
Check out the newest Chieftain’s Hatch, guys – deicated to the 75mm/76mm Sherman

Also, for those of you interested in Clan stuff, check out this site called wotclans.net, that shows Clan rating and other stuff.

And there is also Listy’s new article from the Great War…

- 8.8 will bring an interesting feature: players, who lose the battle, but get one of the medals or achievements in the game (you know, sniper, steel wall and all those others) will get the same amout of credits and XP, as if he won!
- according to The_Chieftain, there might be a second Stalin-style “affair” incoming next week:
Q: “The whole Stalin rage came from one incident, raged for a few days, got largely doused by three days of free premium account and unless somehow rekindled (and WG would have to be braindead to poke in this again), it’s not going to reappear on any large scale.”
A: “Yeah, about that…. I think they’re going to poke again next week.”

- at this moment (with the exception of E-100 and KV-2), the alpha damage limit for heavy tanks is 490, there are other heavy tanks that could pass this limit tho, such as the IS-7 with BL-10
- if you want a tank implemented into the game that Wargaming doesn’t consider necessery but you want it, you’ll have to gather 300 thousand signatures
- for captured tanks, it will be possible to use crews of other nations, than the one the tank was made by (SS: by this, “German crews in captured T-34″ is meant, not French or other crews, I suspect)
- the mods that change the messages (SS: for example “reloading done in 18 seconds”) are not banned, as they offer the players no advantage
- VK4502P is doing fine statistically
- gold returns will happen only when the premium tank is strongly changed, but SerB states that according to the EULA, WG might not compensate anything and simply make changes just so
- it’s possible players will be able to choose their preferred color correction filter for the maps (SS: as in, currently some people are complaining that for example the Port map is “blue tinted”, this would allow to disable the tint)
- there will be a global re-work of the camo system, but not soon. Tall grass however will most likely not give any camo bonus.
- the option, that was available in 0.7.2 test to – if only one module or one crewmember is damaged/dead – to fix them with just one button (not two) won’t return, because players were confused by it
- the preferential MM for newly unlocked vehicles lasts for cca 10 battles on high tier and for 3-5 on lower tiers
- the Tundra map is 1x1km big
- Capture the Flag mode is not planned apparently
- apparently, test 8.8 is not far
- Object 140 did not have an autoloader, but it had a shell ejection system, which might be implemented at some point
- Panthers will lose the unhistorical engines, but that apparently doesn’t apply to French Maybach engines apparently – these will be removed only “if necessery”
- Type 59 was not removed from the game, because “it was not needed”
- tank textures modifiable by players (officially, not by mods) won’t be added, because the traffic from such changed would be very high and because such as system would have to be newly developed
- maps are not modelled after real places of battles, because real battlefields are “balanced” for combined arms warfare and not for a tank game
- Foch 155 frontal armor too weak? “How terrible…”
- removed unhistorical engines from the Panthers will not be compensated by free XP
- apparently, the differences between the same turret (side armor 80/82mm) on various Porsche vehicle are fine
- the amount of vehicles of certain type present in garages is taken into account only in complicated balancing cases, such as the arty change
- the “damaged armor” mechanism (SS: armor, that was penetrated, is easier to penetrate again) is technically possible, won’t be implemented, as it would confuse the players
- tank getting bogged down on soft grounds (mud) won’t be implemented
- all the tank shells in the game travel the same maximum distance (700m or so), arty shells travel 1400m maximum distance
- stronger engine for KV220, which was confirmed in early 2012 or so, won’t be implemented, because Storm was against it
- second birdge on Pearl River map won’t be changed so tanks can pass on it

125 thoughts on “11.8.2013

  1. Lol, it looks like both WG (Stalin’s affair) and Chieftain (still trying to destroy the myths about German tanks being invincible) are looking for troubles.

    • No tank was invincible. German tanks generally were rushed out too early and had many faults and breakdowns because of that. That and the trend to go “bigger and heavier” with time were their main problem. And later in the war the destruction of manufacturing facilities and scarcity of resources.

    • german tanks werent nearly invincible, they were very big and heavy compared to their contemporary counterparts, but especially the Tiger I had many faults in terms of protection. It was frontally virtually immune to contemporary 76mm guns such as the F-34 and the Zis-5 mounted on the T-34 and KV respectively, 75mm gun from the sherman and the british 6-pounder, and even on the side those guns only had a chance of penetration at point blank range at a vertical impact angle. But the protection was really just a tiny bit more than needed for those guns, the next generation of 85mm, 76mm and 17 pounder guns again could penetrate a tigers frontal armor even at ranges of up to 500m.
      Panther was the same story, just different. Frontal armor again sturdy enough to even withstand 85mm shells for the most part, but once flanked the paper-thin side armor could be defeated by guns as small as 45mm, in fact even 14.5mm AT rifles could defeat the Panthers side armor at a certain spot until they added skirt armor.
      Only the Tiger II was kinda invincible frontally since it was never defeated in frontal tank-to-tank combat, but the 80mm side armor was identical to the frontal armor of a panther and could be penetrated by some of the heavier guns on the battlefield like soviet 100-122mm guns, american 90mm guns or the british 17 pounder. Also the Tiger II was simply too rare to actually affect the war on a large scale and broke down too often.
      AND all of the above oh-so-invincible tanks were commonly taken out by aircraft in the normandy doe to hollow-charge rockets or bomb attacks thanks to allied air superiority.

    • “Lol, it looks like both WG (Stalin’s affair) and Chieftain (still trying to destroy the myths about German tanks being invincible) are looking for troubles.”

      How do you destroy something that’s already a myth?

  2. “Foch 155 frontal armor too weak?”

    was that some kind of troll question? i eamn, do people actually want even more armour on it?

    • Probably some “unicum” who was unhappy that even with full HEAT loadout and 5 perk crew, he still has only 65% WR on it…

      • I think its quite opposite. Bad players often blame such things for their failure like “this tank is shit”, “mm is shit” “thanks WG for conspiring against me”, “nice cheat”.
        Some people think they know better ….

    • ” the “damaged armor” mechanism (SS: armor, that was penetrated, is easier to penetrate again) is technically possible, won’t be implemented, as it would confuse the players”

      Does WG think the average WoT player is as intelligent as a monkey?

      Oh wait…

    • Have you played Foch ? It’s armor actually is pretty crappy. I consider my JpzE100 to be MUCH better armored than Foch :/

      • i do own a foch on t9…which has the same armour.

        its not the armour itself that makes people think its overperforming. its the overall gun/armour/gun combination. and while it was ok until the accuracy buff, resulting in no real complaints in the forum, you now have a seriously broken tank. fast as a medium which gives it the ability to reload. and a magazine which kann kill most tier10 tanks it meets if all shot pen and none rolls to low.

        the pen problem is being countered by massive gold ammo use by socalled “unicums” who have lost their balls in the last 2k matches (or with their new secondary account.you choose :D)
        and the reload time can either be countered by using the speed , or what i like even more, 2 t57 tanks… you see where this is going.

        apart from that, back to the armour.
        the hull, if just facing the enemy, is safe at distances above ~200 meters due topen drop. weakspots are quite big but not quite weak. the rangefinder has a seriously sloped part on top and half of it is spacedarmour. the MG turret also has serious sloping.

        260 pen guns simply arent reliable enough to pen the hull if facehugging and looking down on the foch (negating the armour) and now people actually ask for more armour?

        • i have the tier 10 foch. my opinion is leave it as it is now :) it has good speed good pen and dmg. BUT more than 45 sec reload (45,8 if i remember right with vent+bia). if u reload u cant run away cause of 2 reason:
          1. enemy shoot ur side ammo rack or loader if shoot ur back than motor/fire
          2. if you are alone you cant run… enemy can easily catch you during the 45 sec. (well slower tank not but come on meds is russian tds are fast enough)
          so its powerfull if get enough support but no support its just good :) in 1 v 1 it has high chance but really only a noob go and fight 1 v 1 against it instead of wait a few sec/min for teammates :)


          • Well some tanks are just good if get enough support but no support they’re plain rubbish :) Can’t imagine someone ask for a Foch155 armor buff (sigh)

      • You don’t say…

        Foch155 is way more mobile, has way better camo/size, and has three round drum.

  3. What will happen to the fary-tale engine of the E-50? It will get removed or replaced? I ask coz I grind it, so I won’t wate time researching it…. :/

  4. Great news that the transition to reward high performing players (irrespectively of team) instead of any player that happens to be in the winning team is underway.
    If we are going to have stats at all in the game it better be individual stats for judging individual players not collective ones.

    • “[...]players, who lose the battle, but get one of the medals or achievements in the game (you know, sniper, steel wall and all those others) will get the same amout of credits and XP, as if he won!

      Most of those medals require you to be on winning team and/or alive.

      • Only scout medal requires you to win, and Steel wall to keep alive, so by all means not most of them (battle medals).

        • … and invader plus any ties are resolved in favor of person who got more XP (usually winning team).

  5. - if you want a tank implemented into the game that Wargaming doesn’t consider necessery but you want it, you’ll have to gather 300 thousand signatures

    So SS, maybe you can help me with Tiger (W)?

    • FTR has nowhere near that kind of readersbase (I think the record is 30 thousand unique players per day). Wot-news? Maybe, but Russian players have no reason to help us.

      • Still worth a shot I think. The few of us that are still not banned from wot forums might advertise the case there, no?

          • We could try on the RU server, it’s just that it’ll be quite a difficult task – most russian players will see no point in another german, let alone – a GOOD (or, rather, BALANCED) german that can do stuff in the right hands

          • There’re over 1,653 thousand MS-1′s / 408 thousand Type 59′s on the Chinese server at the moment. I just hope they didn’t mean “signatures” literally.

        • Likely forum users.
          Damn, so many designs and too many signatures to get them…
          Maybe the Krokodile-like STUG E-75 could attract players as well.

            • Yea, but appart from german fanboys there is no support.
              I love how you tought the tank but it’s stepping out bounds for a heavy tank

        • I can assure you that almost everything produces 75% positive feedback on the internet…. everybody thinks “oh great, that would be cool” after exactly 1 second of thinking about it. And then the same person is able to vote for exactly the opposite cause.

          • You can assure us? Is this based off of your scientifically proven studies? I mean, if you’re going to doubt the accuracy of SS’s voting poll (which I concur does not account for those which do not vote) then you certainly cannot utilize this very same inaccurate logic to claim that the opposite is true.

  6. “”8.8 will bring an interesting feature: players, who lose the battle, but get one of the medals or achievements in the game (you know, sniper, steel wall and all those others) will get the same amout of credits and XP, as if he won!””

    Very long awaited, buy such lone wolves like me, who do not love platoons, hate tank companies, but also hate to lose battles because of [here comes very uncivilized part of post]

    But I do not understand why it is connected with medals? So if I kill 5 guys, damage another 5, make more damage then whole my team, make 60 base defence points I do not get those reward because I made no medal??? Well, not so fair.

      • Confederate in lost battles is pretty rare to get. In most cases you lose cause your teammates couldn’t kill enemies.

    • you almost did this, you almost did that, you almost won… almost. A defeat is a defeat.
      but, this is something good. I would only add a bonus to the 3 top damaged dealers.

  7. - 8.8 will bring an interesting feature: players, who lose the battle, but get one of the medals or achievements in the game (you know, sniper, steel wall and all those others) will get the same amout of credits and XP, as if he won!


  8. Where is all this stuff from The_Cheiftain coming from? Does he have cameo appearances in SerB’s Q&A?

  9. A soviet company releasing an 8.8 update will cause Stalin to turn in his grave.

  10. “- the option, that was available in 0.7.2 test to – if only one module or one crewmember is damaged/dead – to fix them with just one button (not two) won’t return, because players were confused by it”

    Grrrr … was wondering what was going on with this. Something simpler being more confusing … ?

  11. Awwwww man y not the better engine on KV-220? :( I find it too sluggish to keep up with 2 m5 stuarts -.-

  12. Q: “The whole Stalin rage came from one incident, raged for a few days, got largely doused by three days of free premium account and unless somehow rekindled (and WG would have to be braindead to poke in this again), it’s not going to reappear on any large scale.”
    A: “Yeah, about that…. I think they’re going to poke again next week.”

    return of the Kliment Voroshilov event? :D Or Hideki Tojo? :D

  13. Every time i want to spend some money on them, they just give me another reason not to… Next stalin affair? Will it give you more money indeed, WG?
    And there were some interesting offers this weekend…

  14. “- second birdge (sic) on Pearl River map won’t be changed so tanks can pass on it”

    If I’m right in thinking it’s the bridge on the Western side of the map, you technically *can* (or at least, could) get up there with a bit of a nudge from some friendly tanks.

    It was just pointless to do so, unless you were trying to get up there.

  15. Wow, so many names at the top of clan list unexpectedly … how did phucktards, SBP, HUN and EFE ever get up there ?

  16. - 8.8 will bring an interesting feature: players, who lose the battle, but get one of the medals or achievements in the game (you know, sniper, steel wall and all those others) will get the same amout of credits and XP, as if he won!


  17. “- 8.8 will bring an interesting feature: players, who lose the battle, but get one of the medals or achievements in the game (you know, sniper, steel wall and all those others) will get the same amout of credits and XP, as if he won!”

    Hell yeah! If this would be true then this is good news!

  18. Everyday some idiots raise the idiotism level…and then you see this:
    - Foch 155 frontal armor too weak? “How terrible…” :D

    - 8.8 will bring an interesting feature: players, who lose the battle, but get one of the medals or achievements in the game (you know, sniper, steel wall and all those others) will get the same amout of credits and XP, as if he won!

    Finally being best of the losers wont piss me off.

    Already grabbing popcorns for another Stalin ragestorm :D

  19. - 8.8 will bring an interesting feature: players, who lose the battle, but get one of the medals or achievements in the game (you know, sniper, steel wall and all those others) will get the same amout of credits and XP, as if he won!


    - the option, that was available in 0.7.2 test to – if only one module or one crewmember is damaged/dead – to fix them with just one button (not two) won’t return, because players were confused by it

    What is so confusing? WTF? Are the players playing this game SO braindead?

    • - the “damaged armor” mechanism (SS: armor, that was penetrated, is easier to penetrate again) is technically possible, won’t be implemented, as it would confuse the players

      Again, “COnfused players’” is such a bad cop-out What is so cunfusing about it?

      IF its SO mindnumbingly CONFUSING, create a Tip or a Tutorial, lazy asses!

          • Oh yeah it actually DOES consist of dead zombies and something.
            Who”s fault is that for not introducing a good tutorial system…

            • It’s unlikely that they will spent much time coming up with such tutorials for noobs, cuz players are VERY unlikely to apply what they learnt

            • Then they could just as well remove the possibility to shoot and remove the guns completely. Let the monkeys ram themselve to death. At least that wouldn’t be that confusing for them. Well, at least for some of them.

            • If someone hasn’t learned the goddamn basic tactics by Tier 8-10 I sincerely doubt ANY amount of tutorials would help him.

  20. 300k signatures for a tank suggestion… basically this means “Learn Russian, post it on their forums and hope 300k people will reply positively to it… aka – never gonna happen if you’re an NA player. =/

    • I don’t think he literally meant that there’s a strict 300 thousand signature requirement before WG will consider adding a tank to the game. Just that they won’t add anything that isn’t part of their “vision” for WoT unless the community demand is utterly overwhelming.

    • other maps are 999×999 or 990×995, so this is a big improvement! GJ WG.

  21. - second birdge on Pearl River map won’t be changed so tanks can pass on it

    Also, what second bridge?

  22. When getting a medal, you will recieve full XP, even when losing…

    Scout and invader wouldnt work and Steel wall would only work when they cap.

    Sniper medal would work fine, so does top gun and confederate.
    Does that apply to epic medals too? (I still remember getting a pool medal for having 11 kills in a E-75 yet the game ended being a draw for drawing out the game for too long and an arty constantly shooting me so capping didnt work. Double points for being the last survivor and racking up most of these kills while being alone)

    Even then, I can’t wait….

  23. “- the “damaged armor” mechanism (SS: armor, that was penetrated, is easier to penetrate again) is technically possible, won’t be implemented, as it would confuse the players”

    …ok, I know that the average player is about as sharp as a potato, but saying that they wouldn’t be able to grasp something as simple as “if you keep punching one spot, that spot will get softer/break” is just mean.

    On an unrelated note, yay on the medals thing…now they won’t be completely useless as they are now (aside from the occasional mission).

    • I’m guessing they’re more concerned about idiots at the *receiving* end of such “armor fatigue”. How many idiots do you see on the average day claiming “OMG HAX” or “mimimi gold noob” because their armour wasn’t actually nearly as good as they blithely assumed?

    • Actually when i started wot few years ago i thought it works like that when you make hole inside the tank, it will be easier to penetrate same spot again.

      • Hey!!! I’m a noob. My expectation has always been the second and third shot to the same spot should cause more damage than the preceding hit. What really torques me is when the second and/or third shot to

  24. - 8.8 will bring an interesting feature: players, who lose the battle, but get one of the medals or achievements in the game (you know, sniper, steel wall and all those others) will get the same amout of credits and XP, as if he won!
    Praise the Lord!!!

    - the option, that was available in 0.7.2 test to – if only one module or one crewmember is damaged/dead – to fix them with just one button (not two) won’t return, because players were confused by it
    If that is so confusing for them i wonder how they still remember to breathe.

    - Foch 155 frontal armor too weak? “How terrible…”
    Brainiacs like this who asks retarded questions like this should be banned immediately

    • “If that is so confusing for them i wonder how they still remember to breathe.”

      Autonomous nerves and whatnot. God forbid those amoeba were required to walk and chew gum at the same time though…

        • More like evolution, an inability to breathe without conscious effort after all removes you from the gene pool the first time you fall asleep…

  25. So are we getting any kind of buff in return for losing the top engine on an already not fast tank? Who am I kidding, it’s German, of course we won’t.

  26. - 8.8 will bring an interesting feature: players, who lose the battle, but get one of the medals or achievements in the game (you know, sniper, steel wall and all those others) will get the same amout of credits and XP, as if he won!

    Does this mean the extra XP will only be for researching new modules/tanks or will it also count towards your experience on your tank?

  27. Panther’s engine is not historical so remove it.
    What’s next? remove the gun? the turret?

    Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying the Panther is a terrible tank, but it will be if they don’t add something to it when they removed the top engines.

    • WG has decided that german tree will be tree, that brings WG money in. Since tanks has to be so bad that only having prem account will make them playable.

  28. that wotclans site is for EU only(worse is that it doesn’t say that at all on the site itself)… hardly of use(until they add US server at least) :/

  29. this sergay burakovsky or whatever his name is does have really “intelligent” responses…..damn my 5 years old neighbor is far more intelligent than this belarusian piece of commie shit who disrespect everyone around and especially community…

    PS. BETTER DEAD THAN RED, screw commies!
    PS2. Russians were killing each other by mass and went to battle without weapons, barbarians.

    • When the community regularly vomits out this kind of bile against him, his team, and his country, I don’t blame him for being disrespectful towards it.

    • I’d say that 5-year-old brat is both more mature and more intelligent than YOU, OP.

      Also why the butthurt, tried to play the RU servers and got curbstomped ’cause you suck so much?