
- the developers discussed and rejected the idea of hiding player stats (“there would be more disadvantages than advantages”)
- Q: “Please, can you tell me which religion forbids the devs to make the disabling of the chat in game possible?” A:”Pastafarianism”
- it’s possible there will be no arties at all in historical battles
- the reason the Japanese tankers have sort of American-ish names (ranks) is the same as for the Chinese tankers: 99.9 percent of the players outside of Chinese server wouldn’t be able to read the “hieroglyphs”

- for now big maps (1500x1500m) won’t be implemented, but the devs are slowly experimenting with them already
- destroyed tanks won’t have hit/scratch (bounce) decals on them
- the limited maximum viewrange in the game is “a feature of the game engine”, developers will try to increase the range on which the vehicle becomes visible after being spotted (SS: as in, not your own spotting range, but the range you see the enemy someone else spotted)
- it’s theoretically possible there will be a branch-to-branch transfer (as in, another vehicle unlockable) from StuG III to “something historical”, but it will take a very long time
- a long time ago in one ancient German tree version, there was a vehicle called StuG E-100 – Storm states that it’s the identical vehicle to current Jagdpanzer E-100 (SS: correct, StuG E-100 is the “more correct” name)
- there will be possibly a third German TD branch, in about one year from now
- Storm actually states (contrary to previous SerB’s statements) that there will not be exactly a “team battle” mode for tier 10′s. There will be “something else also interesting, but we won’t tell what exactly will it be for now”
- Kanonenjagdpanzer 4-5 is a “strange TD” according to Storm, it’s possible it might be implemented, but Storm doesn’t know where in the tree he would put it (not even as premium)
- the gold ammo for credits has not influenced Maus and T95 significantly according to Storm, he states that for example the normalization change influenced them more, there are no plans to cancel it for now

- when a crewmember is killed, any perks/skills that he had stop working, but apparently, if two identical role crewmembers (for example two loaders for vehicles that have them) have the same perk, the perk will still work on the second crewmember (for example the Adrenaline rush). If both crewmembers have the same skill and one is killed, the vehicle skill level will depend on the surviving crewmember (as in, if the vehicle has – say – two gunners and both have the Armorer skill, one has 98 percent and the other 67 percent, when both are alive, the skill level for the vehicle will be 98 percent (not cumulative or multiplying), if the 98 skill one gets killed, the Armorer level will not drop to 0, but to 67)

- BIA will stop working when one crewmember gets killed
- the Chinese (PRC) reaction to Type 64 was “positive”: “Kuomintang is regarded as a part of Chinese history, regardless of contemporary controversies. We should learn that from them by the way.”
- HEAT and subcaliber shell impact looks the same way “for technical reasons”
- apparently SU-122-44 and FCM 50t snap to smallest aim circle in the same time, although the latter should do it faster: “because of the aim spread after shooting for example”
- apparently, Waffenträgers might come out the way they are now on the test, but Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100

242 thoughts on “15.10.2013

  1. “the developers discussed and rejected the idea of hiding player stats (“there would be more disadvantages than advantages”)”

    Didn’t Storm say they would be implementing an option to hide your stats just a few weeks ago? This is confusing..

      • why make the trouble of announcing with great details a feature and then can it
        see if the feature can be implemented, internally, and if it’s feasible then announce it

        it’s like with garage battles: we will have them, we will not have them .. we might have them
        to the point, many people, including me don’t even care anymore – is that their end goal by doing this?

        • Such is planning, and getting information on said plans. Things change all the time before implementation, or lack thereof.

            • Except 65% of the time when WG throw rocks in the air they come straight back down and hit them in the face again.

          • No it’s poor decision making on the part of the devs. I (and I’m sure many others) were under the impression that the stat hiding was 100% definitely coming, and soon. It would have been much smarter, and more professional, PR on the part of WG to have said something along these lines: “We are looking into the possibility of stat hiding but we have not confirmed whether we will implement it into the game or not.”

            Then again, I’m not surprised; WG is a pretty garbage company especially when it comes to PR and making us, the consumer, happy.

            • Was it ever officially announced? As far as I know, we got this information from a forum post.

              Not saying they didn’t change their minds, but a forum post is a forum post while a press release is a press release.

        • Damn it, would have loved to hide stats. Thanx to xvm and most ppl not understanding it the game really did a step to the worse…

            • 100% of my clan is using it, and everybody else I know too. If you are just a pubbie there is a chance you don’t even know XVM, if you are in a private community and/or clan there’s a 99.9% chance people there have XVM. Why? Because for one, you can focus with your platoon on their best player, most of the games you have 1 Uniqum and others who are way behind him, destroy unicum and the winningchance got up to 70% instead of 50%. That’s just one silly point for publics.

            • Also because when you are going to encounter a tank, you can see if he is good or not, if he is going to peak stupidly to do damage as fast as possible. XVM gives you actually an advantage. It’s also a + to have XVM if you are in a medium like me, easy to see what other mediums in your team are good so you can go in group with that guy instead of going solo.

        • Agreed!
          Soooo glad they won’t be hidden.
          Seeing stats is HUGE for those of us midrange (60 day: 60%, 1500 WN7) guys who want to know how trustworthy the advice and actions of our teammates is. Also on the forums. When someone says something outside the box, it is good to know if they are blowing it out their asses or if they have some experience backing it up.

    • Ah rejoice in WG sensibly not wasting their time for people too vain to not wear their learning curves.

    • it is an online game.. dont play online multiplayer games if u want to hide your ego/char/stats..
      thats the way such game works

  2. - the developers discussed and rejected the idea of hiding player stats (“there would be more disadvantages than advantages”)

    Does this mean that suddenly, the idea of hiding player stats has been scrapped?

      • Sad but true. Apparently SerB was the one who fought desperately against hiding player stats. Now we can see the outcome of this and the influence of SerB concerning design decisions.

        They should at least block the ability to use XVM. That would be enough.

        • XVM isn’t the problem; XVM is a tool, some players use the information provided by XVM to berate other players, most don’t.

          • Exactly, just because you can bash someone’s head in with a hammer doesn’t mean the hammer is the problem and should be banned.

            • Thats the most retarded argument I’ve ever heard.
              Yeah tools don’t do damage, its the users that do!
              So lets give a group of kindergarten kids guns, wait a few weeks, and see if anybody has died. Weapons are just tools man, its the kids killing each other with them that are the problem. Giving dangerous tools to retards is totally fine.

            • Giving dangerous tools to halfway sensible people OTOH is done very much routinely. Heard of “soldiers” and “police” for example? And I’m quite certain the local ironmonger won’t refuse to sell me a big-ass bush knife merely because I *could* go ape and start doing a Dacian falx imitation with it in the subway.

        • VERY GOOD that they don’t allow ppl to hide stats. They should be visible to all, full stop.

          “- Q: “Please, can you tell me which religion forbids the devs to make the disabling of the chat in game possible?” A:”Pastafarianism””

          Oh, the trollSerB :3

          • This isn’t fair. As a fairly good player (I have 1700 WIN7) I get focused fire on by those who have XVM. A higher priority target and it makes my life a living hell. It’s not a fun game when the platoon of 2 arty focus on your the whole game.

            And this is because I use my brain.

            • I am nearing 2000 WN7. Being blue was ok, but purple in XVM is really killing the fun for me. Most people who do care about stats hold the purple color at a much higher esteem than what in my opinion is reasonable. I’m just not good enough as a player to overcome all the downside the purple attention is giving me. I just want to play for fun. I am a casual player at best. All I want is to enjoy a few battles at night when I get home from work. Please, WG. :(

            • but that hiding stats would mostly not help: You would need to be able to hide ur clantag too and I bet most ppl focus on good players not because of their stats/xvm but because of the PTS/ EXNOM/ EFE/ whatever tag.

            • I was playing arty some days ago and aiming at some high-stats guy, when TD was spotted next to him and I actually switched targets.

            • seing stats ingame with xvm is fking pointless

              seing stats wont make you a better player

              seing stats wont make it easier to win

            • “seing stats ingame with xvm is fking pointless

              seing stats wont make you a better player

              seing stats wont make it easier to win”

              This statement clearly means you don’t have any idea how XVM works or how to use it.

    • Finally something good

      Bots/Afkler and idiots still recognizable right from the start.

      • You can already see boots/afkers from the start…they usualy dont move

        as for idiots..i consider my entire team idiots untill proven otherwise…safest that way

        • I really don’t agree that people should have the ability to single out a player based on his/her stats. I don’t like that I will be targeted first because someone can see my efficiency using a mod, just feels too close to cheating to me, and no I have never used xvm.

          The only reason I can think of for WG to reject the idea is if it prevented them from seeing player stats as well and would make balancing impossible. But I don’t think that’s the case as I am sure they would still be able to see player stats and win rates even if other players cant.

          So I really would like to know the reason for hidden stats being rejected.

          • Its an unpopular (and in my eyes stupid) idea to hide them, thats why.
            After they anounced the change, they sure got loads of negative feedback.
            Its a demanded feature from a lot of players (in the core, most of the clanners, who are the backbone of the game), that adapted to the information given,
            and that information is crucial for planning action in random battles.
            To not have this info changes gameplay for those who adapted to xvm drastically.
            And so it would make things a lot worse gameplaywise for tenthousands of people.

            I can understand that, when you dont use that info yourself, you are totally against it, cause its just to your disadvantage, but i can tell you xvm generally improves the gameplay, if you are open for it, and its your personal decision to not use that.
            Btw its a lot easier to use now since last patch.

  3. “- apparently, Waffenträgers might come out the way they are now on the test, but Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100″

    Do u mean nerf here? Can’t think of this tank needing a buff o.O

      • You’ll be playing the game as ll by yourself then. I play medium tanks, doubt ill stick around to be gunned to pieces by fantasy tankers

        • My most favourite tank is Leopard 1 – I will not be in anymore fear when the WT E-100 goes live. I will punch some nice 105mm HE in his turret, spreading horror in his crewmembers and wrecking his modules. Really, if you’re a good player you can deal with every tank you face.

        • Bit late for that isn’t it? Though I my have missed the announcement that stated that all the tanks in WoT were real :P.

          This game should be called World of Prototypes lol.

    • But….unless it’s module HP buff so it doesn’t lose crew members and the gun every HE shot to the gun shield, it’s going to be ridiculously OP

      • WG put themselves in a hell of a position.
        They made an unhistorical tank but also one that is very hard to balance properly.

        One little stat swing can bring the tank from OP to crap and vice versa, they should have used WT Panther II as tier X…

        • I thought the same thing. Seems like a much nicer evolution from its predecessor and even if not 100% historical (no idea whether it is or not), it would make much more sense, then this illogical WT E-100 design.
          Furthermore a lot of people would really appreciate a tier 10 Hellcat (or something vaguely similar)

    • Haha, you see my friend test server impression is not the right one in every case. Although they are crying about how OP WT E-100 is in the german forum (and this is rare that Germans say their vehicles have to be nerfed…), I think it’s right way to buff it, because on testserver it’s just WT E-100 against WT E-100.
      On live-server the huge reloadtime and the “bad” 15cm are disadvantages. This is, because this tank has 2 big and unchangeable bad characteristics: bad camo and this great, big weakspot with max. 20mm armour….
      I said WT E-100 (espacially the pene of the 15cm) has to be buffed on the german forum but I got negativ Reputation :/

      • Armor isn’t all that relevant at tier ten. What concerns me is that the Waffle takes 4 shots to obliterate any medium in 6 seconds, yet the medium would need close to 40 secs of continously spamming rounds into the turret to kill it.

        • the whole idea with auto loaders is that they are designed so that you should kill em while they are realoding

          problem is someone has to die for that to happen

          • not if you trick him into wasting his shells.. when he than has only 2 shots left for example, then you could take him out easily

  4. Yeah, buff that f*ckin UP Waffenträger!
    Let’s be honest. They say Foch is OP and has to be nerved and then they implement a monster which is abled to make even more damage in nearly the same time. Fail WG

    • There is a big difference though – foch can easily brawl 1:1 and bounce shells. The WT E100 can only eat HE…
      Not saing that they should buff WT E100, just saying that comparing WT and Foch is kindda stupid…

    • I am not saying the Wafffenträger E100 needs a buff but comparing it to Foch 155 is a joke, bad one on top of it. Yes it got even higher burst but its huge so the camo value is crap, it’s slow and sluggish and while the hull is armored the turret is quite huge and is penetrable even by tier 1 (20mm armor is a joke). As soon it fires it gets uncovered and everyone and his dog will put a HE shell through it. A Foch on the other hand is a perfect package of speed, agility, armor and gun. I take a Foch everyday over a Waffenträger.

      • Slow and sluggish? Try racing with an FV4202 medium then come back and correct yourself!

        • Paper expert. Speed limit displayed in the game is exactly what it is – speed limit. FV4202 will dance circles around WT E100 while eating ice cream and listening to some nice music….

          • Excuse me, I went on the test server with my 4202 on the first day so I know exactly how fast they are and how long it takes to kill them using HESH: too long.

            Do you even have a 4202?

            • I do. I expect my HESH to at least do something to the WTF-100. It definitely seems like one of the most appropriate targets for it.

            • FV4202 sluggish? That’s some strong crack you’re smoking. It’s mobile as lightning, max speed is mediocre though. One of my favorite tanks in the game.

  5. - apparently, Waffenträgers might come out the way they are now on the test, but Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100+

    *Buff* WT E-100?? This tank is actually the only one which definitely does not need a buff, it is very strong for a Tier 10 TD. If a Waffenträger would need a buff, then the Sturer Emil (small mobility buff).

    • As much as I hate the WT, it really needs a buff. I originally said you should play it like an AMX 50B, but that 20mm of turret armor makes it impossible because HE can go straight through. the 50B doesn’t have this problem because it’s turret is thick enough. The WT can snipe, but the turret just eats up HE. 20mm is NOT tier X material.

      • Nor would it follow German tank design philosophy. Even a gun carriage such as the WT E-100 would have been given some 60mm gun shield cause… Well, fuckin crazy Hitler.

      • and who the fuk would switch to HE mid combat on live servers just to dmg a WT? u must be retarded just like the dev

        • mediums with 6-8 sec reload time, and any other encounter, if wte-100 manages to survive long enough to be the last 1.

  6. apparently, Waffenträgers might come out the way they are now on the test, but Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100

    yap its obviously in need of buff

  7. “-apparently, Waffenträgers might come out the way they are now on the test, but Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100″

    Buff ? are you sure ? O_o

    • I’m going to ass-ume that he is referring to an armor buff, speed, something. Buffing the gun stats won’t help. Trying to take away the “glass cannon” qualities?

      • …considering this tank, as well as many others, the whole game is world of glass cannons. Even a tier x heavy can go down in a blink now. Easily.

  8. - the limited maximum viewrange in the game is “a feature of the game engine”, developers will try to increase the range on which the vehicle becomes visible after being spotted (SS: as in, not your own spotting range, but the range you see the enemy someone else spotted)

    Please unsquare that stupit view range to a circle. I dont think that square viewboxes are really historical and round ones are much better and easier to understand…………

    • view range is a circle
      draw distance is a box – its a game engine limit, and can’t be “buffed” easily

    • Changing it to a circle is probably not going to happen. It’s not simply a matter of detection distance, but draw distance as well; I can’t think of *any* game I’ve ever seen that used a circle to bound the draw space.

    • I really hope they leave it as it is. While the draw box is a bit “unrealistic” opticswise, the maps are balanced and made with it in mind. And tbh I don’t see increasing it as a game improving option at all even if the maps could take it.

  9. “- apparently, Waffenträgers might come out the way they are now on the test, but Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100″

    Buff? This tank is somehow OP as it is,why would they buff it?

    “- BIA will stop working when one crewmember gets killed”

    I thought devs clearly stated (some time ago) that BiA works even if a crew member dies.

    • Are there any test so we can know once and for all if it works or nor? Because I should know if I have to re-heal that radio man or not….

      • Simple – all you need is a crew with BiA, and a crosshair mod with relaod timer (the built-in one should do as well). Get in a game, somehow manage to get a crew member killed and see if the reload time increases or not.

      • never ress a radio man for a 5% buff

        or you be ripping your hair out once your loader/gunner bites it but you have no medpack

    • “- BIA will stop working when one crewmember gets killed”

      I thought devs clearly stated (some time ago) that BiA works even if a crew member dies.

      I too had read they changed the way it works.
      (it used to be like that but the patch after did change it)

      • out of my own games i can say ive never seen my reload drop when my radioman died off (with BIA).

        So id say they are not correct in this. May be although it got changed in 8.9, i didnt check it as carefully there as i did in live-gaming.

        • Devs did say that losing a crew member did not affect it.

          I don’t think they really have a clue half the time.

    • Care to think about how many noobs are on the test server and driving the WT E-100. How many unicom’s are testing it out? The hug number of noobs will push the stat’s well below ground level.

      • But it’s the same as on the live server. Most tanks are driven by people with the intellect of a shrimp. This is true for every tier.

  10. “BIA will stop working when one crewmember gets killed”

    Will it still work if I have Jack of All Trades on my commander?

  11. - BIA will stop working when one crewmember gets killed

    Wait what. This isnt true. Otherwise my reloadtime would rise but it dosent.

  12. - there will be possibly a third German TD branch, in about one year from now

    they already started on the misplaced dates. So now the question is
    Will the third line (assuming that there will be a third branch) be:
    A) 1 year late
    B) 2 years late
    C) 3+ years late
    D) all of the above

  13. Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100

    Darth Veider?

  14. “(as in, if the vehicle has – say – two gunners and both have the Armorer skill, one has 98 percent and the other 67 percent, when both are alive, the skill level for the vehicle will be 98 percent (not cumulative or multiplying), if the 98 skill one gets killed, the Armorer level will not drop to 0, but to 67)”

    Shouldn’t it be an average in the first case? (about 83%)

    • “Shouldn’t it be an average in the first case? (about 83%)”

      No, only primary specialisation and “general” secondary skills (repairs, camo, firefighting) work like that. That quote was about Armourer skill (provided as an example) and it’s the same for other crew member-specific secondary skills.

  15. Its so funny to seee all those noobs crying about WT E 100…. seems like the are to bad/stupid to load HE and/or aim at the goddamn turret when it shot 1 shell and get visible… -_-

    • Hi, noob here, only 14,000 battles and I can’t figure out how to kill a Waffle in less than 40 secs of continous firing from any of my tier ten mediums. Perhaps a unicum like you can help me??

      • The WT E-100 has 2200hp and 20mm of frontal turret armour.

        My most beloved medium tank, the Leopard 1, with BiA, Vents and Rammer fires one shell every 7,43s. Avg dmg of my Leo 1 is 390 for APCR/HEAT ammo and 480 for HE ammo.

        To take all 2200hp down with my 390 alpha gun, I need to fire 6 shots – for a total of 2340 avg dmg. Considering the fact that my first round is already waiting to be fired, I need to load my gun 5 times, it’s 37,15s.

        If however I decide to fire HE rounds in the turret of the WT E-100, I will penetrate with each shot (53mm of avg pen is 39-66mm range of possible pen). Having the alpha of 480 dmg, I will need 5 shots to deal overall 2400 avg dmg. Considering the fact that my first round is already waiting to be fired, I need to load my gun 4 times, it’s 29,72s. During this perion, each of my 5 HE rounds will deal dmg to the crew and modules of the WT E-100 which are situated in the turret. It means that possibly after the first shot the WT E-100 will have a crewmember dead of a module damaged. This will decrease it’s fighting capabilities greatly.

        Moreover, considering the fact that my Leo 1 has 9° of gun depression and 20,75hp/t ratio, I am not afraid of engaging the WT E-100 in an open field one on one, knowing that I will be able to poke in a place he is not expecting me, and I will be able to aim and fire my shot with 1.9s aim time before he turns his turret and aims at me.

        Moreover, if he’s using the 150mm, his shells have fairly low speed, which means I will be able to try to dodge them effectively.

        If there are other tanks engaged, not only my Leo 1 and the WT E-100, it will be even easier. I can simply wait for the WT E-100 to fire all his shells and then wreck havok upon him while he reloads.

        Fighting autoloaders may be tricky sometimes, it may require you to change your position or retreat completely, but it is completely doable, and therefore you shouldn’t hesitate.

        I hope I was able to help you with your problem, even though I am not an unicum player.

          • There is no totally PLAIN field in WoT. You have small hills and holes everywhere, enough to hide a medium tank. And if you really decide to stay stationary in an open, plain field, with no cover, in front of ANY tier X TD, you deserve to die.

        • Take the fact he probably have rounds loaded too. Now tell me how to kill it in six seconds. He can also cause module damage to you as well.

          • In six seconds I will be long hidden behind a rock/hill/corner, or in a hole, there’s a shitload of cover on WoT maps.

      • You don’t need any other method, reload time with 128mm gun is 60sec, (49 with bia + Chocolate)
        and 50sec for 150mm gun (42 BIA+Chocolate)

  16. - apparently, Waffenträgers might come out the way they are now on the test, but Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100

    Good, that thing is shit and pls buff the tier 8 as well and I might consider grinding this branch. With the rest I had great results

    • Tier 8 has awesome camo (nearly as good as JP IV), and an awesome gun with good reload. It could be a bit faster though.

        • It has enough pen for a tier 8 with both 128mm and 150mm guns. The only difference is you might actually need to use prem ammo for some trickier shots at tier Xs.

    • It’s a name so the correct Form is indeed Waffenträgers in English.
      Same as PC. You don’t say “one PC, two PC” in German, you say “two PCs” although the plural of computer in German is computer, without s. ;)

  17. “Please, can you tell me which religion forbids the devs to make the disabling of the chat in game possible?”

    There’s a simple and very easy to find mod for removing the chat box that’s been around since ~7.3 or some such. If you’re too stupid to use Google to find it, you deserve to suffer the in-game chat.

  18. - the reason the Japanese tankers have sort of American-ish names (ranks) is the same as for the Chinese tankers: 99.9 percent of the players outside of Chinese server wouldn’t be able to read the “hieroglyphs”

    what about transliteration… it exists for both for japanese and chinese languages.. ffs even the russian crew names are transfered to english/latin alphabet…
    bet they would never use the word hieroglyphics to refer to the russian azbuka
    so really… why cant it be done with japanese and chinese names?

    btw. we cant read the symbols?! orly? symbols or not… how many English speakers can read the german and french names properly? xD seriously, i would love to know, because even the twitch streamers are totally mutilating foreign words

  19. >apparently, Waffenträgers might come out the way they are now on the test, but Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100


    The WT E100 is so incredibly, totally and devastingly overpowered. No other tank has ever been so blatantly imbalanced as this. And they want to BUFF it.


    Oh wait, “German” and “Buff” put together means “Nerf”. Sorry, I forgot.

  20. This is off topic, but I have a question about the new Chinese light tank. If its Taiwanese why does it belong to the Chinese tree? why wont it have its own “special” tree, witch Taiwanese crewmen?

  21. - the reason the Japanese tankers have sort of American-ish names (ranks) is the same as for the Chinese tankers: 99.9 percent of the players outside of Chinese server wouldn’t be able to read the “hieroglyphs”

    Well, guess im one of thoose 0.1%…. hehe^^

  22. WT E-100 will be buffed and then a month or two later will be nerfed once everyone rushes to get one.

  23. - it’s theoretically possible there will be a branch-to-branch transfer (as in, another vehicle unlockable) from StuG III to “something historical”, but it will take a very long time

    I’m assuming that will be the StuG IV and the assault gun line ending with the Sturmtiger?

  24. - the developers discussed and rejected the idea of hiding player stats (“there would be more disadvantages than advantages”)

    What would be the disadvantages?

  25. +1 Glass cannon buff.
    Means noobs will actually have to ltp at teir ten.
    Plus it will complement my amx 50b quite nicely.

  26. - the Chinese (PRC) reaction to Type 64 was “positive”: “Kuomintang is regarded as a part of Chinese history, regardless of contemporary controversies. We should learn that from them by the way.”

    Cheeky buggers can’t help themselves with the Stalin thing can they? Though they’re right, people of various nations need to learn to accept all of their history, bad and good, and learn to separate them from modern realities.

    • Actually, no. I understand this this differently. It’s not history, not yet. People who lived thru it are still alive. There is no discarding of this – there is no political correctness. There is nothing wrong in being outraged by Stalin’s mass murders, just like there is nothing wrong saying that it was GERMANS, not some “nazis”, who started two world wars. By accepting it as something “that simply was”, we are opening the door to this ideology’s rebirth.

      • Actually, you are wrong here SS.

        The first world war was started by the Serbia and Austro-Hungary, or – possibly even more rightfully – by Russian Empire. But really, it was the fault of the network of alliances in Europe in the beginning of 20th century. And really, in 1914 EVERYBODY in Europe wanted the war to happen, both Ententa and Germans, and Austo-Hungarians, and nations under their rule (as well as nations under the rule of Russian Tsar), simply everybody.

        The second world war, on the other hand, had one simple primary reason – the Treaty of Versailles. Allies did a great mistake there, and there was no other way out of this situation other than throu another war. Same as now – there is no other way for England, France, Germany ans Sweden to go out of their Muslim crisis, other than a massive civil war in the western Europe, You may not mark my words when it happens, but that’s how it’s going to be.

        I’m personally very sad that the public opinion blames both World Wars on the German nation. The Germans did a hell of a lot of war crimes, but they were not the ones to start the World Wars. TBH, the Russians (between 1917 and 1989) did MUCH more bad stuff, and still they are not blamed even half as much as the Germans.

        And no, I am not German, I’m Polish, so you could think that the Germany should be my “worst enemy”. And still, no – it’s not.

        • I’m from a European country where nothing happens, Portugal, but some of us see the news and what’s going on out there, and the Muslim affair across Europe is a real problem and sure will get worse.

          We don’t need a extermination program but closing our borders for people looking to stay here would be good. We also need to deport all the troublemakers and the ones who cant live like us.

          Multiculturalism is a no go here.

          • Then you don’t have a right to say “I’m a civilized person”, because you’re literally ingoring the fact that there are more people other than just Europeans…

            Also your approach is simply too extreme. It’s exactly what the Nazi butchers thought for Jews when they started WWII… If you don’t believe me, go read history books.

            • No, it’s nowhere near what nazi butchers thought for jews.

              This try at guilt by association is fundamentally invalid. It’s also totalitarian method.

            • And you’re literally ingoring the fact that there is much more land and territory other than just the Europe.

              They come to European countries, do not work, live from social help, sucking money from the society, they breed and grow larger in numbers, and they tell the Europeans what should they do. Already now, in Great Britain, there are places where the “Muslim Militia” is patroling and telling you not to drink alcohol, and telling women to hide their faces. IT IS HAPPENING. Whoever can’t see this has no eyes.

          • Silly Xenophobes… luckily most of the civilized western countries are still not ruled by you lot…

        • The Germans did start both wars and that’s a fact. They wanted them and made everything possible to start them.

          Also fact is that you hate Russians. But I understand that, I’m yet to meet someone from Poland who does not hate Germans or Russians, most often they just hate both nations equally, with passion.

          • I do not hate the Russians. I hate the Soviets and Communists. Also, I think that the stronger the Russia is, the worse for Poland. It is sad, but that’s the geopolitics. I like Russians actually, most of them are good people, but they are ruled by tyrans and are not able to overthrow them. Russia always ends up trying to conquer everything around it, and this is bad.

            And btw, go read something about the 1st World War. First, the Austro-Hungarian Prince was killed by Serbian terrorists. Austro-Hungary (A-H) declared war to Serbia. Then, Russia, who was in an alliance with Serbia, declared War on A-H. A-H was in an alliance with the German Empire (THAT’S when the Germany comes in), so the Germany – helping its ally, declared war on Russia. Then the France and England declared the war on Germany and A-H. That’s how it happened.

            I’m not going to write about the 2nd World War, but you can read about it and search why the 2nd World War HAD to start, no matter what. Oh, and learn what “geopolitics” means.

  27. hahaha, buff the most OP tank u can get, nice joke WG, whats next buffinf speed of E3 to the same level as E5, or giving Jp-E100 same reload time as JagdTiger?

    WT E100 neds a big, fat, nerf, the 128mm gun needs a clip of 5, not 6, with longer time between shots, while keeping the same clip reload + on the move accuracy nerf, at this moment its by far the best t10, it eats foch-155 and fv-183 ….

    • so basically youd have it do 2800 dmg in a burst that would take 10 seconds to finish with 60 seconds reload giving it 2300 dpm while at the same time foch is twice as faster, has uncomparably better armor, has 30 more penetration and 300 more dpm… or while obj 268 is twice as fast, has much better armor, 30 more penetration and 900 more dpm. Makes perfect sense.

      • Foch-155 is not that fast, its quite bit slower as the tier 9 foch, also foch has horrible accuracy and aim time + gun movement (u have to turn hull all the time, ruining camo and aim…)

        While a WT-E100 has a turret, ridiculous good aim time and accuracy…, mobility doesnt differ that much…

        Foch-155 has good armor, but 1 big problem, any high pen shell with more as 280 pen pens it EVERYWHERE, except gunmantle, and guess what, all t10 tds have so much pen + every tier 9 and 10 tank has that much penetration with gold ammo, and guess again EVERYONE shoots gold @ foch….

        foch-155 is hardcore overrated, its noob/idiot-proof, thats why its good, but thats all…

        and dont even mention 268, no armor, no gun movement + total different td, so no point in comparing…

        if WG doesnt nerf this WT shit, there trully retards, this is 10x worse as KV-1s….

  28. Pingback: 15.10.2013 | WoTRomania

  29. First, they buffed the JgPzIV, next, they buff a tier X german TD….


    • Clearly the word choice was a joke. They are making fun of how they would be interpreted.

      They are NOT “ideograms”.
      “Characters” is appropriate.
      “Kanji”, “Hiragana” and “Katakana” describe three distinct Japanese sets of characters
      “Hanzi” is a good name for the Chinese characters

  30. Just because those ignorant Russians can’t use the damned Pinyin system to put anglicised ranks for Chinese tankers doesn’t mean they shouldn’t.

    Buffs to WTF-100:
    Turret Armour on all sides buffed from 20 to 25mm :3

  31. pparently, Waffenträgers might come out the way they are now on the test, but Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100!!

    i mean WTF? tank that can kill maus in 10 sec and what?? it need buff???? omg!!! omg!!! -.-

    • if you get it its the back or side and he isn’t behind cover.. if he spots you, you are in a world of hurt :D you just need to miss 1 shot and you will be 60sec worthless crying and trying to get into cover LOL

  32. SS, have you spoken before about the possible third German TD branch? Is it even possible? Or is it just one of these puny WG guys personal joke for the delays in the second branch?

  33. Shame about the hiding stats thing, I definitely don’t feel okay with Noobmeter.com (and others?) publicly listing the exact dates and times I’ve been playing the game. I’m fine with people being able to check out some stats, but Wargaming allows these sites way too detailed information.

    • Yep, I used noobmeter to fire one of my staff lately (he took a sick day but when I checked noobmeter it turns out he was playing WoT during the day – sick my ass!)

      • You do realize noobmeter doesn’t update that regularly, right? I look after playing 20 games and it said past 1 day I did 57… dafuq?

        Then I realized it added up with previous day because less than 24 hours had elapsed.

        Also, if he took a sick day because of say a sore throat he’s worried would infect others, what stops him from playing WoT as he relaxes a bit at home?

        I hope I never encounter a boss like you.

      • What was the illness he was considered sick for? There are only very few short-lived sicknesses that prevent someone from using a computer. Here in Germany, you are free to do whatever you want during days a for which a doctor considers you unfit for work, as long as your actions are not disadvantageous in respect to regaining your health.

        Firing someone who has a an extreme case of sickness/diarrhea and is therefore unable to attend work for playing WoT would get you sued here, with you having no chance to win. Which is morally sound, as well.

  34. People, people, it’s probably sarcasm. Look at the past. It either means that the WT-E100 will stay the same or get nerfed. They backtrack or do the complete opposite all the time. WG is “unpredictably-predictable”. Now, the T8 and T9 WTs need some love.

    the limited maximum viewrange in the game is “a feature of the game engine”, developers will try to increase the range on which the vehicle becomes visible after being spotted (SS: as in, not your own spotting range, but the range you see the enemy someone else spotted)

    This is WG becoming a bitch and off their high horse because WT renders things at all times and when shown in videos, has proven to work. Nobody is believing WG saying something “isn’t fun” or “not possible” anymore in relation to their antiquated game engine.

  35. The fact that they think stat-hiding would be a bad thing, shows WG will always be on the side of the dumb pubbie, and never get the good players. I was really looking forward to that, and not being the constant target of everyone and their mom.

    Buff the WTF E-100? Really? That’s gotta be either a miswording or a joke.

    • Wait a second… what? The whole reason they were going to add stats hiding was because the dumb pubbies were crying! That’s obvious; noobs just didn’t want people calling them bad all the time!

      • The noobs may have been the ones complaining loudest about how people can see their stats, but the whole issue affects good players far more. The noobs may get a verbal bashing for how bad their stats are, but good players get focused-fired more than anyone.

        • I still don’t see the problem. Dumb pubbies don’t use XVM and can’t even follow “concentrate fire” advice. Since good it’s good players using XVM and going for each others’ throats, it’s like skill-based matching with some bonus XP targets driving around.

          Seriously, how much a threat is a 500 Eff player to 2000 Eff player?

        • WG tends to pay more attention to those who cry the loudest, and in this case, it’s the baddies. I understand how it affects good players more, but also, good players hiding their stats will only gain another strategic advantage because they won’t be murdered as soon as they are spotted. I think it’s actually rather selfish for purples to want to win more by going incognito. Also, they’d have to leave their clans if they really want to stay hidden, otherwise it’ll just be members of the top clans being targeted.

          • while i dont agree with you, this does have a nice side affect. when everyone and their dog tries to kill me in my Loëwe in a T8-10 battle, it give my teams scouts the ability to actually get close to arty which are fixed on me ;)

  36. - BIA will stop working when one crewmember gets killed

    Now I’m confused… Are they going to change it back to that from BIA will always be in effect or was like that the entire time?

  37. - apparently, Waffenträgers might come out the way they are now on the test, but Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-10


  38. There is a more revoluted xvm system and more accuracy formula at China xvm team. If you wanna know more use translate google visit this url below:

    We translate various article into mainland chinese for our players, we also rework the xvm formula.we all old mans for about 30′ age

  39. Buffing the WT E-100 makes perfect sense if people would look beyond the current test server and every game being half filled with them. In normal games there will be tons of speedy smaller tanks zipping around the map who can make life hell for an unarmored TD.

    Basing it all on Test Server is silly because most games just end up being WT E-100s trying to outmaneuver other WTE-100s with little other danger.

    • this is so true, it can wreak havoc when it catches you alone and in the open.
      when in test server there are:
      *a LOT of Wt E-100, all loaded with 128 or 150 with gold rounds, just in case you actually meet a heavy which the 150mm has problems penetrating.

      * everyone drives really aggressive and are most of the tiome fired apon by more then one WT E-100. so they die in an instant and the kill goes to 1 Specific WT but keep in mind 2 or 3 or gofd forbid even more have a very high burst DPS, with 3 you ar most of the time kiled in 2-3 sec.

      * there are very few scouts and high tier arty in test, so no natural predators for WT E-100, i saw one one shot by direct hit from arty, suspect turret hit. and without the track schurtzen, a lot of splash damage can also be inflicted apon it.

      dont get me wrong the WT E-100 is very powerful but the turret is a very large juicy all you can pen buffet for any and all tiers. on test server i enjoy the WT auf Pz IV, it doesn have the burst fire that WT E-100 has but sustained fire is better. and its an overall smaller target with very small gunshield.

  40. it’s called kanji, it’s funny they use the term for a different type of non-romanic alphabet instead of just the correct term. I’m pretty sure they’d think the same if we referred to kyrillic as “hieroglyphs”, but then again serB and his pack are obvious latent racists.

    • FYI I *do* refer to Cyrillic as “moonrunes”. But at least those are a proper aplhabetic script rather than syllabic -like two of the three Japanese ones- or, God forbid, logographic like that third and its Chinese parent (and for that matter the Egyptian hieroglyphs).

  41. - the developers discussed and rejected the idea of hiding player stats (“there would be more disadvantages than advantages”)
    Tolda ya!

    - Q: “Please, can you tell me which religion forbids the devs to make the disabling of the chat in game possible?” A:”Pastafarianism”
    Happily modders don’t care about religion, so not use the chat disabling mod?!

  42. - the reason the Japanese tankers have sort of American-ish names (ranks) is the same as for the Chinese tankers: 99.9 percent of the players outside of Chinese server wouldn’t be able to read the “hieroglyphs”

    I usually don’t as irate as some over WG’s perceived abuses of its player base, especially something this trivial this , but as an aforementioned member of one of the two ethnicities mentioned above, that’s complete BS. It would be moron easy to do phonetically with Latin letters like they do with the Russian ranks.

  43. ” it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100″

    Buff? BUFF?! You wanna buff this monster, that can 1-drum-roll-shot Maus? OMG…

  44. - Q: “Please, can you tell me which religion forbids the devs to make the disabling of the chat in game possible?” A:”Pastafarianism”

    Best. Troll. Answer. Ever. XD

  45. - Kanonenjagdpanzer 4-5 is a “strange TD” according to Storm, it’s possible it might be implemented, but Storm doesn’t know where in the tree he would put it (not even as premium)

    It could be balanced as a tier 7 premium TD in the same category as the Soviet SU-122-44, since it’s essentially a Jagdpanzer IV with a Rheinmetal BK 90 L/40 90 mm AT gun, which for all intents and purposes is very similar to the 90 mm M36 that is available as the second gun on the M46 Patton 1 medium tank on the American tree (the gun was originally mounted on the M47 Patton 2).

    The gun itself is a tier 7 gun, so not exactly stellar in performance, but overall it would have decent penetration, passable accuracy and probably a good rate of fire. Basically, it’d play how the Jagdpanzer IV would if it had the 88 mm L/71.

    • Something else to add:

      Its armor was very thin (50 mm at the most, so it has about the same level of protection as an SU-85). However, it was also very fast with a top speed of 70 km/h…and THAT is why it might not be added, because that essentially makes it nothing more than a bigger E-25 with a bigger gun.

      • But then again, similarities between tanks hasn’t stopped WG before. Point and case:

        Object 140
        Half of the Chinese tree.

        Notice a pattern here? If its Soviet (or based on Soviet designs), there can be as many copies as they like, but god forbid they should make two tank destroyers on the German tree that would only be similar in their playstyle, but different in almost every other way!

  46. WTF, buff the WT E100, why is it sane to buff that fucking tanks, it is too strong alreaddy? Sure it might be weak against other tier 10 TDs, with good frontal armor that the WT-E100 cant penentrate, but thats the fucking point.

  47. its so freaking easy to disable ingame chat… and i enjoy it tbh that i not have to read always the nonsense that the frustrated lowbobs or divas have to release :)