
- regarding lighting in WoT: in battle, generally the only source of light is the sun
- currently, the HD model of Tiger has roughly 41 thousand polygons
- special intensity setting for the normal mapping shaders in graphic settings won’t be implemented
- Marders and Hetzer won’t most likely be added to the Ardennes and Balaton battle, because they wouldn’t be able to do much in the battle and would only suffer
- apparently the Chaffee remodel in 9.0 was not in patchnotes, because these patchnotes are not final 9.0 patchnotes

72 thoughts on “24.3.2014

    • No. It’s only a model change. The properties change, such as reduced hitpoints, reduced MM and such will most likely come when US light line is implemented.

      • Which begs the question, will players with the Chaffee already elited get some compensation for loss of stuff they have already ground?

        • I hope so, even if it is just getting the tier 6 unlocked. We ground out enough XP with the M5 to get a tier 6.

          I hope they do upgrade the native cano rating. Tier X MBTs shouldn’t really be harder to spot than a dedicated scout. (T-62a I’m looking at you)

        • Chaffee has higher repair costs because it is the end of the line, therefor when it will no longer be at the end, it will have repair costs equal to other tier 6 scouts (or roughly as any other tier 6 vehicle).

  1. So, they are not adding the Marders and Hetzer out of mercy but they still let the SU-76 and T-70 fight?
    I smell German bias.

      • In my experience, the team with the best low tiers wins.
        Big Russian and German tanks are hard to hide. Small ones can scout really effectively.

        Not to mention that I managed more than 2x the damage any of our Tigers managed in my stug as well as spotting.

        Test server just doesn’t count.

        • I agree. Plus the Hetzer and Marder 38t can both penn into the sides of tanks with their historical guns. Which is how they would have been deployed anyways… to shoot for the sides of tanks…

          • I use Hetzer with 75L48 or how is it called and I have absolutely no problem dealing with KVS. SU152 is not the best armored vehicle and neither is ISU, perhaps SU100 may have a bit stronger armor for Hetzer IIRC, but that should be it. As of Brits, well, Church VII will be sometimes though even for bigger tanks like Tiger I or Panther and so will be Jumbo. But most of others shouldnt be that hard to take out by Hetzer. And additionaly, when faced against 75mm sherman or older soviet guns, Hetzer could bounce some shots. All in all, I see Hetzer as perfectly fine and suitable vehicle for historical battles.

            • ISU would prove to be quite hard to pen frontally for Hetzer. You only have 110 pen and ISU’s front is 90 thick and angled, even at the lower plate. Your only chance to pen it frontally with any reliability would be to aim at the drivers view port, otherwise it would be mostly dings with some exceptionally lucky pen roll every now and then.

              Also I am amazed you have absolutely no problem penning KV-1s frontally. I drive M8A1 myself (and I do know well how to play and shoot with it) with the same 110 pen as Hetzer has and unless I’m close enough to aim properly at lower plate or upper plate weakspots my shots tend to bounce on the odd angled armour bits more often than I’d like. And it becomes quite an issue when the enemy angles the hull.

              I agree though that Hetzer itself would be quite difficult to pen by others. Again, when driving M8A1 with 110 pen I bounce on Hetzers frontally more often than I’d like, at least from the distance. Enemies with their historical setups, meaning pen at around 80-90, and limited gold ammo to spare, would really struggle to make a dent.

                • Well then, I don’t see a point of even mentioning having no problem penning someone on the side or rear really.
                  So I assumed, perhaps wrongly, that he meant the frontal engagement.

  2. I don’t see how they wouldn’t be useful. The Marder 38t and Hetzer are both rather stealthy, and carry about the same firepower as the Stug III. The Marder 38t with its nice sight range, large gun arc and rate of fire could do some damage if properly positioned. I’d play it.

      • and even Hetzer would be nasty, especially in the Ardennes scenario, because the most armored targart it would see would be…. (drums) … Jumbo…

    • So, WoT high poly is actually modern day low poly? Considering modern day GPUs can handle something about 4 billion triangles per second …

  3. - regarding lighting in WoT: in battle, generally the only source of light is the sun
    MY EYES!!!
    No, for realzies – M4 tracks “glow” in shadow.
    Other tanks reflect light in shadowy places like they are made of metal polished to mirror level.

  4. If M5 will have the historical closed turret, will it lose view range? If so, will it get a buff in other catergories?

  5. Am I the only one really unsatisfied with the independent suspension ? it’s not realistic at all, as soon as there is a little slope the tracks of my Tiger are getting through the ground (it’s the same for the Sherman, T-54)

    • Might be your graphics setting. On low res not all of the dips and hills are rendered exactly. Plus there are only 5 contact points with the ground on the tracks.

      • I got high and bitches roadwheels aint reacting very well.
        But I do like the effect of upper track bouncing and rattling :) Feels like an actual track – not just textured belt (which it is) glued to wheels.

      • I’m on max settings, and it does not look very good, when I’m slow it’s kind of fine, but it looks nothing like in the ASAP video

        • It’s exactly like the ASAP video. It’s just that the terrain they showed the IS-4 driving over was pretty much perfectly matched with the road wheel spacing layout, so at no point (unless you look really closely just at the end) did the track pass through the ground. The only solid contact points on the in game models are the road wheels, not the track links themselves. So it’s understandable why they sometimes go through the ground.

          • This is not actually true, you clearly see that the tracks are “sticking” to the ground even though they are between the roadwheels, by the way the result IG is not even close to the ASAP video

              • Why don’t they make it client side ? I mean you can’t hack anything with the tracks suspension, so why is it server side ? I don’t get it, making it client side would allow a much better effect, I just feel like it didn’t improve at all right now

            • You can clearly see the tracks aren’t bending between the roadwheels which suggests they aren’t solid objects and are just straight line connections between the bottom of each roadwheel. Also now that I’ve looked closer you can actually see the terrain coming through the track even if it’s only slightly. Had they shown a video of the tank driving over more varied terrain you would have seen the terrain coming through the track in a more obvious way but for obvious reasons they only wanted to show how it looks when it appears to be working.

  6. What I don’t like about historical battles is there is no adjustment in hit points. A Stug can be one/two shotted by an M18 Hellcat, with its paper armour, but a Stug needs 3-5 shots to kill it. Historical my arse.

  7. - Marders and Hetzer won’t most likely be added to the Ardennes and Balaton battle, because they wouldn’t be able to do much in the battle and would only suffer

    add WT E-100… it will be intersting

  8. - Marders and Hetzer won’t most likely be added to the Ardennes and Balaton battle, because they wouldn’t be able to do much in the battle and would only suffer

    Yet you have SU-76s at Kursk and Batalon. XD

  9. - Marders and Hetzer won’t most likely be added to the Ardennes and Balaton battle, because they wouldn’t be able to do much in the battle and would only suffer.

    This then raises the question of why the SU-76 is in both battles currently.

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