
Check out the Chieftain’s article on why quoting B.Cooper’s Death Traps is not a good idea…

Anyway, not much today:

- a player stated that the new high-caliber (152,170mm) sounds in 9.4 sound like a combination of three successive sounds. Storm confirmed that, stating that it’s a trick, done in movies to improve the “power” of the sound.
- Storm does not know exactly, but it’s possible the developers are experimenting with transferring WoT to WWISE (new sound engine)
- IS-7 will not be buffed: “the HD IS-7 became stronger than the old one”
- IS-6 penetration buff is not planned
- the famous Stalingrad fountain with kids playing will not be present on the ingame map, as it did not fit the segment that was modelled
- developers are still working on XP for tanking
- T-34-3 will not be buffed more than it is in round 1 in 9.4
- remember that Igromir video host? Russian players found out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say.
- regarding the “Recruitment” program, it will not be usable to train your twinks due to limitations
- Stalingrad will appear in the game without Havok at first
- +/-1 MM will not be introduced

69 thoughts on “20.10.2014

    • Looks more stronkish and the enemy doesn’t know, where your turret is pointing at because of the missing machinegun.

      Did they change the armor maybe?

      • They removed the only real weakspot. The IS-7 turret has gone from “Once in a Blue Moon” to “Lolnope.avi”

    • Its more bad an T 57 heavy come we were face to face actually his gun couldn`t shoot the hull only turrent and then that son of a …started to shoot it like it was paper all 4 shots penetrated the front of IS 7 turrent down left i was like WAT and i could kill that shit if i he would reload with 0.02 faster

  1. - remember that Igromir video host? Russian players found out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say.

    Movie or didnt happen

    • AHAHA, why the fuck does the IS6 need a buff anyways? It has the highest global WR of all tier 8 heavys. Roof “armor buff”, lol that is the only place you can shoot it if you face if frontaly with lower pen guns. It alreaddy has the best armor out of all tier 8 heavys currently.

      • *cough cough* KV4tress and KV5 say you’re full of shit regarding armor *cough cough*

        And you can shoot it in the drivers hatch, in the front sprocket, in the turret hatches

  2. I will not be happy until the IS-7 has an 7s reload, 0.32m accuracy, 1.8s aim time and 2000 horsepower. Buff it.

    Seriously, while the gun on the IS-7 (even with APCR) is absolutely horrible, the chassis it’s mounted on is easily tier 11 material. Decent speed combined with incredible front and side armour on both the hull and turret. Not sure why people are asking it to be buffed.

    • Tomatoes that died through the tech tree only to find yout they still suck in tier 10 tanks and even don’t make profit with their tier 8 premiums.

  3. - regarding the “Recruitment” program, it will not be usable to train your twinks due to limitations

    Sorry, what does it mean?

    • twink
      An attractive, boyish-looking, young gay man. The stereotypical twink is 18-22, slender with little or no body hair, often blonde, dresses in club wear even at 10:00 AM, and is not particularly intelligent. A twink is the gay answer to the blonde bimbo cheerleader.

  4. - remember that Igromir video host? Russian players found out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say.

    typical russian girls!

    now everybody is probably searching for movies with her!

  5. Russian players found out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say.

    Link pls for research …and stuff

  6. - +/-1 MM will not be introduced

    Again? Seriously? And you wonder why the devs troll them…

    • There is nothing to buff on the nigh-invulnerable Tier 10 gun. Play it as a gun, not a tank.

  7. -remember that Igromir video host? Russian players found out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say.

    So did she leave WoT because RNG wasn’t giving her enough penetration? ;)

  8. is-7 with that machine gun removed seems stealthier, it seems smaller, even though it isn’t.

    And with every nerf, they introduce a buff to random russian tank. How cool is that@!!!@

  9. - remember that Igromir video host? Russian players found out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say.

    I bet the recruiter who hired her got a very professional blowjob :D

  10. - +/-1 MM will not be introduced
    I have the feeling that SS puts this in Q&As sometimes just for trollz :D

  11. So those stories on IGN are true. About QA testers veterans left in the dust while a newly hired HOT vagina gets promoted “someway” to LEAD after 3months.