
- BIA having no effect on camo? “BIA increases the overall skill level of the crew. Furthermore the aim time and others are increased according to general rules.” – and, when confronted by some experiment a player made: “Your experiments are very important to us”
- some guy asks whether the rear-turret tank destroyer with turret based on Maus chassis will be the tier 10 German TD. SerB: “If there is info, there will be such a variant. We have info only about the E-100″ (SS: what a load of garbage, there was no such project)

- according to SerB, there is a possibility of a tier 10 German TD based on Maus (similiar to Jpz E-100), but WG decided not to implement it, as it doesn’t fit anywhere and it would be basically a copy of Jpz E-100 (SS: yes, that’s correct)
- the suspension graphics will be improved, but the tracks will still be modelled as a “belt”, they won’t consist of independently modelled track links, as that would be beyond the possibilities of any but the strongest player computers
- SerB states that when considering the statistics for nerfing/buffing vehicles, the impact of skilled players of them is negligible, as good players form only one-digit percentage of the playerbase
- M-50 and M-51 Super Sherman will be introduced at some point
- E-25 overpowered? “We forgot to ask your opinion, sorry”
- the fact that the same 100mm M-63 looks different for each turret on Object 416 is correct according to SerB, it was done so that while the gun did look different in real life, it wouldn’t have to be introduced as a different gun module (of the same gun) in game for unlocking
- it’s unclear yet whether T10 Foch and T57H will be nerfed in 0.8.9
- VK4502A is doing fine statistically
- SerB states that the opinion of various “famous” streamer personalities (such as Russian Jove or Murazor) has no influence on WG actions: “That would be like building politics of a country on the opinion of directors or artists”
- neither IS-5, nor Shashmurin’s rear-turret IS will be implemented for now
- twin-linked engines do not have bigger chance of getting damaged, their big size is modelled by their hitbox
- internal armored components (SS: for example armored crew seats) are not modelled in the collision model
- AA vehicles won’t be introduced anytime soon – later, maybe, “if needed”
- it’s theoretically possible to implement the possibility to return to the battle once a player leaves the battle for the hangar, but it’s complicated and not needed according to SerB
- according to SerB, everything is okay with AMX-50/100 armor (SS: some player complains it’s not historical)
- Storm states that even when hit by a large shell, the gun module can succeed in the “saving throw” and not get damaged, that’s where direct hits in the gun, that didn’t do anything come from
- current visual camo concept is that “Player pays not for a camouflage, but for decorating his tank”, that’s why you can’t buy more camo variants at the same time
- the theory that when you win a lot, the MM will stop putting you on the top of the team is “nonsense, very popular in gaming circles”
- no plans to change artillery shell trajectory, there might however be some buffs to the arty shell velocity
- dead crewmember recieves only 90 percent of the crew XP, if he gets revived by a medkit, he gets full 100 percent
- SerB confirms that both BIA and ventilation do influence camouflage skill
- there are no plans for now to implement captured KV-1 (German vehicle)
- Storm regarding the fact WG has patented winrate-based MM (SS: this was popular months ago on forums, some might remember): “I don’t know about that. Lawyers did that. They probably wanted to secure it from all sides and for all cases.”
- Storm states that the Noobmeter mod (or the XVM) won’t be banned, as it doesn’t interfere in anything, but there will be an option to disclose player statistics only to friends and clanmates (not public). When asked about the possibility that everyone with 1-49 percent winrate will simply hide their stats, making Noobmeter useless, Storm replies: “Everything is possible”
- regarding the “too many TD’s” whine: “Dominance of TD’s – statistics don’t show their dominance. Yes, there are more of them, but not so many that they would break the game”
- Storm confirms that Severogorsk map has some issues, it will be fixed. It won’t be removed temporarily, it will be just fixed. Devs are still considering how exactly.
- Storm states that it’s possible the tier 4 TD’s for Junior companies are too OP, but he hasn’t studied the matter
- Komarin will be checked, whether it’s balanced
- low caliber subcaliber shells lose penetration over distance faster than high caliber ones
- SerB states examples for unlockable hulls:

T-34: 1940 pattern hull, 1942 pattern hull (frontal armor 60mm instead of 45mm, better suspension quality, 5 speed transmission, different roadwheels and hull accessories)
T-34/85: 1943 patter hull, T-34/85-60 hull (better suspension quality, different roadwheels and accessories)
E-50: current hull, the same hull but with rear transmission (example)
E-75: the same (current hull, rear transmission hull)
KV-3 and KV-220 have no variants

- the maps in WoT won’t be as segmented as in WoWp (different maps for tiers 1-4, 5-8, 9-10), as the tank speed doesn’t vary that much
- Q: “Is it possible to make WoT realistic?” A: “Sure, we only have to introduce infantry (ration like 1 batallion on 1 tank), engineers, AT-guns and howitzers and burning gasoline splashing from the screen. Otherwise the fight will be unrealistic”
- custom player-made inscriptions will not be implemented
- high DPS tanks, TD’s and autoloader tanks will be nerfed? “There will be something, but it’s not profitable for us to announce it yet. When it’s done it’s done.”
- for now there are no plans to implement a client function to stream the gameplay directly to player’s Twitch account
- according to Storm, the Mountain Pass map is not wrongly balanced (in favor of upper team), it won’t be rebalanced
- server-side replays will come in near future

147 thoughts on “26.9.2013

  1. - according to SerB, there is a possibility of a tier 10 German TD based on Maus (similiar to Jpz E-100), but WG decided not to implement it, as it doesn’t fit anywhere and it would be basically a copy of Jpz E-100 (SS: yes, that’s correct)

    Meanwhile Object 140 is a carbon copy of T-62A…

  2. TD based on Maus doesn’t fit anywhere .. what a load of garbage.

    They’re just too idle to implement it. The fact that it’s basically a copy of the JPz E-100 is invalid too. Or whats the Obj.140 and the T-62A? Basically Copies of each other, with minor differences.

    Bring the donkey!

  3. “- the suspension graphics will be improved, but the tracks will still be modelled as a “belt”, they won’t consist of independently modelled track links, as that would be beyond the possibilities of any but the strongest player computers”

    So the 360 can do it with 7 year old hardware but only the strongest modern PCs can handle it? Either the engine is really, really bad or the WG programmers are really, really, really bad. Or both …

    • Yeah, this is a truck load of rubbish. Even for older machines WoT isn’t really a serious workload and usually there is a lot of spare computing power for independently modelled track links.
      Really powerful, modern machines are virtually in idle when running WoT.

      But as it is usually the case with SerB he says things like that he either doesn’t really know better or hopes that most players won’t understand that this is wrong.

      A proper answer would have been something like “This takes a lot of work to implement and we don’t want to do that and also it would make the game unplayable on really old machines that can run the game just so at the moment.”

    • I think they are really, really, really lazy.
      But thats ok, I dont think individual track links will make a lot of difference.

    • The 360 can’t do it. The screenshots you’re thinking of show the individual wheel (suspension) displacement, not individual tracklinks.

      • Yeah, as track links would kick the crap out of computer systems, but individual road-wheels are easy, just not here yet. I really want them, especially after playing the 360 Beta, makes it look soo much prettier. :D

    • OR, maybe there is a difference between a hardware, that you can tinker and tweak to your likes, and the PC.
      Also, they have a very busy development plan, with things that enjoy priority over others.

      • Are you implying that the 360 is somehow more capable of rendering suspensions more correctly, and that it’s “tweakable”?

        They’re just lazy and unwilling to alienate the vast amount of RU’s toasters.

        • I am not implying anything, I am stating, that development for the console machines is a very different from development on for the PC.
          Just a few things to note:
          A console is a machine dedicated for gaming.
          A console is a single configuration, making development and debugging a walk in the park, compared to the PC.
          A console’s hardware is directly addressable by the developers, whilst on the PC, you need address everything via driver APIs and wait for independent corporations to debug and develop their own drivers etc, which than you can test on your own.
          The reasons mentioned above caused that: when the new generation console games (id est: the first next gen 360/PS3 games came out) came out, they looked and played better than any PC could handle, despite PCs having beefier hardware, and this is the reason that you STILL need some strong components to play for instance BF3 relatively stable on your PC, whilst both consoles are running it sound.
          By the way, both current gen consoles are reaching their limits, hence if you check the 360 version, it does not look as good as the max settings WoT on the PC, due to the outdated hardware (have you noticed the lack of AA, high res textures on the 360 version?).

    • GUYS!! he talks about the TRACKS. That “duct tape” that its over the tank WHEELS. The tank wheels will move independently to each other, based on terrain bumps, debris etc.

      SerB was talking about the tracks as they are now just a flat textured model, but will be improved in the future. And by that he is most probably talking about better textures and better bumpmap.

    • @ Jack and others: NO game AFAIK (not even BF3) has separate track links modelled just because the sheer numbers of polygons involved, and use deformated “band” for track instead. That is precisely what WoT Xbox 360 uses, and that will be used by classic WoT, too…

    • You really want independently modelled track links from a company that can’t even make a F**** reload timer?

  4. “- high DPS tanks, TD’s and autoloader tanks will be nerfed? “There will be something, but it’s not profitable for us to announce it yet. When it’s done it’s done.””

    Sure, if they announce that they will nerf them nobody will buy gold to get free XP to get those tanks quickly…

  5. - Storm states that it’s possible the tier 4 TD’s for Junior companies are too OP, but he hasn’t studied the matter

    Yeeee… TD’s and Lights are OP for companies, but really OP Matilda isn’t…

    • TD’s in Tier 4 when only facing Tier 4 would be more OP than higher tier TD.

      Higher Tier TD’s are already invisible and hard to see. They are larger than lower tier TD’s and tanks in higher tiers have longer view ranges than lower tiers do.

      So if higher tier TD’s have worse camo(due to being larger) and are facing tanks with better view ranges but are very invisible then now think about Tier 4.

      Tier 4 TD’s are very small even the large ones are smaller than any at say Tier 6. In addition they are facign tanks with mostly 330 or so view range. But Tier 4 TD’s are very very special. Most of them have very long view ranges.
      SU-85B: 390
      Alecto: 390
      T40: 400
      M8A1: 370
      Only the Hetzer and the Somua which are both closed top have small view ranges and the Hetzer which is the main one people use has heavily sloped armor that gives most guns at Tier 4 a hard time hitting it in front.

    • You’ll find that non-pub TCs prefer their SU85Bs over anything else, at least for the meat of the company, maybe something a little faster for scout duty like an M8. Matilda’s don’t offer the speed needed for good calling, and it’s DPS is obviously inferior to TDs.

      Also armour counts for nil, even without gold rounds.

    • Every tank is OP, when the enemy does not known it’s weak points. Remember when AT-2 comes out? Lots of players could not pen them from front until its weak point (commander cupola) was identifyed…

  6. E-50: current hull, the same hull but with rear transmission (example)
    E-75: the same (current hull, rear transmission hull)
    It would be nice. :)

  7. - according to SerB, everything is okay with AMX-50/100 armor (SS: some player complains it’s not historical)

    I wouldn’t be so sure…

      • There’s no guarantee either way, but apparently the US Army’s test figures disagree with what we have in-game. I believe they said the hull was weaker but turret thicker.

        Not that it really matters anyways though.

  8. - according to SerB, there is a possibility of a tier 10 German TD based on Maus (similiar to Jpz E-100), but WG decided not to implement it, as it doesn’t fit anywhere and it would be basically a copy of Jpz E-100 (SS: yes, that’s correct)

    As far as I’m concerned, a StuG Maus (or “Jagdmaus” which is technically an incorrect name) was armed with a 150mm L/68, not with a 173mm gun, the gun could make the difference all by itself. The only problem is that I have no idea of a tier 9 Porsche TD (tier 8 is Ferdinand), but now as the Obj 140 proves that no previous branch is needed. And the Obj 140 is similar to the T-62A, but isnt exactly the same. (turret roof, nuff said)

    - SerB states examples for unlockable hulls:
    E-50: current hull, the same hull but with rear transmission (example)
    E-75: the same (current hull, rear transmission hull)

    Didnt they state that WG had once the idea to unify the E-50 into a single E-50 at tier 10 back then? (To be fair, there would be no fitting tank at tier 9 though)
    Rear transmissions mean no frontal engine fires, right?

  9. - Storm states that the Noobmeter mod (or the XVM) won’t be banned, as it doesn’t interfere in anything, but there will be an option to disclose player statistics only to friends and clanmates (not public). When asked about the possibility that everyone with 1-49 percent winrate will simply hide their stats, making Noobmeter useless, Storm replies: “Everything is possible”

    Soooo basically when XVM don’t report baddie’s stats, it can be auto-assumed “scrub too ashamed to wear their learning curve” … nothing will change, baddies will still get called out and they have achieved nothing with all the endless whining and crying – excellent.

    • Bad or not, I’d hide mine to not be the selected target, and make my possible skill level questionable. So if they assume I don’t know which end of the gun to point with, then I can take advantage of their probable over-confidence.

    • I will hide mine as well if it ever becomes an option to do so. I’m on 51%, which is I guess average-low. If someone really wants to know my scores, they can start talking to me, build a virtual battle-buddy relationship, and get on my friend list, LOL! Just kidding of course.

      Although I have to admit that since XVM doesn’t work, the whining/complaint/flame wars in the beginning of the battle have been reduced by 90%. No more “Ah, we already lost it”, “Crap, XVM says we have 12% to win”, “Frak, I am surrounded by noobs”, etc.

      • 51 is above average, actually. Average WR across all players is about 48,5 – 49%, because of the draws.

      • News flash! XVM is working just fine for me since 8.8 came out. If you don’t want to use it, then don’t. But I would rather plan my battles accordingly. Who to kill first, etc etc. It’s more organized that way…

    • I plan on hiding my stats… not because I’m ashamed of my stats… but xvm makes even blue players targets in a lot of battles.

      • I dont know about hiding my stats but yesterday i was playing my is8 in a teir 10 match and the enemy team instantly started saying in chat kill the is8 first hes there best player that’s the only reason why i would hide my stats

    • Finally! No more “mimimi I don’t play when my team is all red”; “mimimi look at the enemy team top tank platoon they are noob buahaha” etc. And I will hide my stats no matter what, even though I’m at 52% now and rising. I dont want to hear about my stats (i don’t use “gold” ammo, no platoons, no clans, no xvm helping mods, but try explaining that to a mentally challenged infant ranting about his compared to mine), and i don’t want to help the xvm users make their tactics like they do now only to further increase their stats and bash the 1% lesser player into the ground for being such a noob.
      I just hope it will come activated with the update so that all newbies and all those that hate the xvm useless spamming in the game chat will have it hidden by default.

      • Personally i would like to see a Fog of War type implementation. Meaning the opposing team would not be able to see your stats until you are detected, but your team-mates would always see them.

  10. - AA vehicles won’t be introduced anytime soon – later, maybe, “if needed”

    Just give us a Flakpanzer IV to shred lower tiers and it’s ‘kay, WG.

  11. - Storm states that the Noobmeter mod (or the XVM) won’t be banned, as it doesn’t interfere in anything, but there will be an option to disclose player statistics only to friends and clanmates (not public). When asked about the possibility that everyone with 1-49 percent winrate will simply hide their stats, making Noobmeter useless, Storm replies: “Everything is possible”

    I have a 60% win rate, and if I can, I will hide it from public, just so I don’t have to put up with being targeted first by any random guy with xvm, especially arty.

    The amount of times I see someone on my team say “kill this tank first, he is strongest player on their team” makes me wonder how often people say the same about me.

    Not only that but I am fed up with noobs whining and bitching at me if I fail to carry the team… how terrible.

    Hiding stats from public? yes pls!!!

  12. “- it’s unclear yet whether T10 Foch and T57H will be nerfed in 0.8.9″

    I hope they wont equal T57 reloading time and gap between shots to AMX 50B level. Why? Because those tanks have different role. Due to ok armor and average top speed T57 is more like a brawler. And I see AMX 50B more like fast and mobile tank which can jump from flank to flank thanks to his top speed. And played as a sniper.

    Now waiting for donkey, squid, whale or whatever.

    • The Problem with the T57 Heavy is, that it outperforms every other T10 tank (maybe except the E-100)
      That’s the problem…

      • Outperforms? Can’t agree. It can’t rush like IS-7 or other better armored tanks. In close range when reloading he will be dead soon cause low top speed. And you can run out of ammo quickly. I like this tank but I don’t think so it’s OP.

        • Then you haven’t looked at the global win rate on it. The thing is OP as shit.

          Sure, it can’t do one thing better than the IS-7 (the only thing the IS-7 is good at) but overall it needs some nerfs.

          Surely though WG will over do it and/or misinterpret the data like they always do.

          • 49.57 % win rate in the last four weeks on the Russian server. How does that make it remotely OP?

            • You might want to look at the other servers as well (then again, RU seems to be the only server that WG cares about).

    • IMHO 2 sec interval per shot is already huge advantage of American autoloaders and makes it very hard to take cover before getting second hit. That itself (plus workable armor) should he advantage enough if reload and DPM is nerfed to AMX 50B levels. Tier 10 heavy autoloaders are about burst damage anyway.

  13. - BIA having no effect on camo? “BIA increases the overall skill level of the crew. Furthermore the aim time and others are increased according to general rules.” – and, when confronted by some experiment a player made: “Your experiments are very important to us”

    - SerB confirms that both BIA and ventilation do influence camouflage skill

  14. - neither IS-5, nor Shashmurin’s rear-turret IS will be implemented for now

    Does any picture of this IS-5 exist?

  15. according to SerB, there is a possibility of a tier 10 German TD based on Maus (similiar to Jpz E-100), but WG decided not to implement it, as it doesn’t fit anywhere and it would be basically a copy of Jpz E-100 (SS: yes, that’s correct)

    No, just no. I want JagdMaus even if it’s just a copy-paste of Jpanzer E-100. After all there are Porsche TD’s out there so why not ?

    And I agree that Obj.140 and T-62a are good example of mirror tanks.

    • Mirror tanks are fine. It won’t take the artist long to finish the model, and hanging a single tank off the top of an existing tree would certainly be easier than creating and balancing a whole new tree. I’d rather seem WG plugging mirror tanks as options into the various trees than see these tanks left out.

  16. “- according to Storm, the Mountain Pass map is not wrongly balanced (in favor of upper team), it won’t be rebalanced”

    However, the encounter mode on this map favours the top-right team, because they can get to/under the bridge far easier/faster and in the case of going under even without being spotted/shot at…

    • Rushing the cap zone that way can be crushed from many different angles.
      So far I’ve played 3 games, where the team you were talking about lost miserably, with that strategy.
      There might be issues with the encounter mode, but such conclusions can’t be drawn so fast, only time will tell!

      • (talking only about the Encounter, I have no problems with standard on this map)

        Surely it is not set in stone, but once the enemy starts capping the other team gets under pressure fast if 2 or 3 scouts/meds are there

        The newly addred rocks prevent clean shots from the opening in the south above the valley and you can even cap from the bridge sides, which are quite well covered. In that case the battle usually takes place on both sides of the valley, while it is not that easy to get down there like the other team can.

        I know, it is all about the tactics and coordination in the end (and some luck), but I see the advantage on the side of the top-right team.

        Also, please note that this is only my opinion and I’m open to discussion :)

        • I know you were talkin’ about encounter only.
          I suggest you try preventing the cap from the bridge. A TD should be capable of getting the job done, but if you push the south side, any fast tank class will do.

      • Its the exact opposite for me.

        I’ve had about 10 encounter matches on Mountain Pass with an even split for which side I play on. Win/Loss seems pretty even for me as well, no favours for which side.

        Rushing the cap so far also has had mixed results. Both wins and losses. Like all maps the winning team comes down more on the side of who failed less not which side they started on. (or if they rushed to hold cap or not)

  17. - SerB states that the opinion of various “famous” streamer personalities (such as Russian Jove or Murazor) has no influence on WG actions: “That would be like building politics of a country on the opinion of directors or artists”

    Hey why not, the US elected Reagan.

    • And on top of that Reagan is considered to be anywhere from an okay to a great President depending on who you ask (Conservatives loved him, most Liberals have a grudging respect for him even if they don’t agree with his economic policies).

      But enough about American politics. Let’s get back to internet tanks.

    • Because old Raygun totally didn’t draw on an extensive pool of expert advisors and career bureaucrats or anything.

  18. - according to SerB, there is a possibility of a tier 10 German TD based on Maus (similiar to Jpz E-100), but WG decided not to implement it, as it doesn’t fit anywhere and it would be basically a copy of Jpz E-100 (SS: yes, that’s correct)

    so? what about obj 140 and t-62a?

  19. - SerB states that when considering the statistics for nerfing/buffing vehicles, the impact of skilled players of them is negligible, as good players form only one-digit percentage of the playerbase

    that is a load of fucking bullshit, are they talking about players with 60-70 win rate??? does wg need 70 win rate or 30 before they nerf/buff tanks??? clearly, mainly elite players play foch 155 because the tanks leading up to it are utter shit

      • It’s a cammon practice in statistic to disregard both top 10% and bottom 10% of data, therefore making really good players impact zero

    • It has been repeatedly said that the difference where they start to consider changes is about 5% (so 45 – 55% WR is usually fine, depends on case to case basis, though)

  20. So the JagdMaus concept is out for being too similar to the totally made up JagdPanzer E-100, yet there’s nothing wrong with having two tier 10s that play like the T-62A. That what I’m hearing here, Serb?

  21. “- according to SerB, there is a possibility of a tier 10 German TD based on Maus (similiar to Jpz E-100), but WG decided not to implement it, as it doesn’t fit anywhere and it would be basically a copy of Jpz E-100 (SS: yes, that’s correct)”

    True, because the Jagdmaus would clearly delay implementation of IMPORTANT tanks like the Object 140.

  22. “- according to Storm, the Mountain Pass map is not wrongly balanced (in favor of upper team), it won’t be rebalanced”

    It only is if the north base has a scout with a brain to sit in that bush and light everything passing by to the south flank.

  23. ” the fact that the same 100mm M-63 looks different for each turret on Object 416 is correct according to SerB, it was done so that while the gun did look different in real life, it wouldn’t have to be introduced as a different gun module (of the same gun) in game for unlocking”

    Hahahah no. They already have guns that change appearance when you swap turrets. The gun looks the same because they wanted the gun to look the same, that’s all.

  24. Sure, we only have to introduce infantry (ration like 1 batallion on 1 tank), engineers, AT-guns and howitzers and burning gasoline splashing from the screen.

    Am I the only one who thinks that would be great for historical battles?
    WG … you know … historical … realistic … battles?

  25. >> – dead crewmember recieves only 90 percent of the crew XP, if he gets revived by a medkit, he gets full 100 percent

    wiki stated 50%, but wiki is “onofficial”…
    I’d like to ask him some questions about spotting and seeing tanks mechanics.

  26. >> – Storm confirms that Severogorsk map has some issues, it will be fixed. It won’t be removed temporarily, it will be just fixed. Devs are still considering how exactly.

    Add second Lenin monument. Or better, add four more, never too many of them…

  27. - some guy asks whether the rear-turret tank destroyer with turret based on Maus chassis will be the tier 10 German TD. SerB: “If there is info, there will be such a variant. We have info only about the E-100″ (SS: what a load of garbage, there was no such project)

    He’s referring to the Jagdmaus project. There WAS the idea to make a fixed-casemate TD based on the Maus chassis, armed with a 15 cm gun. This idea was conceived at the same time as the Jagdpanzer E-100 as an attempt by Ferdinand Porsche to once again upstage his rival designers. However, I don’t think there were any blueprints, and I’m certain construction never began. That being said, much of the same can be said for the JP E-100, which is already in the game.

    TL;DR – SerB is full of shit.

  28. “- Storm states that it’s possible the tier 4 TD’s for Junior companies are too OP, but he hasn’t studied the matter”


  29. “That would be like building politics of a country on the opinion of directors or artists”
    Enter Hitler the Austrian painter, guess who got Germany out of the hyperinflation collapse of the Weimar Republic? Granted he went on to be a total psychopath, but if the Thrid Reich was a country then they did indeed build its politics on his opinions. (HISTORICAL ACCURACY IN YOUR FACE SerB!)

    How to fix Severogorsk: take center 600 x 600 area, stretch to full 1000 x 1000 so that it’s less of a Province clone with margins and more of a “one ridge can’t shoot other but can shoot middle”

    • Apparently Hitler got out Germany from hyperinflation to… well massive debt… There is a reason why WWII started in 1939 while German staff considered 1942 as a date when Wermacht is going to reach its planned capability. If you don’t get how’s that linked – the first thing Germans tried to get from invaded cities was gold from the local banks, I think it explains well what was their economical problem.

      • No gold can be sold to other nations for their currency and their currency can be used to finance projects abroad. The German currency was not accepted everywhere and if it was at horrible rates. The Germans could sell the gold for pounds and use the pounds anywhere in the world. They later just counterfeited the currency to flood the market.

  30. Pingback: 26.9.2013 | WoTRomania

  31. - server-side replays will come in near future

    Does that mean that it will be possible to NOT record a replay and watch it still? Or just to watch your replay from any player’s perspective? or something else?

  32. - M-50 and M-51 Super Sherman will be introduced at some point
    Should be interesting to see in the game as the armor is more or less stock with better suspension to the M4.

    - no plans to change artillery shell trajectory, there might however be some buffs to the arty shell velocity
    Could really be worth it. Considering that the Hummels GUN2 shells, I swarz, are a bit slow compared to the GUN1 shells for the same range… Even the Grilles shells land on target faster (for the given range). Figuring the real speed of the shell at the distances involved is easy as there are formulas for that.

  33. “SerB states that when considering the statistics for nerfing/buffing vehicles, the impact of skilled players of them is negligible, as good players form only one-digit percentage of the playerbase”

    Even asking this question is stupid IMO and it shows that people really don’t understand statistics. Clearly WG will disregard all the best and worst players and concentrate on stuff around the mean. Standard deviation anyone?