So, About the Czechoslovak Tree…

…that’s right, not a branch, a tree. Here’s the link to source message.


Me: *related rant* According to this logic, we should have a Czech tree.
Storm: And who said there won’t be a Czech tree?

*evil smile* (tm Daigensui)

So yea, there will be one. Today, the two gentlemen that made the Swedish tree proposal (Sp15 and Renhaxue) met with WG representatives in Stockholm to discuss the Swedish branch (amongst other things). WG is actively working on what was previously an EU tree, but apparently decided to split the major nations (Czechoslovaks, Swedish, Italians) into separate trees. As far as I know, at this moment, according to WG representatives, the Czechoslovak branch is scheduled first, with the Swedish one (medium/heavy mix, sorry, no S-Tank) as a backup in the event of some major problem with the Czechoslovaks, which frankly is not expected (although there are some things that need to be cleared out).

To that end, me and two Czech historians, V.Francev and J.Tintěra, are meeting again the WG representatives in Prague at the end of the month. I think the final verdict will be known after that, but it’s looking good. Personally, I believe we have found a sure way to bypass the tier 9 issue without sacrificing the premium TVP (earlier “TVP model 1945″, now “TVP Concept”), even though WG doesn’t necesserily agree with me, but well – that’s what the meeting is about.

127 thoughts on “So, About the Czechoslovak Tree…

  1. Awesome! I love the little known oddball designs. I know other people hate putting anything that isn’t famous into a game like this, but I personally love all the strange “WTH is that?” stuff. As long as it isn’t pure fictional crap like the WT E-100.

    • The problem with WTF100 is that it’s brokenly OP, and after nerfs it’s still far from balanced. We can have unhistorical fillers like T25/2, T110E4 (turreted stuff ingame) and T28 (both Tier8 TDs) because they aren’t broken as ****

      • WT is both broken as it is not only OP but also UP at The same time depending on The player and The map…

  2. And what will happen with the smaller nations who can’t create a full tree, like the romanian, polish, yugoslavian and hungarian nations? I don’t think WG will implement a minor EU tree for branches that can’t create a full branch from tier 1 to tier 10.

  3. Cool story, bro.

    In fact: the coolest.

    Question: will this beat AW launch to the punch? :\/

  4. No S-tank…. I presume that thing will come with a later patch to the Swedish tree? In far far future? I really want to see how it plays…..

      • Just needs crazy epic gun handling while turning the hull, and a new sniper-mode function that allows you to turn your S tank (and therefore, gun) by simply moving the mouse outside the traverse (which is 0), but keep it the same for tank destroyers that actually do have a horizontal traverse arc. It would take some getting used to, but I could see it potentially.

    • Why would you want another useless Tank Destroyer?

      They should just remove all TDs from the game, they don’t have any role anymore, unless they have 1k+ damage/shot or absolutely bonkers frontal armor.

      • Sadly true… Corridor maps and all… Turretless TDs are just not worth the grind…

    • From one Romanian to another… cry me a river.

      Romanian army (not to mention mechanized divisions) were a real joke during WW2

  5. I hope the Panzer 58 and Panzer 61 can make it into the game still without the EU tree, maybe have the 61 as a CW reward tank.

    • If you look arround in posts from the past on ftr and do a little research yourself then there will be a complete swiss tech tree with at least a complete med and td tree and there is even a chance for arty tier 4 or 5 upwards and a tier 10 heavy

  6. Don’t you understand WG’s cunning plan? If they break the easier to implement EU tree into multiple nations they delay implementing forever because it’s harder.

  7. Nice dick move from WG… Instead of ironing out some inherent problems such as bots/AFK punishment/MM drunkness/obvious OP incidence of late-tier medium tanks/IM fuck-up, they cum out more tank trees. This time, these tank trees will keep those fucking 11yr old “skurwiel” and “zkurvene” yelling tomatoes in front of their screen for god knows how much time…

    Just fucking great, what could I expect from such a fucking shit company?

    • Where did you get the impression that they have only 1 guy that works there, and he can only do 1 thing at a time?

      Some people work on trees, some on the bot problem, some on….

      Oh I see now, you’re trolling…

  8. Welp, best WoT news in a while.

    So, what is to be optimistically expected this year in terms of new tank branches?

    French AMX-30 minibranch + bunch of low tiers
    JP heavy line
    Czechoslovak or Swedish tree

    Something else/wrong?

    • There were expectations of USA meds, but those have been thrown out the window in yesterday’s Q&A (I think? Too lazy to re-read, it was huge). So yeah, Jap heavies are likely now since those drawings got posted and stuff… though I’m sceptical.

      I really want those Jap heavies but I’m afraid either they won’t come or they’ll get screwed up.

  9. I’m a little sad to have to wait for the Swedish tree for probably next year, but very happy that we will get three additional trees instead of an European cluster fuck.

    • Same.
      Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Czech tanks…but I was more into Swedish tanks. Something about them adopting post-war design lunacy made them more appealing.
      Well, that and that sweet sweet gun depression on their intra-war designs.

      Here’s to hoping they’re saving the Swedish for when they can implement the S-tank properly !

  10. So if the Czechoslovak tree is successful, we will have to wait longer for the Swedish tree?

    Gotta get me a Stridsvagn 74…

  11. Great news ! I am really looking forward to seeing the Italian tanks , especially since ( it seems ) they will get their own tree .

  12. Don’t forget the swiss the can easily make a full td and med line including a scout branch, one possible tier 10 heavy and eventually tier 5 and up arty.

  13. The S-tank has a fixed gun. It uses fine motor control to align the entire hull to target, and hydraulics to tilt the tank upon its suspension.
    I’m guessing that they can’t implement it yet because the game doesn’t yet cover that.

    Who cares? They can fudge it. They don’t have to tilt the tank at all (would anyone really notice?), and can fudge the traverse within a “ghost traverse” value of the current hull alignment quantizations.

    Remember when tanks didn’t display any (poorly represented, mechanically unrealistic, vertical plane constrained (perpendicular to the tanks current road plane angle) instead of swing-arm arc) suspension? It didn’t mean the game couldn’t run. Suspension came later. They can roll out the S-tank (destroyer?) now, and represent it in whatever fashion they need to later.

    Sorry about the nested comments, but I’ve been coding. It puts me in that mode…

    • I heard one person say one way to do it is to make the entire hull part of the turret. Suspension might get weird, though.

      • That’s indeed one easy-fix solution to it. Quite clever too.
        But you would probably need a small cube inside the “turret” to act as a chassis. Then reduce traverse dispersion to a minimum, and remove parts of the module damage. Getting turret damage on a non-turreted tank would be…odd…

  14. What does this mean in terms of the EU tree? Is it going to get cancelled? Are there enough(if any) tier 10 tanks? And if it gets implemented, what nations would be in it? I’m guessing Yugoslav and Hungarian, possibly swiss or polish.

    But I’m glad about the swedish and Czech getting their own tree.

    • I won’t think that switzerland will be part of the eu tree, cause they have enough tanks for 2 1/2 branches ( full med and td branch and a half arty branch, and to top it off, there is also a panzer 68 variant with good armor and a 120mm gun)

    • From what I understand the EU tree in its form was put on ice and there is aparently a different solution for the Polish or Hungarian tanks, etc.

  15. So at the rate at which they make HD models, if they chose to make it HD, then we can expect a Czechoslovak tree in 2024. Sweet :D

      • However thy are added, the point is, it happens slowly, 4-5 per patch. Unless WG is doing it completely ad-hoc, unplanned, and are over-rigging, over-animating and over-modeling the crap out of their models(which does not seem to be the case) then it should not happen this slowly.

  16. And now I’m actually curious about the conversation you quoted from. What logic implies that we should have a Czech tree?

  17. Don’t get me wrong, but why the hell would these nations need their own separate trees?
    -Having at least 3 separate trees plus the EU tree would make WZ type missions a pain in the arse…
    -The japanese the chinese and even the french trees are lacking compared to the others
    -The full EU tree with the 3 nations mentioned above plus romanian, hungarian etc. tanks would only be equal to the german tree (or even bigger but not sooner than in 2020)

      • I’m pretty sure there’s a solution out there…
        Since you can modify your crew’s details, why don’t we get this option when we buy a tank or i dunno…

      • Actually, EU (blue-yellow union flag) in era 1920-1960 would be pretty hilarious :D
        Not to mention crew combined from all the nations of EU tree: commander Jacek Kozlowski, gunner Sven Olafson, driver Isztvan Kovács, loader Giuseppe Mattoni, radioman Juan Gonzales – priceless :D

  18. Nice Russian SS. Few mistakes here and there, but i`m suprised that you are able to fully comunicate in this language! :).

  19. At least some work brings in some apples! Great read!
    I just really hope, that they don’t f**k up with other smaller EU nations, I would still love to play Swiss tanks, for example.

  20. Pingback: Čs. větev? Ne, celý strom!

    • Eah, I’m sure the third largest EU community will disregard their national pride and ignore their nation’s tech tree.

      • Czech national pride when it comes to military? Well i wont lie, i do find it humorous since Czech are not known for courageous resistance or history of victories.
        There are better things to add than another copy paste tree with shit paper designs, be it Czech, Swedish, Polish or Japanese. Sure low tier designs are real but it gets pretty fucked up on tiers V+.

  21. Can i ask why the hell would be need a polak line, not like they had any of their own tanks to speak of! Just Russian and German copies! I guess to keep them happy…..

  22. Czechoslovak, Italian, Swedish…I like having a tank for every nation, but those perkless crews haunt me already.

    • Me too.
      I’d rather to have a single branch for all EU nations, so I don’t need 3 crews to train. -_-
      I understand ppl are happy branches of their country to be implemented..
      But damnit.. 3X more work for a 6th sense crew.

  23. Not bad :) I would like to see Czechoslovak or Czech or Slovak? I think Czechoslovak will do as we once were a one country. Anyway, if the branch was implemented, I’d definitely grind that that tier 10 medium :P

  24. Due to being Polish, whenever I see a tank with a TVP, I think of the Polish National Television (Telewizja Polska), which also has the TVP acronym.

    Anyways, sounds good.

  25. “Me: *related rant* According to this logic, we should have a Czech tree.
    Storm: And who said there won’t be a Czech tree?”

    Hmm, to be quite fair, I don’t see how this can be interpreted as a definitive confirmation that there will be a Czech tree. It might just as well mean “it’s not decided yet, we’re considering various options here”.

  26. I might have not been quite clear in the post above: I just meant that I don’t know why you posted this quote as seemingly some kind of final confirmation, when it’s not yet decided according to your own internal info. In 6 months from now, people will “remember” only that WG “promised” a Czech tree. ;) I thought you don’t want to provide WG more ammo for their “FTR is becoming known as a source for false info” claim. ;)

  27. this is probably the best news since i started reading this blog.
    good job SS and all who are putting their time and effort into making all this come true.

  28. @SS
    Why is not not possible to play a training room offline for one player? I am making mods and that would be really handy for me. Did they think about such an option yet?