- switching the FV4202 for the Chieftain? What will happen to FV4202? Storm: “No comment for now”
- “everything is okay” with the alleged Wargaming anti-bot program
Storm on optimization in 9.1:
“Basic optimizations were aimed at removing freezis and FPS drops on weak configurations. General game performance shouldn’t change for the general masses of players. In the second test, there will be some additional fixes: fix of the FPS drop when switching to sniper mode on medium and low terrain settings, fix of the game performance when shooting automatic guns (this was added to test 1 patchnotes by mistake, it will change only in test 2)”
- there will not be any “new arcade mode freezes” 9.1 fixes (SS: as in, there are apparently no “new arcade mode freezes”)
- it’s not yet decided how developers will deal with Type 59 armor
Storm explaining the attitude towards FPS drops complaints:
“What is valid are only the comparisons of the same replays with the same graphic settings on the same computers with the same way of recording statistics (for example with Fraps) and their comparison afterwards. Everything else is just talk. We, for example, compared in this way the performance on the computers of players from Minsk, who agreed to lend them to us to study the issues. The initial input was like “for me FPS dropped 2-3 times”. After the research, the drop was on average no more than 10 percent. This can work the same way around.”
- the triple buffer issue was not fixed for now
- according to Storm, the triple buffer issue has nearly zero influence on FPS, they discovered that after long testing
- “confrontation” will return after its matchmaking is fixed
Triple buffer gives mouselag not lower fps on high end systems. That is why its unacceptable to have it on.
Do you know why?
ALso are there any other tricks that “Speed up feel” of game etc?
Anyone here a FPS expert? I reall ywant to know what to enable disable.
I never hav played a game where so many settings are not so straight forward. Lol low terrain=Micro lag when zooming in but not high terrain is perfect example other games say lower=faster in WOT its a crap shoot
WoT uses a system where as little as possible is loaded into the RAM at the start of the battle, im experimenting with forcing it to pre-cache more data to get rid of micro-lags as it loads tanks that get spotted etc. It is setup now for using a maximum of 1GB ram basicly so allow all the russians with crap PCs ability to play. But it reduces the gameplay experience for everyone that has the standard of 8GB ram and 64-bit OS.
Right now it loads tanks that you spot from your HDD rather than RAM which is why there are microlags when you spot tanks, and tanks sort of just appear after you spotted them because they dont load fast enough. In CW etc if you as scout rush into 10 mediums rushing, you get massive microlag of all the tanks loading. Everything because WG doesnt want the WoT client to utilize players RAM.
Why input lag? It’s simple – triple buffer is basically waiting for 3 frames to be rendered before presenting next (instead of regular 2) => you get additional 1/fps seconds of lag. (for ~33 fps that would be ~0,333(3) ms)
And i sadly notice that extra frame of lag very much, and it feels like the mouse is disconnected from the PC. Im very sensitive to mouselag and no its not a placebo. Some people dont even notice the massive mouselag that vsync adds, wish i was as unsensitive as them to input lag.
But that doesnt change the fact, WoT doesnt need triple buffer, it brings nothing positive, only mouselag.
i don’t have a high end comp, more middle of the road, but when i switched triple buffering to false in the appdata i got an immediate and permanent increase in fps from 20-25 up to35-45. had an issue the other day where my computer became sentient and decided to restore itself to a point from 3 months ago, after the game reloaded the patch the fps was back to the 20′s and the tr-buff was back on, fixed it the same way. have to wonder what kind of “extensive testing” they are doing. saw a while back that they were blaming some of this fps loss and fixes on a placebo effect, had to laugh at that, i didn’t know that the placebo effect could change the fps NUMBER on the screen, in game. mighty powerful powers of suggestion if they work on inanimate objects.
Damn… i really want info on FV4202….
I want a decent T10 tank. I’d love a chieftain with the 120mm gun. :)
Same. Waiting for info for ages now
Yeah, you’d think that they would at least give us an idea of what the actual tank is going to be for the replacement. :) They don’t need to release stats or models…just a name… :P
Just. Leave. My. FV4202. ALONE.
You ppl keep complaining about how bad this british beast is, while you also keep saying that there is no bad tank just bad tankers… The only real problem of the FV4202 is its speed…BUT HELL there has to be a downside, we have to pay for 10 degrees of gun depression and 0.32 accuracy, and op camo factor, and op soft stats…should I continue?
Yes, there are no bad tanks just bad tankers for that tank. However, most of what you stated is fulfilled by the Leo 1. Some less so, some more so. If you just take a look at Tank Compare and compare it to the Leo 1, you’ll see what I mean. That’s not to say that the FV4202 is a bad tank. It’s simply that a lot of people including myself see it as a confused little tank. It’s got the gun depression, but its turret can be penned with ease. It’s got the accuracy, but not the DPM to make it really hurt. It’s got slightly better ground resistance than the Leo 1 but slightly worse HP/ton which makes it pretty even.
To me, there’s 2 main things the FV4202 has that makes it truly special:
1) 105mm(as opposed to the monster 183mm :P) HESH rounds – Some hate it, some love it. I personally love them because of the hilarity that ensues from the tons of module/crew damage that I can cause. Others hate it because of the unreliable damage. When they change how HESH works, my love for the round will probably only increase.
2) UFP – This thing is so sloped that you can bounce a lot. The only problem is when you’re facing an opponent that realizes that shooting you in the face works almost all the time.
If let’s say the FV4202 gets replaced w/ the Chieftain, both those traits that make the FV4202 special would probably still be there. The changes would mainly be a trade off of armor vs. mobility. Honestly, I think the 120mm gun won’t be too different from the T110E5′s gun making the gun differences negligible. We would get a nice turret and a pretty bad mobility. I’m actually OK with that. We currently don’t really have a medium tank that carries those traits. For someone who doesn’t like that tradeoff, I guess that’s more where the disagreement comes from, and quite honestly, it will be developer’s call where they want to take the tank line.
“…no bad tank just bad tankers…” True.
Anyway, loving or hating FV4202, Storm confirmed the change. I only wanna know the fate, they can still improve it or nerf it. Just wanna know. ;)
I actually have a split view on this matter. I actually love the FV4202 to death but i would like how the Chieftain will pdo on tier X. I am actually secretly hoping that they implement the Chieftain and nerf the FV 4202 gif it the historical gun and transform it into a free tier VIII premium tank…
It’s guite nice if you compare these two tanks, however, you should not forget that there are 2 more tanks (if not more) playing in this case: Patton and the STB-1. The Patton got nerfed to the ground (some say) then the FV4202 was introduced. It had everything that the Patton had, okay less DPM but again, better soft stats, better accuracy and so on. Then the above mentioned Leo was introduced. Sure it’s a better version (in some way) of the FV4202. Now we have the STB-1 and if I want to be honest, i think IT is currently the king/queen of the jack-of-all-trades tanks (feel free to prove me wrong :) )
What I want YOU to see is that comparing tanks will end in nowhere, since we always can find a new candidate to prove that I am/was or you are/were wrong.
About the HESH: I clearly see that we are on the same team, i love HESH i love that a small chunk of diversity came into the game with the introduction of this type of ammo.
Unfortunately I am not really convinced about the armor, and therefore with your Chieftain replacement idea. I don’t like soaking up damage with my meds, i think you understand why. It’s good if a med tank has armor, but this should not be a factor when you want to trade something for something (in case of meds of course).
What i really would like to see, is that WE GET another tier 10 medium, and/or a tier 10 heavy. Russians have 3 t62 clones, why can’t we get 2 more british high tier tanks, without sacrificing some players’ favourites?
It’s quite an off-topic but that’s my point as well on the question of the replacement of the FV215b. Okay, give us Action Centurion X (or how is it called) and fine, give us the Chieftain as a heavy, BUT do not take away the current tanks…Both of them have UNIQUE playstyle, which is good for the game.
“Basic optimizations were aimed at removing freezis and FPS drops on weak configurations.”
Maybe they are removing frozen treats from the game?
I look at this, ““everything is okay” with the alleged Wargaming anti-bot program” then I go look at Mingles with Jingles Episode 57, and say “Yeah, sure it is.”
Chieftain should be heavy.
Give us Action X Centurion. Fuck Vickers, bad Leopard 1 and bad gameplay (does not follow its line). Make it reward tank.
No reason not to put a heavy at the end of a medium line. You don’t see many complaints about the US autoloader line.
That would mean that the British don’t get a tier X medium at all. US autoloader line ending with a heavy is ok, they have the M48A1 Patton as tier X med
Exactly. Kagero is right here.
so what?
Yeh exactly, so what?
The chinese have got no TDs/Arty and the Japanese have just a MT. Who really gives a shit?
Chieftain is the historical successor of the Centurion. Make it the T10. ‘Nuff said.
Fuck historical accuracy. Gameplay is tops.
Besides, Chinese WILL get TDs, maybe even 2 Tier 10 TDs and Arty.
Japanese same thing but one TX TD.
medium/heavy distinction in the 1950s and 60s is meaningless, “historically”. As for gameplay the only difference for Chieftain as either med or heavy would be
a) HP,
b) alpha dmg
introducing it as a medium allows devs to nerf both a and b and so stop it from roflstomping all other heavies in game.
… I know that.
BTW If its a medium, it will be the worst nedium in the game. Slow as shit. Not enough HP.
It wont ROFLSTOMP the heavies, not with AUTOPEN side armor.
It can’t be worse than the FV4202, so who cares?
what doesnt have autopen side armour at 90 degree angle?
Pretty much every other tier 10 heavy does not have autopen side.
Why would it be the worst medium?
Is the AMX 50 100 the worst heavy because it’s unarmored?
A class is just an illusion of a role, and it’s been this way ever since US turreted TD started blurring the line between what is a TD and what is a medium/heavy.
There are so many hybrids that could easily be fitted into two classes, that what does it matter what the Chieftain is? Heavy, medium, what’s the real difference when the devs can put any stat you want on it anyways?
Call it a slow medium and put it after the Centurion….it doesn’t make it worse than calling it a heavy, and putting it in the heavy line with the exact same stats.
BEcause when Wargamin gives tanks HP it does take into account intended role.
But lets say they fuck over British tree and we get 2x Heavy tanks and no meds.
Do you REALIZE that that is SHIT Game Design?
Why is it shit game design?
What catastrophe to the game do you think it creates?
It’s two different tanks, two different branches, why is it so bad?
because that means the british do not have a medium tank. That means premium tanks lose a possible crew, one of the major tank types in WOT is ignored.
Its bad game design
SO what if they don’t have a tierX medium? What’s game-breaking?
As for the premium…you still have the tierIX and tier IIX….
Still not a catastrophic fail of game design as you put it.
just you trying to make every nation have the same 4 core branches, which is boring.
But the replacement for the FV 4202 is thereee the Action X Centurion as a medi
chieftain as heavy and suddenly UK become very strong in late tier heavys and medi’s
Exactly what I want.
Action X as Tier 10 med with either 105mm gun option or OPed 20Pdr. Vickers as Award Tank. Chieftain as T10 heavy.
think too many people hear name Action X and think actionman superhero, while in the very sad, grey and grim halls of history…
you really, really, no really, do not want action x in game. You would be more than dissappointed. You might even cry.
Historical armor (superior to FV 4202). Same shit 40km/h.
Can mount (technically) the 105mm.
It is just better ten 4202
nothing historical about it, zero available data, the turret exists at bovington but no one has measured/sounded the thickness. It would have been mounted on a standard centurion hull (so worse than fv4202).
Go back to to actionmen ! (they were at least, fun)
And despite Your infinite wisdom You did not assume that a certain WG field monkey juping around different tanks with a sensor in Bovington, as seen a few videos ago, could obtain the necessary data…
I’m with Mr Yordanov on this one.
You do know real FV 4202 has 51mm of armor mate?
So much for your knowledge…
I would like to see a early chieftain prototype that mounted a 20pounder/L7A1
and is light and fairly mobile if it existed
if they employ monkeys i find it reasonable to doubt their results. In any case it was more than a few weeks ago, fortunately they were not monkeys, they have been curiously silent since..
For the FV4202 armor, I am sure they got at least that correct Tic :)
It is a tier 8 at most tank in tier 10. The Centurion Action X will be better.
agreed fv4202 is a tier 8, with the original 20pdr. It deserves a separate branch starting at tier 8, leading to prototype chieftain at tier 9, and mk3 chieftain at tier 10.
as for the top of the current medium line I see no alternative but either a magic pony or a paper napkin coffee break design found somewhere by someone like listy, but most definetely not a centurion variant. If this is not possible, absoutely must be a chieftain mk3.
I propose a simple move for FV as a premium tank.
The Action X as tier 10 med.
And Cheiftain as a heavy. Simple as that.
I propose using papermaché actionx as target practice premium t8, retaining fv4202 at tier 8 or 9, introducing chieftain mk 3 at tier 10.
Of course I expect instant obedience to my wishes or WG will be struck by a bolt of lightening and Serbs balls will fry for eternity.
beat that for reasoned argumentation.
What’s the issue with the Type 59 armor?
Well it certainly is not op.
I see them rarely these days.
Lower tier vehicles now can use gold ammo and reliable pen the Type59. Also the MM spread was reduced, no more tier 5 against Type59.
Vehicles introduced later (for example AMX 50 100) have no issues to penetrate Type59.
I really believe that Type59 is well balanced now-a-days.
since armouring on this vehicle is quiet OP (show me one medium tank which is close to Type in terms of armouring :) ). I believe it will be a nerf, putting Type59 finaly into proper premium tank position (dont get me wrong but premium tanks were allways meant to be weaker than non-premium counterparts)
T-54, E-50/50M (Gotta love the UFP <3), lowtier Matilda, other Chinese hightier mediums are also quite bouncy. Personally never had any issues penning the Type 59, and I was mainly grinding the Tiger II when the biggest Type-spam occurred in WoT.
Hell, I played Superpershing when the type spam was on and I could still pwn a few 1v1. Without gold rounds, you just have to know what you’re doing (and having a lot of facehugging extra armor helps)
well actualy facehuging helps you because you negate his UFP with your gun depression. For me its T-54 on tier 8 but as premium so thats quiet huge.
- it’s not yet decided how developers will deal with Type 59 armor – what does it mean? buff or nerf? or?
- it’s not yet decided how developers will deal with Type 59 armor
Can you clarify on this? What is supposed to be happening here? Remodeling of the armor layout or just nerf/buff ?
Probably they mean remodeling, and that is equal to nerf (look at T-54s turret now).
well, remodeling wont hurt Type59 that much, it will be still quiet OP
True, Type is a little bit OP. Its winrate is simply too good for premium tank, its technical parameters (in sum) are still not average (= between stock and fully researched / top) of regular tanks.
Good comparison could be found … http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/396763-type-59-change-will-come/page__pid__8210400#entry8210400
Possible solution … http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/396763-type-59-change-will-come/page__pid__8210661#entry8210661
This just speaks for everything.
So this is just another one of Storm’s don’t worry everything is just fine lip service talks. Gee maybe seeing how everything is going great at WOT I should buy some more gold, Oh wait it’s not never mind!
So a WOT developer walks in to a bar and orders a beer. As he drinks it he notices that it tastes like piss. He asks the bar keeper why his beer tastes like piss? The barkeep says ” We get a lot of complaints about our beer tasting like piss. But I don’t drink it and people keep coming in and buying it so why should I change it?”
+1 000,000
Telling it like it is.
”Chad Mesiroff :
Do you know why?
ALso are there any other tricks that “Speed up feel” of game etc?
Anyone here a FPS expert? I reall ywant to know what to enable disable.
I never hav played a game where so many settings are not so straight forward. Lol low terrain=Micro lag when zooming in but not high terrain is perfect example other games say lower=faster in WOT its a crap shoot. ”
I have Phenom x4 955 + HD 7770.
Graphics improved, VS sync ON, 1600 x 900 , 3D Render 100%
- texture quallity -> HIGH
- lighting quallity-> HIGH
- shadow quallity-> HIGH
- terrain quallity-> HIGH
- extra efects -> LOW
Rest of details are set off or low. Under 32 fps doesn’t drop ( city/ valley…) rest of the time stay at ~ 50 – 56 fps. Now the game runs very fluid and looks ok …even in 9.0 ;)
“- it’s not yet decided how developers will deal with Type 59 armor”
Uparmor it ! It’s a upgraded T-54 and WG nerfing it to shit ..
first of all its put as T8 premium tank (which has to be weaker than non-premium counter parts) and its even better than regular tanks of its tier.
using your logic it should be removed then as a premium tank and changed to proper T8-9 medium tank.
- it’s not yet decided how developers will deal with Type 59 armor
Nothing will change with it, or did WG forgot that premium tanks can’t be buffed nerfed? Do i smell shitstorm?
There arent many Type 59 users left active. Those who still are around dont use it to much anymore.
Premium tanks can’t be nerfed? Seriously, look at the poor super pershing… it’s armor (angle?) got nerfed to hell. There’s no reason why they couldn’t nerf the type 59′s armor also. Hell the type 59 ain’t making any money for wg anyways since ppl cannot buy em anymore.
It wont be a buff of its armor for sure because it has pretty decent armor even for regular T8 tank.
I know how SP got nerfed, i was just quoting their words how prem tanks can’t change, but we have seen many times that is bullshit. Still if they change/nerf the Type 59 i will be the first one to bitch about gold refund just like SP users had chance to ask.
Yeah I agree with gold refung if that happens.
Concerning the FPS drop:
I have one of those weak config :
Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 @2.33GHz
4 Go (ram)
Nvidia Geforce GT 520 silent (the one with no fan but monstruous heatsink instead)
Since I started playing WOT with, of cours, all details at minimum or off if I could, windowed, no vsync and no 3xbuffer, and the fps was between 40 and 55 which is decent imo.
Now with 9.0 : when going sniper, droped to 8-13 fps and as soon as there is a lot of explosion sound or trees or a lot of close ombat action, I get FPS drop that I did’nt get before. Now, I understand my cpu is not that powerfull but hey, all those fps drop were’nt there before so I went in my Geforce experience software and finaly tried that optimisation options, what it did is only one little change that solved a bit more than the half of my fps drop, strangely, that option is extra effect details which was deactivated, Geforce Experience activated it but only at low level. I thought that all that smoke effect from the explosion would make things worst but no, it works better now. Also that 3D rendering option (shift+ +/-) makes things worst for me.
So I’m questionning myself: Is the w.o.t engine made in a way that it takes more effort to “cancel” an effect from appearing, than just display it ?
I’m actually running different test to find out the best setting but I starting to think that the engine is made in way that a lot of effect are implemented in it, not just made availlable, which would explain the lag when it tries to compute the removing of the effects. Maybe i’m completly off the track also… :)
- it’s not yet decided how developers will deal with Type 59 armor
What about it ? They wanna **** it up even more ?
I dont understand guys like you. Whats bad now with it? It has good penetration / dmg values as well DPM and quiet OP armouring + -7 gun depression? Dont you think it is more than good to act a premium vehicle in its tier? Armor nerf or DPM nerf would really balance it I believe. Check Vbaddict site yourself to see curves on graphs and compare it to other T8 meds like T-34-3 or SP.
I dont own type59, and Im not fan of prems being nerfed, but you have to admit type59 stands really out of line.
It’s as good as fully upgraded tier8 medium.
it’s got nice mobility, quite okay gun compared to other meds, and surprisingly good armor.
Heck that thing can bounce a lot of shots.
Compare it to SP… worse mobility, worse armor, … Not sure about the gun, it says 170pen but I am surprisingly lucky penetrating things… maybe just some hidden stat, good pen rolls or what… definitely feels better than 171 on black prince…
but again.. nerfing everything is not a good solution IMHO.
maybe buffing the rest would help. Its really sad how SP ended… it was quite unique vehicle.. tough but slow… now its just DW2 in tier8 battles…
let me quote you > “I don’t own a type 59″. your opinion is thus somewhat not that valid. As a long time type driver I can tell you that nowadays the type is everything but OP. Armour? everybody and their grandma will pen you these days. OP mobility? Don’t be ridiculous, feels like a pig, last nerf has really made it sluggish. DPM and pen? It’s temperamental(read troll bounces) plus accuracy and time to full aim is meh at best.
I used to have 60%WR on single battles before last round of nerfs, nowadays it’s 50% at best, if not less. That much OP the type is now. Sure, it can still roflstomp lower tiers, but should you meet at least half-competent Tiger(tier 7) driver and you will get roflstomped instead.
The only thing that makes it OP is that it’s the only decent t8 premium med. Everything else isn’t worth the $hit, it’s a heavy or a combination of both (read Super Pershing).
BTW, I don’t care if they nerf it provided I get the SP style bailout. I am tired of constant gameplay changes.
Ah the don’t own can’t judge argument.
I herby fully agree with Bugii, as a type owner making his points valid now!
tired of constant changes?
haha you are in for treat my boy.
Type59 is still way to strong for a premium medium tank.
If your winrate has dropped that much maybe considering that the problem lies on the other side of the keyboard?
mfg eXterminus
and here I meet eXterminus again (1st time on topic “the best line to grind” or smthing like that) and again I fully agree with you. Type59 is more than capable to act as a regular tank. Since it is a premium tank which has preferencial MM it is unbalanced compared to others premium vehicles.
>> “What is valid are only the comparisons of the same replays with the same graphic settings on the same computers with the same way of recording statistics (for example with Fraps) and their comparison afterwards.
Fraps is obsolete as a measurement and diagnostics tool. They should invest in FCAT to catch all stuttering, microlags and microfreezes (instead of buying another building on Cyprus :P ).
SS: hint them about FCAT via your channels ;) .
Also I’m sure that the rendering is different for replays vs live gaming.
Well. Not the render, but the loading of tank models, sounds etc.
On my PC (can’t comment on anyone elses), replay battles load faster and spotting / killing tanks doesn’t lag it out.
Still happens on live though.
You can still have new sounds, if you backed up the audio folder before test 2, you can just replace the audio folder now and still have the sounds :D no engines though :(
Does not matter if they add back in confrontation I will still disable it as the Germans have too much advantage with the 2nd TD line.
not sure, they are removing camo…
btw I’ve never had a problem with wtfe100 gun or camo …
I had problem with its hp pool..
might be a glass cannon, but it still has 2200HP !! takes ages to shoot that thing down…
whats the point of “no armor to balance it” when it can take 6 shots anyway…
i will buy tier 9 & 10 ht & mt brits only when there will be chieftain and some other med ;) now t9 only researched.. if i will be bored i will buy c7/1
And why should Chieftain replace Fv4202? as far as i know it’s that FV215B that it’s lacking and made up and that’s the one that should actually be replaced.
Chieftain has aprox the the same weight as the T110E5 and also pretty decent armor thanks to those slopes. Im sorry but this is no way material for a T10 medium. Its going to be a T10 T-54 on heavy steroids.
I grinded the Fv215b line and enjoyed it. But FV215B is lacking. It should be replaced with Chieftain IMO so the british tech will have a true frontline heavy tank.
Oh and dont forget this from 3.3.2014
- Evilly states that some British tier 10 tanks (SS: notice the plural!) will be replaced by other candidates (SS: FV4202 – most likely for Vickers MBT, FV215b (120) is unhistorical as well and I bet it will be replaced by something else, most likely the early Chieftain P6 Xlucine was measuring)
“We, for example, compared in this way the performance on the computers of players from Minsk, who agreed to lend them to us to study the issues.”
And their bank accounts? :)