
- apparently, Wargaming actually did a survey to find out, where is the best location for the garage “battle” button (up or down)
- Skill MM: “There will be no skill MM. If you improve your skill, you will have the right to pwn”
- SerB explain the “free to win” Wargaming concept, compared to “free to farm”: “Free to win is a system, in which all the combat options (including gold ammo) are available to both paying and not paying players. Free to farm is a dream of noobs (SS: literally “freeloaders”), who don’t want to farm neither in the game, nor in real life. That won’t be implemented.”
- according to SerB, the autoloader tanks are not imbalanced. Although realistically in real life they actually had to stop to reload the shell magazine, this won’t be implemented because the game would become too static
- the tier 6 British arty size is correct (it’s not too small) – according to SerB, British designs were typically compact: “Take Matilda and Churchill as example. Everything is correct.”
- Q: “Will you introduce high penetrating premium tanks?” A: “How about a ‘pwn everyone’ button?”
- Superpershing sale for gold: “When it’s done it’s done”
- T54, T69 and VK3601 further gold ammo changes? “If needed, while taking historicity into account”
- Q: “Autoloader tanks are overpowered!” A: “How terrible. Get one autoloader too and pwn. Of course, skilled players will destroy you while you reload your drum and you will start whining again – too bad, in this case, medicine is powerless.”
- Foch 155 overpowered 1v1? “This game is not about 1v1 combat. Flank him, catch him when he’s reloading.”
- it is known that a newly researched (!, not bought) tank has a certain number of battles with preferential MM after its unlock (preferential as in – you have lower chance to drop to hightier battles), this also applies when for example the tank is bought one month after it is unlocked. It is however possible that during low server population hours, MM overrides this rule.
- Q: “I have too little FPS!” A: “Upgrade your abacus at least to calculator, clean it up inside, update drivers etc.”
- Foch 155 disadvantages accoding to SerB: “Long reload, thin side armor”
- if you have the elite status on KV-1S, it will stay elite even after MT-25 is introduced
- Q: “Arty was overnerfed…” A: “Oh my, we forgot to ask your opinion when we did it :( But yes, your opinion is very important to us.”
- T2LT nerfed MM? “Don’t play T2LT”
- light Soviet assault tank with short 76mm on tier 5? “Short barrelled 76mm on T5? How terrible…”
- the plan is to remove unhistorical Panther/E-50 engines, while improving the terrain resistance, so the vehicle mobility will remain the same
- if your T-50-2 tank commander has radioman perks (since in T-50-2, commander was serving as a radioman also) and he gets transferred to MT-25, his radioman perks will stay (in other words, it will be possible to have TWO crewmembers on MT-25 with perks exclusive to radioman)
- the amount of arties after 8.6 was “reduced three times, compared to pre-8.6″
- no plans to limit the number of TD’s in battle
- according to SerB, there were attempts by players to sue WG, but none have made it to the court room: “Apparently, he who has enough time for a trial also has enough money for lawyers, who then advise him not to put this in front of a judge, because the whole claim is futile.”
- MT-25 getting a new crewmember, screwing up the T-50-2 4-man crew with Brothers in Arms perk? “How terrible” and “The switch was announced a year ago, you could have chosen another”
- it’s possible that grinding the E-50 to elite status will be easier, as the top engine to grind will be removed
- according to SerB it’s technically not possible to introduce free consumables and shells for training rooms
- new detracking sounds are planned apparently
- it’s theoretically possible that Object 430U (Object 430 with 122mm gun and other improvements) will appear as a tier 10 Soviet heavy, but there is a problem with the branch leading to it
- SerB is not aware of a player-mentioned Japanese “Type 100 Te-Re” tank, he states the name itself doesn’t fit the Japanese naming system
- it’s possible that free XP will be shareable between WoT, WoWp and WoWs

158 thoughts on “8.7.2013

  1. - apparently, Wargaming actually did a survey to find out, where is the best location for the garage “battle” button (up or down)

    yea and i never heard about this, so its russia only survey

    • Interestingly WoWP has the battle button on bottom of the screen. WoT has it on top of the screen.

      • Where the button goes doesn’t concern me as much as HOW they make the button. Currently the drop down menu is a desk-face lesson in UI as you can repeatedly misclick and hit “Random Battle” when you want to start a platoon/TC

  2. - Skill MM: “There will be no skill MM. If you improve your skill, you will have the right to pwn”

    as expected still MM decides who wins, you won’t get equal skilled balanced teams

    • Um, if it’s not skill based…. The random god of chance decides, not the MM, which is blind to skill.

      That said, how fucking hard is it for that troll (SerB) to get that what is needed isn’t putting good players with good, and bad with bad, but to just make it balanced good and bad matching, or nearly so, on each team. With the large number of players it would add what? 15 seconds to the queue time? BFD.

      • +1

        It would add ZERO seconds waiting time. Just balance ALREADY PICKED players among teams (as best as possible while adhering to other rules of MM too). Piece of cake from programming point of view.

          • You are kind of a customer everybody in gaming industry likes: stupid and easily misled.

          • And the verdict on some Anon boob on the Intarnets is worth even marginally more than the electricity my comp uses to render it on screen because of why exactly?

    • I’ll paraphrase what SerB said: High skill players deserver the luxury of spawning in a game where they’re better than everyone else, because they have the skill to do so.

      Balancing teams based on skill wouldn’t take more time? How about this: 1 super unicum and 29 average players in queue, the game would wait until either another super unicum gets on queue, or many good players get in queue. Yes, this would create longer waiting times sometimes.

      It’s better for everyone? Actually, it’s only better for those whose skills are below average because they depend more on their team’s performance to win. Those whose skills are above average will have their wins artificially toned down because the MM will always either place them with stupid teams or place good players on the other team. As Wargaming, you don’t want your high skill players to go away because they’re the ones who give this game popularity via esports and streams, not to mention they pay a lot of money to the game.

      In conclusion, skill MM is a bad thing.

      • That comment deserves a massive facepalm.
        If you are good player – you want challenge and equal enemy, pwning noobs and donkeys is no fun.
        If you only concern yourself with how your winrate, wn6, wn7, eff. and so on looks, then sure, it’s bad

        In short, will skill based MM change winrates and stuff? sure. Will it make good players leave? nope.

        • Do you *quite* realise it’ll very much force everyone towards the 49% median since everyone will be primarily fighting roughly equal opponents which rather self-evidently results in a kinda fifty-fifty win-loss distribution (and arguably makes the vagaries of the RNG that much more decisive)?

          The end result oughta be about everyone within a few percentiles of the median which flatly defeats the original purpose (since the potatoes and unicums will still be getting matched with each other) and a LOT more work for the MM.

          • So, whats the problem? You won’t see 60+ winrate? It will bother you that much? Or maybe it’s about playing and having and not about getting winrate better then the next guy.

            Original purpose of skill based MM is to ensure that battles are equal and fun for both sides.

          • I actually like being able to follow my own developement in the game, you know. But good job missing the point – since that kind of MM would artificially “level out” the WR, what the fuck is the system going to build the teams on to avoid gross skill imbalances? In other words, how do you propose it tell the good players from the ambulatory vegetables?

          • @Darlock

            I agree, its best the fun factor should be for everybody not just for “favored” players.


            you will still know who the better player is based on damage dealt vs damage recieved and K/D ratio.

      • How about this: 1 super unicum and 29 average players in queue, the game would wait until either another super unicum gets on queue, or many good players get in queue.

        How about this: 6 unicums, 5 good / very good and 4 above average in one team and 15 average an below average in second.

        Nobody demands equal number of unicums in each team but there are no reason why both teams are so f…d up by MM. Mix players and game will be more rewarding for everyone.

        • @Kellomies even now there are other ratings, wn6/7, efficiency, performance, kill/death, spec. damage, spotted damage and so on. Those will not change with skill based MM.

          There can be something like “tiers”, based on the rating you got. Similar to leagues in SC2 for example. you start in “bronze”, after you get some rating, you move up and so on.

          • I’m kinda neutral here in this discussion. Skill based MM is both a blessing and a curse.
            Just wanna add my 2 Cents…

            “@Kellomies even now there are other ratings, wn6/7, efficiency, performance, kill/death, spec. damage, spotted damage and so on. Those will not change with skill based MM.”

            An unicum playing only against unicums will have exact the same “wn6/7, efficiency, performance, kill/death, spec. damage, spotted damage” as the bad player only fighting bad players…

            For example: A good player can (most times) handle two bad players synchronously. While against 2 other good players, he will have big troubles to fire even a 2nd shot…

            In WoT skill is mostly based on the fact, that on one hand you rarely make mistakes and on the other hand that you are able to take full advantage of the enemy’s mistakes.
            (..skill of solo person – skill of a whole team is different of course… platoon tactics, global strategic decisions, etc.)

  3. - SerB explain the “free to win” Wargaming concept, compared to “free to farm”: “Free to win is a system, in which all the combat options (including gold ammo) are available to both paying and not paying players. Free to farm is a dream of noobs (SS: literally “freeloaders”), who don’t want to farm neither in the game, nor in real life. That won’t be implemented.”

    “free to win” good joke
    i have prem account i can afford prem ammo = pay to win
    pay = buy premium account for extra credits
    win = can afford to use gold ammo

    • dont have premium and i dont have enough credits to use gold ammo so i dont buy
      but wiht premium i could afford to use premium ammo

      its not “pay to win”: this message is just for the brainless
      because something is pay to win in EU/US is a very bad thing

      • “free to win”
        why is premium tank gold only then
        if its not “free to farm” premium tank is not for farm then its for “free to win”
        but its not free because its gold and you pay for gold
        so its “pay to win” in the end

        • its free to win becasue you can achieve every regular game content without paying anything. You dont NEED a prem tank.

        • prem tanks arent op, so its not pay to win with prem tank. you earn more money. more money isnt a skill or an advantage in a battle.

          • as he said: it’s pay to farm. Premium tanks are inferior to their normal counterparts, but excel at farming. if you see someone winning in a prem tank, congratulations! Some WoT God has taken mercy on your soul by crippling himself. Even the best premium tanks are still inferior to their normal counterparts.

    • You guys really have trouble grasping the whole concept don’t you?

      Premium account or premium tanks aren’t really needed to be able to run gold ammo. You just need enough farming tanks of T5/T6 and you need to put in more time to get the same amount of money.

      So their “Free to win” claim is very true, you either put in time or you put in money to reduce the amount of time required.

      • They’re just jealous noobs who suck at the game and blame it on nonexistent pay-2-win.
        Or they’re actually pay-2-win noobs from some crappy EA game who want to buy a clearly OP tank and feel good about themselves.

      • which player can use more premium ammo?

        player 1: no premium account + only has 1x Tier 10 Heavy Tank

        player 2: premium account + only has 1x Tier 10 Heavy Tank

        don’t reply.

        • They can use the same amount of ammo, the non paying one will have to play more to get it, which is the point of the entire fucking system.

          And why shouldn’t I reply? Scared that your non-existant argument falls apart?

        • Would you believe I mostly don’t even USE the prem ammo I carry in most tanks for tight spots, and my WR is nevertheless improving if ever-so-slowly?

          Anon is a stupid baddie and needs to take a good long look at a mirror.

          • “pay to win”
            using real money to get advantage/VIP item/content/ etc

        • what a stupid question. the man with more money on wot account… if its prem or not is equal..

    • Gold ammo influences outcome of battle like 1 in 53 battles – usually nooblets die, then in flank kills others.

      • I’m not so sure about it. IF some would carry and use premium ammo they could actually damage their opponents, how often do you see this 0 – close to 0 damage heroes.. If they would do something like at least 500 damage, things would be much easier.

        • I keep seeing 0 Damage Done champions in tanks that hurt the opposition pretty much just looking their way, such as ISUs and whatnots. And while some can doubtless be legitimately excused due to getting artye’d before they even have the opportunity to do much (high-tier French stuff seems particularly prone to death from above) in most cases it’s painfully clear the cause is PEBKAC.

          Also, everyone can afford to carry and use a bunch of Jew Shells if they want/think of doing so, making your point moot.

      • If I have tanks in my team who proudly anounce not to use premium ammo I feel betrayed.

        A few shots of premium are of importance for exaple when resetting or finishing of a high tier enemy (still dangerous, even with 1 hp) with a low tier tank.

        Without the occasional shot of premium my win rate would come down. And team where no one uses it is doomed to lose nine games out of ten.

        Only noobs shot premium exclusively but only fools don’t use it ever.

    • I also do have a premium account,but I don’t think it’s a pay 2 win, because well, you can always farm credits with your T5/T6 tanks and buy premium ammo. You just need patience, but most ppl seem to think it’s pay 2 win because then can’t just buy a shitload of premium ammo. Tbh I use the premium ammo really rarely because I still think that its costs are too high.

  4. - it’s theoretically possible that Object 430U (Object 430 with 122mm gun and other improvements) will appear as a tier 10 Soviet heavy, but there is a problem with the branch leading to it

    Nice joke.

    • ” but there is a problem with the branch leading to it”

      Ohohoho I’m pretty sure that’s no problem for WG. *Looks at Faillöwe”.

      • But it doesn’t even need a branch leading to it since it’s a CW reward tank, separate from the regular tree.

        • he wanna say that its like failowe, who just is a fantasy tank. this project was just a line in a list of possible tank projects. And Failloewe is a bullshit name What should “Fail” stand for.. I’m german and i have no idea to what vehicle description this will fit.

          • VK7201 is not exactly fantasy, just its stats are, with armor doubled everywhere from historical specs.

  5. “- it’s possible that grinding the E-50 to elite status will be easier, as the top engine to grind will be removed

    will we be refunded the cash? Or no?

    ” the plan is to remove unhistorical Panther/E-50 engines, while improving the terrain resistance, so the vehicle mobility will remain the same”

    What is the verdict on this? Good change, bad, neutral? I never hear much about terrain resistance, is there a benefit to having better resistance but smaller engine?

    • “What is the verdict on this? Good change, bad, neutral? I never hear much about terrain resistance, is there a benefit to having better resistance but smaller engine?”

      Look at T-62A. It has a terrible engine for its weight, but floats around due to the insanely low terrain resistance.

      • I think having a weak engine but good track friction *can* screw you if you’re driving up a hill. Normally there’s no difference though, and weak engine/good tracks tanks can usually handle swampy terrain better than good engine/meh tracks.

        • thanks for the replies, so it’s more neutral change. Some situations it could be very very slight buff, or nerf.

          As for the removal of the engine, do you guys think they will refund people who already bought it? Or no.

      • i was on malinovka hill in my t54 with top engine and looked at a t62 how it passed me with ease. Engine power doesnt mean jackshit when you lower ground resistance that much.

    • I seriously hope they will reconsider. The E series isn’t exactly historical to begin with, being post-war redrawn blueprints and a partially made hull, so why toy around with the historical aspect?

      It’s fine now, don’t fucking touch it.

      • Plz plz let them delete this “putting out of the Ass” L100 guns and give us something that suits better.
        And yes i know it’s not really out of their ass but it’s unrealistic to have such guns on an Panther

        • Yeah, remove the gun that was actually conceived, only on paper but sitll, and give “something else” in return. What kind of “something else” do you suggest that would:
          a) work equally good as L/100?
          b) be more historical than L/100?
          Or would you just leave Panther with L/70 gun? 150mm of penetration, huge tank and crappy mobility on T7 – good luck with that. If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.
          Back to the topic. Top engine of E-50 possibly removed? Are they nuts?! They plan on leaving it the 870 hp engine? There is no conceivable value of terrain resistance, that would make the vehicle retain current level of mobility. So I call this whole thing about lowering engine power and keeping current mobility intact a BS. Besides – how will this engine change affet the E-75? As one of intended features of the E-Series was compatibility of the parts (and E-75 and E-50 were specifically designed with the same engine), E-75 engine should be changed too. Or is the fact that they share an engine actually the reason (or one of the reasons) to force that change? As it is too big an advantage to be able to research the engine on E-75 and use it straight away on E-50? Where are historical accuracy in that case, WG?
          Besides, what is actually the point of changing the engines, while making the vehicles retain the same mobility? Again – if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. It just seem like a pointless excercise to meet “historic values” on engines that mostly never actually existed outside drawing boards. Call me paranoid, but I actually feel a hidden nijna nerf for German med line. Did the increased accuracy benefited them “too much”?

          • Sorry for mistakes/typos and such, I’m quite tired, and it is 0:30 here now.

          • No, it was actually the derp gunners who got buffs, and many of these are soviet tanks. Now KV1S, SU152, ISU152, etc can snipe with ease with there hard hitting guns. That “general” accuracy buff was already a nerf to tanks that relied more on accuracy, like most German “sniper” tanks. I have observed it is difficult to play tanks like Panther, JagdPanther, etc… “clumsy” “sniper” tanks that have minimal armor that rely on distance to fight enemy maybe that is why there mobility needs some buff, especially now that the E25 is coming and seems to be OP against clumsy tanks with weak armor like JagdPanther, especially since no turret. You get detracked then your dead.

          • maybe they could also replace that L100 w/ the konisch – I think very ideal on Panther.

        • >clumsy tanks with weak armor

          The last I checked circle-killing the bastards in meds was rather risky due to the traverse rate and pivot turn…

        • L/100 just needs an alpha buff to about 150. You can nerf the rof/etc if need be.

  6. I have a question:

    On the Test server I got a new crew member for the MT-25, but he “only” has 100%. My other crew members have their 2.skill to 73%. Is it possible, that we can get a new crew member with the same amount of xp as all the others, or will it stay like that ?

    Plus: I noticed, that the MT-25 has no gun rammer anymore, while the T50-2 had/has one.

    • Okay, i am stupid, I shoud really rad the answers before asking a question. Sry, this can be deleted. I feel soooo stupid right now

  7. - it’s possible that free XP will be shareable between WoT, WoWp and WoWs

    It would be better they do that.. otherwise the account unification will be useless

    • You might think that unified accounts mean unified credits,gold,premium account, and free xp. But no. This is WG we are talking about.

      • Um, do what?

        Have you even looked up anything about what they are planning?

        Gold and Premium time have already been confirmed that they will be shared. They are now considering the possibility of sharing free exp. But no, we must be negative about anything WG – go play COD or War Thunder…. and Sign yer damn posts.

        • I’m not 12 years old so I’ll pass the Cod but will take the War Thunder.

      • Okay.. I do realize that sharing of credits wouldn’t bring anything good.. but c’mon at least free exp :P

        Even dough I can collect a lot of free exp in wot.. that’s not that much of game breaking.. and if I would like to make a rapid progress I would still need a lot of gold to do it

        So I think they should add that too the unification. I mean, premium days and gold is a must and this free exp sharing would be like a bonus.. (:

        • Except…

          You run bots on other games you don’t like and use it one the third you like. Welcome to more bots for players who just don’t give a damn about stats on game they don’t play at all.

          Free exp should be tied to the game you play, but gold and premium is ok. Credits is bad, because of above too.

          • proved running bots in wot = warplanes full noobs on highest tiers. i dont think anyone wants this.

  8. I’m not sure what SerB means by “how terrible” regarding the Soviet light tank. Any explanations?

  9. How nice e-50 gets another nerf. Sure as hell they wont improve its terrain resistance that much it will keep its speed. Wasnt e-50 and e-75 suppose to share same engines or similar modules?

  10. my abacus runs Shogun 2 or DeusEx 3 on max detail, yet WOT on lowest possible settings (expect visibility) drops to ~15 FPS on some occasions (just sayin’)

    • My tiny laptop, that was low-end even when I bought it three years ago, runs WoT on maxed standard render at 40-60 fps…

        • omg, kiddy. graphic is all, right? a man who cleans his nose photorealistic, but nothing other as content would give you a hard co.., right?
          Not everyone can buy a alienware notebook every year.
          Your super flame wars here never ends. You must be a very poor guy.

          • Dude, it’s not about graphics-(period).
            It’s about the fact that some people could run brand new games with kick-ass graphics on max settings and cannot the same with WoT because the crappy engine doesn’t allow it.

          • My box would probaly catch fire if I tried to run some of the newest stuff at max graphics, and handles WoT without problems. Just sayin’.

      • well, with that settings, I can get 120FPS at some places. and 80 is average. but when in heat of battle you get drop to 15 FPS. it can (quite literally) kill you…

        (what I mean is that the game really needs optimalization, no matter what sergay says…)

  11. -”SerB is not aware of a player-mentioned Japanese “Type 100 Te-Re” tank, he states the name itself doesn’t fit the Japanese naming system”-

    So, what about this thing? http://www3.plala.or.jp/takihome/Te-Re.htm
    Of course it is only a scout tank without gun so it is pratically nothing more than an amored car.
    BUT! It drives me crazy when Serb says something about japanese tanks/vehicles he doesn’t know shit
    about. What comes next? Type 61 and STB non-exitent and never produced???

    • Because that isn’t a damn tank, why should SerB care (never mind he’s not directly working on the Japanese tree)? Heck, even I don’t give a damn, and I’m the one who’s dealing with WG.

      • Yes and even I wrote it isn’t a real tank like you can see in my comment
        The point is: Why are WG employees, even if it isn’t directly Serb deciding about when a WW2 vehicle is real and when not…..?
        And about Serb not being involved in the japanese tech-tree. Look on the other tech-trees. they are a mess aswell. I atleast want a tree that doesn’t consist of 50% fantasy tanks when there are enough to fill a decent enough tech-tree

        • 50% ORLY?

          Please, show me the 150 made up by WG, “fantasy”, tanks that are in game.

          Are there some? Sure. 50%? I do think you are exaggerating a tad.

        • “I at least want a tree that doesn’t consist of 50% fantasy tanks when there are enough to fill a decent enough tech-tree”

          - Hence why WG is working with outside people.

          • @Jiri_Starrider

            Welcome to the real world where people with use of language and exaggeration try to make their argument sound better. Of course it was an exaggeration. I only wanted to point out, that the japanese tree doesn’t need fantasy made up tanks from what I saw and know about japanese tank history.


            Do you by any chance know whom WG contacted on that matter? Cause some relatives of mine constantly work with some japanese tank researcher and historicans. I could atleast try to find out whom it might be WG “contacted” if that even happened…..

      • and WG and SoukouDragon’s must contact with him.

        Masao Fujita 藤田昌雄 (Japanese tank researcher)
        He’s The Military History Society of Japan’s member

        The Military History Society of Japan (軍事史学会) webpage.

        WG working? must contact him. your negligence that do not it.

    • SerB will know a lot about a Japanese tank than WoT US and EU forums.

      Before, SerB reporting of “100 ton Iwakuro super heavy tank” bule prints from Kunihiro Suzuki (Japanese tank researcher).

      • @Anon

        about the iwakuro tank you can nowadays easily find stuff about it via google so i disbelief Serb “knows” about japanese tanks

    • SerB did mention that if someone has good information on Japanese armor that’s not one google search away, they can contact WG about it.

      • Yes and that is the problem with Serb and his staff of underlings.
        One japanese player on the NA forums already created a very historically accurate and sophisticated japanese tech-tree and his work wasn’t even worth looking on in the eyes of high and mighty Serb. The player which created that tree even got help from some japanese historicians so his work was credible enough to be considered but the russians declined with no reason whatsoever.

        • At this point you’re trolling.

          arisaka38′s project is the basis upon which Soukou (in Osaka) and myself (half-Japanese) are building up on. Soukou and I are currently working with WG directly to help form the tree.

          If that isn’t WG listening to outside sources, then I don’t know what is.

          • Then I read something wrong from another thread in the forum and I apologize for the misinformation on my side.I am not that perfect for english not being my first language but my fourth. :). Still strange that your work which began 2 years ago isn’t finished yet (I mean that WG didn’t already put out a tech-tree). The tree you worked (still working on) was finished(?). So it is kind of strange to see that nothing happened in these 2 years (from WG side) the thread of yours is on the forum while other nations already got as example second td line. Maybe but only if you want you can enlighten us about what is still missing from the tree?

        • SerB No influenced by WoT US forums.
          SerB some have Russian researcher and negotiator (they understands Japanese).

          Problem of 100ton was settled. Problem is other japanese HTs.

  12. Free to win: Grind your way up to a tier 8 TD [not the SU-101] for free, use regular AP ammo, and kick everyone in the nuts with it.

    Its free, and you win.

    You have serious issues if you really need the APCR shells on vehicles like the Jagdpanther II or AC Mle 1948.

    • I just wish I wouldn’t get killed everytime by people who shoot through my gun mantlet. No, I’m not a french driver(or Leo).

  13. - according to SerB, there were attempts by players to sue WG, but none have made it to the court room: “Apparently, he who has enough time for a trial also has enough money for lawyers, who then advise him not to put this in front of a judge, because the whole claim is futile.”
    I know of one such attempt. An acount was banned for something, the player and his lawyer objected, WG quickly reinstated the account with recompensation for the trouble.

    • One must be, of course, ones own best advocate and not just suck it up when someone hands you a steaming pile. But getting an account reinstated for an alleged rules violation is a lot different that the majority of the “I’ll Sue!” posts/comments made due to WG doing something it said it would do (change the game experience) in the TOS/EULA/Thing.

      • “But getting an account reinstated for an alleged rules violation is a lot different that the majority of the “I’ll Sue!” posts/comments made due to WG doing something it said it would do (change the game experience) in the TOS/EULA/Thing.”
        So much this. Check comments here -> http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/07/08/wg-eu-employee-explains-buying-gold-shells/
        I doubt that 95% of those guys who “will sue wg” actually went to some lawyer and that 75% are able to buy alcoholic beverages legally…

        How terrible!

  14. - Skill MM: “There will be no skill MM. If you improve your skill, you will have the right to pwn”
    Again this tard doesn’t understand why many people want this. Many of us are sick of MM ignoring individuals skill and giving one side a team of pub baddie 40% platoons and the other having all high skill clan platoons. Can we please try different team sizes? How about 5v5 or 7v7 or 10v10 (can someone please f’king ask this question)….

    Scenario 1: 15v15: 2/3 of your team gets steamrolled, you now have 10 tanks to beat with yourself or 2-3 man platoon.
    Scenario 2: 7v7: 2/3 of your team gets steamrolled, you now have 4-5 tanks to beat with yourself or 2-3 man platoon.

    - Q: “Will you introduce high penetrating premium tanks?” A: “How about a ‘pwn everyone’ button?”
    New WZ premium with gold ammo?

    - T54, T69 and VK3601 further gold ammo changes? “If needed, while taking historicity into account”
    - according to SerB, the autoloader tanks are not imbalanced. Although realistically in real life they actually had to stop to reload the shell magazine, this won’t be implemented because the game would become too static

    Please give up on this “historicity” bullshit. Its a game… balance is more important. Again you take a black or white approach to autoloader tanks. If possible why not have a time reloading penalty imposed while moving.

    - according to SerB, there were attempts by players to sue WG, but none have made it to the court room: “Apparently, he who has enough time for a trial also has enough money for lawyers, who then advise him not to put this in front of a judge, because the whole claim is futile.”

    Stupid waste of time question and answer from the idiot question asker and answerer.

    - according to SerB it’s technically not possible to introduce free consumables and shells for training rooms

    You can’t just refund all things used after a training mission?

    • “Q: “Will you introduce high penetrating premium tanks?” A: “How about a ‘pwn everyone’ button?””

      T34 ? Tier 8 heavy with penetration rivaling tier 10 heaves (Maus and 12/L5 E-100 gun has 24, IS07 has 4 mm more penetration). How ***fuggin*** RETARDED does one have to be to post this question ? Dumbfuck pooles.

      • T34 is a pwn everyone button? (headslap) I must be an idiot to not know that in my (admittedly not that many) 100 battles in it since they turned it into a premuim.

        Where’s the button to make it pwn everyone again? Is it next to the fire button? Kinda like a super zapper button from Tempest is it?

  15. - SerB is not aware of a player-mentioned Japanese “Type 100 Te-Re” tank, he states the name itself doesn’t fit the Japanese naming system

    There actually is a Japanese vehicle called Type 100 Te-Re, it’s an artillery observation unit based on the Type 97 Te-Ke.

    As far as armament is concerned, these units probably carried nothing but a machinegun to ward off infantry. Maybe WG can introduce the commander throwing his binoculars as an alternative weapon to make up for this :D

  16. “British designs were typically compact: ‘Take Matilda and Churchil’”
    What? The Churchill, compact? Is SerB trolling us again? Who calls a 7.5meter long tank “compact”?

    Hell, the Royal Engineers loved the Churchill for its roomy interior. The Churchill AVRE was one of their most important tanks.

    • Speaking of which, I wouldn’t mind too much seeing the Churchill AVRE in the game. The spigot mortar could function as a gigantic fuck-off howitzer, kind of like the KV-2′s only much, much meaner. Give it an extremely long reload and super-low velocity rounds and it might make a nifty tier 7 or 8 premium. No reason for the Russians to be the only ones to get absurdly high-alpha guns in the mid- to upper-tiers.

      Anyway, the Church 1, if the ingame model is scaled properly, is actually fairly compact for a heavy. It’s long, but not very wide or tall compared to other heavy tanks.

      • The 80-yard range would be a significant downer, though. It has the same explosive charge as the 183 mm shell, but none of the shrapnel, so blast effect will likely be minimal against hard targets if it doesn’t hit straight on.

        The post-war version with the 165mm would likely be fun, too.

        • Fortunately we’re in a game, so there’s no need to stick to realistic ranges :3
          WG seems to be pretty bad at limiting weapon ranges anyway, machine guns aside. The British 94mm supposedly only fires out to 400m or so, yet in a particularly memorable instance in Sand River I dropped a shell on a T-28 who made the mistake of holding still for the 3.5 seconds or so that it took my shell to travel 590m and oneshot him. It was glorious.

          Even if they did go for a fairly short maximum range, though, it wouldn’t be a huge problem. Derp guns are (supposed to be) short-range weapons in the game, mid-range (~200m) at the most. It’s only due to them not bothering to rebalance the 105s in ages that they can be used to snipe with, and the Brit 94mm is just…weirdly laser-accurate against people who sit still.

          Something this big and low-velocity, you’re going to want to be in pretty close to avoid them simply moving out of the way while the shell is enroute, anyway. It definitely wouldn’t be an easy tank to play, being a tier 5 in everything aside from the gun, but the joys of blasting things for 1-1.5k+ damage could make up for it.

  17. “- according to SerB, the autoloader tanks are not imbalanced. Although realistically in real life they actually had to stop to reload the shell magazine, this won’t be implemented because the game would become too static”

    I was thinking about this, how to simulate the crew of a tank with a revolver gun having to back off, get out and manually reload the magazines.

    The best solution I got was this – Have the tank start with 2 loaded magazines and spare ammo in the hull just like in real life (AMX 13 had 2×6 round revolver magazines and 20 spare rounds in the hull). After the 12 rounds are fired instead of doing a 5-10 minute reload that would ruin the game, have the gun turn into a conventional manual loading gun with 5-15 second reload (depending on caliber)…

    But I’m assuming this would be difficult to do for the programmers as well as having the potential to make a lot of players whine. :/

    • The players should have to get out of the tank in a first person view mode and reload it by clicking on tank every 5 seconds. Haha!

    • That’s all fine and dandy, but may I point out the bigger revolvers seem to have been designed for internal reloading? They certainly don’t have the kinds of access hatches over the barillets the AMX-13 boasts…

      • OK, but loading five 100mm or four 120mm shells 1-by-1 in a revolver, from a tight turret would probably take a trained crew more than 30 minutes.

        Not the 20-40 seconds shown in the tier X auto-loaders in-game.

        • The AMX50′s in particular have turrets almost as large as the whole damn 13 is. One would also assume the internals were rather better designed with ammunition handling mind than in the little Kinder Surprise go-kart, what with there even being a dedicated loader in the crew.

  18. according to SerB, there were attempts by players to sue WG, but none have made it to the court room: “Apparently, he who has enough time for a trial also has enough money for lawyers, who then advise him not to put this in front of a judge, because the whole claim is futile.”

    In Russia or Belorussia people have no rights anyway. Would be another thing in Europe but i doubt it’s worth to go to a court because of a game.

  19. Hey SS, there is a small mistake (or actually something not quite well explained) in this info:

    - if your T-50-2 tank commander has radioman perks (since in T-50-2, commander was serving as a radioman also) and he gets transferred to MT-25, his radioman perks will stay (in other words, it will be possible to have TWO crewmembers on MT-25 with perks exclusive to radioman)

    You will have the commader with a radio perks on him, but these will not work at all. I know this because it’s the same problem when moving from the T-54 to the T-62A. The commander is no longer the radio guy and I learned that the hard way:


    Either way, you might want to let people know about this, wouldn’t want them to think they will get working radioman perks on two different crew members.

    • Yeah he’s independent, meaning he can do whatever the F he wants. I’ll trust his judgement on deleting the comments.

  20. Stop saying that skill mm won’t be implemented! It has already been implemented, but deliberately off. If you have a run of good games you will get to a point where you are dealt shit players every fucking battle until your sin rate is around 53% or so again.
    This is a known fact for anybody that psychological with the tiniest bit of common sense.

    Yes, there are times you can lead your team to victory. But you can’t be at the right place at the right time every battle. And you also need to be top tier and not in a light or medium.

    I have no problem that the mm does this. But stop saying the mm isnt skill based!!

    • ” If you have a run of good games you will get to a point where you are dealt shit players every fucking battle until your sin rate is around 53% or so again.”

      Basic Statistics: Unit I
      Flip a coin several times, you’ll get to the point where you’ll have ~50% head…

    • Anon is an idiot. And can feel free to explain how, exactly, my brother has a WR of over 59% then.

      He wasn’t even a wozard the last I checked. <|:3

  21. “- it is known that a newly researched (!, not bought) tank has a certain number of battles with preferential MM after its unlock (preferential as in – you have lower chance to drop to hightier battles), this also applies when for example the tank is bought one month after it is unlocked. It is however possible that during low server population hours, MM overrides this rule.”

    Is this literal? maybe this actually means “if a tank was in your garage for long time you get to be placed with “fodder” most of the time”? because it should not matter if you get placed in high or low tier as long as mm balances teams. From experience I have this 1 tank that I had in garage for a long time and did not use it until I researched all the top modules and I even retrained the crew to 100%, before I used it coz its my favorite tank. Now it is my worst win rate tank at 43% as I constantly get into teams that seem to try their best to lose! I always do my part in battle, do as much damage as possible, but its just no use as the team usually just melts it’s like 1 vs 29 – this happens 60 – 70 % of the time – IN THIS PARTICULAR TANK, hi or low tier. What is this???

      • There is protection for new tanks that they will not for likely get into highest battle tiers, for like 10 ( ? ) matches.

        Everything else is specualation.

      • oh yeah luck that is at the mercy of the puppet masters, its all BS I’m just waiting for the time a better similar game not ruled by greedy shit eating clanners comes out.

    • T6-9? Why would T9 many problems with Type? Should be able to pwn the shit out of a Type

    • why “unplayable” thats even good since they give everyone better chance of having a Type 59 not just those greedy clanners in other servers.