8.11 ASAP

Hello everyone,

the 8.11 ASAP video is out. What will it feature?



For those, who don’t feel like watching it all:

- new game mode in random battles: national battles (teams composed entirely of tanks of one nation) (what a waste of resources), it will appear in random battles
- Windstorm map (screenies were already leaked)
- Erlenberg, Highway, Redshire will get a rework (again, Erlenberg and Redshire changes were already somewhat leaked)
- no new regular tanks (only a bunch of ones for supertesting)
- tier 10 TD rebalance (alpha nerf from 850 to 750, DPM will mostly remain the same, a few will get a DPM nerf, 130mm and 170mm guns won’t be rebalanced, Foch is getting an engine nerf (1200 to 1000hp), Object 268 gold pen will be reduced)
- ingame battle chat: you will be able to switch it off or look through its history
- you will be able to store camo patterns and use them repeatedly
- you will be able to switch off the camera showing the tank that destroyed you
- tank on fire message will become more obvious
- one-click crew management
- 9.0 will come after 8.11

102 thoughts on “8.11 ASAP

    • Waaaah, the other russian tanks are stronger than our russian tanks! Russian bias!

      Upside is: The developers can get better statistics on which nations need rebalancing.

        • Yeah, I can’t watch the video at the moment.
          Did they specifically say that a this can’t happen? Because the article just says that it’s a “teams composed entirely of tanks of one nation”. That doesn’t rule out that there can be Russia vs. Russia.

        • That means if you play in a russian tank the enemy team can’t have KV-1S while your team can.

          And lowtier battles will be soo fun with T18′s in only one side

          • man cant wait for these battles… 6+ KV1S and 2 KV2 + the rest filled with Meds and TDs vs 6+ Hellcats + whatever fits in.

            All other nation who participate in that game mode will have there a**hole riped open all the time in T6 battles.

    • hopefully… but there was nothing said about Jagdpanzer E100, only about it’s gun… so we should stay cautious…

      • gun won’t be balanced, but they said nothing about rest of the tank… and considering how sometimes the patch anouncement works, then anything is possible…

  1. So if you buy cammo for gold/credits it’s not sold with the tank? Nice (and fair) if that’s the case. Crew management change is about time.

    • No, what they said is that you can get multiple camos and emblems for a single tank and change between them as you wish. The only change is that if you buy a new camo you won’t lose old one.

  2. I won’t participate in new mode, or there should be very attractive mission.
    Nerf in alpha for TD is ok, but DPM stays the same? Not really a nerf.

  3. Re the “historic battle” mode, I guess you only switch that on if you’re playing a soviet tank!

    A little irritated that camo can now be switched around for free since I purchased so much of it over the holiday sale.

    • LOL, such a nerf… Nerfing gold ammo penetration… And still it will remain agil, fast, with one of the best RoF, armor and accuraccy and insane camo. Keep going WG.

    • i dont even get why you need more then 300 pen…do you have some kind of hand disability that makes you not aim properly or are you just to lazy to aim overall?

      • It’s not the hand disability, but a head disability. It’s called being stupid powercreep noob.

  4. The Foch’s engine nerf is from 1200 to 1000hp, not 1500.

    And I guess we we can’t hope further nerf for Foch155 ?
    -200hp will not make its armor and gun less dangerous (not even mobility I bet) -_-

      • I dont, i just dont like seeing the IS-3s and Tigers on the same team. There could as well be some sort of “Cold war scenario” like US/UK/F vs USSR, so it wouldnt be always allies vs germany. But its probably as dumb idea as the national battles, nevermind..
        At least we have some variety now..

        • If UK tanks meet USSR tanks, than you can imagine the Cold War.
          If UK meets France, than you can imagine football fans after match.

      • More like germans, russians and japs vs everyone else since germans and russians started war together as allies and russians l8r switched sides only because hitler attacked them (if not this, they would be allies to the end of war).

  5. What I don’t get is if the National mode will feature Standard/Encounter/Assault (if that’s played by anybody, anymore) or will just feature Standard games.

    If I also get Encounter games under National mode, I’m saying goodbye to “normal” randoms for good!
    And no, I won’t be playing only Russian tanks. I can only imagine what a Nashorn, for instance, will do against Rusky Tier 6 tanks.

  6. Nation battles, I like that!
    Camo pattern store, I like that too, but what if you sell the tank do you sell camo as well?
    Foch engine nerf :( , I don’t like that!

    • That’s a big gripe of mine – if I re-buy the tank I sold that had “gold” camo on, it should be re-bought with that, surely. As it’s not “demountable” and I’ve paid money for it, I’d really expect it to be there still.

      Ah well, 1st world problems I guess.

  7. Let’s say that means the 12,8 on WT E100 remains the same and still any tomatoe can go out and take every tank on one clip ;)? Or are the willing to change something with this gun?

  8. -130 and 170mm guns won’t get touched
    Did he mention anything specifically for 183mm? I’d very much like to see the gold rounds nerfed/replaced.

    Nation battles is a very interesting concept, but the problem is will there be enough vehicles in queue to compose such teams? I am afaid we will rarely see French or (less rarely) British teams.

    -Foch is getting a horsepower nerf from 1500 to 1000
    Actually from 1200. Also I consider that the alpha nerf would be sufficient in limiting its capabilities but WG obviously doesn’t.

    And I am still waiting to see the ridiculous pen values of the 152 and 155 tier 10 nerfed or brought in line with historical values.

    • Nerf FV’s only advantage?
      You are just one of my lucky oneshots that are dumb enought to show me their lower frontal plate or facehugging me in a Batchat!

      • Let me show you my impression:
        Its a Tank without existing armor in sides, rear and Lfp.
        The only Armor creating bounces is the gunmantle.
        The accuracy is ok for this Caliber but Hesh is useless against tracks and thick armor(angled)
        The 2188 “possible” dmg wont come(for me)
        My thought of the advantage of this tank is, that if he penetrates with Hesh, he will do cause massive crew dying and Module destroying.
        Dmg for that disadvantages is just needed!

        • and just ignore the fact, that ~275mm Penetration is enough to penetrate everything (if you can aim) and even if you dont penetrate you will do the same DmG as an Objekt261.

          • We already established that dr_schmerz is a powercreep noobie who is desperately trying to defend foch155 or 183mm as “balanced” tanks, but we all know they are broken. But keep on. Continue being stubborn moron who don’t see further than the end of his nose.

  9. - you will be able to store camo patterns and use them repeatedly
    They had to make it after dropping credits price, now you have a reason to pay gold for it change camo every game , make one camo pattern platoons/ companies ect.

  10. Let’s imagine:

    Malinovka, some time after 8.11 update.
    National battle.
    Germany vs France.
    Tier IX and X.

    A shitload of 50B’s, BatChats and 50-120 rushes towards the E-100 and Maus.

    Fu*k me, right? ;/

  11. Why ther speak about 150-152mm and includes the 155mm, when images of tanks would “glowing” I thought that was E3 + E4 not included. E4 get a lot nerfs ago, speed, mobility, the last was the combi from good alfa dmg+turrent. If the rld won’t get a good buff is the tank almost death for CW.

  12. “- tier 10 TD rebalance (alpha nerf from 850 to 750, DPM will mostly remain the same, a few will get a DPM nerf, 130mm and 170mm guns won’t be rebalanced, Foch is getting an engine nerf (1500 to 1000hp), Object 268 gold pen will be reduced)”

    It’s a start.

    ” – you will be able to store camo patterns and use them repeatedly”

    Awesome. I usually just spam 7-day camo on my keeper tanks because I get bored with the camo, now I have an excuse to get non-expiring stuff again. Good move, WG~

  13. As far as i remember the National battle was requested by players from the very beginning of game (CBT). Developers statements in that time were, that nothing like that will come anytime because of balance and etc…. And now after few years they will release it like nothing…without any previous leaks or notifications? Odd … but welcome by me.

    • I wonder about this too.
      We see chat about historical battles in Q/A every day for several months now, but this one.. O_o Just popped out from nowhere :)

  14. - new game mode in random battles: national battles (teams composed entirely of tanks of one nation) (what a waste of resources), it will appear in random battles

    mfw i have no face for that, totaly unexpected and unpredicted, I don’t know what to say, I don’t think its really needed, maybe to calm down pseud-historians and kids… *shrugs*

  15. I like the idea of national battles, but I think it should be a choice of national and normal, only national or only normal, not just turning off and on nationals

  16. Turning off in-game chat will be the very first thing I do when this patch comes out. Already use a chat filter now but this is what I’ve wanted to see for a while now. 80% of chat is fine, but it’s the 20% of people that just ruins it.

    Example: playing in the E-25, with 3k damage done and 4 kills, I’m one of two left vs. KV-2 and an AT-8. I’m half health, and we have a dead KV-1 player shouting orders in chat. I get whacked by the KV-2 and General Zukov starts screaming about how I need to learn to carry. Read that again…..”learn to carry”. Like WTF did he do?

    Post game shows I’m highest damage player and 8x what this guy did. Upon further review, the jerk is a sub-48% player with twice as many games compared to my 52.5%. This kind of crap talk just happens too often, enough to just say no more. As I understand it you can still send help, etc. messages and ping the map, but just not see anything else that gets written.

    “See no whine…..hear no whine.”

  17. again, such a great translation (mr german-subtitles-writer)
    Seems like he didn’t know the difference between HE and HEAT

  18. I for one am excited for National battles, which was one of the things that really annoyed me about WoT, Why is my Gloriously sexy Panther helping a M4ae6 kill a KT who should be helping me do the opposite? :P

  19. Looks like they are testing some new features in MM. Otherwise the national battles don’t make sense.

    Obj 268 HEAT shells? Never used them :)

  20. great work :)

    why only german 15 cm make 750? with nerf all it’s ok . i think 750 it’s perfect for gameplay balance.

    and foch nerf engine is perfect. wot balance team are working very well for me.

  21. - ingame battle chat: you will be able to switch it off or look through its history

    biggest bullshit they could do, really … now there’s not only going to be 60% of players who can’t even read the map, now, they won’t even listen to you when you tell them where the enemy tanks are, tips … you know, info that could help us win the game …

    history of chat – nice, now I can spot the idiots/antisemites etc to send into the Hall of Shame

    • First you can still ping the map, request help, etc. so yes you can tell people attention to a sector.

      Second, as I noted in my own posting above, I sick of dead tank drivers with sub 45% win rates barking orders as if they know something. I’m happy to take good info from players who think “team” but there are too, too many who think “I’m dead so let me drive your tank as I know better.”

      Uh no….sorry…no…get lost.

      Here’s my take: if I don’t want to see your message, I don’t have to. It’s not your decision, it’s mine. You have no say in it. You aren’t in charge. You don’t run the game or drive my tank. You play your account and I’ll play mine.

  22. Foch 155 slower and less alpha THANKS JESUS!!
    at last make copulas same weak like T110E5