as I listed them below.

Please note that these are only the historical characteristics, so presumably (!) these would be only the stock or intermediate configurations of the in-game tanks, not the final ones.

Turán – Tier IV



Possible vehicle description

In 1940 the Hungarian Ministry of Defence decided to buy the licence of the yet unfinished design of the Czechoslovak T-21 medium tank, to solve the problem of the missing medium tank class in Hungarian service as soon as possible. However, because the prototype needed plenty of modifications and suffered from many breakdowns during its development, the first 40M. Turán I medium tanks only arrived to the troops in the Summer of 1942. Soon after that, the need for a higher caliber gun arose, so between 1942-1943, the Turán was further developed to 41M. Turán II and recieved a short 75mm cannon in a modified turret. Approximately 459-462 Turán I and Turán II were manufactured during the war.

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Buff My Tank: Chi-Ri

Author: Daigensui

Originally I was planning to write the third part of Japanese tank destroyers, but quite a bit of fire from other locations has made me decide to add fuel to the fire. On the one side I’m considered a traitor for not giving Japanese tanks all possible advantages (such as the Chi-To engine), on the other side I’m some Japanophile who would do anything to fool WG into believing overbuffed information. Obviously I’m neither, but let’s see how it goes.

Chi-Ri is quite a problematic vehicle. It is essentially a larger Chi-To with only the autoloading gun being its advantage. It has barely enough engine power to cover the large weight, no armor to speak off (for a Tier VII medium), and a size which defies the idea of a medium tank. All in all, it is at most a 6.5 tier vehicle, just barely surviving.

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