Hello everyone,
today, we have something interesting. As you probably know, I was not able to go to the Gamescom this year, but others did – in this case it was one player, who wished his nickname to remain anonymous, who met some of the developers and designers and asked some interesting questions. Of course, keep in mind that this is not a 100 percent info I can vouch for, but all of it seems kinda legit to me.
Here’s what he learned (the way he wrote it, I only corrected some typos):
- Japanese are most likely coming in 2013
- Chieftain and one more other T10 tank may come for the Brits.
- FV215B likely to be rebalanced
- FV4202 fate (after bovinton-measurements): the tank is alot worse than initially expected. The facts about the turret are correct (more armor + smaller hatch) but the rest is really a lot worse.
Challenger stated, it would fit as ~T8 medium in its historical characteristics. Replacement or final decision is to be announced.
- Skillbased matchmaking is (according to Viktor Kisly) not 100% off the table but very unlikely to finally appear.Depends on the players and their “global” opinion.
- Kisly himself does not take influence on the game development. He just gives information to the developers and let them decide.
- German 2nd TD line is (according to a designer) mostly non-turreted.
- The WT E100 TD will not have camo as advantage because of its size,armor won’t be an advantage either. But it will have some other advantage to make up for it.
- Garage battles are postponed to 2014 or even 2015, depending on internal factors and gameplay desicions. They might come as company battles first.
- tierspead change to +/- 1 tier battles will not appear for now because of game internal decisions
- historical battles may appear at the end of the year but not sure yet… most certainly next year.
- CW will get some sort of overhaul after the 2nd campaign this year (maybe roaming features? dunno)
- 30vs30 battles are planned and in develpoment at the moment (+ bigger maps). They are internally developed under the title WoT 2.0, as they will bring a massive spotting, firing-range, accuracy overhaul and some other gamechanging things with them. It is not yet decided on how this will infuence current mechanics and gameplay on the smaller maps we play on atm.
- The further plan of WG atm is to implement 100 vs 100 battles at one point. According to one developer this is technically already possible but needs further testing (+ additionally the trouble, same as in 30 vs 30 so far). He stated the generally possible arrival is 3-4 years away. The basic idea after this is to have 100 vs 100 battles in CW and companies at one point (which will lead to bigger clansizes and bigger maps, too). It is even considered that they may even appear for randoms.
Other games:
- World of Warships is currently in internal testing mode. It will be really slow in terms of gameplay (battles will likely take longer than WoT battles), but alot faster than it would be in real life.
- WoWs will be on GC 2014 with a probability of 95% according to Kisly
- WoWs might one day feature submarines, depends on players input and the finalized gameplay.
- Total Annihilation is likely going to be a WG game in the future
- Supreme Commander (according to Chris Taylor) is not likely to appear again as it’s neither planned nor considered for now.
- Japanese are most likely coming in 2013
-> They are really pushing things. Oh well, to wear myself out.
Get to the choppa!
My exact thoughts.
All your base are belong to us !
100vs100.. w00t?
I can’t imagine the performance requirements when you meet 50vs50 tanks on one place xD
and what about ammo? It will probably end up like WoWp.. unlimited gold spam.. hell yeah!
maybe going back to reload?
In such maps I would also like to see fuel consumption implemented.
Ammo limitations were my first thought. However, as it’s said 100 vs 100 would most likely be implemented in cw or companies, meaning higher level of cooperation and thus allowing to have more strategic gameplay like capturing and holding resupply bases for example.
I don’t see ammunition as a limiting factor in 100 vs 100 battles. WW2 tanks like the Panther had 82 shells. Keep in mind that they will overhaul the spotting and accuracy too. So you will most likely be able to engange on greater distances and with a lot more accuracy, like in the real world. So you won’t miss often. In fact, in tank combat nearly all shells hit their target if it is exposed to the enemy.
As the maps will be a lot bigger, you will never even meet all of those 100 enemies. Most likely you will se 10 – 20 enemies, unless you have a very fast tank.
Well… look at randoms where idiots have to start battle with shooting. Some ot them are driving and shooting until someone get hit and response with fire. If team has one such idiot, it’s a little waste. When half random team is made of such morons, they will run out of ammo very fast and you’ll not be able to kill all enemies yourself.
Depends on the tank and gun. Some had quite ample bins, others not so much – in particular the Soviet breakthrough tanks that combined a very big gun with a rather compact vehicle, ergo ISes tend to max out at like 30 shots.
And then there’s the Brit 183mm…
100 vs 100 is far from a problem to modern computers. Check out Planetside 2 that has far larger battles then that even.
SerB did state just a few days ago that the majority of WoT players play on computers made out of coal, wood, bananas, or anything else that’s not extremely conducive to electricity, like Intel graphics cards.
Ergo, most randoms wouldn’t be able to play 100v100 without getting like 2 frames per half hour.
Looks like I’m going to have to buy more bananas…
I wonder if they’ll increase the size of clans if they want to implement 100 v 100. It would be hard to get everyone on at the same time for cw.
Expeditionary forces and alliances.
Would be a nice touch in clan wars.
SupCom by WG?! Omg, this would be a fail:D But if they maybe do it they should make it more like the first one/FA.
Never played TA, but people say it’s a good game. Hope WG doesn’t break it<.<
Also…. 100 vs 100?! WTactualF!!!:D
Common, this must be just bragging…
Nothing about multicore support yet? My game runs on 40 FPS now most time. It's enuff, but my PC could do much better.
Not so sure about historical battles looking like that. I mean, don’t want to see three totally different mechanics.
Not so sure about historical battles looking like that. I mean, don’t want to see three totally different mechanics.
Not so sure about historical battles looking like that. I mean, don’t want to see three totally different mechanics.
Not so sure about historical battles looking like that. I mean, don’t want to see three totally different mechanics.
15v15 is fine…30v30 is debatable, but i doubt it will be.
So… Yesterday I decided to spend most of my free xp on unlocking the FV 215b only for WG to say that it’s going to get nerfed 10 hours later.
This is exactly why I never bother to unlock high tier stuff.
that’s a karmahammer for using free xp to research a tank ;P
well.. obviously you shouldn’t have rushed it.. :P
Well maybe they won’t nerf it, maybe they will give it the planned 133mm gun (at least I hope for it).
no big deal, most of the brit tanks sux
Rebalanced can mean a nerf or buff or both. But i played it on test server and it sucks.
I liked it. It’s a great tank, I found.
Fv215b getting nerfed????
100 vs 100? WTF? Artys will be limited to 30 per side? :D
Talk about artillery barrage…
I wonder what the time limit will be for these kinds of battles, these kinds of battles can easily take a hour.
Redshire 100 v 100
all the camping D:
- FV4202 fate (after bovinton-measurements): the tank is alot worse than initially expected. The facts about the turret are correct (more armor + smaller hatch) but the rest is really a lot worse.
Challenger stated, it would fit as ~T8 medium in its historical characteristics. Replacement or final decision is to be announced.
Is challenger means the tank? or developer of WG?
I think I saw the man who uses ‘challenger’ nickname.
he is an employee, but not a developer as far as I know.
This would be awesome:
- FV4202 tier8 medium premium
- Chieftain tier10 medium
Let’s hope the best :)
This is what I’m hoping for. I’d love to see the FV4202 as a T8 premmie. I’d kill to have the Chieftain as a T10 medium. However, it would become the supreme T10 in CW because it had a 120mm gun and armour comparable to the T110e5…initially it was classed as a heavy tank. Only when it was reclassified as an MBT (along w/the Centurion) would it fit as a medium.
CO, The Blues & Royals (TBR on the NA server)
You seriously will not want the drive the Chieftain as a Medium.
The early Chieftain that they are putting in game will be even slower than the Centurions in most cases.
The play style of the tank will be closer to that of a heavy.
What most likely will happen is they might put the Chieftain as a branch-off tier X like the Object 140.
Sitting between the heavy and the medium line.
afaik Challenger is the european expert on tanks, equivalent to the Chieftain as the tank expert for the american Server.
The Challenger is indeed the EU server in house armour expert…much like The Chieftain is the NA in house expert.
>Is challenger means the tank? or developer of WG?
Lol, do tanks make statements?
Misread, but well
Let’s listen to him lol
SS do you know which FV215B is to be rebalanced? Was the guy clear on that or did he just say FV215B?
We talked about the actual T10 brits and he said its likely they will be rebalanced.. i dont know if that leaves the FC 183 out which doesnt underperform in my eyes but i guess thats up to WG.
the Hevay t10 though is according to challenger (tank-specialist) underperforming atm, so it most likely will get a rebalance.
Thanks for the info, it’s much appreciated .
They might see FV183 as impossible to balance though after adding few new tier 10′s(you know, it’ll either be too weak, or buffed a little – too strong).
It’s actually a pretty decent tank, so I am more worried they will make it worse then the other way around.
FV4202 that bad huh? Too bad, pushing through the Centurion 1 and played the FV4202 on the test server. Was looking forward to it. I don’t see it as a Tier 8. Hell, the Centurion 1 with its 20-pdr is a tier 8. No, Tier 9 at worst, followed by the Chieftain (or prototype).
- Chieftain and one more other T10 tank may come for the Brits.
Only two? FV4005 and Chieftain. The Vickers MBT would make a decent Tier 9, especially if they allow the Mk II suspension (all 56kmh instead of 50). But it’s not good enough to replace the FV4202 at Tier 10. I don’t know that the Brits have such a vehicle.
He said like “soon”. Means these are in development
Other are tba later… i guess the brits will also feature alot more t10s one day.
but these two are planned for now.
This issue with with FV4202 was that it was never meant to see combat, it was purely a conceptual tank. As a result the real thing is under powered and under armoured to what presumably it would be if it had been pushed into active service.
Centurion Mk X is a good replacement.
” German 2nd TD line is mostly non-turreted.”
– Waffentragers without turret? gg wp.
“The WT E100 TD will not have camo as advantage because of its size,armor won’t be an advantage either”
- No camo, no armor, big size?, gL with that useless thing. I was looking forward to get that tank,. not anymore
beside being a german crap tank designed for german nazionalists to fap all over, waffentrager will have an autoloader, which will give him an advantage.
Get ready for 3,5k DPM in 4 shot autoloader.
How did you manage to read “mostly non-turreted” and conclude that meant there are no turrets on the tier ten?
If it has reduced armor but same engine as E-100 speed might be an advantage coupled with autoloader in a turret.
Didn’t one of the earlier articles say it would have the same speed limit as e100?
Power to weight ratio my friend, also it’s not excluded that it will have 40kmh top speed like GW E
Given most TDs in the Waffenträger line have no armor, have no camo and are not very fast either, they, need A LOT firepower to make this up.
The nashorn mounts the 88mm L/71 or the 105mm L/52 and the Sturer Emil mounts the 128mm L/55 (yes, they said that).
The best bet is that the WT E100 must have an autoloader that is powerful enough to one shot most tanks in a single magazine, otherwise it cannot work. Which is odd, because the Foch 155 can do the same, but better I think, Foch 155 being a better platform.
FV4202 as tier 8 premium tank?
I do fear that this line may suffer from…ARL V39 syndrome. Sure, the Waffenträgers may have a better gun arc, but still…
Considering tanks are balanced around armour , mobilty, firepower … We already know they have shit armour and mobility so the firepower need to be epic to balance it out . Considering they get the same guns as the old td line only a tier lower supports this .
Sounds like German 2nd TD line will be real “weapon of mass destruction” but very, very fragile.
Ah, the brits again. Darn it, I forgot that
FV215b rebalance. I think they meant the 120mm version, which is a heavy.
If I can recall that, the FV215b used to have paper armor, but had a massive DPM, which could fill at least a niche role as pure damage dealer. Then they increased its armor somehow and reduced the DPM, giving it a role that other heavies can do better
FV4202, what is worse about the rest? And I am not sure how this tank could fit in tier 8 with that 105mm L7 gun, since I do not know that any regular AP shells existed, only at least APDS. And we know that WG does not want another Type 59.
About the two possible british tier 10 tanks, the devs already stated at some point that the Chieftain is going to be a heavy tank since “it was never called a medium tank”, to make things worse, they also state that only the Chieftain Mk1 could fit in WoT. The Mk1 is a lot worse, based on its armor scheme and it was apperantly had a bad engine too. Only later iterations fixed that and led to the tank that is known for. In other words we get a prototype. That is far from the real product
The other possible tier 10 tank, I thought about the Vickers MBT. It has paper armor, has medium speed (50 km/h) and carried the L7. According to the Q&A, the Mk1 and the Mk2 could fit. Given that most tier 10 tank have the same gun as the tier 9 tanks but with much better soft stats, we could have this:
-Vickers MBT Mk1 as tier 9.
That tank has paper armor and is not that fast, but fire control should be great in order to make that up (the fire control system was borrowed from the Chieftain after all), meaning either fast aim time or great accuracy on the move (like the Patton). Top gun is the 105mm L7A1
Only worry is the fact that the 105mm L7 may still carry HESH shells.
-Vickers MBT Mk2 as tier 10. The real difference there was an upgraded suspension that allowed it to go 56 km/h and ATGMs that we cant use in WoT. And the L7 can be used there but with better soft stats. This might end up being anotherm but faster and more fragile M48A1. (and being possibly nerfed the next patch)
HESH issue is still there
“FV4202, what is worse about the rest? And I am not sure how this tank could fit in tier 8 with that 105mm L7 gun”
well i havent got any specific information, just that the Bovington-one it is worse in all aspects so i assume engine, maybe frontal armor and it doesnt have a 105mm but a 20pdr mounted historically (ye i know they both fit bcz the 105 is developed to be mounted instead of 20pdr).
The chieftain is according to challenger a Heavy, while WG wants to implement it medium-classed.
But challenger thinks that this tank (with 56 tons) is not a real medium and developed for heavy-role.
Irl the vickers tanks were pretty sub par.. atleast in the opinion of those that used it. I can’t see it going to tier 10 unless it is buffed from its actual characteristics .
your ideas are very good. However, I would bump down the Centurion 7/1 to T8…give it the 2 20lb guns, and the L7 as a “4th” gun for stupid xp, on the road to the Vickers T9 tank.
Take the Centurion 1, give it the 2nd 20lb gun and make it into T8 premium…’nough said.
Vickers MK.2 with MK.3 turret could be tier 10.
FV4202 with historical engine and 20 pounder might work as a tier 8 premium heavy tank? Maybe with nerfed terrain passability and ~7.5 sec. reload? Then maybe we could put a Centurion Mk. 9 as tier 10.
FYI FV4202 is a medium. Get your facts straight first. :D
WOBS will be on GC? What is that
World of Warships will 95% be at Gamescon 2014, ie by this time ext year they hope/plan to have it late open Beta.
- FV215B likely to be rebalanced
If heavy then in which way? Better frontal armor or little more side armor? RoF nerf (irony). I like this tank but there are more tanks better in sidescrap.
- FV4202 fate (after bovinton-measurements): the tank is alot worse than initially expected. The facts about the turret are correct (more armor + smaller hatch) but the rest is really a lot worse.
Challenger stated, it would fit as ~T8 medium in its historical characteristics. Replacement or final decision is to be announced.
Well, I’m not surprised. I will wait with buying it till something more will be known. Or they can just improve its turret (armor and hatch).
- Chieftain and one more other T10 tank may come for the Brits.
That’s is very good info! As a what? Replacement or top of a small branch?
- Skillbased matchmaking is (according to Viktor Kisly) not 100% off the table but very unlikely to finally appear.Depends on the players and their “global” opinion.
Personally, I don’t care about skill-based matchmaking, however, I would prefer the distribution of skilled and unskilled players to be a bit more even between the teams. Just to stop those landslide victories.
Exactly…i for sure don’t want to play exactly against the same teams, but it does pisses me off when team gets 3-4 good players and i’m stuck with red army of bots who have no bloody clue what to do. Little more balanced team spreads would be just fine to avoid 15:2, 15:3 losses.
True, but the next person who asks for or about skill-based MM should be told to go fuck himself. I’ve been reading this blog for a few months, and in that time I don’t how many times people have asked about skill MM in the Q&As. Probably something like ~3 times per month, or more. The developers have repeatedly said that it’s not happening, so the players might as well ask something relevant or just shut up.
They will never add submarines to WoWS. NEVER!
I agree there is already 100 pages of why they wont work in the game on the game forum.
I cannot haz le Surcouf nao? :c
- The WT E100 TD will not have camo as advantage because of its size,armor won’t be an advantage either. But it will have some other advantage to make up for it.
Just say it. It will be shit and you won’t give a shit about it. It’s evil Kraut ancestorkilling machine and thus it will suffer in our mighty soviet game!!!11 Tho i like how they announce all the future German tanks as a pleasant surprise, but they turned out to be shit as expected. And all the nerf they’ve done to them were firstly announced as “rebalance” that will actually buff them. Yea, like anyone still believes in that.
German tank whiners are getting more and more annoying. Only recognize Engine nerf and few LFP nerf, turning blind to ground resistance buff, weakspot buff, RoF buff, aim time buff, depression buff, hull traverse buff, and less costy engine research prices.
More tanks got nerfed than buffed. Terrain change in no way made up for the huge HP nerf. JT now is even slower. Most tanks. are. New line will be garbage with a turd on top, and you know it. Take away everthing that makes the Foch good, and you have the WTF E-100. No armor, no camo, no speed. WG fanboys need to stop being morons and actually use logic. Almost all the buffs you mention are actually nerfs because of engine horsepower. Tiger II, 3601 in particular are gutted.
JT is not supposed to go fast anyways. Same with Tiger II. By military order ALL German tanks were limited to 35 kph MAX to reduce wear and tear on the tank and to reduce fuel consumption regardless of how fast they could go.
Poor guys who went through them aren’t being reimbursed for engine xp.
Was anyone ever?
They can’t optimize 15v15 first, and even if they do that, I still wouldn’t trust 30v30, let alone 100v100 battles. WoT 2.0? Better have an entire new game engine and net code.
So WT TD line will basically be similar to SU-100Y? Or at least the top tier, with an autoloader on top. That sounds really fun, but I can see how some people wouldn’t like it.
The FV215b should get its actual rl hull.