
- there are many more tier 10 candidates for various nations
- there are more paper plans for “supertanks” like Maus available
- according to SerB, trees (SS: coniferous) and bushes provide the same camo bonus
- WT E-100 has worse camo than Maus and E-100? “How terrible”
- the top of the upcoming British medium branch will be a British medium tier 10 tank (SS: while this might sound like a case for Captain Obvious, it is not, as a lot of people expected the Chieftain to appear there)
- apparently, the car models (destructable objects) in game do not necesserily correspond to real vehicles, it’s possible we will see more truck object models in the future
- Q: “I’d like the tiers of vehicles in both teams to mirror one another” A: “This thread is not called ‘my wishes’”
- it’s possible Vickers MBT (Vijayanta) will appear in the upcoming British medium branch
- optional hulls will mean also different internal layout of modules for each hull (SS: for example later Panzer IV’s had more internal fuel tanks, so the – as an example – late Panzer IV hull will have more fuel tanks inside)
- if you take a regular tank (not arty) and shoot in the sky straight up, sooner or later the shell will fall down again
- tanks with M-65 gun (such as Object 770) will likely not appear in the game
- it’s possible IT-45 and IT-76 Soviet tank destroyers will appear in the game (SS: in case you don’t know, it was Basically a Soviet attempt to build a Hetzer – a cheap low turretless tank destroyer)
- pre-production T-54 (1945-1946 pattern) doesn’t fit tier 8, it’s too strong for it
- it usually doesn’t make sense to actually report a teamkiller for teamdamage too, but in some special cases (undefined by what) additional reports are taken into account
- HEAT principle in game (mechanism) won’t be reworked
- Object 705A will not appear in the game, because if it was implemented, high tier battles would consist of 12 vs 12 these tanks (plus a few arties)
- it’s however possible that Object 705 (rear turret IS variant with 122mm BL-13) will appear
- according to SerB, WoWp start was “normal” (SS: as in “fine”), apparently, Soviet planes are not underpowered

And a few more answers from Storm:

- Redshire and Highway won’t be removed from the game before they are reworked
- anti-tank obstacles and more cover from debris will not return to Himmelsdorf
- lately, average shooting distance in the game has increased
- the Hunnicutt Archive purchase was apparently mediated by Nicholas “Chieftain” Moran

99 thoughts on “14.11.2013

  1. - Q: “I’d like the tiers of vehicles in both teams to mirror one another” A: “This thread is not called ‘my wishes’”

    Full troll mode ON lmao

  2. “- Q: “I’d like the tiers of vehicles in both teams to mirror one another” A: “This thread is not called ‘my wishes’”

    Sometimes you just have to love the responses. Trolling yes. But also funny as hell.

  3. ‘the top of the upcoming British medium branch will be a British medium tier 10 tank (SS: while this might sound like a case for Captain Obvious, it is not, as a lot of people expected the Chieftain to appear there)

    it’s possible Vickers MBT (Vijayanta) will appear in the upcoming British medium branch

    CAN’T WAIT :D but at the same time I hope they take their time to make it great!

    • Chieftain will STILL come to this came, im sure.
      SerB has said many times that he wants it to this game.
      It is possible that it will come in its own branch, OR replace the 4202 (which would mean moving fv4202 to premium tier 8 and giving historical armor and gun to it)

      • They’ve stated several times that the Chieftain will be a heavy tank, so no replacing the FV4202.

        Wonder if the new medium branch will be made up entirely of British tanks, or whether the low to mid tiers will be the LL tanks.

        Also still impatiently waiting for the turreted TD line in 2015…ahem

      • The cheiftain will be the opposite of the Leo 1 the chieftain had a shit engine only producing approx 400HP and the tank weighted 55 tons and it’s top speed off road is only 30km

  4. - there are more paper plans for “supertanks” like Maus available.
    What the fuck did they dug out in Germany archives?…

    • VK 100.00 and Mammut, there’s also a third Krupp project unrelated to Lowe but I don’t remember the name. All these led to Maus design.

      • mammut was actually maus
        also i want to know more about japanese HT
        and dont mean the O-I or iwakuro

          • Im getting to think that. Seriously, if the tier X is not O-I AND its even more monstrous, why i cant find any info about it? Im starting to think that they are making a fantasy tier X and IX too, if O-I is gonna be tier VII ( and 120t O-I tier VIII?)

            Btw, Maus was a very little time known as Mammut.

            • Knowing german sense of humor when naming tanks and stuff – Mammut was probably a nick name :D

              And mysterious HT, I imagine like this:
              1. Strip (steal) battleship turret with guns (one gun, for better balance)
              2. Wield tracks with rotating mechanism under it
              3. ???
              4. Landship

            • What’s left for the germans:

              - Tiger-Maus (E-100 hull, Maus-like turret, Tiger style suspension, HL230)
              - Maus II (Maus hull, E-100 style turret)
              - Sturmpanzer Maus (likely with the 15cm L/67)
              - Sturmpanzer Bar (120 tons, 305mm derp)
              - Meuschen/Mammut (100/120 ton Maus drafts)

            • Tiger-Maus is in all aspects WORSE than E-100.
              Maus II – well, maybe it could work.
              Jagdmaus – probably worse in all aspects to Stug E-100.
              Bar will be plain horrible to play with.
              And those Tier 8-9 prototypes to change VkB and VkA.

            • sturmpanzer maus is fake
              i heard that several ”maus projects” were fake.
              such maus with aa-guns and sturmpanzer maus

            • JagdMaus = Sturmpanzer Maus.
              All Jagdpanzers were sturmpanzers, although the opposite is not true.

      • Don’t forget about the FCM F1, 120mm thick multi turreted beast(front 105mm howitzer, rear 105mm or 90mm dca)

  5. - the top of the upcoming British medium branch will be a British medium tier 10 tank (SS: while this might sound like a case for Captain Obvious, it is not, as a lot of people expected the Chieftain to appear there)

    AWWWW MAN , muh frenchies ;___;

  6. “Object 705A will not appear in the game, because if it was implemented, high tier battles would consist of 12 vs 12 these tanks (plus a few arties)”

    Am I missing something here? What does this even mean or have to do with adding another tank?

    • Object 705A is too powerfull for WoT tanks. Too much armor. Object 705 (65 tons variant) was planned to have protection, similar to IS-7. Object 705A was a 100 tons version, armed with long barrel 152 mm gun. Now imagine level of protection and gun stats of this monster… :-)

        • More like Object 268 with rear turret and (i think) serious side armor. Very serious side armor coupled with T110E3 level of frontal protection. Damn, just give I WIN button instead of Object 705A.

            • Ah, I see… That doesn’t really hold any water as far as why they can’t implement it though. What tank in this game is 100% accurate to the real tank? No complex targeting systems, Auto loader drums nerfed for balance reasons. WoT is full of tank models that look like a tank that really existed/exists but is in essence are normalized vehicles that hold pros and cons relevant only to gameplay and not real world accuracy. Why not release said Objekt ubermode A tank and balance it in relation to the rest of the tanks in the game… Make it turn like a pig on rollerskates and give it a stupid reload speed or only give it 20 rounds of ammo :-P

  7. “apparently, Soviet planes are not underpowered”

    ROFL. There are actually people who think the Soviet UFO Deathcannon Platforms are UNDERpowered?! Oh, right… Russians. Newsflash, little post-Commies: Soviet planes in WW2 were crap. So were Soviet pilots. That’s why the Huns shot them down by the bushel basketful.

    • They probably mean GAA-planes. They got rebalance on every single patch that i remember.
      HP buff.
      Mobility nerf. HP buff.
      Mobility nerf. HP buff. Gun accuracy nerf.
      HP buff. dmg buff to ground targets.
      HP buff.

    • Im sure you think the german heavy fighters are perfectly balanced , Those sucked so hard Irl and in Wowp every noob can rapeface with them.

    • Soviet pilots were not crap, once they had better planes (aircobras/kingcobras) they were a force to be reckoned with.

  8. - if you take a regular tank (not arty) and shoot in the sky straight up, sooner or later the shell will fall down again

    Tried with the pzIV slb C (aka gun box), after two shoots none hit the ground

  9. - if you take a regular tank (not arty) and shoot in the sky straight up, sooner or later the shell will fall down again

    it does not, tested with pz.sfl.IV…

  10. - lately, average shooting distance in the game has increased

    As expected; Ever since the accuracy buff, landing shots at 500-600m have become much more common for me.

  11. At 60 tons the Chieftain is hardly a candidate for a medium tank, bring it on, that is the tank that one squadron of wiped out a Brigade of Egyptian armour in the Yom Kippur War. Those of you that say the Israelis never had the Chieftain, well certain people know better. Lets see what our friendly military historian can come up with?

  12. “- according to SerB, WoWp start was “normal” (SS: as in “fine”), apparently, Soviet planes are not underpowered”


    less than 7000 people on EU server in prime time, clearly the most highly anticipated game release of 2013, I hope their servers don’t crash

  13. “if you take a regular tank (not arty) and shoot in the sky straight up, sooner or later the shell will fall down again”

    Why do you lie to us serb? Why?

  14. “- if you take a regular tank (not arty) and shoot in the sky straight up, sooner or later the shell will fall down again”

    So u can gut urself with slf IV?
    I will try :D

  15. - if you take a regular tank (not arty) and shoot in the sky straight up, sooner or later the shell will fall down again
    http://i.imgur.com/HcfcP4I.jpg If you don’t have water near you to drown yourself like a scumbag you can just shot yourself :D

  16. “Soviet planes are not underpowered”

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAR, stop with the PR, nobody ever assumed anything like that… ever.

  17. “if you take a regular tank (not arty) and shoot in the sky straight up, sooner or later the shell will fall down again” I’ve seen an arty do this before so it is possible or was at the time I saw the replay

  18. ” – if you take a regular tank (not arty) and shoot in the sky straight up, sooner or later the shell will fall down again”

    Might buy back the Pz sfl 4c to test that out.

  19. the Vickers Vijayanta? well, if they put Indien Panzer in game, would make sense to put the tank that beat Indien in the eyes of the Indians, the Vijayanta