Interview with Big Boss Kislyi on


Hello everyone,

recently, there was an interview with Viktor “Big Boss” Kislyi in the prestigious Zeit magazine (and its online version). Thanks to all (many) people, who sent me the link!

From the interview:

- former members of Soviet Union are (according to VK) proud of Soviet tanks and the victory in WW2
- Russians are proud of the T-34 as a war-winning symbol
- VK hopes Russians are proud of Wargaming
- initially, the concept of World of Warships was basically to just transfer WoT gameplay to ships, it however will be “much more complicated” and therefore a different experience
- for WoWp, developers are working on PvE tutorial, where players will learn to use bomber planes in fights against PvE opponents
- the WoWp game is not as successful as WoT, it’s more complicated to play and skilled players can shoot down new players very quickly, which can make the game frustrating fast
- the game is not historically realistic, because simulators are played only by a few people, while WoT is for the masses and realistic gameplay would not appeal to many people
- WG has a seat on Cyprus, because Cyprus is a “business island” and a suitable location for trading with both EU and US
- WG is not a company from Belarus anymore, VK considers it an international company
- Belarussians are very patriotic and VK is glad he was born in Minsk
- VK does not mind that Belarus is a dictatorship (“show me a country where politics are perfect”), he states that Belarus had one of the best education systems in the world when he was studying
- VK is worried that the situation between Russia and Ukraine escalate into war, he states the current situation with embargo is bad for everyone. He adds they had, during the Maidan riots, a plan to quickly evacuate the Kiev office (WoWp) if needed
- VK states that started with game industry after he convinced his father that the computer games are the future
- VK’s father now owns a large share of Wargaming, he deals with the documents, taxes and deals with banks, he supported Wargaming when the business did not go so well, even financially. Everything the Kislyi family had was invested into computer games.

Invite Codes

Hello everyone,

a bunch of invite codes from SpitfireMLP, thanks a lot!

Codes contain T2 Light + FW 56 + 7Days Premium + 2.500 Gold


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Swedish Tanks – Part XVII: Strv 103

Author: sp15 (US server)

The list of previous parts is at the bottom of the article.


At the point where we finished with the last part of the Swedish series, it was 1961 – five years after the original idea for the Swedish turretless tank was put forward and three years after it entered serious development. Now, it’s time to continue with the rest of the story.


In 1961, the first 2 prototypes for the S-tank project were constructed – these would be called S1 and S2 and were the first proper test vehicles for the S-tank concept. The first prototype (S1) was little more than a test-bed for the hydraulic suspension and commander’s cupola, it was powered by an electric generator and was used to test aiming of the hull and the observation from the commander’s cupola. The second (S2) prototype was however much more impressive, it had complete superstructure, based on the 1961 mock up and it also for the first time had the major components such as suspension, autoloader, drivetrain and engine together.

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WG Insider: Chaffee Missions

Hello everyone,

yesterday, it was mentioned that there would be a new fun mode – a race with Chaffee tanks. Here are the missions (coming in September), related to the event.

Event name: Great Racing

Win a race while driving the special M24 Chaffee Sport tank.

Long-Distance Run
Win 50 races and earn a total of 1,000 base capture points while driving the special M24 Chaffee Sport tank.

Winning Sprint
Survive and win the race while driving the special M24 Chaffee Sport tank.

Team Start
Win a battle as a Platoon member while driving the special M24 Chaffee Sport tank. All members of the Platoon must survive.

Mission can be completed 3 times.

Rewards are not disclosed yet.

9.2.2 Micropatch

Hello everyone,

today, both the US and EU server (not RU and ASIA, strangely enough), recieved a new micropatch, designated 9.2.2 (9.2.2_2 in US versions). The contents of this micropatch are not known and I haven’t been able to find them anywhere (neither on US nor on EU forums). So, if they got posted by someone from WG somewhere, feel free to share with us.

Edit: nothing was updated yet apparently. Source of the info:—922-micro-patch-patch-release

Invite Codes

A couple of invite codes from Gamescom. Thanks to Slohero for this one.

New player codes (T2 LT + FW 56 + 7 day premium + 2500g):


Xbox 360 codes (T-15 + 3 day premium + 300g)


Great Wargaming Car Trip


Well, this is a bit odd.

Russian server announced an event, that concerns us (EU server) as well. It’s a “great car trip”, taking two months, where some WG developers will travel by car from eastern Russia (Vladivostok) all across the country and then through Europe to Brest in France. Basically, developers will stop in 23 destination in main cities to meet players and discuss WG project.

The trip starts on 22.8. in Vladivostok and will end on 11.10. From European cities, they will visit: Warsaw, Berlin, Paris and Brest in France. The site of the event shows a map, where will they go.

You know, it’s really cool and all that and I would LOVE to go on a trip across the world paid by the employer as well, but shouldn’t the developers be… I dunno… developing instead?


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Straight Outta Supertest – Hellcat Stronk Nerf

Hello everyone,

from the supertest, this is how the Hellcat will apparently be nerfed in 9.3 (well, in test 1 at least). Screens take 100 percent crew into account.

- DPM nerfed from 1800 to 1694
- reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s
- rate of fire nerfed from 7,50 to 7,059
- accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed from 0,16 to 0,20
- accuracy loss from traversing and moving nerfed from 0,23 to 0,36
- accuracy loss from turning the turret while moving at maximum speed nerfed from 2,56 to 3,2
- accuracy loss from moving at maximum speed nerfed from 16,56 to 25,92
- accuracy loss from traversing while moving at maximum speed nerfed from 6,9 to 10,8
- reverse speed nerfed from 20 to 12 km/h
- terrain resistance (elite tracks) nerfed from 1/1,2/2,1 to 1,1/1,4/2,3

Please note that the “accuracy loss” factors work a bit strange, so instead of lengthy (and possibly incorrect) explanations – it simply means that the following nerf (leaked earlier) was confirmed:

- stock tracks accuracy on the move and when turning nerfed by 60 percent
- terrain resistance for stock tracks nerfed (soft/medium/hard) by 9/14/9 percent
- elite tracks accuracy on the move and when turning nerfed by 57 percent
- terrain resistance for elite tracks nerfed (soft/medium/hard) by 10/17/10 percent
- maxium reverse speed nerfed from 20 to 12 km/h
- 76mm M1A2 AT accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 12 percent
- 90mm M3 reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s, accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 25 percent

Missions in September with Tanks as Rewards

Hello everyone,

Russian server published the event for September. The tanks, that will be obtainable for missions on RU server in September will be KV-220 and Type 62. It’s possible (likely even) that EU and US will have the same missions.

In order to get them:

Daily mission “Medium Tanks”

- cause 20000 damage, destroy 25 enemy tanks and make 13500 (base) XP, once per day, in a tier 6-10 medium tank (including premium vehicles). Can be fulfilled only once per day, from 1.9. to the end of the month.

Fulfill the abovementioned mission 5x, you will get 1 day of premium account (can be fulfilled 6x for 6 days of premium)
Fulfill the abovementioned mission 25x, you will get Type 62

Daily mission “Light Tanks”

- make assisted 12000 damage (scouting), make 12000 damage, destroy 5 enemy tanks and make 12500 (base) XP, once per day, in a tier 5-8 light tank (including premium vehicles). Can be fulfilled only once per day, from 1.9. to the end of the month.

Fulfill the abovementioned mission 5x, you will get 1 day of premium account (can be fulfilled 3x for 3 days of premium)
Fulfill the abovementioned mission 25x, you will get KV220

New Fun Mode

Hello everyone,

missing the Karl and the Soccer mode? Well, you’re in luck. According to the “Insider” at WG EU, in September, we will have a new fun mode – apparently, it’s going to be a race this time, in Chaffees (a special Chaffee “Sport”). No other details are known at this time.