Hello everyone,
this is a followup post to the Kubinka Maus situation, which is currently developing and it’s not closed yet. Today, yet another post appeared on official Kubinka web pages:
The post says following things:
- the restoration of Maus will proceed as planned (not as a part of any anniversary) in cooperation with company Wargaming
- Kubinka and Wargaming are “strategic partners and loyal friends, working together to save and popularize historical heritage of the Motherland”
(and that some official statement is to be issued in print or something)
Either way, I contacted a reliable source in Wargaming RU. What I got told about the background of the story and how it happened is the following:
It all started when some retarded sensationalist Russian newspaper printed an article, saying that Kubinka along with Wargaming will be restoring a fascist German tank as a part of the Day of Victory anniversary, which is not patriotic. Now, to understand what this means for Kubinka, you have to know two things:
- as we all know, Russia is – when it comes to press and its effects – not a free country, press rules are quite harsh and for example there is a new law (or regulation), that forces bloggers (!) with blogs above certain amount of visits per day (3000 I think) to register (!!!) – their content is reviewed and they can be fined for “slanderous info”, anti-patriotic stuff and such.
- Kubinka is purely government funded and controlled and with current moods, being associated with anything even remotely pro-fascist could have very real and nasty consequences, hence the “we are patriots” kneejerk
At that point, Kubinka employees panicked, closed the VK group and started deleting all the info from their portal about Kubinka cooperating with Wargaming (for example the original Maus announcement, it got deleted). Obviously, since we have Google cache, they failed, which made them panic even more. To make matters worse, one of the employees, who really dislikes Wargaming (but is a big fan of War Thunder) saw an opportunity to blow off some steam against Wargaming and the result was that angry rant (which got posted without his boss’ knowledge) plus the peaked patriotic tone, which comes out of fear of being associated with anything “fascist” in any way.
At this moment, Wargaming PR and law department are working to calm the situation down and to reach an agreement between both sides.
Good to have some unbiased – “objective” – we look at both sides perspective.
Ya know what’s funny? The fact that the “russian biased” WG is fighting to restore a German tank.
Much bias, wow :)
They ain’t fighting – they just try to save their face in Russian community.
Previous statement from Kubinka made WG look like a bunch of unpatriotic liers supporting fascist tank instead of “legendary” Russian T-35 with their money.
It doesn’t get any worse than that. What you see now is just a damage control.
If WarGaming is Soviet biased, then why are US/French tanks usually best?
I heard russian were the best, but I haven’t tryed them all, and might be influenced in judging when playing :)
That’s the point, they’re not. The best tank is normally the one you’re good in.
I was just poking fun at the usual “russian bias” quip people keep throwing around about WG.
There’s obviously nothing wrong with wanting to preserve a part of history, regardless of it’s origins.
I kinda find it weird that butthurt morons are allowed to hurt an institution image by posting the crap they did before so long after the old feuds became irrelevant.
“The best tank is normally the one you’re good in.” – BS and you know it. Tell that to the people who are good in D.W.2 – how their tank is the “best” one.
I’m good with 30.01 (P) :D
(I heard I shouldn’t be)
> Chumpambrico >> The 3001P is perfectly adequate. It’s not great, but it’s not terrible either.
On the other hand both the 2001D and the DW are huge failures of nature that would need to be euthanized.
Yeah I always feltlike there wasn’t an adequate medium/heavy german tank at tier IV, excluding B2
“Money has no nationality,” as they say.
Ever heard of Matilda II?
I said German
Weren’t “control of the media” and “powerful and continuing nationalism” pretty high on the list of defining characteristics of fascism? Just wondering…
What is Anschluss in Russian – they must have a term for it or does it come under “acting like fucking fascists”.
It might look like the russian word (words) for “brotherly help”…
Many former soviet satelites (Czechoslovakia, Hungary or Poland AFAIK) recieved quite lot of that “brotherly help”, be it in 1956 or 1968
oh snap!
Well, gotta prepare the public opinion for Putin’s lifelong ‘presidency’.
Just sue the newspapper and write one article, which states the true.. That’s it.
But no, Russians always have to make some epic event out of nothing or anythng :)
Are you American, right?
No, I am not, but even in the stronk Russia there has to be some law that you are not allowed to write any stuff you want in paper and make it as a holy truth, right? Otherwise, everyone would write such bullshit all day long and no one would believe anything.
obviously it is, but it might be applied only to “foreign agents”, blogers or “fascists” (only “fascists”, because russian neo-nazis are no “fascists”, as they apply their love for Hitler solely for the benefit of motherland…)
(and yes, I know I am owersimplifying, and yeah, I might be a bit biased… I just like irony and statements taken ad absurdum…)
Lol, with the name like that you couldn’t have explained that you are a biased Nazi lover any clearer.
I know I am oversimplifying, and yeah, I might be a bit biased… but I find your comments perfectly Nazi-like.
How is Germany btw? Murdered any more millions lately?
germany = killed 12 million non-combatants
russia = killed 30-40 million non-combatants
china = killed 40-50 million non-combatants
oh the irony heheh
source: any non-russian history professor/article/online archives like psychinfo or sciencedirect
You are of course right.
If Germany killed 30-40 million, Europe would be literally populated by… wait for it… nobody.
What you shit stains forget to factor in, is the population of the coutries into those numbers.
Population of Germany in 1940? 27 million. So they literally killed 1/3 of people of their own country, if you measure it that way.
Population of Soviet Union? 170 million. 24 million deaths don’t really factor as much does it?
Oh the science… how I love thee, when you come back and smack the shit yapping about things he doesn’t know anything about right in the face.
Oh and lets not forget, Soviet Union was a harsh place… but nobody burned people alive or gassed them, or buried them alive and then crushed with tanks.
How is that Nazi blood of yours, boiling yet?
Am I wrong, or weren’t the victims not only from Germany, but from all over Europe?
>Population of Germany in 1940? 27 million.
wait wat.. your own source discredits this statement
16 June 1933 65.362.115
29 October 1946 65.137.274
He probably red the 1840 pop, 27.142.116
Yeah, that one is on me, looked at the wrong column.
So the Nazi’s killed about 15% of Germany’s polulation in Europe (although seeing how Nazi’s designated entire villages as combatants after some partizan killed a patrol or something, it’s debatable.)
Soviet union killed 14% of non-combatants in it’s own country.
US killed 2.5% of it’s population during Civil war (2% non-combatants btw)
Point is quitting some random numbers and claiming that it’s the definition of evil is as stupid as it gets.
someone not geting sarcasm? :D
anyone saying anything against Russia is nazi? (after all, that post was as much anti-nazi as it was anti-russian… It is sometimes ironic that in Czech Republic, which I come from, neo-nazis quite like russia and it’s current behaviour, just because there is afro-american in the White House, and who bashes USA the most? ) :D (and don’t get me wrong, I dislike nazis as much as I dislike communists, because there is no lesser evil between those two ideologies IMHO… they are both really f*cking crappy, and their death toll is too big, doesn’t matter if there is one million more or less, when even only one death is tragedy… totality really isn’t something I want to live in…)
Zewel von Lelek has nothing to do with nazism, hell, it’s not even from German, after all… it’s based on bastardly germanized Czech words of “zevlovat” (could be translated as staring, watching, doing nothing or just being lazy) and “lelek” (european nightjar, a bird species, here taken out of context, because in Czech, “chytat lelky”, literally “catching nightjars” means being lazy…)… so Zewel von Lelek actually means “He-Who-Does-Nothing” of House “Lazy-Nightjar”…
So, Daemonik, please, get educated before you chose to spread organic fertilizer of a male cattle all over this place…
Is anyone who defends Russia is a commie?
You might still be living in the past, where it was a simple division for czech people to hate either, but I hate to tell you, the world has moved on. Neither ideology holds much strength anymore, Communist party hasn’t won an election since I was a little kid and neo-nazi’s as you claim, are at best few skin heads with no political power. Literally.
Yet, you, in your feverish desire to somehow reclaim your butthurt Czech pride, insist that everyone is behaving as something you hate. Project much?
And don’t get me wrong, I like Czech republic. Been there few times, noticed that just about every person speaks Russian nowadays there (was less common 10 years ago), but you gotta let it go. You were a weak country that couldn’t defend itself against either German’s or Communists. You are a footnote in a history of world war 2, accept it and move on.
What is happening in the world now, is entirely new and interesting things. Put down your wounded feelings (or go hang out with Polish people, they really can’t let it go) and enjoy the interesting times we live in.
And I think the human trafficking is a fucking tragedy, something Czech republic is clearly too comfortable with.
well, I don’t know who started being butthurt about me being a nazi? :D
I am well aware about the fact that country I was born in is insignificant, but that doesn’t allow you behaving like a prick, or does it? (that’s one of the reasons why people react to you the way they do… because you are rude as hell…)
nothing personal against Russians, it’s more about those weird things that I intentionaly put ad absurdum in my original comment, but you started with accusing me about something that I am not…
Where did I said that those ideologies are widespread? I just don’t like them… and those who use them as means to whatever the end is… (that’s why I am making fun of the whole “evil western fascist beasts” thing, because it’s kind of sad irony that the very country that defeated nazis on eastern front is using the same means, if not words, as nazis did… no worse than USA, if it comes to my opinion, but certainly not any better… and the whole russian sensitivity about Great Patriotic War is kind of proof that the world didn’t move as much as you say… so it’s not that new… only the names of the countries and the leaders change…)
And to the whole Czech Communist party mess… they are not part of the government, but they get about 15-20% of votes during the elections, so they are in our parliment and senate… regulary, for twenty-something years… so they are quite big and not as powerless (they like when other parties practice anal alpinism when they need more votes to stop some law, etc.)… About nazis, yeah, you are right about those hardcore neo-nazis, yet there are some politicans who happily borrow their ideas when they want to be more popular without much effort… (especially nowdays, when the long-time parties became too lazy, too corrupt, or both…)
Dunno what country you come from (Russia?), but when you say about human trafficking, no, we Czechs don’t like it either, and it is shame that this kind of business is done here, but it’s not the only country that has that issue, …
“What is happening in the world now, is entirely new and interesting things. Put down your wounded feelings (or go hang out with Polish people, they really can’t let it go) and enjoy the interesting times we live in.”
interesting times indeed, wounded feelings nonetheless :D (well, if letting go, why everything from Germany is considered fascist and so on?… please have some empathy for Poles, they have really lot reasons to be butthurt, and it’s not only their fault… half of former Poland is now Belarus, and why? Because Stalin was butthurt since 1920, when they defeated his army…)… show us an example to follow… because you want us to embrance new times, yet you linger on the old ones (evil fascists vs. krasnaja armija, great Russian Empire, former strengh of the USSR and it’s satelites…)…
And the language thing… well, 10 years ago, there were lot less people who spoke English, as well… does it say anything, too?
(let’s see what other funny ways of trolling you take… ;) nothing personal, mate… :D )
Um I am sorry but killing say 30 million of 100 million is just as bad as killing 30 million of 50 million. It doesn’t really matter how many people there are before you kill you STILL killed 30 million.
Try killing someone and using that argument in court.
“So what if I killed 1 person. This town has 5000 people so I only killed 0.02% of the people.
Actually, it’s very correct, there is a reason why all statistics regarding countries are per capita. GDP of a small country might be tiny compared to US or Brasil, but take it per capita and suddenly it paints a different picture.
Same with crime. Imagine in US city 3000 people are killed every months. Believe you me, it makes a difference if the city is 8 million population and 50000 population.
If you are riding: Death is terrible, every single one of them has to be mourned train, that’s fine, your opinion can be dismissed as irrelevant in historical scope. When you are discussing things that happened, proper numbers have to be used, despite how cold this may sound.
Here is another example: In a unnamed african country, 100 000 people are killed in conflict. Doesn’t sound so bad eh? I mean we get more people killed in a year in car accidents in the world. Well, when entire population of the country is 180 000, that constitutes genocide.
Nobody accepts reality anymore. The market for mind altering substances is consuming the world, and most of them are legal and often socially acceptable.
+1 :D
Sue the newspaper? For what? For “being patriotic”?
But then, it’s those political issues. I just couldn’t suppress the urge to laugh when I see you suggesting the Russian(Belarus) company to “sue the newspaper”.
For writing bullshit. If museum never told anyone that Maus restoration is connected to Day of Victory anniversary, then the newspaper was lying.
You’re obviously mistaking Russia for a country with free speech and human rights.
This popcorn need more salt………
Agreed. Damn popcorns always need more salt !
And a rocket to Alpha Centauri. I have an urge to leve this wonderous place.
The only heaven or hell you can be sure of is the one that people will create for themselves.
Drunken vodka rage at the museum, so nothing unusual in russia.
Keep on rocking in the free world!
I thought it might have been “one of the employees”…”without his boss’ knowledge…” :D
Universal convenient excuse :P
Hm, I only knew, that they wanted to restore it, now everything exploded.
That escalated quickly… Btw, what is a facist tank? Does it have a beard or an arm? :P
“Fascist” is a generic Russian term for nazis, “fascist invaders” phrase is commonly used.
“Fascist beasts” they liked to call their invaders. So a “fascists tank” fits perfectly into this terminology ;)
fascist? :) why are they hate Italy? :)
Italy was fascist before it was cool to be fascist. Damn Hitler took that hot underground scene and made it way too mainstream. /hipsterfascist
Because stupid russians dont know what fascist means and call absolutley everybody a fascist.
My guess would be that a lot of Russian players would like to see the Maus restored as well. So hopefullyit will continue.
Isn’t that ironic?
Being associated with anything even remotely pro-fascist can have terrible consequences, while the government behave in a totally fascist way (extreme patriotism, press control, censorship, etc, IS what defines fascism! Mussolini docet.)
I agree.
Two amazing things about this what you said: 1) Russians seem to love it. Support for Putin is at all-time high. 2) In the EU countries largest group of supporters for what Putin does is made of… far-right, neo-fascists and neo-nazis.
Ah, the old troll Sky… Always says some bullshit that he pulls out of his ass…
Don’t confuse patriotism (which is our old favorite Murika is full to the brim with as well as many other countries) with nationalism.
Russia is compromised of nearly 200 nationalities and since we don’t hear “Russia is for Russians only” rhetoric that seems to coming a lot from Ukraine only (hence accusations of them being neo-nazis), I wouldn’t stretch your foul mouth to that extent.
And since we are pulling out random made up facts from the shit that is your head:
1) Majority of Russians seem to think you are a moron. Support for insulting you is at all time high.
2) On the FTR forum largest group of supporters for anti-Russian sentiment is made of… far-right, neo-fascists and neo-nazis (which is the same thing you worthless dipshit).
The main source of anti-russian sentiment is the russians themselves behaving like butthurt, rude kiddies from the kindergarten when it comes to their precious ww2 history where their gloriously incompetent (and also butthurt) leader led 8-10 million russian soldiers in front of the german guns to be slaughtered like cattle…
Ah, the old flamer Daemonik… Always jumping in and swearing and insulting in each comment :P
Seeing how anyone who is using logic or facts to defend a country/nation/point of view that is under siege by a bunch of shitty anonymous trolls who let their hate (without cause, unless some Russian literally fucked their mom and sister in front of their eyes while simultaneously deleting all their tanks in the game) spill over a gaming blog ffs, would be always at disadvantage I am resorting to insulting their stupidity to their face.
If they would kindly specify their country of origin, I will gladly descend to their level and smear shit all over their (trust me) less than perfect country.
It’s easy to be an anonymous troll on the internet, but I will make it harder to feel good about it. Shitheads will get what’s coming to them.
You got a point, although I would act differently, but that’s probably because I still consider who I’m writing to as a serious person, not some random troll / anonymous internet user.
P.S. If you’ve aver felt of me like that, let me tell you where I live, Italy, not that there’s much you could say I couldn’t agree at least on some degree, as , unfortunately for my country, I, toghether with the majority of its population I belive, don’t feel so much patriotic :(
so a single blog and douche at kubinka made a cluster fuck out of everything? lovely
The Russian people back in the day only had a spoken language, and the only non-verbal communication that took place involved pointy sticks and heavy rocks. The Eastern Roman Empire wished to be able to communicate with and educate these people. In order to do this, they adapted a written alphabet to suit the existing spoken language.
If only they had of left well enough alone, these people might still be scratching in the dirt for grubs and hiding from mongolians rather than passing time/keeping warm doing vodka shots while manning mobile ICBM stations…
go fuck yourself asshole
It’s always good to see discovery of new facts of European history. Will you be so kind and tell us more Russia existing in the same timeframe as Easter Roman Empire?
Eastern Roman Empire: c. 330 – 1204; 1261 – 1453
Kievan Rus’, the first united East Slavic state, was founded by Rurik’s successor Oleg of Novgorod in 882.
Otherwise he spits a lot of BS :)
The way from Kievan Rus to Russia is a very, very long one, and Russia isn’t the only country to claim a legacy of Kievan Rus.
I’m not claiming that, just that the ERE and various eastern slavic people had a lot of time to interact with each other one way or another.
The way from your ass to your brain is a very long one, and yet the shit still makes it there.
that makes at least three of us, Daemonik… ;) including you and me…
Maybe you should give up with history? You know, it needs using brain and thinking, not only copying unrelated links to Wikipedia.
Did you read the article? They are the fathers of the cyrillic alphabet, and Slavs came to use it through adherence to the Orthodox faith.
I only know about these things from knowing Russians who told me in the first place…the only Russians I know are very well educated and have many tertiary qualifications…which is why they don’t live in, or glorify, a shithole full of slaves and degenerates like Russia :)
Calling Kievan Rus’ “Russia” is like calling Celtic tribes “UK”.
Soon these paranoids will think Ukraine is behind Maus restoration helped by USA and their ultra plan to revive fascism and use it for riots against their motherland lol.
Foolish Americanski fascisti believe Maus still stronker than Motherland tank. Wrong. Motherland still stronk, wow. Much power in great new T-90 tank, can destroy even Maus.
Not sure if idiot or just a moron.
- Fry face.
You gotta be kidding me.
Can’t you recognize a satirical comment, which is itself a reply to another satirical comment?
Or should I say, not sure if idiot, flamer or troll? :P
Clearly, since what’s written above is not satire but stupidity masked as such. Here is identical example turned around. let me know if you enjoyed it:
Foolish Russians. Don’t they know we Murikans are the bestest at being an evil dictators? Our monkey president shits free healthcare unlike stupid non-monkey president Russia has. And don’t forget Murika won the world war, that we joined when it was all but over, fought very little, but we take all the credit because fuck other countries and fuck EU as our diplomat said in the phone call, hur hur! Also we got Nukes, lolz, what are you gonna do when we start the third world war?! Lulz I am so shitfaced now!
Satire indeed. Enjoy.
Well, after seeing what you wrote above, that people offend on the internet mostly thanks to their anonymity, I guess that me finding this “satire” rightfully comes from what the internet has set as “normal”, and I see your point, still I think it’s not exactly the same as saying it in a “not satirically” way, and thus a bit more acceptable.
They obviously want it to level all those pesky barricades.
I’m sorry for the following brainless message but
MURRICA, FOCH YEAH! (even though not American)
Just what is wrong with Russians, Vodka and that borderline fanatical patriotism?
Americans are a fanatical patriots too.
Nah, he said Russians are borderline, so you can’t include them. That said, Freedom Fries has nothing on Fascist Tanks when it comes to framing inanimate objects with ideological agenda.
Yep, that WT guy from previous article was mightily hilarious. T-35 is so legendary it can’t into WoT, not even mentioning into space ;) .
Now, anyone tell me that Russia is a good country to live in…
Nor can it beat Finnish troops without tanks…
Finns always made good Nazis.
Boy, did they turned coat though, as soon as their big Brother Hitler got demolished.
Epic bait bro
He drags Finns into a conversation that has nothing to do with it.
I let him enjoy the consequences.
learn history… the Great Patriotic War wasn’t he only war T-35 fought in… there is a reason why KV and it’s derivates had only one turret ;)
(and enjoy those censequences) ;)
How is calling something something Legendary became synonymous with Good or Great?
For example, Sky on this forums is a legendary troll / douche nozzle. Do we expect someone to say, no he is no legendary nothing, did you see how many times Daemonik cut him down to shit-chunk size?
So they called T-35 tank legendary because nobody ever build anything so fucking amazing and retarded, not because it was a good tank.
Guess what, Maus is a legendary tank too, and it wasn’t even a fucking tank, just a heavy turd that did literally NOTHING in the war.
Bitching that someone called T-35 legendary and adding that Finns won the Winter war so easily smells of exactly what it was. BS.
And yeah, nobody talks about how Finns collectively shat their pants when rebuild Soviet war machine that was now outclassing Finns in EVERY aspect by a triple magnitude, turned coats so fast, the Nazis were STILL in their country and then were afraid to kick Nazi’s out until Soviets threatened that there won’t be a Finland if they have to come over there and make it a communist public bath’s parking lot.
This is why you need free speech. Without it people behave like idiots.
Hmmm, from my experience there is enough idiots in “free speech” Europe and America.
indeed, but you don’t get send to a gulag or prison in Europe for your “dumb” free speech!!!
Ever heard of “threatening speech”?
In free speech environment you don’t have to listen to them and they can’t send you to prison because they printed something stupid. So basically you don’t have to act stupid because someone is doing something stupid.
Lol, gotta love morons that think they are free…
If you think free speech offers you any protection, look up oh so many cases where people went to prison (wistleblowers anyone?), got sued (libel) and all kinds of horrible things happened to them, because they thought they were free in Europe and Murika.
What you think is free speech is spouting nonsense on forums or in papers, that nobody gives a shit about, it just shit on a wall. When the real valuable information is being shared or discussed, you quickly find yourself not so free anymore.
exactly, you are free to say anything, until it does not make some butts hurt, or its against somebody/somethings profit. so basically you are free to say ‘ it is a nice weather today’ but nothing else
Any online writer with more than 3,000 visitors a day is required to declare their family name, initials and email address, and is then officially considered an “internet user called blogger.”
Russian law orders bloggers to register, restricts pornography and obscene language
U.S.S.R. 2014.
They always say its about pornography and obscene. And then they lock up somebody who writes about Putin acting like Hitler because “its obscene”.
Really? Why don’t you lookup what happens to people in Germany when they say something about Hitler?
Comparing anyone in Germany to Hitler or Nazi’s will earn you a cool nice stay in prison for a long time. Guess they are also Russia stronk and want to join communism.
“I found pornography in my torrented MP3!”
“This so called Angels in America is so obscene!”
And that’s what fagboys of WarThunder do, be total gay assholes and cause trouble to everyone. What a shame he calls himself Russian but is a gay.
Same goes with League of Legend and CoD’s fagboys.
Privet Comrade!
I think you and I would work nicely together. With our sweeping generalizations we will make much LuLz.
What say you one-eye?
lol wat?! How the hell did you manage to pull in WarThunder into the discussion that got nothing to deal with it?
You must be really butthurt WoT fanboy… let me guess: One of your friends told you today that he liked WT more? Get over yourself, dude. It’s just a game.
To make matters worse, one of the employees, who really dislikes Wargaming (but is a big fan of War Thunder) saw an opportunity to blow off some steam against Wargaming and the result was that angry rant…
Did you read the article? :)
I guess that ultimately proves there are retards on both sides.
That shit doesn’t read! You kidding me? He didn’t even blinked the eye when someone pointed out that he is a fucking moron, that opens his mouth without even reading.
You think it’s the first time? Pathetic Sky, wonder is he is a polak? :)
lolwut? :D
“…To make matters worse, one of the employees, who really dislikes Wargaming (but is a big fan of War Thunder) saw an opportunity to blow off some steam against Wargaming and the result was that angry rant…”
It says in the post, blame SS :D
“…To make matters worse, one of the employees, who really dislikes Wargaming (but is a big fan of War Thunder) saw an opportunity to blow off some steam against Wargaming and the result was that angry rant…”
I too am super helpful and incredibly obvious!
“to make matters worse, one of the employees, who really dislikes Wargaming (but is a big fan of War Thunder) saw an opportunity to blow off some steam against Wargaming and the result was that angry rant”
I too am super helpful and incredibly obvious!
That is more like it
Not that surprising really. It’s quite a shame that Russia never really broke out from the cycle of repression, over the top patriotism and presidency for life nonsense.
If a freedom of speech includes drag queen freak show like in recent Eurovision song contest, then please i`d like some of Russian freedom of speech, ty, much better.
also, stronk rage from wt fanboy in Kubinka.
Wow, such an enlightened, mature and downright egalitarian view of transvestites. With people like you around I have absolutely no idea why the world is such the bigoted, hate-filled cess-pool of ignorance that it is.
Dont worry, you are still young.
On one hand, people support drag and gay “parades” , on the other hand THOSE SAME PEOPLE would do anything and everything in their power in order that their own children don`t become one.
hypocrisy applied.
1) There is nothing parents can do to prevent their children from becoming gay, they either are or they aren’t.
2) Don’t like drag queens on TV or in the song contest? Do it like me: watch something else. Their existance doesn’t hurt me in any way
Supporting the right of groups and individuals to express themselves doesn’t mean you have to agree with them with everything. How is that hypocrisy? Won’t hypocrisy be bitching about freedom of speech by using freedom of speech in the first place?
“If a freedom of speech includes drag queen freak show like in recent Eurovision song contest, then please i`d like some of Russian freedom of speech, ty, much better.”
I actually complete agree. Freedom of speech is one thing, disgusting freakshow beyond all boundaries is quite another.
Dear SS,
Under the new Russian free speech act, I hereby inform you are required to pay the Government to be able to operate a blog.
There is no such thing in Russia as far as I know.
“Coming as soon as possible” :)
Oh SS, a guy wearing a dress on TV has you wishing the Czech Republic would clamp down on your rights? No of course not, a guy wearing a dress on TV has you wishing other countries would clamp down on other peoples’ rights.
As some fellow said: They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Besides, the main role of Free Speech is to be uncomfortable.
And it’s not like preventing people from speaking out will make their feelings disappear. Now Russians cannot say fuck on television, will it solve a anything ?
Freedom of speech is always had limits – it was never allowed even in most liberal of regimes to say certain things, such as slander for example. I am all for freedom of speech (I think I have proven that enough with VERY small amount of moderation compared to for example official WoT forums), but showing vile deviant freaks on TV and even passing it on as something normal, that is well beyond what should in my opinion be regulated.
“but showing vile deviant freaks on TV and even passing it on as something normal, that is well beyond what should in my opinion be regulated.”
Wow, just wow. I’d hoped for a minute that you were trolling.
But no. And to think this is the 21st century and people still think that way…
*shrugs* Worse things have happened.
while it doesnt hurt anybody, that a guy dressed up as a woman, wearing a beard should not be seen as normal. ok i accept, there are weird people out there who doesnt make it into the tv, but nobody can force me to approve it. its like the 56 facebook genders what the hell… those are just fictional expressions, either you are a man or woman, biologically. (i know fhere are animals who can be both, but not humans)
so while its kind of nice to accept the mentally different ones, i completely disagree with praising them of being so brave and open minded and uh oh so 21st century. Some kids see it on tv and they.will think this is normal, your daughter will ask you when my beard will grow? what you answer, when you are retarded enough, girl?
Well SS represent the average Czech republic citizen, they are very “traditional” folk compared to west EU and of course they are used to Gay lords such as Putin controlling their daily lives.
Don’t be smug with me – for a Czech, I am pretty non-conformant and my past live proved that. I simply see boundaries where there should be – do you really think the west is right in this? Heh. West is crumbling.
i think traditional ways are crumbling, due to powerful techs like twitter/facebook/FTR drones & nanobots and some people react in fear to it by returning to think like the old tribe/family/religion ways, but it’s a passing trend… soon you will be assimilated. your cat may won the next eurovision and non will even blink.
We might spend hours discussing it and nothing would come of it. I see things my way, you don’t, that’s okay.
How exactly did that tranny affect your personal life though and how can you seriously value not seeing that freakshow over having the freedom of speech?
That’s just you being an intolerant twat right here, SS.
“West is crumbling” LoL, is something you read on Russia Today?
The entire situation amuses me to be frank, poor wargaming having to put up with such bullshit from a russian partner.
That last point says that “museum administration made those claims against info in a printed article”.
“historical heritage of the Motherland”
sure … give it back to germany you russian cunts!
Germany could build a new one dude. Even a dozen of them. :)
- Kubinka and Wargaming are “strategic partners and loyal friends, working together to save and popularize historical heritage of the Motherland”
um, lel
It’s funny how Russians call everyone fascist, while they are the only ones that are actually living in a fascist state
true, they are Putin bitches and he likes to make them suffer and they enjoy it very much thank you.
I don’t know, I was always partial to let’s spy on our own people presidents US has, or the crack-smocking Toronto mayor, or the whoring Italian prime minister.
In fact, I just love how clean and perfect all the politicians are in every other country than Russia. Must be paradise there.
adore the crack smocking mayor we must
If it were just for the prime minister… Or just for being “whoring”…
The more time it passes, the more the “whoring Italian prime minister” concept seems the most spotless, either he has done worst, or there’s someone else that has done worst.
Kubinka and Wargaming are “strategic partners and loyal friends, working together to save and popularize historical heritage of the Motherland”
Stronk. Brainwashed country. Sad.
Stronk polak. Shitty country. Used horses vs tanks. Much stupid.
Please show us how dumb stalinlover moron you are by stereotypicaly calling me polish, when you actually don’t know shit where i am from. And no, it’s not siemka country. Try again monkey boy.
Dude. I’m hungarian and we used (for the last time in human history BTW) horses against tanks also. AND WE WON!!! (1941 aug 16, Миколаїв) [and chivalry units were "elites"... so...]
So don’t hurt mah polish bros!
[SS you should write about that battle :D]
Actually, both German, Russian and American troops had a huge reliance on horses. It was downplayed over the years but horses were a part of war machine, often more valuable than any other transport.
Polish people just get the brunt of the jokes, because their country was so tiny and insignificant they lasted two weeks and surrendered as quickly as they could (as soon as their high command came back from French led seminar on “How to surrender quickly and without much shouting”).
My main point was to demonstrate that Medjed is a moron, but like I said he is an anonymous little bitch. Probably a Nazi sympathizer, though. Almost definitely.
Actually, both German, Russian and American troops had a huge reliance on horses. It was downplayed over the years but horses were a part of war machine, often more valuable than any other transport.
Polish people just get the brunt of the jokes, because their country was so tiny and insignificant they lasted two weeks and surrendered as quickly as they could (as soon as their high command came back from French led seminar on “How to surrender quickly and without much shouting”).
My main point was to demonstrate that Medjed is a moron, but like I said he is an anonymous little bitch. Probably a Nazi sympathizer, though. Almost definitely.
i thought museum workers arent supposed to be acting like spoiled little brats… and since when tons of automatically mobile steel can be considered as fascist? pff, if hitler loved bubblegum, then kids chewing it would be seen as evil nazies?
Hitler liked Der Königgrätzer Marsch, I guess many would say someone is evil if he listens to it
But I too se no valid point in their refusal
After seeing the comments, I don’t think I need to watch the hockey games tonight for my daily dose of fighting.
+1 to all!
Ps: SS, can we start a live betting line on who has the last (or best) post in a comment fight? We might just fund your blog that way!
I wish I had found this earlyer