Hello everyone,
Overlord is asking for your opinion on test 8.10, he also released the WoT:Blitz American tech tree.
Q: “SerB, you said that winrate is just like any other human growth. But human growth depends on parent genetic material – it is almost completely predetermined. Is winrate also genetically predetermined?”
A: “Yes, winrate also depends on parent genetic material and is also predetermined. But not only that – unlike the growth, in case of winrate, upbringing (the skill of working in a group) and education (understanding tactic principles) and training also play a role”
Q: “Is there a plan to remove winrate altogether? It has many negative aspects, why is it necessery at all?”
A: “I will meditate on that… no, I don’t even know what to say, I have no words. Young man, understand that winrate is just the amount of your victories, divided by the amount of your battles in general and multiplied by 100. To remove this indicator is possible only if we reset the battle count to zero (and in your case, use the free time to train your mental abilities).”
- in 8.10, in the post battle announcement (the small one in lower right corner), WG removed the amount of credits spent on shells and repairs. This was made intentionally, according to Storm: (left – old, right – new)
And from Overlord:
- Japanese lowtier guns have very poor accuracy “for balancing reasons”
- the color of Japanese tanks was changed to green based on player feedback (SS: specifically Russian players)
- apparently lags on servers are still being looked into
- Overlord states that the nasty FPS drops will hopefully be fixed by final release
- closed beta of WoT Blitz will start early next year
- maps in WoT Blitz are 4 times smaller than in WoT, they will be completely new maps, not WoT ports, however some maps from WoT might be added, like Mines
“Overlord states that the nasty FPS drops will hopefully be fixed by final release”
“Hopefully” my ass
No shit.
i believe the patch release will be a disaster
“Hopefully” shouldn’t even be in their vocabulary in this case, it should be “definitely” but alas, I am talking about WG.
Where that “Hopefully” comes from, i wonder. Was it really from Storm or Serb& I would rather say it is an addition from Overlord.
What Storm said was:
We will fix it cause we have no choice.
quote: “in 8.10, in the post battle announcement, WG removed the amount of credits spent on shells and repairs. This was made intentionally, according to Storm”
fucking asshole
Can’t you see the same thing in the detailed battle report? Why would we need it?
I just can’t realize how come they didn’t remove that earlier on..
zMeul would complain even if they handed out free stuff…
BTW he is not playing wot any more, he quit loooong time ago… -_-
no you don’t see it when it charges gold for premium consumables in battle report window
adons will show it i guess
Maybe they don’t want players to see how many credits they are spending spamming prem ammo? Got to maintain that credit sink ;)
Or maybe it was just tiresome to have to go through all the small maintenance junk messages when searching through your recent battle records.
+1 !
I dont really care what are you fucking :D
no need to be offensive.
I was just about to suggest an option to do exactly this.
yes, there should be an OPTION to remove the ammo/consumable resupply, no need to remove it for all players.
also, anything purchased with gold should still show.
Who the fuck cares about Russian palyers?!
800k vs other servers – problim?
Yes only 800k russian servers give less profit then anther servers together , so …
Germans thought so too. our t-34 disappointed them
Yes, dude, this explains perfectly, why it is profitable for WG to run eight servers in RU realm… *facepalm*
It’s a problem for WG if they keep half-assing their efforts to tap into the American market. American players are numerically fewer, but we spend 2-3x the average Russian player.
You are very optimistic.
European players also spent more than the average russian player – see what already happens when we have wishes/complaints?
Spending more per nose doesn’t really mean squat if the Russian poorfags still bring in more by, you know, outnumbering us by a very large margin…
As always:
SerB is russian, so its ok dad he is trolling… nuclear power…
He is Belarusian…
They want to be Russian, but they don’t have… basically the only famous thing they ever did is WoT.
Belarussia is a severelly nerfed Russia, lol
Belarus you idiot.
Well, thanks to Alexander “Batyka” Lukashenko, Belarus is pretty much a satelite country for the russians so the only difference between them and belarussians is the nationality mention in the passport.
Also contraband and potatoes delivered to Lithuania :D
No, Serb is russian. He isn’t a citizen of Belarus even.
There never was anything like Belarus. There was only Lithuania and Ruthenian peasants, who worked for Polish and Lithuanian nobels. Then the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwaelth were destroyed by the trio of Germany, Austria and Russia, and after the WW I the commies decided to make a joke and create this ridiculous country.
Ah what? What country was the biggest in Europe before Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth? That’s right – Grand Duchy of Lithuania! Poles got so scared of such big country that they asked Lithuanian duke named Jogaila if he wants to be their king.
Oh I almost forgot… Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was destroyed by Poles who didn’t listen to what Lithuanians were saying.
You also forgot to let that little guy remember, in what language were Statutes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania written :)
That language was old Slavic language which is very close to today’s Belarusian and Ukrainian languages.
There never was anything like Finland before the end of 1917 either, so I’m not really seeing your point.
“- the color of Japanese tanks was changed to green based on player feedback (SS: specifically Russian players)”
I have the feeling that WG only takes the Russian playerbase seriously. For a worldwide operating company with players all over the world, this is a bad and biased move, which may even be interpreted as anti-western behaviour.
They can do pretty much whatever they want you know. There is nothing we can do.As would SerB say: If u dont like it – dont play it.
I’m not sure how you went from “The devs listen mostly to the Russian community that is the vast majority of the entire playerbase.” to “The devs hate the western players.”.
Well, I said “which *may* even be *interpreted* as anti-western behaviour”. Furthermore, also take the Stalin inscription issue into account for example. WG is anything but pro-Western and anti-communistic. ;)
Why do people still give a shit about Capitalism vs Communism?
Because there’s still countries using either of those two economic systems, and until somebody provides a third option that doesn’t involve anarchy it’ll remain that way, and as a result, people will continue to argue about it.
Feel free to list the *actually* still Communist ones. Because off the top of my head I can’t think of too many that actually fit the bill instead of just pretending.
I prefer the green colour to the brown one for the tanks..Please don’t presume to know what all “western” players want.
Anti-Western? I would say, if anything, this move can be seen as anti-Japanese since I would think that Japanese players would want to play their nation’s tanks with the historically correct colours.
I think it’s funny that you’ve got this Russian conspiracy post, and your picture is Joe McCarthy. :)
> I have the feeling that WG only takes the Russian playerbase seriously
So? They made a fricking awesome game with naught but a russian playerbase originally, so it can’t be that wrong. Or would you like to compare WoT with the latest shit EA and the likes are spewing out?
u re still surprised after “for Stalin” cause ?
You still give a flying fuck about that irrelevant loldrama?
- Overlord states that the nasty FPS drops will hopefully be fixed by final release
Hope fully? Why dont release it if it has FPS drops. WG tries to go as retarded as what it did with wowp. that gaem still had lag issues at release and now again WG going full retard.
Because Christmas? It’s almost sure there’ll be a Christmas/New Year’s gift in it (23rd isn’t an accident release), which might bring back some players, get new ones and Christmas is the best time to get some increased revenue.
Developers have to follow bussiness models too, if they want their money.
There is already a tank for that in the game.
which one?
did someone REALLY ask the WR question??
..and does their account still exist?
We can hope only that they are terminally banned until they resolve “issues” with WGs very good service department.. By that I mean never…
Fuck history, the russian players want green japanese tanks. Weird decision. I can understand they want only one color per nation, but even that doesn’t matter because no gamemode sorts tanks by their nations anyway.
You can always mod it.
Q: “Is there a plan to remove winrate altogether? It has many negative aspects, why is it necessery at all?”
A: “I will meditate on that… no, I don’t even know what to say, I have no words. Young man, understand that winrate is just the amount of your victories, divided by the amount of your battles in general and multiplied by 100. To remove this indicator is possible only if we reset the battle count to zero (and in your case, use the free time to train your mental abilities).”
Asshat. I actually agree with the person asking the question here. If ways to monitor stats were removed from the game altogether, it would be very nice. Maybe the high-winrate snobs would stop calling everyone else noobs of there was no way to judge their skill except watching their actual battle performance, which they should be doing right now, rather than just making assumptions based off some stupid stat page.
I think You could gain benefit of training a bit with the questioner together :P
So basically ignorance is bliss .. Yea no .. We want the quality of gameplay to improve not encourage potatoes and window lickers .
@Varon: Hell no. I want all stats to remain, especially win rate. I use noobmeter.com & vbaddict.net to keep record of my battles to see how much I have improved, what are my weak sides, where is room for improvement and so on. It helps a lot to analyze your playing style. Only retards and those who have low stats want these things to go.
I’m not agreeing or disagreeing here, but if you want to have some credibility you should avoid using ad hominem and “No True Scotsman” fallacies.
Please read question one and then you need to talk with your parents.
Q: “SerB, you said that winrate is just like any other human growth. But human growth depends on parent genetic material – it is almost completely predetermined. Is winrate also genetically predetermined?”
A: “Yes, winrate also depends on parent genetic material and is also predetermined. But not only that – unlike the growth, in case of winrate, upbringing (the skill of working in a group) and education (understanding tactic principles) and training also play a role”
Yah seeing win rate isn’t needed. If you are a 45% player the good players don’t even need to use XVM to tell you are a 45% player you are that terrible that we can eyeball your win rate based on how you play in game. I only ran XVM during 8.8 patch but from around 8.5 to 8.7 and now in 8.9 I get so many people calling me an XVM-tard because I can accurately guess how terrible there win rate is based on how poorly they are playing. Usually I overestimate and call 45% players 48% or 42% players 45%. All you people who hate being insulted for your sub 48% win rates are really really terrible. And will still have people insult you even without seeing stats.
Worry more about not sucking so much then complain about people insulting your win rate. But as long as you sub 48% players play bad enough that your win rate can be accurate guessed without XVM you have no room to complain about people insulting your win rate.
Let me guess, you just suck.
Assumptions? Stat’s are the result of how you perform and in case of bad players you don’t need more data to analyze their performance than fact they have -10 WN6. Remove all ratings equals kill the company battles, CW, clans, team battles, tournaments and Esport cuz some noobs don’t know how to uninstall the game.
U do know mate that those stupid stat pages that u talk about dont do anything else than to examine all of your games, and average your score and thus giving us the usual level at which you play.
If you play like a noob than your stat will show that ( yes player with low win rates, eg under statistical middle 49% tend to play bad, not pay attention to minimap, surroundings or enemy tanks they play against.
You can now say that you are a casual player, but in terms of a multiplayer game that means that your a noob ( not a newbie ) ["Two related terms are "newb", a beginner who is willing to learn; and "noob" (often spelt "n00b", "nuub" or "nub"), a derogatory name for an inexperienced or under-talented hacker or gamer." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newbie ], that is because the other 14 players take this quite seriously ( or some of them ) and you basically are wasting their time
Varon, and you think that if they’ll remove the stats the good players will stop calling the tomatoes noobs?
You can identify a retard by his playstyle so even hiding the stats couldn’t remove the fact he’s a tomato and a good player will know that.
Lamest excuse ever…
Forgot to say…
And if you’re a bad player, either get your facts straight and start improving, either gtfo or accept the fact you suck.
If you improved enough those “good” players won’t have reasons to call you a noob anymore.
Not to mention that there’s an option to hide stats from programs like XVM, but I know people that automatically assume them to be bad players just for hiding their stats…even though some of them are at or near Unicum level but hide their stats so that they don’t get singled out as targets by somebody using XVM (I typically prioritize eliminating the best players first, so this actually has some merit to it).
No there is no option to hide stats from XVM. WG thought about the idea. Then decided it would be a stupid idea to hide stats.
No connection to servers, even Testserver won’t connect!
Forum members are talking about clan has gone or Gold is missing!
Yes, epic fail from WG to do this maintenance during Prime-time. Seems that they are merging the FreeXP from WoWP and WoT like announced here:
Yes, winrate also depends on parent genetic material and is also predetermined.
My new forum signature xD
That makes sense. If you’re born dumbfuck – you play like dumbfuck :D
Hey…your argument isn’t valid.
I was born idiot, I still am an idiot but I’m a stronk playerer…
Then you’re an idiot savant; great at one thing, but shitty at everything else relevant to one’s everyday life. XD
- Overlord states that the nasty FPS drops will hopefully be fixed by final release
– the color of Japanese tanks was changed to green based on player feedback (SS: specifically Russian players)
What even amazes me more than the fact they listened to Russkies only about the colour change is why the fuck Russkies wanted them to change it to greenish colour when we already have Soviet and Chinese tanks in green shades. Some inferiority complex maybe?
This way they can pretend the STB is russian.
The color is actually no problem.
I just saved the DDS-files from the test server.
But I know what your point is. :)
Pingback: Does Winning Matter? | Harbinger Zero
- in 8.10, in the post battle announcement (the small one in lower right corner), WG removed the amount of credits spent on shells and repairs. This was made intentionally, according to Storm
Why did they do this? I mean it’s a small thing but it was still nice to be able to see this information at a glance.
I prefer the green colour for the Japanese tanks and this whole WG thing I don’t really care if they keep working on the game I would be fine.
brown was a ridiculous colour for the stb. I have pic’s of real jap tanks and they are green and why would they be brown the country is green
Brown is best left for muricans.
And brown’s still inaccurate on American tanks: US armored vehicles were typically painted olive drab, which is, naturally, a shade of green (that being said it’s not far off from brown).
If the post battle results that just pop in the lower right corner of the garage only showed money earned/lost, xp and free xp earned, damage done and frags that would be great.
if you don’t like green color, just use mod or buy some camouflage .
Winrate is just a statistic number. For me, you shouldn’t judge a player base on his WR(i never use XVM mod). Judge them by their behavior in that match.Low WR players who try to help out other player, show his teamwork is far better than a high WR player who decides to troll with his tank.
…M3 Lee in WoT Blitz’ tech tree, huh.
It’s comforting to know that even mobile players will have to suffer through that piece of crap in order to get to either American line.
(yes, I know it can be decently effective if played as a TD, it’s still a pretty terrible tank overall)
Anyone seen “Tank Domination” on the iPad yet?
Different maps, different graphics, modern/future tanks, but in many other ways eerily familiar….
Next time sign pictures in English ;)
Please, speak Albanian.
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