9.3 Tank Summary

Hello everyone,

9.2 is boring, noone cares about that. But 9.3 – that’s something else. Since I get a lot of questions about the patch and usually it’s the same questions repeating themselves, here’s a summary of the facts we know about tanks in patch 9.3. The testing of this patch should start (according to the “Insider”) a month from today, almost exactly (last week of August). It will bring:

- US light line
- Soviet tier 7 and 8 light tanks
- German tier 8 light tank
- KV-1S split

(and a Hellcat nerf, but not a T49 nerf for example)

US light line

Starts from Chaffee, which will lose its “special LT” status (it’s the last of the original hightier scouts), will be nerfed but it will also recieve normal tier 5 LT matchmaking. Its top turret will be removed and will be replaced by the production variant of the M24 Chaffee (basically, both turrets look roughly the same, the new one has a machinegun or something). The line composition will be:

Tier 5 – Chaffee (model leak, second leak)
Tier 6 – T37 Light Tank (model leak, history of the tank)
Tier 7 – M41 Walker Bulldog (model leak, leaked stats, more leaked stats)
Tier 8 – T49 Light Tank (model and stats leak, history)

So yes, the tier 8 will have a 152mm gun-launcher, without the missiles of course. The line will not be a “blind end”, it will merge with the second American medium/heavy line (T49 will go to the T54).

Soviet light tanks

Tier 7 – LTTB (model leak, historical info)
Tier 8 – “Light T-54″: in Russian it’s called “T-54 oblegchennyj” (“light T-54″), English name is not known for now. Model leak can be found here (screenies were even officially released by Wargaming) – keep in mind that originally, the LT-54 was supposed to be premium tier 8 medium tank, but the developers, unable to buff the LTTB to tier 8, have decided to make it a LT8. To that end, they buffed its mobility and replaced the tier 8 medium premium Soviet tank slot with “T-54 Model 1945″.

LTTB will be unlockable from MT-25. There will be no Soviet LT5, the line to MT-25 will stay as it is now. It is not known whether the light T-54 will be a blind branch or will end up merging into the Soviet medium branch (LT-54 to T-54), but the latter is likely.

German RU251

RU251 (model leak) will be a German tier 8 light tank. It will be unlockable from the Aufklärungspanzer Panther (please note that while there has been some talk as to replacing the AFK Panther with something else, nothing is confirmed as of now). It is not known whether the RU251 branch will continue to be blind or will merge with something else, but given the “modern” nature of the tank, it’s likely it will merge into Leopard prototype.

KV-1S split

In 9.3, KV-1S will be split into two tanks – tier 5 KV-1S (basically a lighter but faster version of the KV-1) and tier 6 KV-85 (model leak), a nerfed version of the current KV-1S with large turret (nerf is described here). KV-85 will have two top gun options – a 100mm and a 122mm, with roughly the same penetration.

As for the Hellcat nerf, it was scheduled for 9.1 already (and then it was cancelled) in following way (so it’s likely something like that will appear in 9.3).


- stock suspension aim spread from moving and aim spread from turning the hull increased (nerfed) by 60 percent
- elite suspension aim spread from moving and aim spread from turning the hull increased (nerfed) by 57 percent
- stock tracks terrain passability (good/medium/bad terrain) nerfed by 9/14/9 percent
- elite tracks terrain passability (good/medium/bad terrain) nerfed by 10/17/10 percent
- maximum reverse speed nerfed from 20 km/h to 12 km/h
- aim spread of the 76mm M1A2 when moving the turret increased (nerfed) by 12 percent
- aim spread of the 90mm M3 when moving the turret increased (nerfed) by 25 percent
- 90mm M3 reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s

162 thoughts on “9.3 Tank Summary

  1. How about writing some specifics of the RU251 for the less experienced audience

    • Yeah, I’m almost finished grinding the indien panzer from the aufpanther, and I want to know if it’ll be worth moving the crew back to the Luchs (my fav of the line), or saving it for the new ru251

    • Ingame specifics were not leaked yet. As for the real life specifics, very little is known – or rather, a lot is known, but most of it is based on materials that for certain reasons cannot be published. The armor is clear from the leak, the gun is 90mm (AP/HEAT (or APDS, not sure)/HESH), max speed is 80 km/h IIRC, the engine output was 750hp? Overally, not a very “special” vehicle it seems, something like AMX-13/90 without autoloader I’d say. I’ll ask though,

      • Look I’ve got 1.9mil (not so) “FREE” XP just chillin and ALL I need know is where the lines START and how much GOLD I need to convert

  2. Ok, so Hellcat nerf, yet Wot leaves the extremely overpowered and total bullshit Rhm, and WTF’s as well as the FV304 untouched? These are the reasons I’m about to quit paying for prem time and giving wargaming ANYMORE of my money. Anymore talk from them about “balancing” is a joke at this point.

    • They’ve announced SEVERAL times that the nerfs will target specific tiers. Notice now SS emphasized that Hellcat will be nerfed, but not the T49 (yet).

      Rage all you want or not, the nerf will come eventually alongside new models. Doesn’t make sense to dump a bunch of rebalance just to adjust it all the next patch, when they can release a tier’s worth + models in say 9.3, then release another tier’s worth + models + adjustment to previous nerf.


    • They nerf vehicles I own – “Stupid WG, why you nerf so completely fine vehicles, why you don’t nerf something else that’s clearly OP because I said so, I stop paying!”

      Every time. Got rekt by Borsig / FV304 recently?

    • Lol, you really think rhm will be that much of a problem with a t8 lt and a 152mm gun mounted, running around? :)

    • m8 i r8 this b8 8/8

      First, WT tanks will be nerfed in 9.2. Seccond, FV304 nerf will also happen (Soon tm). Third, no one gives a shit if you quit wot or stop paying them. :)

  3. im sure it’s been said that there will be new premium tanks in 9.3

    • I think the T-54 prot is going to be supertested in 9.3. I’m rather surprised WG doesn’t just shoot them out and balance them later, because they do that often enough already and it still makes them a lot of money…

      With the lack of any noteworthy tanks being released lately, I’m getting tired and bored of the grind…

    • Considering the Tiger’s historical™ prowess and legendary performance, I really don’t mind the powerful Tiger we have today – after all, it’s not like all we see are Tiger Is on tier VII.

      It was awful before, and now it’s almost as fearful as it was in real life. It would’ve been nice to have a historically strong tank be strong in game, but… I guess we’ll have to settle with Derp M4/Pz 4s and Soviet railguns…

      • The Tiger I in real life faced T-34s, and M4s driven by flesh and blood who can fear things, and only took a penetrating hit to knock out.

        In WoTs the Tiger is facing IS-2s, T-29s, T-54s, ST-Is, and T32s, driven by players who have nothing to fear, and have banged your mother allegedly.

        I’m sure you can still have legendary performance shooting at teir 5 tanks.

        • I’ll take a tier 5 Tiger with historical gun any day of the week.

          Problem is that it’s already facing against newer tanks that were DESIGNED to kill it. Might as well buff the fluff stats so that it can still uphold that image, no?

          • Tier 7 tanks


            AMX M4 – Designed to counter 1942 Tiger in 1948? No. Designed to counter heavy armor yes, but certainly not to kill the Tiger. And the AMX m4, which fulfills the same role as the Tiger, is hopelessly underpowered as compared to it anyway.
            IS – Break through tank, not intended to counter enemy armor
            IS-2 – See above
            T29 – Potentially yes, American heavies seem to have been a response to some German developments later on
            Black Prince – Infantry tank with QF – 17 pounder – Better anti-tank capabilities and so perhaps
            KV-3 – Designed before Operation Barbarossa, definitely not to counter the Tiger

            T-20 – Not intended to counter the Tiger
            Comet – Superior anti-tank capabilities as compared to the Cromwell, so to an extent so
            KV-13 Partially at least as a response to new German heavy armor
            A-44 – Appeared before Tiger
            T-34-1 – I doubt Chinese designers were greatly interested in what the German heavy tanks were doing in the 1950s.

            T-71 – 1950s project, certainly not supposed to kill Tigers
            AMX 13 75 – Late 1940s project, not supposed to kill Tigers
            WS-131 – See T-34-1

            T25/2 – Fake
            T-25 AT – Potentially fake as used in game, not enough information known by me at least
            AMX AC Mle. 46 – Again I doubt the French post-war were very interested in how to deal with the Tiger 1.
            AT-7 An assault gun, originally with a 57mm gun, not really supposed to be the Tiger killer.
            Su-152 – Self propelled gun, not really for killing Tigers even if pressed into such a role.
            Su-100M1 – Potentially as a response to the Tiger, although the listed requirements of the Soviets to counter its appearance didn’t include such a vehicle if I recall.

            So. There is 1 TD that potentially emerged to counter the Tiger at the same tier, perhaps two mediums, one heavy and maybe another heavy. The vast majority of tanks at tier 7 that face the Tiger were not designed to face the vehicle. Designed perhaps to have high armor penetration capabilities, but since when is trying to get higher armor penetration only a direct response to a singular vehicle only being deployed in small numbers? Most of the vehicles were designed for entirely different purposes – breakthrough tanks, or fast flankers, the list goes on. Only a small portion were designed with the intent of killing the Tiger, and a lot of these aren’t even its particular enemies. Tanks that are often compared as being superior, like the IS series, were certainly not supposed to be the USSR’s response to the Tiger appearing.

            • From Osprey publishing Soviet heavy tanks… the Su -152 prottype build in response of the german Tiger E.

              • I am no author of course. But deploying a 152mm howitzer seems like extreme overkill when 85mm or 100mm guns would do the job just as well and more efficiently. Su-152s after all, had disadvantages when used in the anti-tank role. Poor shell velocity, long reload times, greater size than smaller Su-100s, larger flash, low ammunition capacity. Of course they were used in combat against tanks when necessary, but it seems doubtful to me that the Soviets would have deployed them specifically for such a goal instead of for anti-fortification work like other sites suggest.

            • You forgot of other tanks the we have/soon™ will have in game
              Tier 6:
              - M36 Jackson: Its 90mm M3 gun was designed to destroy even heaviest tanks of that time (Tiger I) and with improved muzzle break and modified ammunition (both on M26 Pershing) even Tiger II
              - Sherman Firefly: Delivery of its infamous QF 17-pounder to North Africa was hastened because of appearance of Tigers. Shortly after that proper mounting on tank (Firefly) was developed.

              • It does say on the wiki at least that the M36 Jackson started development before we ever encountered the Tiger. Which would mean it would fall into the general category of tanks intended to counter heavier armored units, instead of to counter the Tiger per se. Still, development was probably hastened when such a threat became available, so perhaps the M36 does qualify. The Sherman firefly would no doubt.

  4. “RU251 (model leak) will be a German tier 8 medium tank. ”

    You mean a German tier 8 light tank, right?

      • Didn’t mean to be snarky or anything, mind you. I was almost ready to dig through the info and make sure it didn’t get re-categorized :P

        With the more interesting light tanks just being shat out on 9.3, I’m pretty sure most people without an Awfulpanzer Panther will get the poor bastard last… : /

        Can’t they just make it into a premium and replace it with something less awful or something? : /

        • It’s not awful.

          Problem is that most players are just awful at playing lights in their current incarnation.

          • “Problem is that most players are just awful at playing lights in their current incarnation.”

            Problem is that most players are just awful.
            (Fixed it for you)

  5. kv 1s and hellcat nerf, i wonder how this will switch balance to other tanks on TC and CW

    i presume t-150 and cromwell to become the next dominant tanks at tier 6, unless kv – 85 will do wonders with the 100 mm canon! but we will see!

  6. That Hellcat nerf sounds like it’s going to kill the Hellcat stone dead, it already turns and rotates it’s turret like a slug.

    • Honestly, the fact that a TD can be more mobile than a medium tank already makes it superior to most other tanks of its tier. The gun is stronger than anything a medium can carry, yet it zips around like a light, and is just as hard to spot as a light. Armor doesn’t really matter because most mobile tier VI mediums don’t really have armor to speak of anyhow, so… Why even play a tier VI medium tank?

      If one were to argue that the mobile tank destroyers fit the US tank combat doctrine at the time… Well, they’d be right. But if the formula doesn’t work, you change it.

        • honestly, the fact that hellcat and kvs are most used for T6 team stuff is caused by lack of other useful vehicles

          imho T6 company is made for fun. if you want serious business, you do T10, or if you want serious business without balls, T8. T4 is for ppl learning team play. T6 is the best slot for funny games. and what fun it will be with extremely slow kv85 that cant aim anything, together with extremely slow fully nerfed hellcat (slug is the perfect word here)? zero. nada. good bye fun, good bye T6 companies :(

          imho both kvs and hellkitty should stay as it is. u feel that OP? buy it and drive it, and show others you can master it

          • Usuall potato talk. Your recommendation for OP vehicle is everybody to buy it and drive it? Really?

            And who gives a fuck about T6 companies? Few tomatoes who dont know better.
            Nerfing OP powercreep is always a good thing, so
            T6 games are not dominated by KV1S and Hellcat anymore
            T5 games by T49
            low tier games by T18 and T82
            T8+ games by Borsigs and Waffencampers
            T10 games by shitload of TDs

            Compare ARL V39 or CGC with Hellcat and then justify why Hellcat shouldnt be nerfed. You cant. Nobody gives a fuck, that it was the only vehicle you didnt completely sucked in. It is OP, it deserves to be nerfed so retards have to learn playing even average tanks.

            • so basically you would like every vehicle to be same, so there are no OP and UP vehicles, no differences. great idea. and then we confiscate all golds ppl have on accounts and split it equally between everyone, so there are no advantages for ppl with gold. and then we cut one hand from each purple player so we can give it to tomatoes, that will make all skills balanced.

              equality to everyone and everything. i hope you didnt miss your young communist club meeting while writing this post

            • @ houmer56 – This guy must be a stat padder then! Your stats say that you should not be angry at the hellcat, that you should be able to easily take out a 3 man platoon of hellcats. The sense of your rage says that you get owned by tomatoes in hellcats. So i would say that you still have some learning to do and just because you cant counter the hellcat doesn’t mean it needs nerfed.

          • I’d love an explanation for how you figure the removal of prominent vehicles from an arena to allow others to shine will eliminate the relevance of the arena itself. The VK3601 is sad you’ve forgotten it so quickly. Something about being one of the most prominent tanks in tier 6 companies because it was a fast, extremely well armoured, decently armed medium tank.

            Accordingly, I’m sure you’ve noticed that all tier 6 companies have only had 10/15 players since 8.8 hit, since it’s impossible for a tank to take the place of another that’s fallen out of favour.

            Wait, what? You’re saying that VK/KV/Hellkitten vanishing makes room for OTHER tanks? BLASPHEMY!

  7. why the hell they nerf the Hellcat is beyond my understanding.. Hellcat it is hard to master, it’s not a tank for the nubs and his strong point is the camo factor + speed + decent pen. Now you don’t nerf any of those things.. but you choose to nerf turret rotation speed and shooting when moving.. Who in right mind will shoot when moving when you know that it’s next to imposible to circle with Hellcat and the vast majority of players use Hellcat as a sniping machine unspoted.
    Basically Hellcat will be even more harder to play for the nubs. For the guys who use it as camp/sniping tank the nerfs are next to zero, for me at least.
    BUT there is one nerf that is gonna be deadly for the hellcat. Reverse speed nerf, making pick-a-boo shots even harder if not impossible…. weak armor wasn’t enough.

    Overall.. Hellcat is sent to camping mode when all the maps are transformed nowadays for anti camping. Thx WG, you fucking suck.

    • Problem with the Hellcat is that it’s TOO good in good hands. The fact that there are awful players using it only masks its true potential, which is Spot->retreat->shoot in face->repeat until enemy is dead. At that point, not even a skilled driver can counter it, as you’ll run out of HP before Hellcat is within your view range.

      When you can completely negate every other tank in the MM table by staying invisible all the time, you have to make compromises. And honestly, gutting its mobility and handling after moving will help a LOT with the current problems, as it indirectly reduces ROF by increasing the time it takes to ready the gun after movement, and it also makes handling mobile targets more difficult, thereby clarifying its true role: An ambusher.

      • I agree with you but this will transform Hellcat players into campers, into MEGA campers. And this is while you make changes on all the maps AGAINST camping. It will become impossible to use it properly without camping like a freaking nub

        • TDs are DESIGNED to be campers. I’ll agree with the recent map changes are designed to kill ambushing, but there’s always a way to put shots in without taking one.

          Playing a light tank with a good gun is an excellent way to discover tricks and spots you can use for TDs.

      • I think it would be better to nerf ROF directly. It’s common sense: more alpha equals less rof, and while it is a td by class, it is sth. between no-armor-medium and light in fact and it has the same rof as mediums that have much lower alpha.

    • This is BS. This is one of the easiest tanks in the game and WR graph proves that. How hard it is to drive into a bush with 72 km/h top speed, let camo+binos kick in and shoot newbs all day? It’s not exactly rocket science, even a total tomato does that & is amazingly strong while doing so.

      • @yuri_Yslin dude, my nephew plays WOT and we platooned. He is playing kv1s and I play Hellcat. After watching me he got his own Hellcat, after 50-70 games he sold it. He is a newb and it’s frustrainting for him to get his arse kicked all day long with a 43% win rate with Hellcat.

        It may be easy for you or for me to play a Hellcat, but for a nub it’s fucking frustrating. .thet don’t have skills, modules, camo net + binos, they are rushing in the battle with it and they die fast.
        Blive me Hellcat it’s not a easy tank for the nubs.. and face it .. 75% of the EU server are nubs.. maybe more.

        • Wow this is a stronk point NOT to nerf Hellcat.

          Please do not nerf Hellcat, my nephew sucks in it….
          His nephew he wrote. Fucking hilarious.

          This potato made my day.

          I wonder why WG doesnt listen to pub crowd. Reading so much dementia must be really tiring.

        • Says the guy that has 133 games in his hellcat. He must not have been able to master it after a total of 36k total games. This is a case of “your doing it wrong”. He sucks in the hellcat therefore he is excited that it will get nerfed. What a chump.

      • I agree, even myself do well with this tank. I like it so much that I never bother to progress the line, maybe after 9.3 I will get the T25/2

    • Almost all tanks are TOO good in the right hands. Its called skill and learning the values of each tank and the mechanics of the game. With that type of reasoning, they should make all tanks the exact same. Just because some people are “too good” in a certain tank means it should be nerfed????

  8. “9.2 is boring, noone cares about that”

    Not really, I look forward to some features (Strongholds, HD models – mainly StuG, new stage medals, map changes – that new El Halluf looks interesting – and of course game optimization).

    But yeah, I gave up on trying to explain that to the people who whined through whole 2013 that “There are only new tanks, no new maps, no new medals, no new modes, we want other content” just to start begging for new tanks through whole 2014…

    • Psh, I’ll take moar tenks all day, every day.

      New maps are just a fucking hassle, because you have to learn all the spots for scouting, sniping, sidescraping, hull-downs, arty lines of fire, blah blah blah….

      Whereas new tanks do the following:
      1. Generate money for WG, either indirectly (free exp, premium account) or directly (premium tank)
      2. More tanks.
      3. Gives objectives to players (goals, rewards, ambition)
      4. Gives bragging rights (to both players and WG) (Example: JOIN THE GAME WITH OVER A THOUSAND HISTORICALLY ACCURATE™ ARMORED FIGHTING VEHICLES)
      5. More tanks.
      6. It’s new and interesting
      7. Did I mention more tanks?

      Why can’t we JUST have more tanks?

        • 1. When did I ever suggest that?
          2. When did I ever suggest that I intend to unlock every tank and keep them in my garage?
          3. What does that even have anything to do with my desire to get MOAR TENKS?

            • Why do I need to play EVERY SINGLE TANK in the game to want new ones?
              What if I have no interest in playing certain lines?
              What if I don’t have enough free exp to skip “grind” tanks?

              Do I have to qualify and pass your rigorous standards of “tenk choosink” before I can even post about my desire to see new tanks in the game?

            • I personally want more tanks, but they’re only French vehicles, which I have completely played with the exception of the tier 10 artillery. Probably I will never play a tank like an E-100 or Maus, because I have no interest in such vehicles. Just because somebody wants new tanks doesn’t mean that a fair number of such vehicles lack any appeal or interest to them.

      • I disagree, new maps and constant changes in maps is the best about patches. Playing month after month the same small maps is boring, well done WG for keep changing the maps. And btw, the new maps in recent maps are quite good, the one that is not great is the Japanese theme one: Hidden Valley.

    • I’ll never understand why ppl are fond to medals. It is the thing which gives you nothing in the game, nobody gives a shit about it. For others WN is important not medals.

      • hi! I am Hakzi, I used to be a WoW addict.
        I havn’t played WoW for years. What I can tell you in connection with the medals is that, they have similar roles as achievements in WoW.. NOTHING

        As long as WoW addict like players exist, medals will be a matter of interest.
        Personally I’m more interested in “Ace” badges :D

        • I like to master a tank before I progress the line (I think I only managed 1st class in 2-3 tanks). As I move the crew when I get the next tank, sometimes it takes for ever before I can progress — tier 7 and higher are not easy to master. I guess I am not that good. It was great to be able to master a tank in tier3-4 at the first match. These days (tier 7 and higher) I dont wait to master the tank before I get to play the next one, but then I am driving that tank with a penalty when using the previous tank crew … but some crews have BIA and I use vents, still the commander is only at 85% though. But all skills work so you can have decent matches.

  9. with the map changes it’s hard to play a light in the game, see severogorsk, Redshire, northwest, Tundra. They want to reduce camping but they add more mazes, small coridors, tight turns in the game. You can’t use a light tank in maze because he will get hammered by a tank after the corner.

    • For some reason, I get my Lights’ Mastery Badges in city maps. A light tank’s only role isn’t scouting; most of them have decent firepower when used from their flanks.

      I dunno about you, but Redshire has excellent bushes and trees for scouting and Northwest can be very scout-friendly if you simply peep out at different points of the map. You got legs as a light, so you might as well use them.

      Not to mention, it’s very easy to flank heavies that are engaged in a head-on battle, as long as you know there aren’t any reinforcements behind it.

      • RedShire it;s only a fraction scout friendly map like the old Redshire was. IT WAS A SCOUT team up with TD paradise. They are trying to make the map to work for heavies because the TD are overpowered in the game.. but this is fucking up the meds and lights game. Why do you think they lowered the lights MM ?

    • agree, lots of ‘reworked’ maps are just becoming heavy paradises, while other tanks can eat their own c*ck.
      nice to hear hellcat and kv1s nerf, fv and rhm-wt-wtf nerf was planned as well, maybe in 9.4

      • You could be right, I tend to play a lot my HTs and MTs these days and somehow I dont drive my LTs that much. But driving a MT in a good much is a lot of fun, unless Arty is around.

  10. Well, I must disagree, SS. Aside from the long awaited hellcat and kv-1s nerf (split) there is nothign in 9.3 that interests me. A bunch of light tanks etc, don’t care. However in 9.2 we get strongholds which is a very major thing for me as a clan leader! Also a bunch of reworked maps (always in favor of HT’s it seems, don’t mind that :P ) and stuff is great too.

    • I like the more maps and changes in existing ones, bring more pls. I drive MTs and HTs but I have 6k matches in LTs and I have not played them that much lately, maybe after 9.3 I would play them once more.

  11. Thanks for the info.

    I think the nerfs in both tanks are excesive… i dont know WTF WG doesnt start with a soft nerf and adapt from patch to patch… for example reduce a little KV-85 gun depresion, touch the 122 stats and add the 100mm and 85mm… and same with hellcat, i see totally stupid the nerf in movility, hellcat is only this, when is detected it only can run and hide if reduce to 12 reverse… well, the secuence is going to be spoted killed.

    I see in 9.4 some buffs in both tanks movility in hellcat and maybe a buff in gun depresion in KV-85.

    Ummm my main question now is what they plan do with Chaffee… the obvious movement is give researched the M37 if you have chaffee in garage (i doubt they give M37 with 100% crew) but… somebody remember what do WG with xp in a tank moved 1 tier up???

    Lets see but the 3 new tier 8 lights are 3 complete diferent “combat scout” aproximations, one is pure derp (i see it as a M5 on steroids) other is a miniLeoP and last is an “armored” WZ i am curious about the performance of the new guns in a tier 9-10 enviroment.

    • I have a Chaffee and I dont follow you when you talk re the patch 9.3 and the line changes. Are you suggesting that it would be a tier 6 after the patch?

        • SS stays that:

          The line composition will be:

          Tier 5 – Chaffee (model leak, second leak)
          Tier 6 – T37 Light Tank (model leak, history of the tank)
          Tier 7 – M41 Walker Bulldog (model leak, leaked stats, more leaked stats)
          Tier 8 – T49 Light Tank (model and stats leak, history)

          And then Squadman45 says:
          somebody remember what do WG with xp in a tank moved 1 tier up???

          Is Squadman45 suggesting that Chaffee would be tier 6? is that correct?

      • Chaffe as historical tank is going to be tier 5, is the actual stock chaffe (lets see what is his top gun… 75mm or 76mm??? but see leo, it has a 90mm pen gun).

        Chaffe elite as is now is going to be the T37 BUT looks like hull is diferent and it is going to use a prototype hull but in the end T37 and actual elite chaffee looks the same in stats.

        Lines… well there are some icons for top tier USA meds (9-10) maybe WG is going to release a new set of meds to complete the 2nd med line with true meds… for example a new sherman superbuffed (israely Shermans with 90mm gun??? ) as tier 7, tier 8 T69 tier 9 T54 and a new one tier 10 med and with T21 and T71 do a secondary light line from Chaffe to T49… even more, they can move T71 to tier 8 and add as tier 7 T92 light.

  12. any idea of the impact that the new US LT`s will have in the T57 Heavy line?

    • If you read the article, the person that you’re getting the information from (SS) says (in the article) that it will merge with the second MT line (T57 Heavy as tier X).

      Why would you take the time to comment when you don’t even read the article?

      • Or you cant read !!
        the new light line is going to merge after tier 8 to the T-57 line.
        He is asking what will happen with the 2 lights in this T-57 line !
        There are going to be 2 tier 6 and light 7 US light tanks now.
        It could be there are plans to remove them for some medium tanks?!

        • Apparently people need to brush up on their contextual reading skills…

          At no point was it EVER hinted that they will REPLACE the existing tanks in the T57 HT tree. If you want to inject your silly conspiracy theory and pay no regard to existing information, be my guest. It makes NO SENSE to assume two perfectly good light tanks will magically get replaced by a new line of the same type.
          And unless I’m missing something, there are no rules that state that there can’t be multiple tanks of the same type existing in a nation. Considering the fact that there are transitions from LT to MT to LT to MT to HT in this tree, crew incompatibility probably isn’t very concerning to WG.

          As for a possible MT replacement, who knows? Nobody has ever said anything about it (as far as I can tell), and it’s also pretty unlikely, as the tree is already stretched as-is, and the LTs work perfectly fine in the line.

          ALL of this is conjecture on what livache COULD have meant to say, and considering he obviously has eyes and a means to input text in the comment section, the responsibility of clarifying his statement to make it less confusing and more informative falls on his hands. I don’t need some moral crusader with a vengeance jumping on my case simply because the OP didn’t clarify his question.

  13. Hello , any news about the new list of HD tanks in 9.3 ?

    ps : you forget the nerf of FV 304 in 9.2 SS :)

  14. Why are they doing that to the Chaffee? :( I’m just 3.5 percent away from my Marks of Excellence on it… I love getting around a T110E3 or E4 and just wrecking him, or spotting a Bat-chat and watching in delight as arty one shots him, or taking a HEAT shell from a tier 10 tank destroyer and dying of laughter as my tracks eat it, or even being able to take a shot from the Obj. 263 and survive… I have 300 games in my Chaffee, and I’ve only had it for a month or so… Is this going to be it for me and the Chaffee? I know the T37 is going to be the same, but I don’t have camo, a second crew skill, three pieces of equipment and 61.5% of my Marks of Excellence on a T37… Why Wargaming why… And on top of that it isn’t even the Scrappy Doo tank anymore, they shrunk its head…

    • Move your Chaffee crew up the line as you go, that’s what I’m doing. Hoping to get the 4th skill maxed before D day though.

    • Why are they doing that to the Chaffee?

      Because de facto this is VI tier LT on V tier. They are introducing full LT line so Chaffee have to be real V tier LT with proper MM. You’ll get your MOE soon and Chaffee crew can be moved to another tank, no reason to despair.

  15. Hi,

    I’m just wondering what will happen with the T-21 and T-71, US light tanks ?
    Any news on that?


    • They’re on different lines, so it’s natural to assume that they won’t be touched…

      • You could say that they will change this line, it is a strange line anyway, going from a medium tank to 2 light tanks and then back to a medium tank to end up with a heavy tank.
        And because the new light line will merge with this line after Tier 8 anyway.
        Why have 2 light tanks at the same tier?
        Why not make it a complete heavy line?

        • 1. Assuming they’ll replace non-problematic tanks
          2. Assuming they have good candidates to replace existing tanks
          3. Assuming they’ll waste their resources on a completed line that works just fine
          4. Assuming they have a problem with 2 light tanks at the same tier

          If you want to suggest this idea, why not post a few tier 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 candidates that fit? I mean, sounds pretty fucking impossible, but hey. You might know something we don’t.

  16. R.I.P. Hellcat :(( shitty russian tank (great kv nerf…sure..) will be still dominated on fields ehh….

  17. Why we talking so match about changes, patches and updates?
    KV-1S are splited by the patch 8.8, right?
    Every patch they talk about that split and what happens?

    • At least it seems that the split is real.

      They have already mapped out what they are doing to it, and it will be glorious.

  18. Do you think they will reduce the XP required to unlock the Chaffee then, it’s 55k currently.

    • Very good question, I think the Chaffee requires 3 times more XP than any other Tier 5 in the game.

  19. With the TD cammo nerf and the appropiate spotting system rework i think Hellcat nerf is too much.

    • At least it will keep the speed, gun and turret.

      The real loosers of the recent map changes, are turretless TDs that rely on cammo.

  20. Pingback: WoT Danmark | 9.3 sneak peak

  21. US light line
    Re the Chaffee, what gun will it have after the nerf, would it keep the top gun?
    It is great news that we get a new bunch of US light tanks. But some Cheffee drivers will be disappointed.

    Soviet light tanks
    All those news are great for me, a lot of people said that the new tier 7 was not going to be available from the MT-25 (I have that tank), would the LT-54 be unlockable from the LTTB as well?

    German RU251
    The grinding from the VK28 to AFK Panther is not that bad, but I think the one from AFK to the RU251 is going to be painful. Is the AFK so bad?

    Any news what would a player end up if he owns the KV-1S today? Does he get the KV85 and tier 5 KV-1S? If not, then what?

    Would that nerf kill this tank? I have it so I wonder if it is time to move on.

    • AwfulPanther is worse than vk28. It’s not as bad as it was since they limited MM, but still:
      - it has so awful camo, compared with bad viewrange that you are being spotted before you actually light anyone, with no-perk crew. Scout, my ass…
      - it drives like a bus and one with a trailer attached
      - it’s as big as a barn and as easy to hit too.
      - konisch is good but on 5tier. Against top tiers you have to use gold, because you cannot sneak/circle/get to their sides – and you really prefer to shoot from a distance, so penetration loss takes its toll. You can still use derp, but you have that on vk28, so where is the upgrade?

    • The Aufk Panther is not too bad. Well, if you play it like the earlier light tanks in the line, then yes… it is very bad (and I played it when it met tier X). But if you adapt to it (bad vision/camo, OK speed, GREAT rammer, OK pen in the back of other distracted tanks), then it become an OK tank. A few chosen gold rounds in high tier tanks will pay for themselves. The key is patience in the first minutes of the game. You will have very bad games, but you will then have very fun game, even in tier X. Just remember that you will have to relearn your game in it… Not for nothing though. The lessons learned will be quite valuable for your games in higher tiers.

      • Oh, and I used to curse city maps in my Aufk Panther at the begining… until one game on Himmeldorf where I played like a bowling ball ramming (while madly shooting) two AMX 13 90 and a low HP T57 Heavy to death (they don’t think we can harm them :). I still have a grin remembering this. I was about at 20k XP at that time. That uplift my attitude towards this tank and the rest of the 100k grind to the Indian when like a breeze. Not a keeper at the end to be honest. But enough to enjoyed the grind.

        • Yea, i have some good memories of ramming batchats but ramming doesn’t make it a good tank on this tier, it needs something more.
          I played it from the very appearance, with various equipment configs and still think that this tank is UP.

      • It seems this AFK is the “best” scout in the game. Big, same gun that the VK28, good rammer … well, it seems like a fast MT without a gun. It is going to be interesting to say the least. I hope the XP for the tier 8 LT is less than the 100k you had to do.

      • And let’s not talk about the ridicolous stock grind, the Aweful-Panther has…
        One thing: 67mm pen :)
        And a correction: It CAN STILL MEET Tier X.
        The current scout MM is +3, so an ELC AMX (Tier 5) can only have Tier 8 tanks for the highest possible Tier.

        So, the Aweful-Panther (Tier 7) can meet Tier 10, and in these matches no batchat was save from me :3

        • I see, WG is going to make a fortune from me buying premium rounds for this “beast”

    • So I bought it and so far it seems to be the big bad brother of the VK28, bigger, worse camo, slower and same guns that meets tier 10 tanks. It is a time waster, probably is there with the intention of people to use fee XP. The top engine is 43k xp !!! and the 100k xp for the tier 9. So you have to play 150 battles in this UP tank. I hope the new light tank is worthy.

    • That tank, I did better that I thought in it at the time, but the gun and mobility made me to think to give up the game sometimes ;-)

  22. So, it seems that we are entering Year of Cromwell on 6tier companies…

    And, because of that stupid LT thing – make MM equal for LTs too, allow them for 6tier companies – nerf applicably or move some tier higher (vk28, i’m looking at you :P ). Just finish rebalancing lights.

  23. I stay with my opinion: yes, the hellcat is too strong. But when I read these changes. It is not balancing it, it is making it as crappy as every other t6 tank.

    72kph is worth nothing with this kind of terrain resistance. People will just camp with this shit despite its theoretical mobility. The Hellcat goes fast in a straight line, if you turn it, speed goes down to levels every auto-aim bob shoots you. With this kind of extended sluggishness it will be a sitting duck like every other TD (funny they call the other one SLUGGER).

    Plus 50% aim-spread. Not 10, not 20, not 30, not 40, no, it has to be FIFTY PERCENT. So after turning your turret you can wait for a shot forever and you miss tons of opportunities. So the tank will be less flexible, less viable in this department as well.

    Yes, it still has a turret, yes, it still has gun depression, But including the longer reload (and btw: the hellcat already had one of the worst DPM of TDs in this tier) there is not much going for the Hellcat.

    Don’t get me wrong. I want the Hellcat to be a challenging tank, get rid of the noobers. But this is flat out lame.
    The hellcat was fun. It could be fun with a proper rebalancing. But this is not fun. It is now “in line” with the fun of other T6 machines. WHY not make T6 machines overall more interesting?

    KV1S (KV-85) gets an alternative gun. It will work well.

    Hellcat could have gotten a nice 76mm and keep it other stats mostly. Smaller caliber, more exposing time for shooting more often. More risk. Fine. But no. Slower reload, less mobility (12kph backwards will kill it mostly), huger aim nerf.

    Sing it to the Queen beat “ANOTHER ONE CAMPS THE BUSH ….dumm dumm dumm ANOTHER ONE CAMPS THE BUSH”.

    • Good point, a smaller gun sounds reasonable. In my case, after the patch, I will give it a go and I will probably start progressing the line and moving the crew, may keep the tank for the only reason I paid gold for camo :( — at least it was on offer and I only paid half

  24. At last I will be able to use the 120k xp sitting on my piece of shit aufk. panther.

  25. I haven’t really played since around 9.0 when most of my clan quit but that T49 with basically the KV-2 gun is almost tempting me to want to, especially if it leads to the 54E1. Man if I could go straight to that it would be one thing but I would have to go through all the tier 5-7 first…

    • Why your clan friends quit? The patch was bad but most issues have been addressed.

      • A lot of us were sick of the games bullshit by then. A good few had been playing since beta and everything from arty to invisible tank nonsense when sitting out in the open (which might be addressed soon-ish with camo changes), the high level of RNG on penetration and damage values, etc. Like half of them had already quit before that and most of the rest of us just stopped playing around 9.0 cause of the performance issues it caused with some people and it just wasn’t fun anymore when combined with the playerbase skill level getting worse on average leading to worthless teams more times than not, and not-the-best new content: Power creep had really effected a lot of old lines, stuff like increased accuracy, gold rounds for credits, higher top alpha, etc making a good number of heavy tanks a lot less viable. Most of the recent new maps were bowl maps that sucked, tho it sounds like they fired that guy and have someone working on fixing them. Etc.

        And just one last thing, going back to worthless teams when you have a 15v15 game is is fucking bullshit that most of us hated to punish the losing team no matter how well you as an individual player did. The game is super grindy enough by later tiers, giving you like 40% credit/xp on a loss compared to a win is just the most aggravating thing imaginable and the only reasoning for it is it’s designed to want you to pay WG more money to lessen the pain.

        • I am playing for 1 year now, I have 15k matches but I played my first 6-7k matches in tier 1-4, only in the last 6 months I got to play higher tiers, now I have few tier 8 tanks and I see what you mean re high tier grindy. It is a lot of work and time to progress in the lines at that stage. I guess a player becomes a lot more sensitive to the sort of things you mention. I can see how someone can go mad when WG comes and nerfs a tier 8 or higher. And re premium ammo, imo, it should be capped like in HB mode was, at least for most tanks. …. And get rid of the Arty !!!

          • Low tiers are the MOST soul crushing. Anything below tier 5 I basically skipped if I could. There’s just something about getting the north spawn on Mines and seeing 13 tanks go to the island at tier 2 that kills your faith in humanity.

  26. Does the introduction of the new light line after the Chaffee mean that the Chaffee’s research cost will decrease? It is extremely inflated for a tier 5 and I assume that is because it was kinda in its own special place on the tech tree, not really attached to anything.

    • I am assuming that. In fact I’m starting the grind to Chaffee today, but I will stop at Stuart with probably 15-20k so I could research it at a lower price and also escape the seemingly awful stock grind for Chaffee.

      • I was not so lucky … I grindded the 50k XP … but guess what, I enjoyed it — I was the king of the battle field with the M5 with its derp gun !!! I got almost 59% victory rate in 70 battles.

  27. While I am glad to see new tanks brought into the game, I *AM* bitterly disappointed in the Chaffee and KV1s nerfs. Both of which show WG catering to the high number of whiners in the game rather than having varied, diverse, interesting tanks. WG would be far better served dropping another half dozen maps into the game rather than screwing around with nerfing tanks – especially the tanks that do NOT need nerfing, while totally ignoring the tanks that desperately, severely need nerfing (IE every German TD in the game). I also love all the whiners here QQing that ‘the russian tanks dominate the battlefield’. Clearly none of them have ever spent time in them; especially tier 9 + 10.

    I am glad they are leaving the T25/2 and T49 (original) alone at least. Now, if only theyd give the T30/95 a much needed buff. buut of course im dreaming again.

    • Chaffee nerf? Where? The t37 is what the chaffee is right now. The chaffee will be given proper stats for a tier 5 scout and t37 will be exactly what the chaffee was. except with better mm.

      Then you go to bulldog, and t49 150mm!

  28. “To that end, they buffed its mobility and replaced the tier 8 medium premium Soviet tank slot with “T-54 Model 1945″.

    Am I reading that right? Does this mean we finally get our RU t8 premium medium in patch 9.3?

  29. Instead of breaking the hellcat completely, why not just remove its 90mm and give it miscellaneous buffs, like a tier 6 T49? The hellcat will have its fast and nimble tank reputation and the jackson will gain reputation for its 90mm, like it happened irl

  30. I lol so hard reading the Hellcat nerf, time for it to actually be a TD rather than some medium tank with a big gun. A rightfully deserved nerf.

  31. About time OP Hellcats were nerfed, it’s awesome. Now if WG nerf T18 the world will be really nice.

  32. ALLLLL of this shit is nothing but rumor.. Those of you who believe there is a “source” really are taken in easily. WOT will release an official list of things to be done in the update,, til then,, all the shit here is total bullshit and totally useless. Toss us facts that can be backed up, not stuff you got from a “source”… jeeezus.. This is the WOT version of the Enquirer magazine.

  33. Does this mean they will FINALLY put fucking multicore processor support into the game.. or are we STILL stuck in the dark ages???? Tell your “Source” to stop inventing bullshit tanks and bring their game into the 21st century and enable multicore support.. Hell, even Angry Birds supports multicore processors. Also,, does this mean they will give the E100′s top gun the pen of a tier 10 heavy gun or will they simply keep ignoring that it bounces off of everything and leave it a useless piece of shit?? Oh wait, I forgot, these bastards only do things if it makes them money. No wonder their NA player base is so damn small…. their game is shit.

  34. Ohhh, and if they do nerf our tanks.. will these greedy Belarussian bastards refund us any of the credits we all used to buy them?????????? All questions I bet your “source” cant answer.

  35. Btw, the KV1s is not OP.. Its damage ability is already countered by its inaccurate gun and its shit load time.. I doubt they will touch it,, there is no reason to.. Its been this way since the game has been out…. nothing has changed to warrant nerfing it at all. done.

  36. If it’s true it will be a pity.

    KV-1S is one of the tanks tha do this game fun to play. Most of the tanks give me a little anguish an pressure to play. This one is good to play fun and I feel like I can do something in the ramdom match.

    If it’s true, it will be really a pity.

  37. “- stock suspension aim spread from moving and aim spread from turning the hull increased (nerfed) by 60 percent
    - elite suspension aim spread from moving and aim spread from turning the hull increased (nerfed) by 57 percent
    - stock tracks terrain passability (good/medium/bad terrain) nerfed by 9/14/9 percent
    - elite tracks terrain passability (good/medium/bad terrain) nerfed by 10/17/10 percent
    - maximum reverse speed nerfed from 20 km/h to 12 km/h
    - aim spread of the 76mm M1A2 when moving the turret increased (nerfed) by 12 percent
    - aim spread of the 90mm M3 when moving the turret increased (nerfed) by 25 percent
    - 90mm M3 reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s”

    Holy shit. That’s not a nerf, that’s a fucking neutering.

    What happened to small incremental balance changes? That’s not incremental changes. That’s a severe beating and probably the biggest nerf any vehicle’s ever gotten in a single session…

    And the fact that they’re nerfing the mobility on a vehicle that was probably the single most mobile AFV of the entire war and is already really bad compared to it’s historical counterpart is just a joke. It also officially now has significantly lower DPM than the M6. TDs are not supposed to have lower DPM than heavies at the same tier…

    This is horse shit and is a massive over-reaction..

  38. Oh no, don’t replace my awesome panther, i love it, it was an awesome tank.