
Not much today. I guess everyone is getting ready for Gamescom. Or was it patch 9.3? Hmm…

- developers are tracking how effective each gun is with various types of shells
- Sheridan won’t be implemented (SS: beyond the T49 turret that is – the reason is a) it’s amphibious b) Shillelagh missile)
- the shell spread after shot is different for each gun and vehicle (they don’t have a common coefficient)

40 thoughts on “2.8.2014

    • IMO E-100 is balanced, the power of that gun is balanced by size and slowness of E-100, and if you want to be really effective, you have to use gold shells.

          • OP-7? ahahahah. is-7 is nothing but OP. Imo is quite balanced. But as an E100 driver myself, its really annoying to fight against it, even HEAT can bounce with ease.

              • E-100 is a perfect tank to be an example of what they are tracking. With AP shells it CAN work, but for some tanks you just have to load HEAT. But if you are playing with HEAT all the time it kind of becomes OP even with shitty HEAT mechanics. Why not give it more pen with AP shells so people wouldn’t spam HEAT all the time, but at the same time E-100 wouldn’t be OP with 334mm pen HEAT shells. It’s a win-win situation. Well, if you don’t count less income for WG which in the end is all that matters.

                • AP doesnt pen = loads gold.
                  Gold = credit loss.
                  Credit loss = good for WG.
                  Good for WG = no buff for germans or specials for bloody capitalists.
                  No buff for germans or specials for bloody capitalists = spam more gold.

      • Bah, with the current meta of mediums, mediums, and TDs, the standard AP is perfectly good enough to pen the front of any mediums and TDs, and can still pen weakspots of t10 heavy tanks (like the extreme lower plate of the T110 series).

        In fact, I have lost all trust in 15cm HEAT as a viable ammunition because it bounces like there is no tomorrow on any degree of sloped armour. HEAT is only good for shooting other E100s and Maus, but how often do you see a Maus in game? Or a T95?

        • - the standard AP is perfectly good enough to pen the front of ANY mediums and TDs

          Sry, “any” is not the right word here…
          Especially if you count the “derpyness” of the 15cm at range.

          JP E-100 160mm? at angle (lower plate)
          Obj.268: 185mm at angle
          Obj.263: 250mm at angle
          the pen is not enough for the T110 cupola weakspot afaik (correct me, if i’m wrong)

          The E-100 is only viable with AP against scouts, meds and lightly armored TDs.
          Or against lower tier tanks, else you might bounce, which might result in you losing the battle because of missed opportunities to take out tanks.
          If you engage TDs, (the big ones) your 2,7k hitpoints will decrease fast!

          You only engage other heavy tanks or TDs when you have gold loaded, if you do not and they have gold loaded, you will put yourself at a disadvantage, resulting in you losing hitpoints and not getting out damage, which (as i already said) might lose you the match.

          - In fact, I have lost all trust in 15cm HEAT as a viable ammunition because it bounces like there is no tomorrow on any degree of sloped armour.

          When you bounce with 334mm HEAT penetration on sloped armor, you will bounce with 235mm AP penetration as well (taking overmatching out of the calculation).
          The normalisation is only a 2° difference.

          If you talk about spaced armor, then yes, you are right in this case.

          If i just posted complete BS pls advise me, because did not research that topic very well :)

  1. “they don’t have a common coefficient” Im just looking at all “Its just RNG!” people who kept telling me that…… I knew it!

  2. - the shell spread after shot is different for each gun and vehicle (they don’t have a common coefficient)

    As an arty player i confirm this. Unfortunately.

            • Dem pubbie logic. Always that “you’re a TD bush kemper, i prevent you from kemping with mah cancermobile” while in reality every turd that plays arty ignores TDs and shoot aggressive medium tanks, specially if those mediums are purple on XVM. Why?! Because TD campers are camping far back and are not spotted until the end of the battle usually, while mediums are first tanks to get spotted and to be spotted most of the time, so every cancer faggot will shoot what they can. Fkn turds.

              • I am constantly focused by arty – even if there is +2 tier tank near me and 3 times bigger :D So yeah – skycancerers deserve ban :)

              • Maybe they need to nerf TD camo more or nerf arty aiming dispersion while turning the gun and buff the aimtime for that.

                But you and i are no “WG balance experts”, so we can only watch and cope with it :(

              • You dude… i know you are pro, but LIGHTS are the first to be lighten up.
                And what should i, as a “skycancer”, focus when there are 3 bottlenecks and NOBODY ELSE is in sight from the enemy team?
                But maybe you are right. I must focus my own teammates then.

  3. - Sheridan won’t be implemented (SS: beyond the T49 turret that is – the reason is a) it’s amphibious b) Shillelagh missile)

    hehe… they want to put it in xD it has the same model but they dont have the right tools for it xD

  4. Something is happening today SS. They seem to be bad mouthing you on the WoWs forum…
    They hate it when you give out info that hasn’t been censored by WG

  5. - Sheridan won’t be implemented (SS: beyond the T49 turret that is – the reason is a) it’s amphibious b) Shillelagh missile)

    This is b/s … the T49L has almost the same turret and gun as the Sheridan – the gun fired conventional shells as well, and the missile would be unnecessary anyway.

    As for amphibs … it’s only because WG is probably holding out a while longer with their crap engine and pathetically small maps to justify the lack of necessity for scouting amphibs on HUGE maps. Some day, when they make respectable sized maps, amphibs and AA tanks will be necessary.

  6. For some reason you can’t have the Sheridan without the Shillelagh missile or something?

  7. “- developers are tracking how effective each gun is with various types of shells”

    Probably because they’re collecting data on gun accuracy on a case by case basis. Expect to see accuracy nerfs and buffs on a mass basis in 2014.

    • “- developers have no clue how effective each gun is with various types of shells”

      Fixed it for you :)

  8. “the shell spread after shot is different for each gun and vehicle (they don’t have a common coefficient)”

    Silenstalker, could you rephrase it to make clear that it’s not about shell distribution with the aim circle (which is consistent – sigma is the same for all vehicles), but about the size of aim circle after shot (which might be adjusted individually for each gun/vehicle).

    It’s already confusing some people here… ;)

    • What Trent said. I was completely divided on whether it meant the sigma or the shooting penalty to accuracy until I recently read it again.

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