As you probably know, 9.3 is currently active on RU server (EU should get it tomorrow IIRC). The patch seems to have some bugs, but overall it’s normal. The biggest change is the split of HD textures – please make sure you know about it if you use maximum quality texture setting (so you aren’t in for a rude surprise). Some Russian players claim that WG fucked the patch up and included the HD textures in the “non-HD” patch anyway, Storm replied that he would investigate this.
- why does LTTB have bad depression? “Because it was like that in real life” (SS: funny, because LTTB turret was NEVER designed in real life, it’s a Wargaming invention – Yurko2F stronk!)
- when balancing vehicles, DPM is calculated based on (rate of fire * average damage) with the “specific situation of high alpha guns” in mind. In any case, it depends on balancing.
- it’s “possible” that company mode will be completely removed
- T-54 Light being better than tier 8 medium tanks? “Don’t forget the scout MM spread”
- the percentage of hitpoints you lose during an engine/fuel fire, unless you extinguished, is not constant for all tanks – for each tank, it depends on the nation, class and individual characteristics
- apparently, the “realistic tracks movement” made it into 9.3 – these will work with HD models and will be present even if you do not download the HD texture pack
- there is apparently also a bug in 9.3 where the clan logo does not display correctly in the hangar
- according to Storm, T-34-3 will not be seriously buffed
- special SD client? “Enable low graphic quality settings”
- special low quality low-polygon-count models will not be made: “there is no advantage in that”
- for the remaining vehicles, the engine/transmission split will happen “in upcoming patches”
- the 9.2 KV-1S crew will be retrained automatically to KV-85 (apart from the radioman)
- special low quality low-polygon-count models will not be made: “there is no advantage in that”
how about using ultra low polygon models to extent the view range out past it’s current limit, so we can see everything and not have a tank disappear just because it moved back 12 inches.
12 inches made my day.
good for you :)
and her night?
hue. nice one
inb4 “scouts are more useless now”.
Thanks god that not all tanks are visible all time. That would only make bushwankers wank even more with their predator binos and camo net. I say it, if you dont move and take risks, you should not be able to see any tanks or even shoot at them.
That’s not a problem. As this game is moddable I’m sure there would be some special mods immediately – painting all the tanks in pink or adding huge red lines going up from tank top. So this spotting system, even if not perfect seems a better solution.
View range is not graphical problem. It’s networking problem (you have to send more packets). And it’s probably very deep into engine (they worked around this problem in WoWp/WoWs by making everything 0.1 scale (could be incorrect about exact number) but precise collision detection is not important for planes and ships.
“the 9.2 KV-1S crew will be retrained automatically to KV-85 (apart from the radioman)”
I have taken my KV-1S crew out of the tank and put four of them into my IS6. Anyone know if they will still be retained to the KV-85?
Has any of the Russians posted anything about getting new crew if their KV-1S was empty at patch time?
Yes they will. And no, you won’t get new crew as far as I know.
Wonder what will happen if your Barracks are full, The Radioman will go?
I thought WG gives free crews when stuff like this happens ?
and by free crew I mean 50% ones.
Is it still true that the requirements for Marks of Excellence will be ‘nerfed’? I read in a post here som time ago it was gonna be changed from 65% on first mark to 58,5% or something like that
Make them 33% so tomatoes will be happy…
It’s not really because of tomatoes, but they are too spare on the battlefields they don’t feel like a (hard) work, more like nonexistent.
Oh yes pls maybe i will get third store on my t32
Yup “store” genius phone, supposed to be “star”
“It’s not really because of tomatoes, but they are too spare …”
That’s exactly because of tomatoes…
But none of you can confirm wheather or not it’s actually going to happen?
I’d like to point out that I’m a tomato according to XVM and I have Marks of Excellence on both my Tiger and my VK 30.01 (P), so pealse dear Sir, check things before You write anythnig stupid.
My stats:
- T-54 Light being better than tier 8 medium tanks? “Don’t forget the scout MM spread”
It sees Tier VIII to X regardless of MM (as in +/- 2 for normal, +/- 3 for Scout). Answer makes little sense.
As well as tier 11 (all 9s and 10s only), which, trust me, is not pretty for anyone.
It can’t be top tier.
MM 9-11
“+/- 3 for Scout”
That’s exactly where you are wrong. It’s roughly “-1/+3″ for scouts (T6 can meet T5 to T9, for example) – for T8 it means that only T6 tank it can meet is a T6 scout (or failplatoon).
Oh, true.
certainly not -3 for scouts…
MM for scouts: Tier 8 scout gets MM like normal Tier 9 tanks which means:
- Battletiers 9-11
- best MM in BT 9 is: Tier 9 top tank, tier 8 and tier 7 tanks, possibly tier 6 scout
- mid MM in BT 10: Tier 10 top tank, tier 9 and tier 8 tanks, possibly tier 7 scout
- worst MM in BT 11: Tier 10 top tanks, tier 9 tanks, possibly tier 8 scouts – no other tier 8 tanks!
So never Top tier, most of the time not even mid tier. This MM i consider fair.
No it can be top tier. Imagine situation with only tier 8 tanks plus one tank with tier 9 MM witch is tier 8 scout it’s rare but can happen (I was few times top tier in 13 90 so I know what I’m saying)
I’m not quite sure if this is possible anymore.
IIRC i somewhere read they removed this case in MM, but i might be wrong.
My guess for probability would be less than 3 in 1000 battles (BT 9 battles that is) anyways so statistically irrelevant for MM discussions.
reminds me of that one patch (8.something) where ELC AMX could be top tier.
Seeing tier 3,4 tanks in ELC AMX was epic!
Another reason why the answer is meh is that scout MM isnt there to justify LTs being more powerful than same tier MTs, this isnt always the case imo and its relative to what do you want to do with the tank.
well yes it is.
IF there were tier 10 scouts (so that all tanks get normal MM) todays Tier 8 scouts would probably be that times Tier 9 scouts (and thats the way you should look at them anyways).
GW E100 once was a Tier 8 Arty and is was able to oneshot any Tier 8 tank (which would have been outrageous for any “normal” Tier 8 tank) but that was nothing in any way critical because Tier 8 Arty had MM like Tier 10 tanks thus it was compared to its battle opponents (Tier 10), not to its Tier (8).
TL;DR: You’re wrong, compare it to its average opponents (Tier 9)!
Addition here: LT8s might be strong in team battles/company/skirmish but if they are, they probably get removed anyways…
well AMX 1390 has been there for quite some time now… wasnt much of a problem…
I said “isnt always the case”. Obviously 13 90 is up there, but in the lower tiers there are LTs with scout MM that are in no way actual T+1 stuff. Tell me how Pz38na is a T5. Crusader is an example of T5 LT that has correct tiering and MM. Some LTs are mistiered some not.
They should just put LTs in the tier where they actually belong even if it would mean having gaps between tiers, fiddling with HP pools and voila: 13 90,T-54LT are T9, lowtier derptonks are lowtier derptonks and scout MM is redundant.
Exactly. And even if they are, they should adjust all lights (apart “top” 8tier) to normal MM – and they add more mistiered light scouts instead…
“the percentage of hitpoints you lose during an engine/fuel fire…depends on the nation”
Pure racism and prejudication
Different engineering is racist, yeah :)
Implying WG knows everything about RL engineering and how specific nations built their tanks and not pulling info and historical accuracy out of their ass.
People should really find out difference between HD models and HD textures :(.
HD models = more polygons.
HD textures = higher resolution of pictures placed on objects !
Either way, that bullshit is too much for BigWorld to handle.
not at all.
it might be too much for clients PC. not for the engine.
Engine is doing (mostly) math. It just tells your PC to load that model from HDD to RAM/VRAM. If you dont have enough resources, its not the engines fault.
I do admit the engine in its current state runs like crap. It could be so much better.
But some people are expecting the game will never change and they will be able to play it on their 10 years old calculators.
Why should be overall improvement of the game (graphics, physics, etc..) held back by greedy/poor people not willing to buy new HW ?
I’m running WOT all maxed out 1920×1080 on a 3 years old notebook (only GPU upgraded). Getting 50fps on most maps, some of them goes down to 40′s fps… Dont tell me you cant get a cheap desktop with similar performance.
Fps is still shit. And that is the point, with new system you get like 60-80 fps on all max, and that is just too little. Because no matter what gpu you have cpuy gets maxed out anyways. You dont get much better fps by having a monster system in WOT.
thats true. but 60fps is enough.
Unless you got 120Hz LCD screen… A 60Hz LCD screen cant display more than 60fps.
And even if you do have 120Hz screen, you wont be able to see the difference.
120Hz screens are used for 3D image (60hz left eye, 60hz right eye). And WoT doesnt support 3D Vision.
Regarding the CPU, you are right… CPU is bottleneck in this game. But it has very little to do with number of polygons or texture size… these things are handled by GPU. Problem is, CPU is too busy, and it doesnt communicate with that GPU as much as the GPU needs… hence CPU bottleneck.
Even if you have 60 fps, ypu get drops on some maps making it twitchy. But yeah you do feel differance between 60 and 120 fps im affraid, because I have 120hz screen and aim on 100-120 fps in wot. Graphical stuff in WOT has alot to do with the cpu, because every patch the fps decrease because cpu gets maxed out at some moments but not the gpu = bottleneck. The old myth that “gpu is more important” is not valid for multiplayer games.
- special low quality low-polygon-count models will not be made: “there is no advantage in that”
Well, They could make the models just like the first Elite game.
I’ve just bought back KV-1S just to have in garage when the update will be made to get the extra tank and slot.
But I bought it without any crew, what will happen in this case ?
If I put some crew from other tank MT-25, and not retrain it for KV-1S, also what will happen ?
Congratulations, I hope you are patient and you like meditation.
Also nothing.
“Congratulations, I hope you are patient and you like meditation.”
You won’t get an extra tank/slot…
Yeah pretty stupid to buy a tier 5 tank for the price of a tier 6 hehe…
He bought a tier 6 tank for the price of a tier 6. Existing KV-1S is not getting downgraded to tier 5, it’s being swapped for the also tier 6 KV-85.
Yea, and both are the same price, so it’s a equal trade..
Also, If he trains the crew for the kv-1s then they should get retrained to the kv-85.
Just logged onto my RU account. Just to confirm:
KV1-s radio man is sat in barracks. He is shown as “KV-1S”, so presumably does not need retraining for that new tank.
A new KV-85 is sitting in the garage, with a fully retrained (old KV1-s) crew.
KV-85 is fully upgraded and has all top options fitted, including the “new” 122mm.
KV-85 has the permanent camouflage that was on the old KV-1S.
Old KV-1S equipment is all back in the depot.
“New” KV-1S is fully researched in the tree, but is not in the garage.
There is no extra garage slot.
….and yes, the HD textures are in a separate download that has to be unpacked into the game folder. I didn’t bother – its HD for other tanks, not your own (or so it says on the RU portal).
Does the old stats from the Kv1s get transferred to the Kv85, so you dont have to get a ace tanker and stars again?
IIRC KV-1S stats will be transformed into KV-85 stats
LTTB turret is actual project, but not originally intended for LTTB.
Well, it’s a regular T-34/85 turret apparently.
- T-54 Light being better than tier 8 medium tanks?
Fuck no
Not even lying, the M41′s better than the Pershing. By a lot.
Higher DPM, better gun handling, only slightly less pen, vastly superior mobility, light tank camo perks…
It’s basically a Type 59 with a light tank’s camo bonus. With the exception of some gun handling aspects and never being top tier, it’s better than the T-44 in every way.
well this and ramp4ge’s post (if true) only shows that tier 8 lights are meant to compete with tier 9s.
I have a question though, if all tier 8 lights were made tier 9, what’s going to happen to the tier 7 lights, and do you think they will be used for tier 8 capped battles (tourneys, TCs, etc.)?
- when balancing vehicles, DPM is calculated based on (rate of fire * average damage) with the “specific situation of high alpha guns” in mind. In any case, it depends on balancing.
Still doesn’t explain why T57 has best DPM eventhough it is an autoloader. Balancing my ass.
Autloaders are special…like special people.
Me mum said I’m special
“Me” xD. Me 12 yer ald :P.
*looks at WTE-100*
*150mm T57 comes to mind*
“T-34-3 will not be seriously buffed”
Yet it needs a serious buff russian logic right here just give it a little sprinkle of HP’s and maybe some exttra mm of armour.
It can’t get a serious buff without the t-34-2 getting a serious buff. a non-serious buff like the Lowe buff would make me happy. the thing seriously needs more side armour.
what about equipment that is on kv1s right now? will it dissapear? put into depot? or automaticly fit on the kv85?
Maybe the government (game) takes it because it favours a socialist model? :)
so, say they add a new tank, will it be available in low quality for people without HD settings? or will you be forced to have HD on some tanks?
I will be using all HD tanks anyway, I’m just curious
I think that new tanks will be HD. so HD tanks will keep coming regardless.
All future tanks will be in HD.
It looks like you will have the option (for 9.3 and upcoming patches) to use high-res or low-res textures.
Contrary to popular belief, slow-downs come from texture size, not how many polygons are in a model.
Pingback: Odpovědi vývojářů 23. 9. 2014
The patch seems to have some bugs, not unusual at all
Can someone please start trying to get them to get some details on what the next American tier X (end of the tree) tank will be? At least get some ideas going on possibilities like what they did with the Fv4202 replacement? Find out what are some ideas from them by chance…Its killing me and others I am sure who are very eager to find out at least what the possibilities are.
“- it’s “possible” that company mode will be completely removed”
I could see removing Champion and Absolutes and Juniors, but mediums still seem to be reasonably popular, at least on NA East. And they seem to be a pretty good way to recruit.
But here’s an idea…. why not make a tweak to Tank Companies where each level of TC’s is changed to the odd numbered tiers, to differentiate them from SH battles. That is, Medium TC’s would then be tier 5, Champion would be tier 7, and Absolutes would be tier 9. Just a thought.
Tweak SH, not TC… I want odd tiers on SH.
i think lttb has bad depression because balancink, it would be ‘considered OP’ otherwise..
IF companies are out, most likely i’m out too… 6tier is insanely popular and great fun.
Only for people spamming KV-1Ss and Hellcats.
So… goooo Cromwell.
Anyway there’s things at 6 that may be interesting. Although as fast damage dealer… hmm.. I have been hearing ARL 44 with premium ammo.
There’s been M6 talk but MWEH… (don’t get me wrong I like the tank but it doesn’t feel the same).
I am thinking they are not patching EU. Servers stayed up untill 6:40 CEST and there’s no announcements or anything yet.