
- World of Tanks models will not have cloth anti-dust covers on the guns (the way War Thunder models have for example) – it’s not certain that Panther 88 (SS: and thus patch 9.5) will appear until New Year, but Wargaming “will try” – 9.4 causing mods to stop working again? “Try playing on a clean client. You will get fewer issues :)” (SS: according to Russian feedback, a LOT of mods stopped working again) – official 9.5 info will be available around the time when 9.5 hits the open test – 9.5 Firefly branch will “start with medium tanks and then turn into TD’s” (SS: actually, that’s technically wrong, it will start with light tanks – M2A4 and Honey) – the bug, where when you played a Stronghold battle and it didn’t count towards statistics was fixed – in 9.4, the Chaffee Sport crew gets automatically retrained to regular Chaffee (not in RU patchnotes apparently)

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If you are interested in ships, check out this very interesting article about the story of one Soviet cruiser and “big gun” ships in general. – Q: “Are you aware of the number of players reporting “no damage” penetrations?” A (SerB): “We are aware four years already that a part of the players consists of whiners, posting permanently all kinds of crap in this forum topic.” – while you don’t get damaged from collisions with objects, you can actually get damaged by the environment, if you drive from a certain slope too fast and crash. In such cases, the damage is not determined by the height difference between the starting slope point and the ending point (SS: eg. “what distance you cover by going downhill”), but by your vertical velocity

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EU Top of the Tree, November

Hello everyone, in November, the tier 10 “Top of the Tree” discounts on EU server will be as such: – 1.11.-15.11.2014: Object 140 (30 percent credit discount and 15 percent income bonus to T-44, T-54 Light, Object 416, T-54, Object 140) – 15.11.-1.12.2014: Object 261 (30 percent credit discount and 15 percent income bonus to SU-14-2, 212A, Object 261)

9.4 Supertest Patchnotes

As usual, these are only preliminary and possibly partial. No HD models. Vehicles: – M56 Scorpion, Panzer II Ausf.D, Object 260, T-55A, Panther 88, T28 Concept, StuG IV added for supertesters only – T-34-3 and AT-15A recieved a buff (unspecified) – camo coefficient of T-54 Light fixed – fixed bugs in visual models of SU-100, IS-7, Jagdpanther, M24 Chaffee – fixed bugs in collision models of M-24 Chaffee, KV-85 – fixed the names of the T67 turrets

Czechoslovak Branch Reloaded

Hello everyone, as the older readers probably know, Czechoslovak branch in World of Tanks is sort of my “pet project” for various reasons. It is also one of the upcoming branches in the European tech tree (late 2015) – altogether, I’ve been working on it from like January 2012 (Tuccy wrote a post about the Czechoslovak branch in March 2012 based on my first attempt and then I based my work on his old proposal), so there’s enough data to implement a lot from it. That however brought an issue with it – the old posts I made in early 2013 are now for all intents and purposes obsolete and they sometimes mislead people. Plus, as we all know, a lot has changed since 2013 – for example, in late 2012, there was still no tier 10 artillery. That’s why my original work needs some serious updating. Currently, I am working with the following statements, that have been at one point or another confirmed to be either very likely or completely true: – European tree will come at one point (confirmed) – it will consist of separate national branches (crews situation was not decided yet, but likely the player will choose the nationalities) – one (or alternatively more) of these branches will belong to Czechoslovakia – Italian branch of medium tanks should look like this – copies of existing tanks should be avoided Based on the statements above, I did split the branch into three “sections”: – regular tanks (Czechoslovak projects, vehicles produced in Czechoslovakia and modified by us) – premium tanks (mostly prototypes or projects or existing tanks with modifications) – captured/foreign tanks (unmodified tanks Czechoslovakia used at one point or another, this group is completely optional and quite frankly pointless, it’s there as some sort of “last resort” (and for the sake of tree completion), I do not expect ever to see any tanks from that group in the game) The branch is made in a form of the “old tree” – I really hate the horizontal tree design, but it’s just a collection of branches, that could work with one another. Here’s how it looks: Details follow:

Mini Veider Q&A

Source: Wot-News.com Hello everyone, some quick answers from Veider: – Veider confirms that the new top French mediums (AMX-30 Prototype and AMX-30) will be unlocked from AMX-13/90 – it’s possible that the RU251 view range will be changed, full analysis is needed in order to make a decision – T-54 Light would be really boring as a premium tier 8 medium tank, that’s why another tank will be picked for that slot instead. Veider likes it as a top tier LT8, it’s possible there will be some characteristics fixes – Object 906 is an interesting tank, but without swimming, it’s very unlikely it will appear in the game

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As you probably know, 9.3 is currently active on RU server (EU should get it tomorrow IIRC). The patch seems to have some bugs, but overall it’s normal. The biggest change is the split of HD textures – please make sure you know about it if you use maximum quality texture setting (so you aren’t in for a rude surprise). Some Russian players claim that WG fucked the patch up and included the HD textures in the “non-HD” patch anyway, Storm replied that he would investigate this. – why does LTTB have bad depression? “Because it was like that in real life” (SS: funny, because LTTB turret was NEVER designed in real life, it’s a Wargaming invention – Yurko2F stronk!) – when balancing vehicles, DPM is calculated based on (rate of fire * average damage) with the “specific situation of high alpha guns” in mind. In any case, it depends on balancing. – it’s “possible” that company mode will be completely removed – T-54 Light being better than tier 8 medium tanks? “Don’t forget the scout MM spread” – the percentage of hitpoints you lose during an engine/fuel fire, unless you extinguished, is not constant for all tanks – for each tank, it depends on the nation, class and individual characteristics – apparently, the “realistic tracks movement” made it into 9.3 – these will work with HD models and will be present even if you do not download the HD texture pack – there is apparently also a bug in 9.3 where the clan logo does not display correctly in the hangar – according to Storm, T-34-3 will not be seriously buffed – special SD client? “Enable low graphic quality settings” – special low quality low-polygon-count models will not be made: “there is no advantage in that” – for the remaining vehicles, the engine/transmission split will happen “in upcoming patches” – the 9.2 KV-1S crew will be retrained automatically to KV-85 (apart from the radioman)

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9.3 Overview Video

Hello everyone, here’s the usual Wargaming patch introduction video. For now, unfortunately, only in Russian. What you can do is turn automatic subtitles on and then have them translated to English. Not too good, but at least it will give you an overview of what they mention. As far as I can tell, there is nothing really surprising in the video.     Inside: – new light tanks, reworked Murovanka, vehicle rebalance, new Stronghold functions – LTTB: “much like the legendary T-50-2, same high speed and maneuverability”, but with added firepower, “the gameplay feeling is practically the same as the earlier T-50-2″ – T-54 Light: well-armored and armed light tank, can withstand hits from tanks of its tier – US light tanks: good mobility and viewrange, guns are fast aiming and firing fast – M41 has an autoloader for 10 shells, it can destroy in 20 seconds most of tier 7′s and many 8′s, but it is light, low hitpoints, has to be careful in picking targets – T49 can mount a 152mm gun – base shell is HE, it makes a lot of damage but playing with it is complicated due to low ROF, long aimtime and low accuracy, 90mm gun is for players who like the fire support role – RU251 is one of the fastest tanks in the game with a good gun, it’s possible to play it as a mobile sniper – KV-1S split (KV-85 on tier 6), KV-85 gets to keep the favourite 122mm gun – new HD models – rework of Murovanka – new Stronghold functions (“Chancellery”, mercenaries) – certain map objects now explode (fuel tanks, cars) – explosion effect was reworked – new punishments for leavers and AFKers – new ricochet system – transmission/engine split – if a tank drowns while being detracked (forced drowning), it will count as a kill for the person that caused the detrack


Storm on new physics: “In the new physics, the interaction between the vehicle and small obstacles and irregularities on the ground is completely different. When going over such spots, the tanks lose much less speed, shrugging these obstacles off by the work of its suspension. It’s much easier to keep the target in your sights without losing your speed. I consider one of the positive aspects of new physics.” – Storm confirms that the Chieftain in the game will be Mk.2 (SS: he was mistaken before with Mk.3, not a hard mistake to do, since Vickers MBT Mk.3 was considered for WoT) – developers are not making the Chieftain model yet, it will be scanned in Bovington first – Chieftain and the FV4202 switch will not come this year apparently – it’s possible that 0.9.5 will come this year (specifically December 14 was mentioned by Storm) – IS-7 “rectangular” gun barrel will be fixed later – reworked historical battles will definitely not come in 2014 – vehicles in new historical battles will be “historical”, but which ones exactly will be used is not decided yet – Chaffee 43k XP compensation will NOT be free XP – tank corpses (destroyed tank hulls) do not ricochet in 9.3, only tanks that are alive do – Chinese tank crew setup (where the radioman position switches from one crewmember to another) will be fixed – T-54 HD model does not correspond the T-54 Light HD model. T-54 model has to be fixed according to Storm

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- Q: “What are the advantages of the T-54 Light? It has none compared to other vehicles!” A (SerB): “Don’t want to play it? Don’t play it. Better whine some more instead, for practice.” – Q: “Will the D-10-85 gun, that was planned to be installed on SU-85, be added to other vehicles than LTTB?” A: “If needed.” – Object 430 accuracy was decreased to 0,38 “to make it different from other Soviet tier 10 mediums” – very slow tanks that sometimes have no activity due to their slow speed (like the US T95 GMC) will not suffer from the “anti-AFK” system – developers do keep them in mind when designing the system – Chaffee and MT-25 gold camouflage will not be compensated (transferred to other vehicles) now that they won’t be the top light tanks of their nation anymore – no tank in the game is balanced with players using only gold ammo on Wargaming’s mind – Q: “Will you add medals for killing people with ricocheted shells?” A: “You think there are too few medals in the game still? :)” – it’s possible that in the future, engine fires will be extinguished by driving the tank into the water, no ETA – more tanks will have their engine/transmission split implemented in one of the upcoming patches – new dynamic tracks (as shown in 9.3 test) are still work in progress, they have many bugs – roadwheels of the Tiger in 9.3 test are not bugged – Storm states that the new HD models turned out much better than the ones that were made for 9.0, for example he thinks welds are looking pretty good. IS-7 is an exception – that model is bugged – low LOD gun barrel is displayed instead.

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