“Siemka this, bitch!” – new Polish tank concept PL-01

Hello everyone,

take look at this beauty:



This is the PL-01, the latest in Polish tank technology. It has a crew of three, fully automatic turret, fully autoloaded 105mm or 120mm gun, anti-aicraft MG and both active and passive countermeasures. It is made from special materials, reducing its radar and heat signature. Its armor is modular and the hull can be converted to any number of purposes, including an IFV.

Along with the Anders tanks, this is the candidate for the next gen Polish IFV.


- according to The_Chieftain, the US rebalance has been postponed from 8.9 till later
- the Object 268 supposed “nerf leak” is still circulating RU forums, so once again, it’s garbage
- Q: “Why do you troll some questions and answers others correctly, it’s not fair!” A: “Want justice? Go to Hague tribunal.”
- M6A2E1 HT underperforming in regular MM spread? “How terrible…”
- the current A-44 turret is the original project turret (SS: there were other variants too, with additional armor for example)

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On Historical battles mode

This post was kinda inspired by omggamer.com, some of their articles are very good, especially the last one.

Hello everyone,

today, I’m going to post something about an upcoming historical battles mode. First and foremost, what is actually the upcoming Historical battles mode (likely to come in 2014)? Well, in short, it’s a WoT mode, where historically used vehicles (no paper tanks and prototypes) ride around in their historical configurations (sorry, no more 88mm L/71 Tigers) and numbers (1 Tiger = 10 T-34′s) and fight their historical enemies (so Tigers will meet T-34′s, not AMX-13′s) in certain time periods, probably defined by either years, or battles (July 1943 Prokhorovka for example). It will be played on standard (although roughly corresponding) World of Tanks maps, so the battle of Prokhorovka will not be played on Westfield etc. In addition, it’s possible there will be some new “historical” maps introduced, but maps modelled completely according to reality are unlikely, as they would not be balanced for gameplay (sadly, WW2 forces did not choose the battlefield according to what would or wouldn’t be playable in a computer game 70 years later).

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EU invite code

Hey everyone,

I have one EU server invite code here (from Lešany) – only one, sorry (I am not like the “other guys” who get dozens of those for their streams because they are “tight” with certain WG community organizers).

Whoever needs it, just take it:


(it’s just an invite code, no need to make a competition with it)

Edit: already spent

Active EU Missions – 3.9.2013

Hello everyone,

here are the active EU missions for today.

The Way to Glory – win 15 victories, get 250k credits once per day
Learning by Doing – be one of the top 3 XP earners in your team (no matther whether you win or lose), get 20 percent more crew XP
Know your Trade – earn 50k XP per day, get 1 day of premium account (once per day)

Small but Deadly
– kill 30 enemies with your tier 4+ light tank from 3rd to 7th September, get 1x ventilation and 10 gold repair kits, can be done only once per account
Featherweight for Victory! – win 10 battles with your tier 4+ light tank (you can use more light tanks to fulfill the criteria, it adds up), get 50k credits – once per day

Seeing the summer – win any battle on a summer map (maps that use summer camo), get 10 percent credit and XP income bonus
Hard to learn, easy to fight – win and survive a battle, earn x3 crew XP, doable only on tier 1-4 tanks

Also, don’t forget the buy the consumables, they are on discount!

Sandeman’s Last Charge – Horse vs Tanks addenum

Hello everyone,

just a quick addition to the Horses vs Tanks article. There have been some mocking comments (as usual) about the Polish using horses in warfare in 1939. When someone says “World War Two”, everyone immediately imagines German Panzers rolling, with armored infantry following them in their halftracks – or scores of Soviet T-34 tanks advancing. Few people imagine horses, but the harsh reality was that all the Axis countries (but Soviets and Japanese too) were heavily relying on horses for logistics – in fact, Romania and Hungary logistic forces were nearly 100 percent hippomobile.

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Horses vs Tanks: the Polish myth gone wild

Based on this article: http://www.valka.cz/clanek_13222.html
Original author: Zbigniew Mikesz

Hello everyone,

the myth about Polish cavalry charging into tanks is one of the most outrageous and blatant WW2 myths to ever see the proverbial light of day, yet it keeps popping up over and over on Worldoftanks forums, most of the time with malicious intent to troll Polish players. Recently, a Polish author (named above) wrote an interesting article about it and I will be taking it as a starting point to address this issue.

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