Nothing much today.
A player proposed a special mode in random (just like assault and encounter), that would be available only to good players with 20 percent extra credit/XP profit. Storm states that this is not a good idea – increasing the profit by 20 percent would break the monetization.
Also, it’s confirmed that AMX CDC and STA-2 will appear in the premium shop in 9.6. Both tanks will have unlimited MM. Their prices will only be known after 9.6 is released.
I’m convinced. WG developers are just horrible at their jobs.
‘good players’ would get access to a special game mode that’s exactly like what we have now, that would allow them to get more xp/credits.
What the fuck? This is bad and wrong from multiple points of view. I don’t even care if i DO qualify for them, all they can do and they do THIS?
Did you even read the post before replying?
A __PLAYER__ proposed that mode….. and WG Developer (Storm) turned it down.
Seriously, I hate WG as much as the next guy but read the damn post bro.
Yep. My bad. I will take my lashings.
Everyone is equel. you could have it like this. Tomados(0-900get a 2% bonus, oranges(1000-2500) get a 2.25% Bananas (2600-4000)get a 2.50%
Lettices (4100-5900)get a 2.75%
Spiniches (6000-7250)get a 3%
Blueberrys (7300-8700)get a 3.25%
and grapes (8900-10000+)get a 3.50%
(Numbers are estamatioms of personal rattings)
for credits and exp.
Why would any good player want to participate in this?
Credits and XP are mostly earned from damage done. If you have a special MM with only better players, it will be much harder to consistently do a lot of damage, and battles are more likely to last longer. A 20% increase in earnings would never compensate for the difference.
Much easier and faster to farm from tomatoes by stomping them quickly.
Such a mode is stupid from all perspectives. Bad players would not have access, and good players would need a lot more then +20% incentive to participate. Even at +50 or +100%, it would probably not be worth it.
I agree, the better enemies you face the more mediocre you will play if you play solo and “clean” (no bs gold ammo and shit). The only reason good players can profit is because the majority of players they face are a notch below them or alot worse. Facing equal players you dont have any skill advantage anymore, only advantage of the better tank and or gold ammo which make it even more “luck of the draw” where MM will randomly give each team better or worse tanks or players using gold ammo or not.
Aha stupid yes, just as skill based MM is!
WTF is wrong with WG they say shit like that then give us personal missions and pixel tanks that make credits hand over fist. I truly think that these guys are retarded.
The idea behind IM is great, they have some smart fuckers doing economig analyzes. Basicaly to be able to perform the IM you have to buy alot of fucking tanks because all players dont have the tanks needed and even if they have the tanks they may grind better ones because they believe they will finish the missions faster. This mean people will probably spend some gold here and there to convert xp and/or buy prem account to get more xp and credits to progress in the grinding. Then when they have the tenks, they may extend the prem account to afford gold ammo usage and other shit. IMs are made with a economic idea behind it because WG knows many players are suckers and will pay to progress.
But for the gameplay, the IMs are shit and retarded I agree. Im tired of all fucking high tier tds, arty and heavys and this is annoying for those that plays regular tier 8, like 70% of all games are tier 10 here there are only 2-4 tier 8 tanks. How is that fun?
Also, it’s confirmed that AMX CDC and STA-2 will appear in the premium shop in 9.6. Both tanks will have unlimited MM. Their prices will only be known after 9.6 is released.
I thought WG already lower their price ? (~7k5 gold)
in 0.9.6 supertest files, premium vehicle prices were changed as follows:
- AMX-13/57 from 7000 gold to 5000 gold
- AMX CDC from 11750 gold to 7450 gold
- STA-2 from 11500 gold to 7400 gold
- M56 Scorpion from 10000 gold to 7000 gold (downtiered to tier 7)
$30 is all they’ll get out of me for the CDC. Going to take a pass on te STA-2. Under $30 for the Scorpion. It only took WG 3 years to get a US Prem TD and at this point, all my US TDs have at least 3 crew skills and as much as 6 so I no longer need a crew training. SUCK IT WG
If Panther 8.8 is 7.4k gold no real reasons to hype up prices and screw his own words.. Some sort of compesation for unlimited MM in my opinion But they can do sh*t again
“all my US TDs have at least 3 crew skills and as much as 6 so I no longer need a crew training. SUCK IT WG”
And this is why WG will have to rework crew skill sooner rather than later (one reason anyway). Too many long term paying customers have already reached the optimum number of crew skills, thus removing one of the main reasons to buy a premium.
Not really, it takes imense time to get high level crews on many tanks. I have 7th skill on 87% and my crews have fought around 10-13k battles. To get 5 skill crews you need ALOT less battles than getting 6th and 7th skill. Also 3rd skill crew is not so much that is basically repairs, BIA and some crew specific skills, but you will lack camo and other crew specific skills as well depending on amount of crews. In my tiger II I have 5 crew members and I have all skills that exist except firefight and mentor and the 7th are on 87%. There are not many in EU that has such high level crews due to the retarded time it takes. So no, you will always need premium account to get extra credits and xp, unless you will never grind any other tanks again or have fully tricked crews. I have +100 mill credits as well.
Also if they rework skills you get a free skill reset anyways. If you have all tanks and skills needed they one can sue prem purely for credit grinding to allow premium consumables which to be fair cost alot per game. If I would start using prem consumables even having premium account I would prolly get even or lose if I would use 1-2 prem consumables every game. So I wouldnt not be on positive balance anymore.
My plan for US TD crew training is the T28 Concept. I have plenty of premiums to make money, and I can get the concept given some dedication, which I have been lacking since I got the Stug IV. Plus, I already have the E4, and I have the T95, so my need for crew training is less than it once was. I have no interest at all in a paper TD with a 90mm gun, well other than shooting at them with HE anyway. I don’t understand why it took so long to come out with a US TD premium, seems like that should have been a no brainer, perhaps before another German or Soviet premium TD.
But the question is, do you enjoy playing premiums just to get credits and train crews? For me it is a differance between grinding and playing, and here I choose to get prem account instead because in that way you can play what you like and enjoy it and get extra credits and xp as well. I even free xp and pay gold to convert xp because grinding is so utter facking boring.
Only suckers waste time grinding in games like these, quality time is when you actually play and enjoy the tanks. That is why I have never really grinded that many tanks to be fair and I have only 2 tanks in my garage as we speak, two tier 8 and I have 17k games playes. But maybe I am one of the few players in WOT that really dont care about testing new tanks. I have also played max 2 tanks at a time maximizing the crew training potential and costs. For me having fewer tanks with high crews are better than having plenty of tanks with low crews or tanks that you barely use anyways.
I guess I’m a sucker then.
I make more than enough gold from CW and tourneys to convert all the xp I could want, but I grind my way through every tank.
Because I want to.
I even elited the Churchill Gun Carrier after getting the top gun for it through the AT-15.
I’ve got 22 tier 10s in my garage, and every other line except the brand new British line I’ve got to at least tier 9.
I’m working on getting every tank in the game in my garage.
Because I want to and because I can.
Some people actually enjoy the grind.
“Both tanks will have unlimited MM.”
So, they will fight against rail guns and nuclear artillery?
No, they will fight LolTractors :)
No, they’ll fight against rail guns and nuclear artillery as well as LolTractors.
Just imagine that every tank would have infinite MM (from BT1 to BT12)
That would be a trollish april fools mode :D
As far as I remember there’s no longer BT12 in MM.
From wild west to Borderlands :D
BT0 is against CoD noobs :P
>Their prices will only be known after 9.6 is released.
Why am I not surprised.
Ah well whatever, still buying STA-2, WG and their trolling be damned.
I think I might get one as well. The chi nu kai doesn’t cut it as far as crew training goes for me.
War gaming only cares about how much money they can con you out of to sell you pixels. Game is unplayable to bad, they nerfed your tanks so sad, their patches make the game crash every 20 minutes it must be your mods.
These guys could make a killing selling used cars!
If game crashes – its 90 out of 100 times that mods are shit.
I have a Samsung 840 evo SSD and i was often crashing, made some research and found that my SSD was the problem, ran the Samsung software and all my crashes were solved. I’m glad i did some research
Yup there’s a known bug on them.
Still no decision to remove the pathetic platoon requirement from IM then.
I’ve quit one clan already because no one platoons, all too busy with strong holds crap. New clan seems no better.
So tell me this wg, if a clan member can’t get these missions done what chance does a solo player have?
No way at all am I teaming up with some random window licker picked up from general chat channel!
There’s no way to put this point to anyone in wg though so they remain sweetly oblivious to the impossibility of finishing these so called individual missions.
Eh, I was strongly against platoons because I thought it would be impossible since I have nobody I know to play. I’ve never even been in a clan, and I have 23k battles under my belt – in other words, I’m that “solo player” you mention. And yet, look at me, I’m at the T54A campaign right now. The platoonmates I’ve picked up from the general chat have generally been really kinda decent, and it’s not like the requirements on the platoon missions are that harsh.
I’m in a clan, finding a platoon mate isn’t much of a problem. The problem for me is that, despite being only slightly above average myself (green across the board), I’m significantly better than most of my clan mates. That means I can get a platoon without any problem, but counting on them to do what is needed is less reliable. However, these guys are my real life friends, and I’m not going to ditch them because they are somewhat worse than me at internet tanks. So, I’ll muddle through, I’ve gotten the Stug that way at least.
You don’t need a clan for platoon mates not to be a problem. Honestly, I find that the insane RNG of the missions is the big pain. For instance, this is the one I’m stuck on right now: “kill 3 enemy artillery in one game”. This of course requires for there to BE three artillery on the enemy team, so you’re likely to fail on the onset. Then it requires you to get there, which is the skill part… but then you have to actually kill three enemy arties yourself, without any “friend” “helping” you. Like a light tank for instance. Or one of your arties, of which there are three, and who have plenty of time to aim before you execute all three of them.
I also don’t think I’ll be able to do TD-15 in this series. 6k damage, when I only have tier 8 TDs? Yeah, no way.
Platoon with some arties and you will get into arty matches with your (I would guess) LT to kill 3 arties. If you get lucky you get a extra arty on your team which means the enemy need to have (in most cases) 3 too.
It’s an MT mission. LT wouldn’t be a problem, since then spotting also counts. And no arty will want to platoon with a MT, there’s no mission for that.
Try one of the Stronk_Plutun (sp?) channels. Is easier to find someone there than your own clan at times.
I dont get why people even waste time on missions. Wheres the fun to just play like it is a fucking work, the whole purpose of playing and relaxing is gone. Regular tank grinding is boring and long enough, why the fuck would one waste time to grind for some POS tanks anyways? Put that time in regular grinding instead. I dont know a single person that thinks IM are fun and the shit you earn like some prem consumables and 35k credits extra, that is a fucking joke to be honest.
“why the fuck would one waste time to grind for some POS tanks anyways?”
Well, here’s the thing… the reward tanks might be POS, but each mission on its own gives really good money. I’ve made ~20 millions already since I started playing these. They get better as you move to further campaigns, too – in the third version of LT-1 gives you 200k for the primary and 100k for the secondary, for instance. That is tons, and it adds up.
And most of the missions aren’t bad, really. It’s just that there’s some real stinkers in there also (and actually not the platoon ones, but pure RNG bullshit like “set two tanks on fire” and missions which you cannot even do unless the matchmaker puts you against a specific team on a specific map), and those are the ones you’re going to get stuck at.
+100, Amen.
9.6 ETA?
Real reason why “only good players” can’t get this money :
most “GOOD” players are in fact horrible stat pushers… :)
So good thing they don’t reward that BS (at least not this way)
Pingback: World of Tanks - AMX CDC and STA-2 ab 9.6 im Premiumshop -
and then he dies, cause that isnt a good thing…..
oops, since the last update “localization package” I can not log into my account…
someone help me?
Tell your email and password – I’ll login to see if its your PC fault.
you’re an idiot?
Says the one who cant into support ticket or FUCKING google.
Lmao. Generally I don’t find you funny, whoreass, but this was fuckin hilarious.
no…hes not an idiot hes just a troll =D and you bit
Can you pls save my name and password for me, I have like 100 mil credits and some couple thousand gold?
“a special mode in random (just like assault and encounter), that would be available only to good players with 20 percent extra credit/XP profit.”
Wait… Isn’t it already implemented and called STRONKHOLDS?! With that special building consumable activated, that allows you to farm more credits?
And Team (aka 7/42) Battles, and Tank Companies, and Clan Wars…I mean I can understand being frustrated with the common rabble, but at the end of the day WG’s priority is and SHOULD be on features that are accessible for most of the playerbase, due to the nature of an F2P monetization model.
Sielente a nevíš jaká bude cena ? And you do not know what will be the price ?
Storm states that this is not a good idea – increasing the profit by 20 percent would break the monetization.
What the hell does he think they’ve done with all the monies from the IM rewards. Never seen so many Gold shells flying about.
Broken in their therms… Not Urs.