Hello everyone,
recently, there was an interview with Viktor “Big Boss” Kislyi in the prestigious Zeit magazine (and its online version). Thanks to all (many) people, who sent me the link!
From the interview:
- former members of Soviet Union are (according to VK) proud of Soviet tanks and the victory in WW2
- Russians are proud of the T-34 as a war-winning symbol
- VK hopes Russians are proud of Wargaming
- initially, the concept of World of Warships was basically to just transfer WoT gameplay to ships, it however will be “much more complicated” and therefore a different experience
- for WoWp, developers are working on PvE tutorial, where players will learn to use bomber planes in fights against PvE opponents
- the WoWp game is not as successful as WoT, it’s more complicated to play and skilled players can shoot down new players very quickly, which can make the game frustrating fast
- the game is not historically realistic, because simulators are played only by a few people, while WoT is for the masses and realistic gameplay would not appeal to many people
- WG has a seat on Cyprus, because Cyprus is a “business island” and a suitable location for trading with both EU and US
- WG is not a company from Belarus anymore, VK considers it an international company
- Belarussians are very patriotic and VK is glad he was born in Minsk
- VK does not mind that Belarus is a dictatorship (“show me a country where politics are perfect”), he states that Belarus had one of the best education systems in the world when he was studying
- VK is worried that the situation between Russia and Ukraine escalate into war, he states the current situation with embargo is bad for everyone. He adds they had, during the Maidan riots, a plan to quickly evacuate the Kiev office (WoWp) if needed
- VK states that started with game industry after he convinced his father that the computer games are the future
- VK’s father now owns a large share of Wargaming, he deals with the documents, taxes and deals with banks, he supported Wargaming when the business did not go so well, even financially. Everything the Kislyi family had was invested into computer games.