
Storm answers from the closed betatester section of the forum

- there’s no ETA on “matchmaker 3.0″ right now – there’s a lot of research to be done
- new motion physics: medium future (SS: that usually means 3-6 months)
- Storm considers MM and balancing fixes to have higher priority than Havok introduction
- Type 62 will not be buffed in 9.6
- the HD E-100 model was made according to Panzer Tracts and the weld thickness was copied from there. But in the end, developers decided not to do it and leave it as it was (SS: historically, the weld parts were apparently weaker than the ingame model, I don’t know from head, would have to check)
- developers considered improving the gold to credit conversion ratio to make this conversion more attractive, but decided not to do it in the end
- Storm confirms that there will be no more limited MM tanks, this decision is connected “to gameplay and to matchmaker issues”
- the game is being optimized gradually every patch
- Havok development has nothing to do with motion physics, it’s different people doing it
- new tree render (“speedtree”) will come as a part of the new render system WG is working on

That’s all for today. Storm wrote that he’d be busy through the weekend and wouldn’t have much time to answer questions.

63 thoughts on “24.1.2015

  1. Told you. Pref MM screws up the matchmaker. The decision to no longer release pref MM vehicles was long overdue.

    • Not just MM. Limited MM vehicles are balanced around having a shitty gun (most of them anyway) and gold ammo for credits has made a lot of them better than they should be. Regular tanks who do have good penetration tend to profit less from gold shells, especially in their own battletier.

    • Maybe it;s the +2MM that totally screws everything?

      I never liked driving a stock tier 8 around in a tier 10 game.
      I never liked nuking poor tier 8 people in my JPE100.

      Anyway, no more premium tanks for me then.
      Too bad,I really wanted a Panther 88.

      • Yeah, why challenge yourself if you can just get it all delivered on a silver platter, right?

  2. “- Type 62 will not be buffed in 9.6″

    Sadness. It already didn’t profit from the buff to suspension HP for scouts from a bit back, and now it will be even more left in the dust.

    • ..i already sold it :) It was very good XP gainer (with a lot of gold ammo), but i need something to make credits, so i rather kept wz111..But u have right, without any buffs it will suffer now..

  3. uhm.. whats the “matchmaker 3.0″ once again? I didnt even know theres something called 2.0…

    • ..me neither :) But maybe they will run it along with that Fog of war, so you wont have the time/opportunity to complain about it :)

    • I wasn’t around for it so I don’t know specifics, but 1.0 had ridiculous tier spreads. Imagine how much fun taking an M4 into a tier 9 match would be.

      2.0 reduced MM for normal tanks (and much later, arty) to tanktier+2 max.

  4. SS,
    Are they going to change LT11?
    Where they force you to get a platoon mate to play arty.
    Been trying it for days and it seems so difficult

  5. - Storm confirms that there will be no more limited MM tanks, this decision is connected “to gameplay and to matchmaker issues”

    Does this mean, no more getting introduced, or, all tanks will get rebalanced and get normal MM?
    I really don’t feel like getting a buffed is-6 and getting put in tier 10 games

    • Why? The prem tenk should be worse than regular tanks anyways. Dont wanna play prem tenks that suppose to be worse? Play regular tenks. Also even at tier 8 the is6 armor is kinda good and bouncy due to all slopes. Hur durr +200mm effective lower plate.

      • with every comment you write, you just prove more and more how much of a dumbass you are.

        Not that its my business anyway, just really wanted to share this opinion with the world.

        • Isnt premiums suppose to be worse than elited same tier tanks? Hah, common sense kid. Nuw gid gud scribe. I am glad WG made this decision, I am also glad they nerfed accuracy so you kids no longer dan derp shots in the center. Aahah god bye.

              • Funny, because I thought ClanWars was completely unrelated to randoms, which is what yourscores are judged by.

              • Because <48% screams "I'm a total liability to my team" all over the place? Its usually people who always go the wrong way in the wrong vehicles, camp at the wrong spots and have no understanding of the game mechanics. In other words, the last people who should ever try to give advice.

                What is your special role? Making your own team lose in rigged battles against clan platoons?

          • A IS-3 will rape the everlasting fuck out of an IS-6, unless the IS-3 has absolutely no idea what he’s doing.

            A Tier 8 Heavy Tank with 175mm of pen, a Tier 6 gun. If you call that “as good as an elited Tier 8″, you really should uninstall WoT.

            • A is3 should rape a is6 but neverless the IS6 is very strong, just look at the overall global WR. You speak about a tier 6 gun? Hah, a very good tier 6 gun because few tanks have a such gun at tier 6 with that alpha and pen. 390 dmg and 175mm pen is very good for a tier 8 premium with bouncy as fuck armor and prem MM. Talking about uninstalling WOT, juding by your constant complains about tanks beeing UP and this 9.6 patch I think you will soon uninstall the game. You san say what ever you want but a tank that has 56% overall WR is pretty damn good, specialy when the overall WR is higher for the tank than WR for the player.

              • Ferdi is a troll kid with no real input. He has the same value as a discarded happy meal empty and full only of crap. Don’t talk to him its a waste of your time.

    • I think it rather means that they won’t give any new premiums a limited MM. I don’t think we (T-34-3, IS-6, FCM etc. drivers) have anything to be afraid of.

  6. “developers considered improving the gold to credit conversion ratio to make this conversion more attractive, but decided not to do it in the end”

    They may aswell remove this feature completely, its so unprofitable that I doubt anyone uses it

    • Indeed. Have no idea why they won’t do something that will encourage players to spend more Gold. Even the prices of credit and Godl bundles in the shop sucks balls.

      • Simple, the more freeloaders there are the more regular players that pays have to pay. The more you people revolt “uh I wile nut pey enymure” the more it will cost for the end users.

    • Really, I hate these double standards of you people…doesn’t matter if it’s “unprofitable” (600G is a bit much, but they said it’s subject of change), just get a job and earn money. A lot of players (including me) wished for such a feature, and now it’s finally there, thank you WG!

    • Nobody force you. The good part is that WG dont care they will earn enough money on people buying gold and prem to play regular tanks which have a screwed up MM due to all premiums with pref MM. You dont think logically, the more prem with pref MM the more screwd up MM the regular tanks get, which in any way, shape or form should perform better and have better games than prem tanks. Prem tanks only trait should be extra xp and credits nothing else.

  7. Will the tanks that need limited MM in the future be removed?
    For example a tank has the 122 in tier 8

    • Yea would be interesting to know what will happen if you already have pref MM tanks in your garage. Wonder if they will be rebalanced and put to regular MM, stay as they are or get removed/compensated..

        • thing is, if they do that only prems that will be left for T8 will be Lowe, T34 and P88 + whatever new they decide to sell later.

          i dont think they can afford to lose 70% of T8 premiums just yet, they would first need to introduce standard matchmaking replacements.

          • They loose many regular players because MM is screwed due to too many prems with pref MM. Think about it, WG would rather have people spend 80 euros or so for 1 year prem than 40 euros for a tank for a life time. Since regular tanks give less profit and needs grinding, its more likely people will buy prem account and gold to convert xp/retrain crews etc. And here is where the money lays i.e money sink (make it so hard to earn decent xp and credits that players are “forced” to invest in prem account and buy gold).

            Microtransactions is where they earn money. It may be cheap to spend a few euros to get some gold now and then to retrain crews and/or drop skills or retrain to a new role, but in the long run you get discount if you buy more gold at once.

            And because of thios screwed MM many players think like “oh I can might as well just buy a prem tier 8 with pref MM so I dont need to face tier 10, and I also earn pretty decent xp and credits”. No need to buy gold or prem account to play regular tanks because they dont even want to play regulars.

  8. - Storm considers MM and balancing fixes to have higher priority than Havok introduction

    So does everybody else. So get to it!

    - developers considered improving the gold to credit conversion ratio to make this conversion more attractive, but decided not to do it in the end

    I can’t imagine why. *rolls eyes*

  9. Storm considers MM and balancing fixes to have higher priority than Havok introduction

    Soooo when do we start holding our breath for any of the 3.

    Especially when you just said MM no ETA on “matchmaker 3.0″ right now – there’s a lot of research to be done.

    So nothing as usual. Promises, double speak and nothing but words on paper that mean Fuck all.

  10. - Type 62 will not be buffed in 9.6

    Pretty simple to buff it, but not with the retards at wargaming.

    + Limit its MM to tier 9 only.
    + Buff pen to 181.

    Little tweaks to everything else.

    You now have a good tier 7 prem light tank.