Storm writes on 0.8.6


In this post, Storm gathers feedback and answers a few questions about the 0.8.6 patch. From the discussion:

- it’s possible the dynamic camera jerking after shooting (“recoil”) will be removed altogether, devs need more feedback (actually, Storm states that many players like this, because they consider it a part of the shooting experience)
- Storm knows about the mod, removing the aforementioned jerk (SS: it’s the one I linked previously)
- Storm likes the new sounds (SS: and so do I tbh)
- apparently, the effect where for example one team has 2 tier 10 arties and the other 2 tier 10 heavies is NOT desired and it looks like it’ll be dealt with
- Storm will also watch the statistics of the accuracy, it’s too early to tell whether it will stay as it is now, because it’s possible it was overbuffed (specifically, hit statistics, average battle times on various maps and tiers and average tank lifespan)
- apparently, the extended post-battle statistics mod does cause issues in 0.8.6
- the houses in Fjords were slightly moved

Plus, a bunch of SerB photoshops and photos were posted in the thread, such as this one (the T-shirt says “nerf arty!”)

34 thoughts on “Storm writes on 0.8.6

      • I must agree, I get tired of his drivel no matter how good of a player he may be. Frankly he is most tiresome and will probably be the next to get perma-banned.
        On a side note however tank related tee shirts in Russian look super-cool. I want one now.

        • But it’s that particular mix of drivel and seriousness that keeps the NA forums as a place where we can all go and have a laugh or two. Take the drivel away and it becomes a newspaper… nothing but bad news.

          • Good riddance, finally we’ll get rid of those no-nonsense, single minded polls! :P

  1. Why is German Normandy camo a desert one?!? I didn’t know that Normandy is desert…

  2. I want that shirt :D
    On sounds: better, but still not as good as HR mod.

    Regarding posts above: who the F is Garbad?

    • Regular know-it-all and pompous windbag arty-hater on NA forum. He is a fantastic player with no sense of modesty.

        • actually Garbad is not that good. he likes to yolo a lot in tanks with good armor and it works for him because the teams he face are so noob. this is also why he hates arty so much. watch his replays and imagine him not on his team and his team will still win.

  3. Is it possible to track down who made that shirt and ask them to make it available for sale on zazzle or etsy.

  4. the new sounds for me anyway are terrible, sometimes i dont know if ive even been hit till i look at the health bar, for me, ok after 60 games today the update is terrible, getting shot at from OP tanks like the IS series from half a mile away you stood a chance of them missing, brawler tanks now can hit most things, my OBJ 704 sniping form 400 meters and hitting every time is a bit of a joke, i know we all will get use to it but ffs, it reminds me of the time when WOW was hard, that made it more exciting, i think wot will go the same way, its real shame because before 8.3 the game was a real joy to play, all they needed to do with arty was restrict the numbers in high tier battles, this arrogance as well from ppl like serb will be there downfall, the same as WOW, I hope not, i will continue to play but not like before, they are a very strange company, I guarantee this game will struggle in 2 years time, just my thoughts

    • Yeah really exciting to hit tracks for 0 damage, miss, hit some shitodule for 0 damage again and finally do 600 dmg with BL-10 while aiming at the gap between turret and tracks on type59 side.

      Pre 8.6 was an exercise in frustration, now its more about ur skillz instead of who and when u sacrificed to the god of RNG. Oh and its world of tanks, you know.. a game where tanks shoot each other instead of dancing and hugging rocks like some scared lizards in fear of arty.

  5. Priest XP go back with it to tier 3 in 8.6 wth? new T4 m37 gets what?which is what some people on the EU server are complaining about.

    their Priest had 000s of XP on its way to tier 5 .

    It got relegated to Tier 3 – the xp with it went back to tier 3 tank, not to the M37 which went to Tier 4

    anyone else on the EU server notice something similar?

    • This patch didn’t come out of nowhere. Keep up to date and you will know what to do before patches for optimal gains and no losses.

  6. - apparently, the extended post-battle statistics mod does cause issues in 0.8.6

    Some more info on this? Is it the Locastan’s statistic pack mod or XVM? I have the issue that i don’t see tooltips in after battle screen. Not my screenshot, but this player also has same problem. The little popup window doesn’t popup when you hover your mouse over it. Really annoys me.

    • Works perfectly fine for me with XVM 4.0. The extra info (what crits you dealt etc.) is awesome!

      • Another game with ww2 thematic, nice graphics, more realism, less balance… certainly an interesting game…


        ….WT is considered by most WOT noobs, to be THE game where their “tru skilz” will come to light ant they will rule the field just like in their imagination… You will see the less skilled crowd often saying, i lost 10 games in row today, i cant wait for WT, those kind of loses will not happen there… lol

  7. I saw this in the patch notes:

    Premium shells, which saw their characteristics changed, were reimbursed with credits according to the shell purchase price of version 8.5

    Would someone be kind enough to provide a list (or a link)?

    Also, I’m sure there’ll be lots of trouble when the Chinese server gets the patch. premium shells reimbursed with credits… with no option to buy prem shells with credits… This may end up with lawsuits.

    • Just log in the game; you’ll notice (or SHOULD, anyway) right away which prem shells have gone poof. But if it’s lists you want, there’s several on this very blog from a few days back.

  8. “- Storm will also watch the statistics of the accuracy, it’s too early to tell whether it will stay as it is now, because it’s possible it was overbuffed (specifically, hit statistics, average battle times on various maps and tiers and average tank lifespan)”

    To make things fair…

    Leave that buff on ALL GERMAN and BRITISH TANKS and give back the old accuracy to other nations. Now the Germans and British would be balanced if that happens. : )