- Storm states that when it comes to Chinese, French and Japanese tank and their rework to HD, “they are of secondary concern”
- M4A3E8 in HD will not come either in 9.4 or in 9.5
- apparently, the M4A3E8 will be “made from scratch” by some new outsourcer and will not be based on the “Fury” HD model
- “there is no info” on the KV-5 variant, that allegedly had more armor on the infamous radioman miniturret
- Panzer V/IV will not be transferred to tier 5 (it is on Xbox)
- there are no plans to allow you to re-buy a premium tank you once already had and sold back for credits
- regarding the “microrelief” rework Storm announced – it concerns various terrain irregularities up to the height of half a meter (eg. the ones within the usual clearance)
- LTTB is two times lighter than AFK Panther “due to its dimensions”
- T49 will not get a second alternative 90mm gun
- Havok will work mostly on your CPU, not your videocard
- equal teams in random battles? “If you want equal teams, you can play team battles.”
- for now, there are no plans for more camo patterns
- Storm states that lags during peak times are normal, especially in the evening, the ISP channels are clogged
- gold shells will be investigated, but according to Storm, the chance of changes in gold shells is “20 percent at most”
- developers currently don’t see any issue with the amount of arties in battles
- Storm doesn’t consider a certain part of a map being occupied by unpasseble terrain to be a problem
- the upcoming accuracy nerf will happen in order to “reduce the combat distance and increase the role of armor in battle”
- 1,2 or 3 old perks will be removed during the great perk overhaul, according to Storm, these changes will not change the gameplay much, only a bit
- there is still a lot of time until Panzer IV Schmalturm gets reworked to HD
- Storm is aware of the bug where in sniper mode, a transluescent (near) bush starts to “blink”. It will be fixed.
Evilly, regarding the ingame missions and their ability to teach players to play properly (a player was complaining that they do not fulfill this function): “Yes, it’s like that. Missions do not fulfill the educational purpose, not all of them have it like that definitely …… we do attempt to reward skillful gameplay, but keep in mind that ‘skill’ is a loose idea. Winrate does not work, in two battles a player can lose one badly with 0 damage while carrying the team in the second one. There aren’t that many success criteria out there. In various missions, there are basic public or hidden anti-bot conditions. We are trying to put it like that together.”
- Evilly confirms that developers are trying to hand out less credits in missions than before
- Wargaming apparently cannot afford (in terms of their ingame economy) to let players choose a reward they want for missions, plus the ingame mechanism is not implemented yet. If it appears, WG will run experiments.
- there will be more “IS-6″ and “Super Pershing” missions in the future, without the tough conditions like “complete a quest 27 days out of 30″
- unique missions for random players will come in 9.5, they will be complicated. These will be rewarded by premium tanks.
- there is no plan to make missions for experienced players (by winrate) harder, developers will do something like that “using other means”
Evilly also mentions future plans of Wargaming:
- individual missions with unique tanks as rewards (unique emblems and crews will come later). These will be complicated, different from regular missions.
- targetted missions – missions targetted at various groups, such as newbies, people who left WoT to make them return
- events (SS: as in weekly, weekend “specials” and such) concept will be reworked: the ones with too many rewards will be reduced in order to return value to these events
- interface of missions will be fixed/reworked
- tokens: “get a token, pick a mission, buy a premium, get a token, activate mission” (SS: no idea what this is)
Going further:
- Evilly confirms the existence of the Recruitment project. In the eyes of WG, there is however no difference between a newbie and a twink in this sense, will work for both apparently
- the amount of events (weekly, weekends etc.) will not be reduced, but their content will be handled (as written above)
- apparently, Object 260, T55A and other tanks (SS: T28 Concept as well apparently) will be obtainable by individual players through the “individual missions”
- individual inscriptions (players writing whatever they want on their tank) will not be implemented
The discussion was pretty long actually, I’d have to translate everything literally to make sense and even I don’t understand some of the sland used in there, so I’ll just leave it as it is. To sum it up: individual missions are coming, they will be complicated. Plus, newbies will be more educated by mission system in the future, for example by being told to do as much damage as they have hitpoints of their tanks.
“- the upcoming accuracy nerf will happen in order to “reduce the combat distance and increase the role of armor in battle””
We already have map reworks, bush removal and a metric ton of corridor maps, do we seriously need more of that shit? does WG want every engagement to happen at 50 meters or less?
I smell more impossible misses/bouncers…
Wargaming’s gambling house RNG
Obviously they dont like skilled players anymore…
No, they do not want 122mm cannons hitting exactly in the center half of the time.
My T34-3 disagrees :) It rarely hits where I intend, I am happy if it at least hits the rock 2m next to it. I bought it because I lost to dare, don’t judge me.
An accuracy NERF is definitely needed. The guns are so accurate now that there is little need to aim fully. This will actually buff all tanks with accurate guns, USA, Brits and Germans, as it won’t affect them as much while it will nerf guns from Russia and China making them much more inaccurate.
Well, it never worked this way for me. Most shoots of mine go in the center and this is pain in the ass for tanks what are really in need to hit weakspots.
WG changing maps —> http://stubbornthoughts.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/ihavenoideawhatimdoingthread_06af9676f192d84f17cf5a5816dc7523.jpg
Actually I think its a good change, while bush removal and corridors are kind of “dick move” to reduce engagement range, reducing accuracy is more of a soft change – it doesnt make sniping impossible, it makes it less effective.
Consider most maps with corridors – usually theres tough fighting in the corridor and then the team that won tries to push, but on most maps corridor ends somewhere near the enemy base and, after successfuly slugging it out earlier, you’re suddenly in the open against bushed TDs with your more-or-less beat up tanks. Its frustrating for both sides, because TDs have to pretty much wait and hope for their team to fail in the corridor, while the opposing attacking heavies didnt gain that much by winning corridor because they cant push further (Im talking about those close battles, not 15:2 scenario) when stuck with 2-3 hidden long range TDs. Decreasing accuracy would give hope due to possibility of bouncing some shells initialy, instead of getting 3 perfectly aimed LFP/drivers hatch/whatever shots in the face the second you try to move.
Counterstrike with tanks, implementation progress at 80 % and counting…
Actually that was the original idea, to make Counter Strike f2p MMO with tanks.
rly..and those tanks that are ”snipers” what then..it’s all bullshit it’s whiners again the same one that cried to nerf helcat nad other tanks cuz purple players killed htem..i think they should work on optimization of game that is playeble better maps balanced and fun to play not nerfing acc and other shit that they try to do…and yes camo is so hard to put in game but clone tanks so easy
I tend to agree with this thinking, not to mention that all the TD snipers out there that are going to bitch about it, think on this…. If you are a sniping TD with the accuracy in the state that it is in currently, you need to be far away in order for most armor on TD’s to be effective. “IF” this change is done properly, then you will be able to be effective at 50 – 150 meters and be in the fight and be able to have shots taken at you miss as well. If implemented properly TD’s can move out of the shadows and get into the fight more. — Frustrating to change the way the meta game is now, yes, for the better, we will have to wait and see, but I hope so.
The big problem with this, is that if you are in a sniping TD, then you rarely in a tank that has the armour or the hit points to survive close range combat for long. So unless WG is planning to give TD’s better armour or more HP then this is a stupid idea.
Or maybe WG is planning to give all TD’s turrets to better handle close combat. I can see WG justifying putting a turret on a STuG by saying that it’s “historically accurate™”.
Fragile glass cannon TDs aren’t meant to move out of the bushes and engage at closer ranges. They are BEST used at extreme range, outside of detection range, using spots from team mates. This idea of reducing accuracy to reduce engagement ranges is pure bull feces.
I agree, although if you look at the way that the game has been altered in the last 5 patches, you will notice that there are less and less areas that you can snipe from extreme distances in a TD. So with that understanding, the reduction in accuracy can in some ways help TD’s get into the game since a lot of TD’s have trollish armor that can bounce occasionally, pairing that with reduced accuracy could result in shorter engagement ranges.
I do not like the idea either, just simply stating that the way the game has been moving and the maps that have been created, this is in a way a good thing for TD’s, if there is a brighter side….
Accuracy be dammed, penetration on premium shells is what junks armour.
I’m especially looking at the russian mediums which with normal ammo have lower pen to offset their huge DPM but which have the option of 330mm pen premium shells to have ultimate dpm AND penetration.
Balance out the window when it comes to premium rounds and *it costs more* is not an in game balance, it’s an out of game balance which merely requires you to have income elsewhere.
It also ignores the flexibility of huge ammo capacity and ability to swap shells to minimise costs, thus having the ability to kill a JPE100 from the front through upper armour with HEAT and cheaply kill an AMX50b with normal APCR, no loss in DPM and enemy armour = irrelevant.
WoHT? World of Heavy Tanks (and Corridors).
An accuracy NERF is definitely needed.
The guns are so accurate now that there is little need to aim fully. This will actually buff all tanks with accurate guns, USA, Brits and Germans, as it won’t affect them as much while it will nerf guns from Russia and China making them much more inaccurate.
Just lol :
1) there is no reason why a tank gun should be THAT inaccurate. None.
2) leaving RNG decide the fate of a fight is just opposite of fun, period
3) problem is 0% due to accuracy, it is all due to incredible penetration with premium rounds.
It is a poor fix for a real problem and you’ll realise this before long
I agree, gold ammo is the issue here and what makes armor irrelevant. If you have so much pen you dont need accuracy to pen weakspots because it will just blast thru anyways. Gold ammo neglects the need of aiming at weakspots.
All i can say is i hope they are referring to snapshot accuracy and not fully aimed shots…i think a nerf to snap shot accuracy is fine, but if they are referring to a total nerf to accuracy i think its a horrible idea, will make the use of gold ammo much more out of control because people who hav skills like me wont be able to hit the weakspots they are aiming for and will be forced to switch over to using gold ammo to pen the enemy…lolz which will completely negate the effectiveness of how armor should work in wot…gg WG another failed attempt to try and “FIX” something that is working completely fine
Speaking of Map reworks, Why not break down the maps in groups, ” don’t have a clue how you would base this “, and rotate a new group every two weeks?
Or every week?
So at every cycle, you would get a new group of, lets say 6 maps?
Me personally, I would like to see just two groups of 22, and have a random map of all 22, but I think I read somewhere the servers only allow about 6-8 maps?
Anyways, Maps are good, Da!
I would speculate that an accuracy nerf is actually going to decrease armor’s role. At the moment, shooting weakspots is rather easy (with a miss every now and then). However, if the accuracy gets worse, it will mean that people will rely more on premium ammunition (because the chances of hitting a weakspot become smaller) thus making them derp through the front of your hull just like that (in most cases). Now, obviously the chances of hitting a weakspot in the current system is a lot smaller than hitting the frontal plate…
And profits go up for Wargaming. I’m thinking that could be a big part of the plan.
Role of armor – Half of the tanks will be rubbish, while russians dominates… great
/!\ Camper spotted !
- Storm is aware of the bug where in sniper mode, a transluescent (near) bush starts to “blink”. It will be fixed.
It’s called Z thrashing
I wonder how the HD french tanks will look like, because at the moment they are ugly plastic toys.
Knowing WG, we will never know.
Really, French tanks sucked in real life so they should be lucky they are as good as they are.
Your mum sucked in real life.
Best tank in history is a french one champion
Stronk history I see.
- there will be more “IS-6″ and “Super Pershing” missions in the future, without the tough conditions like “complete a quest 27 days out of 30″
Bring on XMas time :D
More Super Pershing missions = more gold.
I have both tanks but I have never heard of these missions, but then again I play on the NA server and WG just screws us.
When we had the Super Pershing mission you had the mission to get T34. I think it was grind 70k in tier 4-8 of each nation, for NA it was 100k, as they got the bigger and better reward,
IS6 mission was last year mid December to mid January, 100k in tier 6 in each nation (Japanese was released in that time, still had to be done though).
IS6 one was the same on NA and all other servers though
- Wargaming apparently cannot afford (in terms of their ingame economy) to let players choose a reward they want for missions, plus the ingame mechanism is not implemented yet. If it appears, WG will run experiments.
- there will be more “IS-6″ and “Super Pershing” missions in the future, without the tough conditions like “complete a quest 27 days out of 30″
- unique missions for random players will come in 9.5, they will be complicated. These will be rewarded by premium tanks.
Maybe they could use some sort of token system, where depending on the tier(difficulty) of a mission they could hand out tokens of that tier. Those tokens could then be spent on reward packages of the players choice.
The lower tiered tokens could have rewards like a piece of equipment or a camo while the higher tiered ones could have things like certain special tanks as rewards.
I like that idea. Maybe its balanced just by the amount (like easy gives you 1 token, middle gives you 5 and a hard mission like 10 tokens)
“reduce the combat distance and increase the role of armor in battle” Because why would you remove or hardcap the gold shells which actually decrease the role of armor if you can make using AP more painfull… Seriously, gold will pen no matter where you hit the tank and playing anything that’s not german or british will become frustrating…
This ain’t World of Warcraft where you loot a USMC dogtag from your favorite dragon to turn it in for some shiny piece of armor of choice.
Please don’t give them any stupid ideas.
It’s soooooo hard to introduce proper colours in Caunter scheme next to current clown ones.
Yet we get stupid clones that no one cares about.
- there is no plan to make missions for experienced players (by winrate) harder, developers will do something like that “using other means”
Accuracy debuff = more RNG for hitting
Other means = RNG better for less experienced players… Check, already in game.
I can’t facepalm hard enough. This conspiration theory again?
An accuracy nerf will reduce RNG not increase it, but RNG is greatly overrated and is mostly just used as an excuse by poor players. U don’t hear good players like Circonflex complaining to much about RNG. He does do his fair share of praying to the RNG Gods, but not to much.
“- Storm states that when it comes to Chinese, French and Japanese tank and their rework to HD, “they are of secondary concern”
Of course, we all know these nations are or will be forgotten, good of WG to admit as much at least.
“- 1,2 or 3 old perks will be removed during the great perk overhaul, according to Storm, these changes will not change the gameplay much, only a bit”
As much as 3 perks going now then is it…well some of them leaves much to be desired, but WG could fuck this one up too, so…not too optimistic.
- Storm states that when it comes to Chinese, French and Japanese tank and their rework to HD, “they are of secondary concern”
In other words, they don’t give a shit (because they’re not russian)
Or German.
But yeah, basically.
perfect said
Wow, and american and german and british are russian too huh?
Cut the shit.
It was stated that the tanks that came the last will be made to HD last, and the highest priority have the most well-known tanks. And japanese tree is the newest, then chinese, british and french. So it makes sense the most new HDtanks will come in german, russian and american trees first, because that’s how the game was developed. Besides, all new tanks will be in HD, and there are many of those that are not russian (like the whole fucking american light line).
USA, Russia, Germany and lastly the Brit’s had BY FAR the best tanks in real life so they should have the best tanks in the game too and these tank powerhouse nations should also received favored status for any upgrades.
French tanks were subpar, Japanese tanks were a joke and Chinese tanks were pure garbage and after the war they were simply Russian copies. The main reason you have French, Japanese and Chinese tanks in the game is for WG to have access to these markets, especially the later two, and all that MONEY not because either nation had even mediocre tanks in real life so both of these nations in particular should be very happy with their status in the game.
“USA, Russia, Germany and lastly the Brit’s had BY FAR the best tanks in real life so they should have the best tanks in the game too and these tank powerhouse nations should also received favored status for any upgrades.”
What a bunch of uneducated BS. French tanks were clearly superior from 1917 to 1940, and the country quickly regained its spots after the war, exporting thousands of AMX 13 all over the world. That was even the reasoning behind the introduction of French tanks before British ones.
Germany doesn’t even come close to that record, at least until she produced the Leopard. And even then, it was the result of an aborted Franco-German project.
French line was released when? Three years ago? A year and a half before the Brits?
It hasn’t gotten anything news after the arty and the ELC were introduced. Which was two years ago.
Fuck WG. The fantasy T57 Heavy will be HDed before the actually produced and still existing AMX 50, and will still blow the 50B to bits with superior armor, faster reload and higher DPM. Cunts.
French tanks SUCKED in real life so you should be happy WG has buffed them to be as good as they are in the game.
Learn some history before you state something
I hope (but this is Wargaming, so I doubt it…) they are wise enough to exclude light tanks from the communicating a rule to newbies, about doing as much damage as your HP pool… Do not get me wrong, a light tank (especially OP autoloaders) can be devastating, and most can make a differencein the late game, however they should be pointing out that spotting damage is the most important for LTs… Tell the noobs, that LT keeps their camo factor on the move, explain view ranges etc. The reason is that after their so called turtorial we may see even more LT that go 1v1 against HTs when the game start…
- for now, there are no plans for more camo patterns
This is kinda weak – to be honest, this is a golden opportunity for WG to hold a “Camo contest” and use the best several of these, maybe 2 or 3 per nation to make their lives a little easier.
A lot of tankers improvised their own camo as a field modification so it’s not like they have to harp on and on about “historical accuracy” when it comes to something visual like some paint splashed against the hulls.
WG has access to a fantastic resource in their players for camo and also for map development but they will never use it because they have a very elitist attitude.
HD conversion is the issue here.
- there is no plan to make missions for experienced players (by winrate) harder, developers will do something like that “using other means”
Yes, because rigged matchmaking and rng is not enough. Why won’t WG just permaban all the skilled players who did not spend money on the game? It’d be much simpler, and the community is already conditioned to accept such atrocities.
Wtf does this “using other means” even mean? What a business culture, djeezez.
Wow, the Illuminati have been bringing you down lately, or was it the reptilians? I mean if you believe in WG conspiracies you can’t miss out on these as well
If you do not believe it, you probably think santa, the tooth fairy and the easter bunny are real too.
UR just a TROLL.
The game is free to play but ur complaining because players actually play for free????????
Good players are good because they are, well, good, just like Tiger Woods or Tom Brady they are just better not because they have special equipment but because they are “talented.”
I am not so talented. I am a 1600-1800, 56% player, and that is as high as I will likely get because I am just not a good clicker. I can’t quickly aim and hit small targets like a cupola. An accuracy nerf might actually help me if it means purples miss more often shooting at small targets.
>free to play
Say that after you start playing tier 8+ regularly. BTW I’m a 63% player with near unicum WNs, and I know it’s not because I’m talented, but because I have this superpower called “common sense”.
- the upcoming accuracy nerf will happen in order to “reduce the combat distance and increase the role of armor in battle”
why the hell WG wants that??? if you want to make ARMOR more important make GOLD AMMO more useless or even make it for GOLD back …. so will ARMOR will be important and every one will learn how to angle his tank in order to get more bounce hits. because right now it is not important how you stay because noobs will always use gold to penetrate your angled ass
I think most WG employees that play the game are those tomatoes we hate so much…
Read either as:
“There are not enough gold spammer pay-to win player atm, we need to make normal ammo useless.”
Or read as:
” Tomatoes will still make perfect snapshots, skilled players will need to be at point-blank range to make a hit.”
” or even make it for GOLD back”
yeah back to paytowin. Awesome idea. Could be done by a tomato.
An accuracy nerf is needed.
Right now the guns are so accurate you don’t have to fully aim. Irony is that this will hurt Russia and China the most.
it was fine back in the day. Gold ammo was rare when bought with gold. Today it is just common.
so lets sum this up, more crap changes on the way with possibility to fuck up things that works fine right now…
very nice said … gj
I for one think that the accuracy change that they did many patches ago, that everyone is defending now, was shit then. They should have left it the way that it was then. American tanks without good armor had better accuracy and the German tanks that can now wallop you from 300+ meters could not hit shit unless they were up close and using the armor of the tank. Russian tanks were in the middle, good armor, decent close to mid range accuracy, each tank served a purpose and had balances.
Now it is shit, everyone can hit everyone from monstrous distances away and armor therefore is shit… return the accuracy to what it was and maybe the game will be more fun… Not every tank needs to be able to hit everything from every distance.
I for one am looking forward to an accuracy nerf… Let the tank play its role.
Who the fuck told you Germans had low accuracy? And Russian guns being more accurate then Germans? Do you even play this game?
I agree with your premise, but an accuracy nerf will buff USA, Germany and the Brits and nerf Russia and esp China.
Back when the T34 was still a real American HT and not a premium, that is how the top tier HT’s played and how the game was balanced. American tanks were more mobile, had faster rate of fire and did not hit as hard. German tanks hit like trucks and had armor out the ass, Maus had good decent accuracy, slow, but armored. Russians had decent rate of fire, decently mobile tanks but had to get mid to short range for that gun to work well. When the E100 was introduced you had to be in close for that gun to be effective, which fit the design of the tank. Now you can be moving full speed across the map and snapshot someone from 200+ meters in an E100, total bullshit…
I am not speaking as in real life, I am speaking how the game was prior to the original accuracy buff. Of course this was back when only 10% of players shot gold because you could only get it for gold…. the good old days of tanks…
WarGaming in a nutshell
“-there are no plans to allow you to re-buy a premium tank you once already had and sold back for credits”
So does that mean the US server is going to have the option removed?
Its about selling a premtank ingame to get the credits and buy it back with credits later without involving the support.
Yea, On the US server you can do that, as many times as you want!
Want :(
Serb and other developers a long time ago: “we dont add more desert maps, because we consider them as boring”. Now look what the vote says: Desert maps are the most popular ones. Sadly this vote is ridged, because I believe most people do not care whether Prokhorovka or Fiery Salient gets removed, there is just no point in having the exact same map twice.
I love desert maps. I hate Prok/FS and when I get it on the test server I just suicide as I don’t want to waste all that time camping.
desert maps – dynamic, and no FPS drops…
‘complete a quest 27 days out of 30′
no thx, there is more to life than just wot (at least other games)
russian not stronk? nyet problem. close engage maps? check. worse accuracy? check. stalinium front armor, big guns on rushin’ tonks? check.
make those evil capitalist paper boxes suffer
Can you not read? It says there will NOT be more missions like that.
Most of the players suck at this game because they have a very low attention span.
- there will be more “IS-6″ and “Super Pershing” missions in the future, without the tough conditions like “complete a quest 27 days out of 30″
- unique missions for random players will come in 9.5, they will be complicated. These will be rewarded by premium tanks.
I hope these two answers go hand in hand, because you can make a tough, complicated mission without asking the player to play minimum 10 games every single day for an entire month. Go on a weekend? Fuck you, you can’t complete the mission. Internet problems the last 3 days? Tough shit.
I’m know it’s free stuff and all, but if it’s such a bloody constraint to finish it, might as well not even start it.
Make them hard, not a chore.
Regards to the TogTober mission, 5 victories per day for two weeks looks simple…
Until you get into the game, have a bad team (or fight against a good one), lost battles after battles, and “oh crap you didnt have a lot of time to play and didnt get your 5 victories ? So bad for you”
And it’s still an almost free-win mission.
This kind of mission, “win X battles per day for X days”, only brings tons of bots, and become harder with days.
if you can’t win 5 battles in an hour you need to quit the game.
Yeah I had over 3k average wn8 and 41% wr in the past few weeks because random(tm). I should quit the game indeed, because it’s crap. But I want the Tog first, it worths quite a penny.
Well TOGtober requirements are lower, and that’s good.
Only 15 days is also much more flexible.
Too much for me personally this month, but that’s my own problem, 5 wins a day 15 times is doable for a lot of people.
It’s a step in the right direction, but I feel as if it’s only because it’s a tier6 tank that’s only bought as a comedy tank.
We’ll see what individual missions bring us.
It isnt his fault if the team is retarded, this isnt a single player game, so even if he is good he cant win by playing 2 vs 15
Accuracy nerf comfirmed ?
Okay but what about artillery players ? I know I’ll get answers like “arty sucks, arty removed from the game, arty nerf”… But seriously they did a great, maybe TOO great rework of them in 8.6, transforming the most OP ones (hi TD Hummel) into the most awful (10s reload more, lost mobility, lost an awful lot of accuracy, lost their op side).
Already arty is hard to play, at least harder than it used to be, and when you get hit for 700 damages, before thinking “op nooby arty”, think they must have failed 2 or 3 perfectly aimed shots at you in the last 5 minutes.
So now, if there is another accuracy nerf, arties like T92, Conqueror GC, and every high-caliber ones will just be shit. I wonder how they will balance that.
arty sucks and should be removed from the game or heavily nerfed.
arty is soooooo easy to play it is a JOKE. U just sit in one spot and click. The ONLY talent you need to play arty is to anticipate the movement of the enemy tank. That is it. playing arty takes NO TALENT whatsoever, NONE!!!!!!!
Obvious Troll is obvious
I agree. I rarely get killed by arty. Maybe once in 50 game and only get hit by arty maybe once in 10 games so for me arty players are IMPOTENT and you get easy damage at the end of games killing them but arty should still be nerfed as it is just sooooooooo easy to play and takes no skill at all.
The hardest tanks to play in the game are mediums, then heavies, then TD’s, then lights (I put them last because they don’t affect the game much on mostly brawling maps) and last and certainly least is arty. Arty is soooooooo much easier to play than even a camping TD.
Actualy, a Td that fires a 500 potential damage shot ever 10 seconds with 0.4 accuracy and a good camo will at the end of the game be more powerful and op than an arty firing a 1800 pitential damage shot ever 50 seconds, then miss it, so reload, fires again, do 250 splash damage, then reload again…
If arty is too op for you, just take a look at the actual WaffenTrager Td’s. No armor ? Well when you have high camo and quick-reloading-high-caliber gun, it doesnt matter.
Or the ISU-152 with BL-10 ?
TD’s are at least as op as arties, if not more
Can TDs hit you on the other side of the map regardless of terrain while never moving from spawn and using two buttons at most?
“Already arty is hard to play”
Moving the mouse and pressing a button once or twice a minute is hard!
If the accuracy nerf will be similar to the accuracy buff in 8.6 (gaussian distribution change) then artys will get an accuracy “buff” (wich will not be a real buff, just a compensation to regain the same accuracy, but it will still use huge shitstorm in the forums, so prepare your popcorn ;)
- gold shells will be investigated, but according to Storm, the chance of changes in gold shells is “20 percent at most”
And again….
Just Stop it. Prem shells are fine as it is. People whine about premium rounds please go and play T8 Mediums in T10 matches against Maus or even Mediums, they are very Fun with regular ammo. I bet the people would be thanking you for the steel wall.
*Spams t54 heat shells at tier 6 scouts*
Sound like your just to dumb to play a med. Pro tip: try using your tracks. No need to top infront of that maus and shoot the gun mantle.
most players suck at this game. why would you shoot at the front or even the side of a Maus with a tier 8 MT? If it is just you and him then go cap. If he is capping then drive around him and shoot him in the ass.
hey, dumbass, if you are in a medium, then FLANK heavy armoured target. That is your role, idiot. If you are engaging him from the front then you are doing it wrong, and have to spam gold, noob.
- the upcoming accuracy nerf will happen in order to “reduce the combat distance and increase the role of armor in battle”
fucking idiots… just “rebalance”(nerf) gold ammo to get the same thing…
I don’t see how the accuracy nerf is going to get the outcome they want. What seems so obvious is that the result will be an increase in the use of gold ammo among all players.
At some point, even skilled players are going to say, If I can’t reliably hit weakspots anymore, then I will need to use gold.
ur totally WRONG.
An accuracy nerf will REDUCE the use of gold ammo because you will miss more at long ranges so most players will cease using it at even medium to long ranges to not waste the creds esp in Russian and Chinese tanks.
LOL ARE U FOR REAL…cause your totally wrong a accuracy nerf will increase the use of gold rounds
Less accuracy = less chances to hit weakspots = less chances to penetrate.
Solution ? Gold ammo, to penetrate your ennemy, wherever you hit him
People who think like that already use it.
It will probably increase gold ammo usage, but only marginally.
- Storm states that when it comes to Chinese, French and Japanese tank and their rework to HD, “they are of secondary concern”
Nice. The nation that invented modern tanks and has the coolest and most original designs in WoT is thrown into the trashbin of “not before 2017″.
WG fuckers.
What????? U high or something? Chinese and Japanese Tanks have been shit all the time so youre obviously talking about the french?? Now tell how they invented modern tanks? Even the German Leopard 1 developed in the 70s was more practical then a french tank from 1990. Go back to your cave my friend :P
USA, Russia, Germany and lastly the Brit’s had BY FAR the best tanks in real life so they should have the best tanks in the game too and these tank powerhouse nations should also receive favored status for any upgrades.
French tanks were subpar, Japanese tanks were a joke and Chinese tanks were pure garbage (and after the war they were simply Russian copies). The main reason you have French, Japanese and Chinese tanks in the game is for WG to have access to these markets, especially the later two, and all that MONEY not because either nation had even mediocre tanks in real life. These three nations should be very happy with their status in the game and that WG buffed their tanks so they are as good as they are in the game.
- “there is no info” on the KV-5 variant, that allegedly had more armor on the infamous radioman miniturret
It’s funny how’s this mentioned now when they are planning to move 6th sense to radioman(that dies in KV-5 almost every shot). Those retards pulling these kind of infos out of their asses should be banned so they can’t ask retarded questions anymore.
- LTTB is two times lighter than AFK Panther “due to its dimensions”
Haven’t you heard of the enourmous dimension of russian bias on it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Havok will work mostly on your CPU, not your videocard
So, just like 90% of the game. Brilliant.
- developers currently don’t see any issue with the amount of arties in battles
That’s because devs don’t even play their own game. Proven many times, since most of the time they have no clue how things work in their own game.
- the upcoming accuracy nerf will happen in order to “reduce the combat distance and increase the role of armor in battle”
OH FUCKING REALLY? So, corridor maps and shortening the engagements to 200m max was not enough for brainded faggots? With more and more retarded changes WG is digging their own grave. And you know. Irl tanks fought eachother at 50m, not like they were taking eachothers out at distances up to 2-3 km. In soviet belarusia WG tells you what’s realistic tank warfare. Fucking commie retards.
I think an accuracy nerf is a great idea. I am all for it.
Simple chg to the KV5, just reduce the chances of the radioman being injured to 10%. WG just makes many things far to complicated.
So if the place you sit in is hit directly, you have 90% chance of avoiding shrapnels? Wut?
how retarded can you get? wargaming has never said that ingame is going to be as realistic as possible, they never said that was like real life. stop being blinded by all the tinfoil already.
What is retarded is keeping gold ammo as it is and nerf accuracy. Imo the problem never was the increased accuracy, it was gold rounds in relation to increased accuracy. Basicly using autoaim at 300m away and hit and pen. I say remove autoaim and gold ammo and keep accuracy as it is, maybe nerf it little only.
I just realy hope that someone will make a decent game with tanks, and WoT will die. Then these commie fags can go beg for change on the streets of Minsk.
I love WOT’s. It is the best game EVER!!!!!!!!
Do I like all the changes? No, especially with the maps and corridors, but you just adapt to them.
Please tell me how you adapt to being in a Nashorn on Severogorsk in a Tier 8 fight.
I’m waiting…
Wait in back or follow a pack of heavies and shooting from behind them.
What is your approach, going to swim? This “I am useless, let’s give up” approach makes you even more useless, actually.
I just hope arty wont get hit again.
arty sucks and should be removed from the game or heavily nerfed.
arty is soooooo easy to play it is a JOKE. U just sit in one spot and click. The ONLY talent you need to play arty is to anticipate the movement of the enemy tank. That is it. playing arty takes NO TALENT whatsoever, NONE!!!!!!!
Bishop, FV304, SU-5 say hi…
If you play like this, you play arty wrong and you will get punished for that. You’ll get countered and you will have worse target selection than the moving arties.
If the accuracy nerf will be similar to the accuracy buff in 8.6 (gaussian distribution change) then artys will get an accuracy “buff” (wich will not be a real buff, just a compensation to regain the same accuracy, but it will still use huge shitstorm in the forums, so prepare your popcorn ;)
“Yes, it’s like that. Missions do not fulfill the educational purpose, not all of them have it like that definitely …… we do attempt to reward skillful gameplay, but keep in mind that ‘skill’ is a loose idea.”
After thousands (or tens of thousands) of games played the idea of skill is not loose at all. Taking into account platooning, type of battles (tank companies vs. random matches), and average tier everything else is mainly attributable to player ability.
Stop coddling people with participation ribbons and help them learn the complex mechanics of this game.
Why not missions that involve long-term goals? Such as raise your past 1000 battle win rate or WG rating within a year.
Or how about platoon with someone who is below your WR and give credit/xp bonus, perhaps based upon the difference.
“Havok will work mostly on your CPU, not your videocard”
Wooo, just what was needed, more pressure on the CPU while my GPU is idling away. Thankfully they say Havok can be turned off.
Havoc will use additional cores on the CPU and more cpus are dual to six core. How ever I would wish that visual effects would use gpu power instead of cpu power, because now the cpu is too bussy.
I’d like a ‘personal’ mission to get a type 59. Than again, i’d also like to be on a sunny beach with lots of bikini models…
So should we even bother to get 3 skill crew if they remove them?
It makes me wonder if the reward tanks will pertain to your most played nations. I’ve played half my battles (4k) in Chinese tanks (~2k) would they give me tanks like the type 64 112 etc or will I get stuck with tanks I don’t want like T34 (USA) or Is-6.
“…- T49 will not get a second alternative 90mm gun…”
but the t49 had a second 90mm gun on the super test! you showed us the picture!
it was the 90mm gun M41 with 173/263/45penetration average damage 240/240/320
we need another gun option WG.
They want you to spend money on gold ammo to have a viable option for a reliable damage dealer.
You’d think they’d learned that lesson with the old Konish. Guess not.
20% cheaper premium ammo! my wallet approves. :D
“- 1,2 or 3 old perks will be removed during the great perk overhaul, according to Storm, these changes will not change the gameplay much, only a bit”
- This is what im worried about, what perks will be removed then? BIA, safe stowage, deadeye, eagle eye? I really like all perks and skills as it is. But I really hope they will introduce new perk when they remove old ones because otherwise we who have 6-7 skill crews wont benefit.
Also to make armor more valuable, you dont need to nerf accuracy since good accuracy is needed to pen weakspots. Hitting weakspots of heavily armored tanks does not make armor useless. Not aiming and pen heavily armored and angled areas, that is bullshit and that is what gold ammo does. No tank should not be able to pen weakspots, due to RNG and nerfed accuracy.
dude wtf is up with this idea we need a accuracy nerf just the other day i had 3 shots ina row with my fcm go flying way off center of a fully aimed shot….AND THEY SAY THEY WANT TO NERF ACCURACY MORE WTF….I dont know how many times I get screwed already by RNG deciding my fully aimed shot isnt going to go where I aim it…all this accuracy nerf is going to do is make more people fire gold because they will not be able to hit weakspots…if they want to make armor more effective it would be much better to nerf the gold ammo in wot…not punish the good players who know where to aim to pen a tank by fucking up the accuracy of there already shoddy rng ridden accuracy….COMMON WG USE YOUR FREAKING BRAINS….seriously all this nerf bat is going to do for me is force me to have to shoot more gold ammo because i cannot trust that my shot will even hit the weakspot i know is there and am aiming for…geez WG working as intended just trying to line their pockets more!!!!! and besides all that what about tanks like the leopard that rely on long range sniping this will seriously affect tanks with that kind of game play
I agree, accuracy is not the issue, gold ammo is. Beeing able to hit where you aim more consistent is good. Beeing able to pen areas you would not do with standard ammo is not okay. Fucking retard WG, as long as all people use standard ammo then everything is good because that means players will still aim for weakspots. Before the accuracy change you could miss even in mediums to close range or bounce despite you aimed good, and that was bullshit. Players who aim for weakspots and use standard ammo should be rewarded. This accuracy nerf is a buff for gold ammo players, because thety dont aim proper anyways.
Will we ever get turret numbers? :O
“- T49 will not get a second alternative 90mm gun”
What about a 76mm gun? One was fitted into the turret (though not until after it was on the M551) as well as two different 105mm guns (well, three if you count a 105mm howitzer).
there will be more “IS-6″ and “Super Pershing” missions ok i got a KV-5 what about that
Tell mi what fucking perks WG are planning on removing. Fucking idiots, they do everything to dumb down the game and make people with high skill crews dont get any benefit anymore. I hope they are planning in introducing new skills/perks for those old perks they remove. But hey lets remove crew skills alltogeather so all noobs can have a “fair” play. They sure damn got 6th sense for free ( or 200 gold).
As if combat range isn’t close enough with all the corridor.
They really kick themselves with the Wafflentrakken line.
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“- “there is no info” on the KV-5 variant, that allegedly had more armor on the infamous radioman miniturret”
Oh? So now that Sixth Sense goes to the Radioman and people complained and bitched about it in regard to the KV-5, suddenly someone turns up with some mysterious info/hint about a variant that is precisely what the whiners want? Really? These people… I’m curious if WarGaming can withstand the temptation this time.
“- regarding the “microrelief” rework Storm announced – it concerns various terrain irregularities up to the height of half a meter (eg. the ones within the usual clearance)”
E.g. those where you almost always die with your fast/light tank, when you try to scramble away from certain death. It’s amazing that they didn’t fix these map issues long ago already and it’s a shame that they didn’t pay more attention to this *known* issue in regard to the Chaffee Sport Event, where it became painfully obvious for everyone.
“- LTTB is two times lighter than AFK Panther “due to its dimensions””
WarGaming can go fuck themselves. It’s a fantasy tank with fantasy stats and it would have never turned out the way it is ingame. The comedy-gun alone would make the tank too instable to drive, much less drive fast. And with the extra armor up front, this thing would be so front heavy and, due to it’s tallish size, just fucking flip over whenever you do a sharp break.
“- Storm states that lags during peak times are normal, especially in the evening, the ISP channels are clogged”
Are they still blaming their failing on external sources? Olympia still going in Russia?
“- Storm doesn’t consider a certain part of a map being occupied by unpasseble terrain to be a problem”
Storm either doesn’t understand the question or is an idiot. Blocking out huge chunks of the map to access, means less room to meaneuver, means closer range and more funnneled engagements. Guess what the fuck people do not like about Hidden Village… Is this really rocket science to him or does he indeed have such a limited scope on the game or is he even intentionally ignoring the issue? I mean, all the terrain features are nice (and could be easily placed outside the map boundaries and stil being visualized, adding flair to the map) and there’s nothing wrong with an unpassable object being being part of the map, but only as long as the object is part of the map and adds gameplay (see Cliff for example). Otherwise you are just wasting space and if you think that is ok, then you might as well lower the total size of the map, as it has the exact same effect (limiting accessable space) and then ask yourself: Why the fuck was Province removed from higher tier gaming? Or Widepark? Or why will Ensk suffer that same fate (hopefully) at some point, too? Hint: It ain’t just the spotting distances.
“- the upcoming accuracy nerf will happen in order to “reduce the combat distance and increase the role of armor in battle””
This is bogus, as armor is fine. Instead nerf accuracy “to increase the role of accurate guns in battle.”. L2Gamedesign, people.
“- unique missions for random players will come in 9.5, they will be complicated. These will be rewarded by premium tanks.
- individual missions with unique tanks as rewards (unique emblems and crews will come later). These will be complicated, different from regular missions.”
This will backfire, very likely. If they use the system that was described earlier in another post, a few days back, then people will complain about favourtism and unfairness. 1.000 out of 100.000 players recieve an e-mail: “Do this and that and you’ll gain Tank XYZ”. 90.000 people will complain that they didn’t get the chance to get the tank. Do not ever award unique or exclusive (or percieved as unique and exclusive) prizes that way. EVER!
- gold shells will be investigated, but according to Storm, the chance of changes in gold shells is “20 percent at most”
All’s fair in love and war.
In random battles:
Lower the alpha damage on gold shells by ~15%.
Limit the gold shells per battle: you can carry ~20% of gold shells. When you have 60 shells in your tank you can carry only 12 gold shells.
Something like that.
“The discussion was pretty long actually, I’d have to translate everything literally to make sense and even I don’t understand some of the sland used in there”.
It would be nice if you could include link to the source. Those who know russian could listen/read it all.
The upcoming accuracy nerf will happen in order to “reduce the combat distance and increase the role of armor in battle”
you mean WG now officially promotes and endorses camping and their hippy campers?
Oh brilliant thats just what i need for my 112. i already have enough trouble even hitting the target i shot let alone hit the weak spots which this tank seriously needs and to have its accuracy nerfed would make this a walking explosive matchstick that can’t damage anything because its accuracy would have been nerfed