- SerB thinks not everyone (by far) will sell the Superpershing in 8.8
- according to SerB, there is no guarantee that Superpershing’s gold price won’t be increased (SS: after the tank stops being sellable for gold)
- +/-1 MM spread won’t be added
- official rating will not be displayed around player’s nick in battle
- exact XP gain formula won’t be disclosed
- there might be another Soviet TD branch implemented in the future
- T-44-122 will be a reward tank for supertesters only (SS: probably to reward the leaks lately)
- new hightier light tanks will appear “in forseeable future”
- the possibility to move (object) tank wrecks (SS: such as the Malinovka “Panther”) will not come soon
- cast armor and rolled homogenous armor aren’t and won’t be differentiated in WoT (SS: they were a very, very long time ago)
- LB-1 HE shell damage won’t be increased in 8.9
- the model of WT E-100 is final and the vehicle won’t be changed
- skill MM won’t be implemented
- the IS-4 armor (SS: IIRC it has an incorrect armor angle, currently 58,5 degrees, historical 61 degrees) will be fixed, but according to Storm it’s such a minor issue that it has been postponed for low priority
- apparently the Sniper award bug (SS: ram someone and you won’t get it) has not been fixed in 8.8
- if a tank is destroyed after being spotted within the 3 seconds interval before the Sixth Sense lightbulb kicks in, the bulb won’t light up
- new city map: “when it’s done it’s done”
- it’s too early to talk about another Soviet HT branch, it’s possible it might appear in the game, but so far there are still many issues
- SU-122-44 won’t recieve limited MM spread
- the amount of shells in WT E-100 autoloader? “Wait for patch 8.9″
- the fact the new engine on E-75 has bigger fire chance won’t be compensated
- newly bought tank has limited MM, if you use free XP to make it elite straigh away, the limited MM battles will stay
- “bugs will be fixed” in the 8.9 TD branch renders
- the article about the new rating system is ready, it will come out soon apparently
- Storm states categorically that “marketing has never any influence on tank characteristics”
The donkey is ready and waiting
And feeling horny…
First against the wall in the revolution…
The donkey is ready
Which gun is the LB-1 for?
T-44, there’s also a related gun for the SU-100M1 (LB-1C).
T-44 gun’s and the tier 7 soviet TD has an LB-1 variation.
>- T-44-122 will be a reward tank for supertesters only (SS: probably to reward the leaks lately)
Just for this time I agree with you and I also feel like screaming “Russian bias”, even though it’s in terms of customers’ treatment rather than game’s balancing…
Well that sucks, EU/NA will never see it then. Another tank on the ever growing list that on RU server can see.
So, EU supertesters leak information… and get shitcanned. RU supertesters leak information… and get rewarded with a free premium tank.
Seems legit.
/I was really hoping that the T-44-122 would be a reward for the WoWP beta testers, but the reward tank must go to the RU master race…
don’t worry, you will probably get a crappy tier 2 tank for testing that thing.
Maybe T23? Would be nice :)
Actually it’s a lot of bullshit. For example, one of the supertesters from my clan got perm banned yesterday, for leaking info.
- +/-1 MM spread won’t be added.
Some tanks need this MM badly (when even gold ammo dont help).
Some tanks already have it (mostly premium tanks but there’s also the case of fucking terrible B1).
I have to agree with you Woras. Some of the tanks in this game should get better matchmaking then they do.
Which ones exactly?
Pretty much all tier 3s
And tier 6 tanks, IMHO the worst tier there is. Why? Because of the huge gap between t6 and T7,8 tanks.
What? What’s difference of KV-1S and IS? Other has hitpoints to take one 122 mm hit more, other has more gun depression and mobility. Difference between tier 5 to 6 is much bigger, especially on mediums hitpoints going from around 450 to more than 700.
The KV-1s is a bad example. You basically have a tank destroyer-strength gun mounted on a medium tank; it has exceptional penetration and alpha for its tier. It works fine against tier 8 tanks as long as it doesn’t get hit. Most other tier 6′s aren’t nearly as well off.
Tier 3 and to some extent 4 are the same way; if your team fails (and they will), and you’re stuck in a tier 3 non-TD up against a tier 5 heavy/AT-2/invisible German or Russian TD, you’re basically screwed…only the Chi-Ha’s (*coughoverpoweredcough*) 47mm gun is an exception, really.
And before you say “well load gold then”: no. How about not. Nobody should be forced to load premium ammunition to make up for a useless team and utterly shit matchmaking. When the answer is “load gold”, something in the game balance is wrong and needs to be fixed.
I think that some players need it… Then some would say that only equal tiers are good, and after that they would still cry because “everyone penentrates me :’( I and only I need lower tier opponents” Btw I never had problems with tanks, once they are elited!
Some even elited feels like stock.
Buy better crews :) .
Yes, better crew will help poor AMX 40 to pen T6 tanks with its shitty gun. Seriously some people needs to be highfived in the face…with a chair.
I agree.
some ppl need to understand that it just a fucking game
Like the AMX 40, Char B1, UE-57… other french stuff…
And Pz S35 :D Those french were not made for +2 tier fights :D
- the fact the new engine on E-75 has bigger fire chance won’t be compensated
Well, they could throw out a fire exti :D
But that would be resulting in raging again :P
HI all Dare i say
Storm states categorically that “marketing has never any influence on tank characteristics”
And arty is an exception :) moar money moar!
HAHAHAHAHHAhhahhahhaahahahaaa!!!!!!! Serb is so funny………
I mean Storm, dang it lol
both are funny anyway :D
So, how much will the effective armor of IS4 increase?
288 mm effective armour i think :)
Did someone count how many times answer about skill based MM popped up in these Q&As?
Are Russian players really this retarded to ask about it over and over again?
Do you really want an answer or are you just being rhetorical?
>> – T-44-122 will be a reward tank for supertesters only (SS: probably to reward the leaks lately)
You made my day… Judging by what happens in this company i would never ever want to be a supertester, being from EU server – even if they restore EU supertest.
I wonder why NA doesn’t have a supertest. You EU whine about having your supertesting disbanded, we never HAD one.
I think there was ONE NA supertester. He got the pink slip when the EU guys were disbanded.
They put out a call for a NA supertesters over a year ago. Made a big deal about it, said we’d be testing the next big patch, 0.6.0 I think it was at the time. Never heard anything back from them. Just dead silence. No forum posts, no e-mails, no in-game notifications, nothing. So it’s worse than not even having a super-test: We we given the chance and then promptly forgotten about.
(SS: probably to reward the leaks lately
ahahaha lmao thanks for the laugh SS xD ahaahahahahaha fucken minsk idiots lol
“newly bought tank has limited MM” BULLSHIT
This maybe applies to the first battle but not more …
First game in stock type 58, tier 8 game
Try first 6 games as a stock t43 in t9 matches
yeah I am also calling BS on that. I researched and bought a tier 6 a few days ago and the SECOND battle was tier 8. This was during primetime, so no MM shenanigans due to low playercount.
Got the same thing a couple days ago with my T-44, only it was a tier 10 match (naturally).
the last ~20 tanks I bought were toptier in their first match. Not in the second one, though;)
Which is quite disturbing with a T8-stock-Arty…
- T-44-122 will be a reward tank for supertesters only (SS: probably to reward the leaks lately)
So since only russkies are supertesters it means no premium tanks for you capitalist pigs. GG WG GG
- the fact the new engine on E-75 has bigger fire chance won’t be compensated
It’s not like it wasn’t already flammable enough and the dumb frontal transmission would cause fire now it has even bigger chance to catch on fire. Looks like auto fire extinguisher will be a must on E-75 in the future. It lost 1/4 of its BHP and they didn’t even bothered to reduce the fire chance. Such a commie pigs. But hey, they are one step closer to their ultimate goal. To nerf every single german tank at least once, and specially those who are competitive and fun to play.
Do you not realize that on the Tiger even the engines had to be rev’ed high to do ANYTHING meaningful?And on the bigger tanks it would need to be run very high for long periods which produce a lot of heat.
IS-4 front armour angle issue is postponed.
Who was whining about Soviet Bias again?
Actually I feel the whole tank needs to be remodeled, the hull is somewhat larger than IRL and the turret shape also has problem.
- according to SerB, there is no guarantee that Superpershing’s gold price won’t be increased (SS: after the tank stops being sellable for gold)
I bet they’ll nerf it to hell now, and after everybody sold it, they’ll buff it and bring it back to the store for ~10.000 Gold…
Which retard asked for 122-44 to receive limited mm?
Would it be possible for you to give a link to sources in Russian (for russian speaking readers of your blog)?
It’s OK if not :)
‘newly bought tank has limited MM, if you use free XP to make it elite straigh away, the limited MM battles will stay’
Keep seeing this mentioned by SerB but its just not true. Every single new tank I get I’m at the bottom of the MM with a +2 spread.
You clearly dont get how it works. You are not guaranteed to get limited MM, you get a higher chance to be in top if there is enough players in queue. It’s the same way that is works for premium tanks with normal MM spread.
Perfered matchmaker for new tanks counts only in the first 10 battles, after that reg matchmaker is in affect. And it is stated that yes, it’s not 100% for all 10 matches. As far as prem tanks go I’ve never seen a tier i shouldn’t be in unless I was in a plat with a tank without perfered matchmaking
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