40 thoughts on “27.7.2014

  1. Its 38 Celsius here with 75% humidity and a heat index of 43
    That’s 99 Fahrenheit with a heat index of 109 for you Americans

    • damn, that’s hot! I had one day last summer where it felt like 105 F. Just where the heck do you live?

  2. Over 30 Celsius here and to me it’s boiling hot and arid. Can’t wait to move to the UK. I don’t care about the bloody rain, at least the air is not burning…

  3. SS, you should collect the most frequently asked (stupid) questions, and post when there is no new info.
    For example:
    +/- 2 MM wont be reduced
    +/- 25% RNG wont be changed
    arty wont be removed
    “insert your tank name here” wont be buffed
    “insert OP tank name here” wont be nerfed

    and here is hot too, but my room is equipped with improved ventillation ;)

        • You’re clearly jealous, Wor-ass :D

          Just moving air, regardless if it is warm air, already cools the body.

          That’s why wind on a 35°C+ humid day is a salvation if you are outside.

    • you forgot:
      When is Skill-Matchmaking coming?
      Can we get a Polish-only Server?
      Can we remove Clanwars?
      Got killed by water, nerf water pls…
      When do we get skill-based MM?
      Remove gold ammo?
      Can i get compensation for nerfing my tank?
      Skill MM?


    • No. The reason for that is that for one, even the fundamental things can change. And second… noone EVER reads FAQ. Ever. I had such a thing once, looked at statistics, it was viewed by like one person per week.

  4. Seems RU is going to get the 9.2 on Tuesday :) Since there is no announcement on their portal :)