
Interested in new version of the region changer mod, that allows you to play on various server using the same client (you still need separate accounts on the servers, it is not roaming)? Here it is.

- the new physics model will be “leaked” by community contributors’ videos on Thursday (day after tomorrow)
- Storm confirms on closed beta-tester RU forum that the issue of servers giving you the same map over and over again is existing, but more than that: it is intentional – it serves to limit the load on the server, it is not possible to fix.
- a player reports that he has an issue in locking the autoaim on enemy targets (takes a lot of effort to lock on), Storm states there were no other such reports (as in, not an issue)
- it’s not possible to choose a map you want to play because the MM mechanism wouldn’t be able to handle it
- it’s possible that the physics test will also start on Thursday
- no comment on whether (and which) limited MM vehicles will be removed from the store
- Q: “AW will kill WOT!” A: “How terrible.”
- special missions to promote “unpopular tanks” (SU-101 etc.) will not be introduced
- tanks being “shifted” (moved) by hits from shells (kinetic energy effect) will not be implemented

169 thoughts on “24.2.2015

  1. - Q: “AW will kill WOT!” A: “How terrible.”

    More like “The natural progression of gaming” … AW had the luxury of hearing about all of WoT’s deficiencies and are actively working on preventing the same mistakes – all the while giving a more modern feel with more modern AFV’s.

    …if anything, the CryEngine alone is what will prove to make AW the superior platform over the BugWorld one.

    • AW already implemented that arty aim mod :D
      And yes – even in alpha on all max can run 45FPS (according to their FPS counter), while in WoT you can get the same with shittier graphics (not to mention present weather effects in AW :D).

      • I played the whole time on max settings and FPS stayed around 45 to 55 and the game was beautiful. I’m not leaving Wot altogether but they will see a drop in player base not because AW is better but because after 4 years folks are just tired of WOT not improving. I’ve had every 8 9 and 10 for some time and there is not really anything keeping me interested. I’ve got three alt accounts, one with 6 tier 10s, one with 3 and the other has one. The game has no long term goals (aside from adding Op invented tanks then nerfing them or money grab premium tanks) and unless they release WOT 2.0 then the game will wither. I had fun and 8th was a good ride but the current state of WOT spells it’s doom

        • And where is this in AW? Not saying WoT doesn’t have an endgame, or that AW is inferior to Wot in any way, but where is any of this in AW? AW is just a cloned version of WoT with better graphics, modern tanks and maps, and slightly different features. In the long run, AW may just turn out the same as WoT.

            • Correction, it’s Obsidian with Mail.ru pulling the ropes backstage.

              If Obsidian aren’t milking the players dry enough, Mail.ru will demand action, lest Obsidian gets the axe and gets replaced.

              • My observations led me to a conclusion that mail.ru and my.com with Obsidian act independantly economic-wise.

                RU already sells packs for a very affordable price.

            • You obviously haven’t played any of Obsidian’s other products then. Their reputation with single player PC games is that they are a half-assed team that has great ideas and poor implementation, leading to buggy and incomplete products.

            • It’s Obsidian’s first MMO ever, so I think they will screw up just as badly as WG (for whom WoT was their first MMO ever… what a surprise).

              The graphics might be a decider for some players… but seriously, when I am playing Thief (the first one) and Deus Ex (the first one) and Homeworld (the first one) on this machine… do I care?

            • BigWorld is Australian, CryEngine is German. Australian engineering is cost effective, but German engineering is high quality.

          • Actually… AW has single and co-op missions/gameplay…
            So.. yeah… that would mean that there is some sort of an endgame.

        • Basically, you are bored because you don’t have a fucking life, congrats. Also, since when do MMOs need an “end game”?! The point is to be infinite.

      • I bet i cant run AW with 45 fps+, because Crysis 3 is unplayable for me.
        But i can run WoT with 100 fps. On max settings ofc.

        Hint: I play in 4k resolution.

          • I dont need to bet, because I know already. You cant even play Crysis 3 in 4k @ 45 fps with 3 fucking Titans, so why should AW be that much better?! Engine updates are nice, but they wont provide you with 100% more fps without any costs. So either AW dumbs down the possible quality of the cryengine, or it wont run that fast in 4k.

            WoT on the other hand is completly CPU bottlenecked, resolution is the only thing that requires some kind of GPU Power. And you can use some serious GPU power nowadays, so resolution is not the main problem.

        • Ya, that’s bullshit. No cable spec supports the bandwidth for 4k at over 60fps. Plus, if you’ve even tried to play 4k WoT, you’ll know it’s unplayable. The UI doesn’t scale, so all of the text is almost unreadable. A top of the line system can do ~45-60fps at 4k in WoT though, which would definitely be enough for the CryEngine.

          Source: My comp is a Core i7-5930K, 16GB RAM, 2x nVidia 980 GTX with an Acer XB280HK 28″ 4k display. I switched back to a 27″ 2560×1400 display because WoT sucks at 4k

          • Are you living in the stone age?

            4k @ 60 fps is supported by: HDMI 2.0 and Displayport 1.2

            And SLI doesnt work good in WoT, so that may hinder your performance.

        • Stop being such a panzy ass i play wots on 10-15 frames a second and im a greenie so stop bitching please lol

    • Q: “AW will kill WOT!” A: “How terrible.”
      No maybe not, But it WILL put a hell of a dent in it.

    • eee ? wut? aw is a work of wg just undercover of other firm… its the same game … just on new engine . U would ask why. U se even if wg make wot like aw u know cry engine beter evrythink… they dont gona have as much profit as make new whole game cos people have already premium tanks nd tiers 10 in wot , in new game people woud have to buy prems days , captan crew member, grind from 1 tiers… they can just abadon wot and have prospers from aw ,,, anyone who will play aw or word of warships are wg wewe sucker

    • Heres the thing though….
      WG has put in toooonnns of time to make WoT on the engine that it is…
      Changing to a new engine would mean completely restarting everything that they have done so far…

  2. Ive had some issues with the auto locking thing too. I thought it was just me but maybe not

      • Myself as well. I thought maybe my mouse button was wore out, but I lock on and it then unlocks me. It is also difficult to lock on in the first place.

          • - a player reports that he has an issue in locking the autoaim on enemy targets (takes a lot of effort to lock on), Storm states there were no other such reports (as in, not an issue)


            Bullshit !!! Storm, your wrong !! HELL Yes… The Auto-Aim is NOT working correctly! It’s not been working correctly since 9.5 It is hard as hell to lock onto targets. Where the Hell are you getting your information from man??? Go back and kick someone’s butt !! And stop this lying! The damn auto am is not working correctly !! come on just stop the lying…

  3. What is killing this game, is the influx of new player and player with 10K, 15K or 20K battles are not there any more. WG are doing a fantastic job of getting new players, but a terrible job at keeping the old players, or keeping new players long anough to make then old palyers.
    This result in teams with where nearly all player have one 2.000 games or less making the battles more and more YOLLO random.
    Winning 15-2 is just as boring as losing 2-15.

    At one pint there will be no more ‘land to conquer’ for WG and then the game will fall fast.

    • I don’t know, what tiers are you playing, but certainly not 8-10 :P
      I just came back from a T9 game and there was 1 person with 2k games, and 8 with 20k or more. You all are going on about WoT dying but it really is not, and it won’t for a while.

      • I play tier 2-10, mostly from tier 6 and up.
        I am happy for you that you can get teams that know what to do, but I do see a shift in the last half year with less and less expiriensed players and now players rushing to high tier without having a clue of what to do.

        Yes it is fun shooting at a pair of E-100 that don’t know what angeling is and cant penetrate your frontal plate, but they are just as often on my team.
        It used to be only IS-8 players in high tier who sucked, now they are all over.

        • I agree with Zbyszko, in higher tiers, I would even say from 7 up, most of my games have more 10k-15k+ players than not.

          I will however say that in my experience, this is greatly influenced by the time of day you play. I’ve started playing quite late at night or early morning (on EU server) since this seems to be when a lot of the better players are online and I get much better quality games than in the afternoon and early evening, which seems to mostly be when casual players are online.

        • I can assure you it was always there and I’m not against it as much as I used to be, cause you can’t learn anything below tier 8 and tiers 7-8 are the most frustrating ones (too much matches at the bottom, too weak tanks compared to higher tiers). What is surprising me is average skill on mid tiers, no one seems to return there. Perhaps they are lacking of slightly OP tanks that are fun to play.

      • Problem being, that those with 20k or more battles generally didn’t win more than 1k of those ;P

    • In tiers 8-10, most players have around 10k battles, and are relatively experienced, so I have no idea what you’re playing to see that many inexperienced players.

    • Makes me grin in anticipation, stuff like this usually brings the swift fall. Underestimating the enemy and such.

      All this and I am a WOT fan, not going to change game easy even if AW or WT will make a superior product. But the majority of the players will, if this attitude prevails.

      • LIkewise I’m still enjoying WoT and from what I’ve seen of AW it’s gonna attract a lot of the kiddies ‘run and gun’ crowd who are looking for CoD type game but in tanks. Fair enough if that’s what people are after but I’ll be happy enough in WoT and prolly happier still once all the whinging feckers move over to AW.

      • And what should he say?

        “Oh no, you are right, here, have skill MM and every tier 10 vehicle for everyone!”?

        Really, there’s no “real” reply to this, it’s trolling for a reply.

  4. “tanks being “shifted” (moved) by hits from shells (kinetic energy effect) will not be implemented”

    This… could have been interesting but I can see the ramification of it being spammed to nudge out the rock huggers.

    • Anything that could shit your tank after hitting it, be it HE explosion or AP kinetic energy, would literally tear it apart. In game terms it would be over 9000 damage.

      • Yep. The only thing that shifted tanks were air bombs. The most damage a tank could suffer was a torn-off turret from a shell, but never did the hull move, at least not significantly. It did rock, but it does that now too.

        • I wouldn’t be so sure, many photos show tanks thrown aside and even upside down, blast from a 150mm howitzer would surely shift or throw an LT or MT and sometimes kill or injure the crew, without a direct hit, splash damage you know.

          This is one of the least realistic features of WOT, getting hit by giant HE shells only to hear a ding and get no damage. Those things would decimate tanks, with rare direct hits. The russians wouldn’t build all the ISU monsters otherwise. Also, many tanks and TDs were able to lay indirect fire, arty mode. Not implemented, I guess historic realism has it’s limits.

  5. - a player reports that he has an issue in locking the autoaim on enemy targets (takes a lot of effort to lock on), Storm states there were no other such reports (as in, not an issue)

    On my old computer (The one I’m using now) I have problems with the autoaim. It unlocks as soon as it locks. I assume it has something to do with the mouse I’m using.

    • Sounds familiar, I sometimes have to click half a dozen times on what feels like would be hits when actually firing. Not getting the unlock thing you describe, just the initial lock sometimes taking a lot of effort.

      I wonder if this is related to client side vs server side reticles.

  6. “it’s not possible to choose a map you want to play because the MM mechanism wouldn’t be able to handle it”
    i put it on wg forum long ago: gather info from players which map they like more and just DRAW MOST POPULAR MAPS MORE OFTEN, simple as that and all should e happy, no per player settings

    • Agreed. They keep pumping out new maps that I rarely see. I can only play about an hour every other day and keep getting the same few maps over and over.

    • They made a game-mode choice mechanism, didn’t they? How complicated is to make a map selection menu? If they have such a lame MM, a weekly/monthly poll of map choice would allow them to sift through the maps, making the low rated ones less likely to come up. Still too complicated?

    • But different players with different opinions play different tanks. Not only would a list of these maps be incredibly hard to obtain, once these maps were put into rotation, inevitable whining about lack of map differentiation would again arise. While I do think some maps are played too often, trying to implement matchmaking like this would be way too difficult and yield too little reward.

  7. Sounds nice but please SS try to get some leaks for the upcoming Events and top of the Techtree Tanks.

    Thanks alot!!!

      • No not really, i’m 26.
        Now tell me please why do you think i’m 18?
        I just ask for some leaks from ss and not your opinion about my age.
        At least i dont use memes on my Profil becouse they are used by most kids about 16-18 .

        • Thats not meme, thats a philosophy.

          1. Fail to understand that leaks appear when they appear and they cannot be rushed.
          2. Begging.
          3. Look at 2.

          • I just ask him try to get some infomation.
            Thats it.
            But you reply with shit that no one want to read.
            But ist ok for me couse you are a Person who need atantion becouse in real life you dont get shit..so keep training your internet skillz poor and lonley kid.
            Have a nice day :)

      • Alot depends on how they introduce thier pay model, Like how will they introduce premium items. Even obsidian is a company and will have to make money somehow of thier game. In my opinion the pay part is a break or make part aswell, If they add a really broken pay 2 win system it might become a bad game if you dont pay. But all we can do is wait and see.

        • WoT economy works very well.
          P2W – from ammo point of view – ATGM stands out mostly. Highest pen/damage and guided. But its too early to tell yet. Seriously unbalanced.

          Also they could add customisation for gold – that’d buy me.
          *adds 10 more antenas too look like hedgehog*

          • AW is a copy of WoT. They are taking everything good about the game and cutting out the bad. Then replacing the bad with even more awesome stuff!
            AW is a very very good game. I think that the game will take a sizable portion of the NA and EU playerbase. (not many Russians as they play on toasters.)

      • If Obsidian goes they way they do now – it will become a fact :D

        I lol’d.. AW with it’s modern tanks ( most of which are all very very similar) and it’s more Call of Duty style gameplay will not affect WoT overly much tbh.

        • no when i ask where is the question i mean where is the question, because i see no question there, so why the fuck do they choose this “question” to answer

        • Tried to drive T-64 and T-64A with ERA? Its like T8 vs T10.
          Call of Duty shooting…….Like WoT isnt :D (not to mention to your ignorant arse, that AW copied WoT mechanics).

          If it wont effect WoT – too bad for you. WG could’ve added a lot more features and stuff to game…

        • Call Of Duty style gameplay? I lol’d man, really lol’d….

          WoT is the one with the CoD gameplay.. medium tank going like a race car and shooting on the move like crazy.

          In AW, tanks actually feel like tanks, not like a Ferrari, especially when it comes to pivot turning and things like that. Just look at the difference of the Leopard 1 in WoT or AW.

        • No clue where you’re getting CoD style of gameplay? The game plays mostly like wot with modern tanks.

  8. “-it’s not possible to choose a map you want to play because the MM mechanism wouldn’t be able to handle it”

    I call bullshit. Not only would it help devs (it would pinpoint maps that no one wants to play on = maps in need of work) but it would make players happy.

  9. - the new physics model will be “leaked” by community contributors’ videos on Thursday (day after tomorrow)

    is thursday 2 days after tuesday? i cant remember :D *stay gamer*

  10. Hello !
    “- it’s not possible to choose a map you want to play because the MM mechanism wouldn’t be able to handle it “…
    Well… It’s not quite “true”… and i suppose it’s not false either… Some accounts on russian servers have the possibility of choosing battles ( concerning other servers, i don’t know ) : press accounts, supertesters, others… ? But i guess that implementing that feature on all accounts would be chaotic !! Some few maps would be overplayed ( not that it doesn’t happen already…)
    I think he was talking about the ramdom player, you know, us, the plebeians… ;)

    • “Some few maps would be overplayed”

      I dont think so because in on every map someone rants about it. IMHO the map distribution would stay more or less the same. I guess WG never tried on large scale so basically they don’t know. And the fact servers can’t handle it is not a problem of solution but server capacity. After four years WG admitted that map distribution is not that random as they used to claim – the fact any tomato noticed after handful of battles took WG so long do discover…. or so long to admit.

  11. “Storm confirms on closed beta-tester RU forum that the issue of servers giving you the same map over and over again is existing, but more than that: it is intentional – it serves to limit the load on the server, it is not possible to fix.”

    Everything that is not possible to fix or they simply dont know how to fix is intentional and DirectX 12 is just propaganda…tell Storm to quit smoking whatever he is smoking or to pass it to us and we might start believe in crap he says…

    • Ya. Storm being full of shit yet again. If they can’t fix it, they simply don’t want to or are too fucking stupid to do it. Limit Serverload my ass. Fuck you, Storm. You words are fucking horseshit almost all the fucking time and he deserves to get them stuffed right back in his face.

  12. WG Minsk sends WG EU staff to infiltrate Obsidian and ruin AW. Dirty wars between companies begin.

  13. Has anyone had an issue of crews from tanks you don’t own appearing in your barracks after the update?

  14. “- it’s not possible to choose a map you want to play because the MM mechanism wouldn’t be able to handle it”

    Storm is an IDIOT man. just put FILTERS on what maps you DONT want, like you DONT want “encounter” you uncheck it. WTF is he talking about? he is a Lazy fuck and only really cares about the US dollar.

    • That’s not possible for numerous balance related reasons. Prohorovka would be full of (paper) TD’s and arty’s for instance with some ”gutsy” scouts. It is however possible to switch between servers which gives you almost a 99% chance that you will get another map on it.

      Of course it could end up being the same map again, but it’s highly unlikely.

  15. “- Q: “AW will kill WOT!” A: “How terrible.”

    AW already killed the shitty WoT. For me at least. And many others I know.

  16. “””- Storm confirms … same map over and over again is existing, but more than that: it is intentional – it serves to limit the load on the server, it is not possible to fix.”””

    It is intentional…. we cannot fix it……..
    - without buying 1 new server to do so (cause we are cheap) < you missed that line.

    “”” – tanks being “shifted” (moved) by hits from shells (kinetic energy effect) will not be implemented “””

    Cause than e100 finally could kill ELC, despite its mircacle bounces and sucking 0 dmg… (which is just out right broken game mechanic)

      • Artillery shells come from above, so most force would go towards the ground.

        Also i drive a lot of heavy tanks so… yeah.
        And if it hits a smaller target (light tank) – he died anyway.

  17. How can we ask questions to StorM ?

    Exept the problem of talking russian, is there any blog ? Or forum section ?

  18. “the issue of servers giving you the same map over and over again is existing, but more than that: it is intentional – it serves to limit the load on the server, it is not possible to fix.”

    Months of unclear answers, bullshitting from their side, now coming with “oh, it is actually intentional”… WG, if you’re reading this, Fuck you, you fucking fucks.

    Sorry SS, I just had to put it out.

    • Reacted the same way.

      For some months:
      “Its a real issue, devs will investigate”
      “Problem studied, will be fixed”

      And today:
      “Oh hey ! Our mistake, its normal !”

      Either they’ve been trolling us for months, either they’re so incompetent they dont even know why they made things like that (they didnt know it was intentional, they do things but they dont know why).

    • Bit unusual that it would be ‘intentional’… it’s only started happening in recent months, and we haven’t seen any player numbers (and resulting server loads) higher than past holidays and specials, so server load shouldn’t be a problem in the first place.

      I’m also not sure how running the same maps frequently would be beneficial for server load, apart from annoying players and causing them not to play the game?

      PS. love the Treme ref :)
      For those who don’t know it, epic rant on post Katrina New Orleans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PcVDSz7-MM

      • i was thinking exactly the same. showing us again what a bunch of first class soviet-retards WG really are.

  19. AW will maybe have some positive influence on WoT. It will bring some competetivnes to this area of games becouse WT looks good but I dont know why but I dont like it. Everybody complains about WoT but it is still played a lot. So we will see what will the feature bring us.
    So till something changes GL and HF playing WoT :)

  20. “- tanks being “shifted” (moved) by hits from shells (kinetic energy effect) will not be implemented”

    too bad, this would be the only way to make AMX-40, TOG, and other slow tanks to move faster ;)

  21. “Map rotation”
    five times in a row i got himmelsdump.

  22. - a player reports that he has an issue in locking the autoaim on enemy targets (takes a lot of effort to lock on), Storm states there were no other such reports (as in, not an issue)


  23. AW wont kill wot.
    Neither wt did.

    Players can do more than 1 game per life.
    Also they cry there as well.

    Wot\wt kills aw next patch jajajaja…

    So all 3 die and u all shut up,ok?

  24. If Storm negates the problem with autoaim having an issue, he is a bigger idiot than i thought. There IS an issue since the latest patch, autoaim often not locking onto a target even after several clicks.