Storm posts on 9.0 “Multicore” (EnableCPU)


Hello everyone,

Storm posted today a post about the CPU “multicore” thingie in 9.0. He states that in 9.0, they added an interesting feature: switching the load on the core, that is not running the system. On the core where the system works, the graphic driver is also working. According to Storm, separating the system load and game load on can give in many cases a good increase in game performance (which many players noticed in 9.0).

Storm however adds that unfortunately, this doesn’t work every time and in some cases, it can actually lower the performance, adding freezes and FPS drops. Storm suggests that if you have this kind of problem, you can disable the multicore support option. He also describes how to do it – it’s identical to the way that was already published (so if you want to do that, follow the procedure, written in the linked post).

Storm is also asking, whether this solution help you or not. To this end, he added a poll to his post. As of 1:29 AM, 19.4.2014, the results of the poll was following:

Tried – it did help with FPS drops and freezes: 9,7 percent
Tried – it didn’t help with FPS, but it removed freezes: 12,1 percent
Tried – nothing happened: 22,4 percent
Tried – but it actually reduced my FPS and made freezes worse: 9,7 percent
Didn’t try – I am satisfied with my performance: 21,7 percent
Didn’t try – can’t be arsed: 24,5 percent

From the discussion:

- Storm states that making this selection as a setting in the settings window is not an option, the needed solution is for the system to enable/disable this automatically and half of players don’t visit settings anyway
- furthermore (related to the above), this setting can actually hurt performance, so it’s better not to add it
- there will be a programming (SS: shader) fix for the “tanks are too bright” bug for the improved render, old render will be fixed by adding (old?) shaded textures (SS: if I understand it correctly, no promises)
- in 9.0, minimal setting textures look even uglier than before (SS: worse resolution?), this is intentional in order to save FPS on very weak computers
- the performance increase in 9.0 test 1 (and later drop in test 2) was caused by the fact that in test 1, shadows were not rendered correctly, this was later fixed
- Storm confirms that disabling the multicore option (as mentioned in this post) will not fix the crash bug

26 thoughts on “Storm posts on 9.0 “Multicore” (EnableCPU)

  1. well….i dont know but i have no issues what so ever….the FPS even rises a little bit… only 1 crush in +/-50games today.

    i do not undestand the hipe about

    • I’m crashing to desktop pretty much every 2 battles or more often, so yeah, unplayable.

      • Far as I’m aware, it seems to only be with specific tanks, which I find rather odd but that seems to be the case.

        • The crashes do seem very random… So far I’ve encountered them during only a single game with my SU-8, but after rejoining the battle, the game spazzed out on me three more times in short succession, after entering satellite mode. Actually, the first of those crashes occurred well past halfway through the game…

          Between that and an issue I ran into while tweaking some of my skins for 9.0, I’m suspecting the problem might lay somewhere with a crash model of some of the HD remakes (that damned Hellcat possibly?).

    • Hmm. Try this as an exercise in empathy. Someone tells you they had their car stolen. Do you a) tell them that YOUR car hasn’t been stolen and don’t understand what the fuss is about or b) feel sorry for them and tell them that’s too bad and you hope they get it back in one piece.

      Those of us experiencing frequent crashes, fps and stuttering issues aren’t making it up.

    • So you don’t understand why not everybody has the same PC like yours? Are you a 8 year old kid?

  2. i have the problem of my game freezing 3-10 seconds if one of the HD tanks in the enemy team is spotted… anyone else with this problem ?

  3. old render will be fixed by adding (old?) shaded textures

    The current new ones, just with ambient occlusion (shadows where less ambient light reaches) added. The new renderer calculates this on the fly, so the HD textures don’t have it baked, but somebody forgot about the old renderer. Oops. Adding the old ones would mean reintroducing the old models alongside, and I can’t really see this one happening.

  4. My problem is that my FPS is about 25 with standard(!) ghaphics and every possible setting on low/off… I can’t even put my skill to good use anymore. My FPS started to drop in last 5 updates maybe. I don’t give a shit about graphics, I want to play the fcking game not admire the graphics that require a 10000$ PC!

    • Sumi, take off shadows completely and water and put lighting to low…..Then do what I said below.

      Download this and manually make sure only WOT is running on a specified core and it will become magically better.

      Its an unstabloe crapfest when im not running this, AMD Phenom x4 965 Black + 6850 ATI/1 gig with 8 gigs of ram. After I run this I dont get zooming in lag.

      I was getting literally 1-2 seconds of lag when switching views from 3rd person to zooming and it was unplayable. Then I noticed when I manually did it it was great.

  5. I did this manually with a load balancer called

    It really massively increases performance esp on 4 core AMD chips.

    Mine will go from a stuttering 8 FPS mess that lags 1 sec everytime I zoom in to a stable 35 FPS system thats great to play.

    So download this and make sure all your programs running are on cores 3+4 or core 2 on Dual cores and make sure WOT is set to 1-2 or 1 and watch your performance rise.
    Imagine WOT looks at a 4 core/Dual core as a single and has no multithreading so when your running Windows and it on 1 core it might as well be a Celeron……

  6. I have been set WOT on my last 6 cores long ago, i get more ingame estability FPS.

    Now, the problem is, that main thread of the game only runing at 50~60% on the core, not 100% like in 8.11, so they created a bottleneck where none of the cpu cores reach 100%, if you patch and go back to 8.11 “no multicore support”, one gets 100% and other 2 around 25%, game works better than 9.0 stock option, but still worse than 8.11

    • Wauw you have no clue what you said right? You can’t set WoT on different cores yourself, it has been running on 1 core since the start of the launch, until now 9.0. You obviously did something else with has nothing to do with running the game on different cores.

  7. Well i did a copy of this “multiore enabled” config file, then i switched it to “just one core” and no really difference. It’s nice to see that they’ve learned xml language and how to use Visual Studio system functions to help with performance drops, but they’ve forgot what they have to do… They have to develop the whole system which will be spreading cpu load over all cores and will be able to read all needed logical addresses. I could talk about it night and day, but i dont want to bore you

  8. I have 15-20 FPS drops and stuttering in games where are new HD tank models. The Team battles without HD tanks are smooth and constant 55+ FPS.

  9. This statement about test 1 is bullshit. I didn’t turn shadows on, just like in 8.11, and turned other settings up such as models, textures, render distance… and my FPS still increased of a good 15 in average. Now, everything is set to its lowest save for render distance and ground detail for gameplay reasons, and I struggle to do 25 when not looking at a very small portion of the map ! No shit, Sherlock.

  10. If multicore support in WoT causes freezes, then it is due to bad thread sync’ing and deadlocks, which are a clear sign of design faults in the software.

    I had been experimenting with multi threading in an OS game I am maintaining, and it is not trivial to identify the code sections you can actually accelerate by multi threading and have the threads behave properly. This is even more true if you do not just have parallel data processing, but parallel execution of completely different functions.

    Employing multi threading can easily slow down an application if the thread management overhead exceeds the time saved by parallel function execution/data processing.

    I’d say that what has been implemented in WoT here was the “first shot”, and devs are still learning how to do it properly.

    This just confirms my opinion on the level of qualification of the WoT coder staff. The 8.11 FoV disaster really said everything about it: That was a mistake so incredibly noobish that it is totally beyond me how that could slip the attention of the responsible code designers.

  11. i’m doing a strike now from WoT. what now with multiple crashes’s like a very nice day until a douchebag kicks you in the nuts with steel spiked, tetanus-laced boots

  12. My game crashed and i wasnt able to get back in… when the game loaded up it crashed again
    If i install XVM i cant hear penetration sounds (when they hit you)
    In sniper mode game laggs super hard when there are more tanks around you
    Some tanks look like some stupid toys

    other than that i have (overall) better FPS, constant 57-60 (V-sync)…so that fake multi core helped a little

    At the moment it feels like playing GTA IV- shitty game using as much resources as thouse new awesome looking games. God damn WG ! Im playing BF3 at 110 FPS and this thing at 60 with dropps down to 10 !
    My favorite game got ruined. I hope they are going to fix all this shit soon. My friend used to play it with max settings on 50-60 FPS, Than in 8.11(max) 30-40fps, Now in 9.0 (max) 10-15 fps, and (med) 30-40

    • if you have an intel CPU overclock . I have a E8200 and i overclocked from 2.66 to 3.2. It did wonders! (10 to 20 FPS)

  13. Anyone noticed received hit sounds are sometimes inaudible or very very low? I can’t hear that I’m receiving hits sometimes only saw those shots where coming from.

  14. It’s not true multicore anyway, because D3D9_43 rendering can only be done in one single thread (and thus at only one core) at the same time.

    For true multicore rendering, you’ll need at least D3D11, which only exists on Vista (via patch) and up.

  15. I tried it, had worse FPS, and it crashed when I tried to fire, as opposed to randomly after I die. I’m slightly annoyed by the problems WG is having with the Nvidia M series graphics cars in the live version; in none of the tests did I encounter a single crash. It’s pretty damn peculiar that it does now, and I hope the fix comes soon.