
- Sheridan doesn’t fit World of Tanks, because it could fire the Shillelagh missile and “without missiles, this tank would be illogical”
- new “split” Panzer IV’s and StuG (tier 3,4,5) will be available for all modes, not just historical battles
- effects of ammo rack “cook-off” (SS: burning through the hatches from inside) are planned
- problems with LT class now? “Don’t play light tanks”
- it’s not yet sure whether in historical battles, it will be sufficient to have historical modules unlocked, or you will have to buy them as well, both options were discussed
- dynamic characteristics of tanks in garage will not come soon
- for now there is no info on “super-Tortoise” with turret from Bovington archives (SS: in relation to the British turretted TD branch)

- apparently, the “new method” of evaluating tank performance was judged correctly and it’s possible some buffs and nerfs will come in the future, but not in 9.0
- Storm confirms that historical battles will come in the form of portal events, single battles will be available for limited time only. This system was accepted in order to increase the “population” (amount of players playing) of individual historical battles (SS: in order not to have queues). If there were 30 different historical battles active at the same time, the player pool would be too spread, which would mean queues and MM issues
- Storm states that i3 4330 processor + GTX760 should be enough for WoT HD and Havok, but no exact minimum requirements are known yet
- the removal of the display of XP required for a tank/module (once that module was unlocked) is a bug, it will be fixed in 9.0
- there will NOT be a +/-1 MM
- T18 will be nerfed “it’s done when it’s done”
- tanks tipping over on their roof will come in 9.1 or 9.2
- the issues with chat (not seeing friends online on other servers for example) will be fixed with Chat 2.0 introduction
- it’s possible arty will appear in historical battles (maybe)
- Centurion color will not change to olive drab, it will remain yellow as it is
- Storm confirms upcoming tier 8 German premium medium tank
- no exact ETA for Chat 2.0 (new chat system), developers are working on it so that it can handle million players simultaneously
- SerB confirms that turret weight (SS: or any module weight really) is just an arbitrary number (SS: what really maters is the total weight of the vehicle)
- WoT Xbox: Soviet tanks will appear later apparently, because the main market for Xbox Live is Europe and the USA

Regarding the “burning ammorack” effect Storm mentioned to be implemented, it’s something like this:


104 thoughts on “1.3.2014

  1. - tanks tipping over on their roof will come in 9.1 or 9.2

    ELC dont like this :trollface:

      • ELC is so small theat it’s all in the center if it’s gravity. and once they introduce flip overs if you jump, or get rammed, you might flip easily.
        So it will be a buff to heavies, again…

      • Ooh.

        I can’t wait for the first time I see an M5 zoom through my team’s ranks, hit the tiniest bump while turning at full speed, and end up doing a barrel roll or three.

        That replay is definitely getting auto-saved.

  2. “for now there is no info on “super-Tortoise” with turret from Bovington archives (SS: in relation to the British turretted TD branch)”

    Where can I get more info on this ‘super-tortoise’?

      • There’s easily enough tanks for a second turreted TD line that isn’t historically dubious (I’m looking at you US td line..).

        As for the “super tortoise” I’ve never heard of it before. Might be something to do with the FV100 series, or it might be some idea mooted that was never taken any further.

    • Actually a player who asked this question meant hypothetical turretless and heavy armoured assault tank/tank destroyer resembling Tortoise in general appearance. The existence of such vehicle allows to move FV215b to the turreted TD branch in his opinion. I think this is unnecessary with presence of FV4005.

      • Actually you don’t even need the FV4005.

        Tier II: Austrailian UC 2-pdr or Loyd Tractor Anti-tank Mk I
        Tier III: Light Tank Mk V 2-pdr TD
        Tier IV: ???
        Tier V: Ram TD
        Tier VI: Ram 3.7-inch SP (M10 Achilles as Premium)
        Tier VII: Avenger TD
        Tier VIII: F4101 Charioteer

        And Tier 9 and 10 can be the FV4004 Conway (120mm gun) with either the FV4003 Centurion AVRE (165mm L9 derp gun) or FV4005 (with 183mm gun). Personally I would love to include the 165mm Centurion in place of the FV4005 as I doubt they’ll ever include that gun on the Centurions. And the dozer blade would effectively work as spaced armor over the lower glacis. You don’t need some fake ass “Super-Tortoise” . Typical WG.

        The only issue is Tier IV. You could have the Crusader AT, a paper project (though with OP 17-pdr in limited traverse) or you could have the Crusader AA (stock gun is 40mm Bofors, could be fitted with a 6-pdr, maybe even the Molins gun (6-pdr autoloader) or very long barreled 6-pdr “Canuck” gun (also available on Ram TD and 3.7-inch SP).

        • >You don’t need some fake ass “Super-Tortoise”
          The question is exactly about any real projects. So, as Storm answered, there is none and they aren’t going to replace FV215b.

          • No, SS made it clear that it had to do with the British turreted TD line.

            None of the vehicles I pointed out go less then 30kmh. The point of wanting a British Turreted TD line is to get two things. 1) Turrets and 2) TDs that don’t move in super-slow motion. WG though is obsessed with painfully slow, crap paper projects rather then real vehicles.

            • Well, Silentstalker didn’t translate the question and misunderstood something and therefore not all is clear:
              „Если будет ветка башенных ПТ Англии то в топе должон быть fv215 183, нет ли в бовингтонской траве инфы про какую нить супертортилу на 10 левел – чтоб удар держала по типу T110E3?“ – „If there will be a British turreted TD line then FV215 183 should be its tier10. Is there information about some supertortoise in materials from Bovington – so that it could take a punch like T110E3?“

                • So instead of a outright fake we get a paper tank instead of something that existed in at least prototype form (FV4005) or something that actually was produced in numbers and used in service (FV4003 Centurion AVRE).

                  Typical WG.

  3. The Soviets should really have made a separated ammunition storage for their tanks, probably would not make much a difference but at least the crew would not burn alive inside those tin cans and the tank would not become a hazard to surrounding soldiers.

  4. … why not make it so that Xbox 360 and PC players can plsy together. WoT is a slower pace game, console players have a chance….
    Also why no Xbox One and PS4 version? Sure they are completely inferior to and more expensive then PCs, but many ilogical people in NA and West EU have them…

    • not a good idea. apart from the different game engine, WoTXBox’ gameplay is completely different, far less accurate than on PC, and as long as WG forbids us to change the controller setup according to our needs (I prefer the Battlefield 3/BC2 tank controls, they are much more accurate!), accuracy won’t improve.

      btw. arty in WoTXBox is still fun and works like PC-arty before the nerf. that’s one of the few pros.

        • on XBox, arty isn’t such a big problem (at least until tier 5, that’s how far I got there so far), because it feels like people don’t camp as much as they do on PC. maybe they’re careless and/or lack experience, maybe know how to appreciate a more mobile tank battle.

          one thing I recognized though, is that more sophisticated maneuvers like sideskraping etc. are far more easy to perform with mouse & keyboard than with a controller, so a static gameplay is not always easier.

  5. - there will NOT be a +/-1 MM

    I think SerB should ban the retard who still asking this stupid question

  6. How the shit does the WT E-100 ‘fit World of Tanks” yet the Sheridan doesn’t? Its got a 152mm cannon, give it HEAT as gold and HE as silver, how hard is that?

    • Sheridan would be a KV-152 with Hellcat speed, damn you WG for not bringing this little beast into WOT.

    • Because the WT E-100 is shooting conventional ammunition, while the Sheridan is shooting guided missiles.

      • -Because the WT E-100 is shooting conventional ammunition, while the Sheridan is shooting guided missiles.

        The M551 saw combat. And not a single time did it ever fire a guided missile in combat. Not in ‘Nam. Not in Panama. Hell, the ones in Vietnam had the laser guidance system removed and stored before going into service.

        The M551 has something going for it the WaffleMaker Error 100 doesn’t . It was real.

        • Additionally, the Sheridan was built to shoot guided missiles. That’s why it has a 152mm howitzer. The fact that it fired HEAT shells was more like a side effect and acknowledgement that it had to shoot targets that were too close for the missile.

          • it would fire HE as normal and HEAT as ‘gold’. and the tank would be a good tier 10 light.

  7. - Centurion color will not change to olive
    drab, it will remain yellow as it is

    Men dont understand those fancy color names :D

  8. Hi guys,
    *****new “split” Panzer IV’s and StuG (tier 3,4,5******
    Panzer IV and StuG will remain as Tier 5 ?
    or they will be deleted?

  9. SS, wasn’t there indication the US lights will include a Sheridan prototype turret on one of the other lights’ hulls, or am I misremembering? I do definitely remember the Sheridan as a whole being discounted, though.

  10. - problems with LT class now? “Don’t play light tanks”
    Yup, don’t play at all. Why should we be part of their statistics and income?

    - apparently, the “new method” of evaluating tank performance was judged correctly and it’s possible some buffs and nerfs will come in the future, but not in 9.0
    Yeeeah I can see this -> for example WTF100 will have buffed turret armor, because it is penned by everything and is clearly UP in this stats section.

    - Storm states that i3 4330 processor + GTX760 should be enough for WoT HD and Havok, but no exact minimum requirements are known yet
    And my Q9300+GTX570 is enough for ~60 fps in BF3 full detail 1600×1200, but in WoT I have average 40 fps…

    • - problems with LT class now? “Don’t play light tanks”

      I agree – don’t play at all. Personally, I’m taking yet another break from WoT I feel that in order to keep my sanity I need to……

      Has the lag disappeared now the Winter Olympics have finished? I doubt that very much.

      Wargaming is just becomming a bigger joke than it ever was.

      • There is much better ping now, for me, don’t know about the others.

        The most annoing thing in WG is their fucking attitude like “oh, we will add broken tenks and fucked mapzzzz, lets see how much money and butthurt we can get” instead of “look guys, we added some usefull functions and improvements so now you can pay us for good work”

        I also wonder why they don’t want to optimize shaders like they did in WoWp. Before optimizatiom patch I had 30 fps, after it was more than 60. And my firiends with different hardware also had 2x more FPS.
        For me deal is easy, better optimization=more ruskies calculators can run the game=more money

    • “And my Q9300+GTX570 is enough for ~60 fps in BF3 full detail 1600×1200, but in WoT I have average 40 fps…”

      Don’t play WoT

  11. “M81/M81E1 152mm gun/launcher which fired conventional ammunition AND the MGM-51 Shillelagh guided anti-tank missile”. I guess Serb Doesn’t haz google or Wikipedia.ru or a book

    • It’s main shell was either HEAT or HE, so it’s balance would be very wonky, in practice the Sheridan and the M60A2E1 Starship relied on primarily HE for shells and the missile for AT work. Basically they don’t want a T8 that needs gold to get things done, I guess. Because while 152 HE is fun to troll with at T6 or T7, at T8 it’s kind of a gimmick at best.

      TL:DR, they don’t want to put it in because it’s a classic gold spam tank.

      • ” they don’t want to put it in because it’s a classic gold spam tank.”
        So explain me T69. Or E100, 215(183), Su152, and few other derpy tanks. Of course people can shoot normal ammo with these, but it’s quite rare.

        • The thing is we would likely be talking about a Tier 8 light tank. In a Tier 10 match it would scout, derp arty or finish off damaged enemy tanks by flanking them. You don’t need gold ammo to do that. An HE shell similar to the KV-2 would be more then good enough.

          A Hellcat with the KV-2′s gun is a good way to put it. The ELC with less pen and a turret at Tier 8 is a better way to think about it. If HE is the standard ammo (and it was for this tank’s career).

          I think it’s funny they call the tank a “gimmick”. True, there wouldn’t be much like it. But isn’t that a good thing? And how many gimmick tanks are in the game already?

  12. - T18 will be nerfed “it’s done when it’s done”

    Cool, the only tank which is able to beat all these tomatoes will be nerfed. That means I have nothing else to play than CWs because public high tier battles are unplayable.

  13. “- SerB confirms that turret weight (SS: or any module weight really) is just an arbitrary number (SS: what really maters is the total weight of the vehicle)” – must be why the suspension on GW-E100 weighs as much as Centurion.

  14. So what will happen when a tank flips upside down? Will it start losing HP and eventually get destroyed (like nowadays when someone lands his tank on top of another one), or will it remain like that until someone kills it or pushes it back on it’s tracks? Or will there be a “repair” time after which the tank will sort of respawn back on tracks? Or perhaps tanks will be able to make a roll but will always end up on tracks (like it is now, but with rolling part for eye candy)?

    Was it mentioned anywhere?

  15. I hope we get a Panther w/ schmallturm, NO side skirts, and 240 damage. Panther II would be awesome. Mustard yellow.

    Can you say, “Best Sella!”

    Can u imagine, T54s, Panther IIs, Super Pershings, Jag 8.8s, 59s, all those premiums would be a nice battle.

    • Actually it’ll probably be a turbine-powered Panther, or possibly another Skoda project, unless they found something else to use.

  16. Those Syria-videos always me me so uncomfortable knowing people are actually dying there :SSS

    • It is certainly a sobering thought. Still, these guys dieing are the ones causing untold misery for their own people. So I wish them dead and feel sorry for them. Does not make the least bit of sense, but that is how it is.

  17. - Sheridan doesn’t fit World of Tanks, because it could fire the Shillelagh missile and “without missiles, this tank would be illogical”

    So is the most shit you pull off.

      • In Game has Side skirts, this is my fav. model, wateva that model is…..lol.

    • That’s not the Panther II Prototype, that’s a test model of the Panther I Ausf. F configuration on an Ausf. G hull, it came several months after the Panther II project was dead

  18. Is there any place where all of Serbs “Don’t play X” are together, so I know much of WoT I’m supposed not to play?

    • That’s not the point of it being posted, the point is to show what an ammo rack fire looks like from the outside.

  19. “apparently, the “new method” of evaluating tank performance was judged correctly and it’s possible some buffs and nerfs will come in the future, but not in 9.0″

    I don’t understand this. What is “new method”? Can someone explain?

    • The “new” one was proposed by one of the players and it is based on comparing players global win ratio to the win ratio in specific tank. Ideally both should be the same but with many tanks it is not the case.

      The “old” method is looking at tank’s global win rate compared to other tanks, without looking at the win rate distribution of that specific tank among differently skilled (wr wise) players.

  20. “Storm states that i3 4330 processor + GTX760 should be enough for WoT HD and Havok, but no exact minimum requirements are known yet”

    so I guess my i7 4700Hz ROG with GTX 770M can somewhat overkill this :d

    *sees AR clip*
    shit hot !

  21. “Storm states that i3 4330 processor + GTX760 should be enough for WoT HD and Havok, but no exact minimum requirements are known yet”
    - Thats quite significat for a game with such backward graphics, even with HD. Enough, enough what?