
Check out Listy’s article about Chieftain (Part II)

- Italian heavy line? “No comment”
- Italian ships will definitely appear in World of Warships and there is a chance there might also be Italian planes in WoWp
- the shell spread circle increase with distance is linear (SS: as in, if the spread at 100 meters is 0,3m, at 1000 meters it will be 3m)
- Q: “Why is there spotting damage not in your statistics, when it is important for LT gameplay?” A: “*writes down* And not to forget, ugly glances!” (SS: this is a joke, where whenever players demand rewards for something really easy, SerB answers “And wouldn’t you want rewards for throwing ugly glances at the enemy too?” – in this case, chances are it will not be implemented. Or it might. Either way, low priority)
- there is a chance some tanks will have hulls with additional applique armor (SS: Schurzen for example) as their alternative hulls
- SerB mentions that the top tier of the Italian medium branch candidate could be the Leopard 1 with an autoloader (SS: this was found by Raptor_Fulcrum I think), but no decision in this matter has been taken yet
- Playstation WoT will not come, as WG has an exclusive contract with Microsoft
- WoT under Unix and Linux (with OpenGL support)? Apparently there is some issue with OpenGL. “Time will tell” – this will however not come in following months.
- Japanese superheavy tanks are still planned
- M18 Hellcat is doing fine statistically
- no comment on the upcoming premium vehicles this year
- Sturmtiger fits tier 10 (SS: not in 2014 most likely)
- SerB is not sure, whether the Chi-Ru project is not a post-war fake, but if it’s not, it’s possible it will appear in the game
- according to SerB, a part of the issues with the RU251 was solved

79 thoughts on “16.2.2014

      • Me too, otherwise we’ll be facing same issue as with Obj 704, 268 nad KV-1S and Hellcat, that is, so popular and simple to use, you’ll be seeing it every god damn battle.

        • Why bring in Assault Gun’s to the game ,
          no matter where they put it, it will be cloud cuckoo land as arty they will have to buff its stats more the KV-IS, as a TD well…. it was never meant to be a TD lets be honest.
          yes its an interesting tank along with the Brummbär but they have no place in this game.
          But if they do/when they do will we get the Calliope and other such contraptions ?

        • You’ve seen the Conqueror Gun Carriage right? it has even better armor at a better slope.

  1. “strumtiger will be tier 10″


    so… that means….


    • Spall liners reduce dmg from HE only for non-penetrating hits. I can’t imagine how huge penetration will 280mm HE round have :P

      • So Sturmtiger EITHER dont come in 2014…
        WTF, what 2 branches we will get then, in 2014?
        There will be NOT these lines in 2014:
        -No Sturmtiger and its branch
        -No Japanese heavies
        -No European tech tree
        -No Chinese arties and TDs
        -No Japanese arties and TDs
        -No new Soviet lines
        -No 2nd French Heavy and Medium branches
        Basically, leaves only 2nd American LT line which leads to one of T95s (?)
        and British 2nd Medium, Heavy or TD line.
        So, one of those? Personally, else than Sherman Firefly (and me itself is not interested by that tank either, but they should add it as everyone is wanting it, however, im expecting that it will end like Sturer Emil, massive hypo, finally gets it and now whines that it sucks), im not interested in 2nd Brit MT line at all
        especially if the top tier is vickers MBT…

    • I think 240mm shell will have double the pen of 120mm. My guess is around 130-140. No way it will pen tier 10 tank the regular way, but it can be deadly if it hits the engine deck or roof. 240/3= 80mm of overmatch. That means anything below 80mm will be penned at any angle! Batchat, prepare for the shit storm!!

      • Just so you know Sturmtiger had a 380mm naval rocket launcher that was originally intended for coastal defence …you can overmatch up to 126mm of armor.

        Anyone else think that it will be overkill? Oneshotting every tank or else the damage/caliber ratio will be ridicilous but unpleasent to drive as it has a huuuge reload and very low accuracy paired with narrow gun arc and incredibly low projectile speed …rage on both sides of the barrels

        • It could just as well have a terrible accuracy, moderate damage but very large splash radius. All these can be altered for the balance purpose as with any other tank in the game.

        • It should not have steller penetration as the shell speed is rather low. However the HE damage should be very good as should blast radius. But the thing is going to be a inaccurate as hell POS.

          Think Tier 10 UK SPG but with more splash and a slower shell (Its an 800 lb rocket…) and even more inaccurate (maximum range of 6,000 meters which would have been rare to obtain unless with a tail wind.).

          Although accuracy is something very different with SPGs, While it may say 1.1 accuracy it is actually something else entirely, but people still forget this. Which is sad.

  2. “according to SerB, a part of the issues with the RU251 was solved”
    YEAHHH!!!! :D now this is news I like :P

    Now I just have to wait till they release it.

  3. Italians are 6th or 7th into WoWS.

    Which is a shame, because they make very nice looking ships.

  4. they want to put strurmtiger with 380mm mortar in the game but why NOT put the sherman FIREFLY the most known and deadlyer british tank

  5. ”- Japanese superheavy tanks are still planned”
    And it is possible that they wont come at all?

  6. - Q: “Why is there spotting damage not in your statistics, when it is important for LT gameplay?” A: “*writes down* And not to forget, ugly glances!” (SS: this is a joke, where whenever players demand rewards for something really easy, SerB answers “And wouldn’t you want rewards for throwing ugly glances at the enemy too?” – in this case, chances are it will not be implemented. Or it might. Either way, low priority)

    Another completely retarded answer to real viable question! With vision control being critical factor in winning – how can his statement be regarded as anything but ridiculous!

  7. So, the long awaited Sturmtiger will be Tier 10. That’s the good news. The bad news is, that the Sturmtiger branch will not be introduced in 2014. Did WG change their plans? SS wrote earlier this year that most likely the Sturmtiger branch will be one of the few new tanks in 2014. Furthermore, there have been some Supertest screenshots with the Brummbär, which will be part of that branch, too.

    Is this delay absolutely sure?

    • Yep,it might be a fake tank but I think it’s made by Japanese model shop or video game developer.

  8. “the shell spread circle increase with distance is linear (SS: as in, if the spread at 100 meters is 0,3m, at 1000 meters it will be 3m)”
    - Well that is true in theory, how ever rng makes it possible to hit weakspots even on large distances. And here both the accuracy of the gun +/- 25% and the dispersion (shell going to the center or randomly in the aim circle) affects where the shell will land. What is idiotic thoug is that a gun with 0.35 accuracy missing a cupola at lets say 5-10 meters despite fully aimed, this happens alot in my tiger II and is plain bullshit.

    In other words, even if a gun has 0.5 accuracy it is still possible to hit weakspots at 400 meters due to the rng regarding accuracy and the rng regarding dispersion (which has changed and more shells go towards the center no matter what). If im not wrong the rng for the gun (accuracy, penetration, damage) is not related to the rng for dispersion. This can both work with you and against you. This is the only explenation, unless the 8.6 changes made all shells go towards the center regardles of accuracy, and if thats the case its even more bullshit because that means a 0.5 gun beeing deadly accurate despite it never should hit that weakspot over that distance if we only take consideration to the guns accuracy.

    Equally idiotic is it if accurate guns on paper becoming less accurate due to shells less likely going to the center. We still dont know if all guns has the same dispersion or the same chance to land shots to the center of the aim.

    • Actually it’s not true in theory; while it is linear, SS is wrong in assuming that means 0.3m at 100m implies 3m at 1k. To make a line you need two points; the second point WG uses is an undisclosed accuracy at 500m (as reported previously).

      • In other words a 0.35 and 0.5 gun will hit weakspots regardles, only that the 0.35 will hit those more often? I also believe its wrongly interpreted that 0.3m at 100m is like 3m at 1000m. Specially not with arty, that despite the nerfs can make direct hits at 1000m with 0.9 accuracy….

        In other words, juding by serbs statement, it would never be possible to get a direct hit with a arty gun on 1000 meters that has 1.1 accuracy because it would land 10 meters from the middle of there you aim in any case.

  9. What is a Chi Ru anyway? Never heard of it and a brief google search yielded nothing of value.

  10. Problem with Open GL on Linux?
    Suppose that it is a different graphics library.

    However; it does appear that WOT runs well on Linux right now under WINE (ofc this isn’t native, and isn’t really a solution for wg to tout as *nix compatibility)
    I do need to try it out.
    Aparrently, it runs better on Linux under WINE than Windows, as aparrently WINE. splits up the gfx cpu threads so actually runs it over two cores!
    As I said, I need to try it out. I don’t know how well this works.

    • I can only attest that using Ubuntu, NVidia drivers, recent WINE build and the legacy renderer works just fine. Not the prettiest game on the block, but when all you have to play on is a Linux laptop, it’ll do just fine.

      Also, I saw a rumor somewhere about an official Mac version of WoT, running on what else but WINE? Well, it’s a rumor and we all know how much of the rumors around WoT are legitimate, don’t we?

  11. They will keep delaying the Sturmtiger untill the universe explodes. They say the same thing every year, genius.

  12. Pingback: World of Tanks News 16 02 2014

  13. Did SerB mention when we’ll be able to play WoT? Instead of coming with useless updates again, get new servers for fuck sakes, haven’t been able to play 1 battle for a week.

  14. - SerB mentions that the top tier of the Italian medium branch candidate could be the Leopard 1 with an autoloader (SS: this was found by Raptor_Fulcrum I think), but no decision in this matter has been taken yet

    Oh please… no one wants this. Give the Italians the OF-40 which is essentially a Fiat-built Leopard 1A3. Good turret, and a slightly better reload time on the conventional gun is all we need.

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