Hello everyone,
yesterday, a new “Inca Path” map appeared on the supertest apparently. Here’s how it’s going to look – a preview of an unfinished version (so it’s obviously pointless to ask why does it look like shit, it’s not even modelled yet). Sceenies below the line.
Hang on, is that a volcano on the top left corner of the map?
We made one castle, we`ll copy/paste it everywhere :D
This map is still under construction. They just put the castle there to fill the map and it will get removed again before release. A castle obviously doesnt fit into a map called “inca path”.
Inca – Indians.. hmm.. then why that castle is there? Or I miss something?
oh, nice music – Katiusha from “Panzer und girls” :)
Maybe the Spaniards built it after the genocide. ;p
Placeholder I guess.
They should make bigger maps than 1000×1000, 2000×2000 would be much better
Oh man ! You made my TOG cry ! Damn, poor little TOG…
1200×1200 is doable, 1500×1500 is pretty much the limit on current randoms – both for HW and time reasons.
Maps that big probably wont work above 1000×1000 IMO. Mainly because if someone is capping and u need to reset it, even the fastest of vehicles will find it hard to go back to the cap unless the caps are in the middle of the map. Also it really isnt fair on tanks like the T95 or E100, they will spend about half the game trying to get the the battle and the action, and the action will probably the action will avoid most of the map that big with only 15 players.
Who says the whole map needs to be accesable? Currently Map builders are forced to make most of the map open to acces otherwise maps feel small or become too linear: The mountain in Hidden Village being a prime example. Having a bigger mapsize would make it possible to make the map curve along the mountain and create athmostphere without sacrificing flanking options and would allow for more inovative map design in regards to layout.
There is also the fact that the capture area’s do not NEED to be in opposing corners. It could be that there is a large area around the base which is accesable. This would increase flanking options of mediums while heavy tanks do not need to drive for half an hour from capture point to capture point.
Basically, larger maps when used well CAN only have advantages in terms of variety. They do not need to be unplayable for Heavies or TD’s but they obviously would be a boost to non-autoloader medium early game performance. ( currently often early game mediums are forced into sniping/scout mode due to having no open flanks to exploit and facing heavies on every flank in tanks with lighter armor, lower alpha per shot and lower healthpools is not all that attractive over sniping hidden from a bush. However larger maps could give flanking options that heavies would never ( well except the autloader french ones, hate them.. ) use or be able to shut down reliably
( These maps mostly would be a huge boost to fast autloaders, but it can be balanced… though I doubt any ordinary medium could do much against autoloaders going up there… a common problem. )
e100 not so much, but yea, the t95, maus, and all the churchill tanks or all brit tds will have trouble
Another World of Corridors map?
Apparently, yes…
What’s wrong with corridor maps ? Many people like them, why ? Because in cities for example, TD don’t camp and nuke you at 400m without being able to spot them. And open maps make you also nuked by all arties, and you always have to hide not to be raped on the open by everyone.
Oh, and there is always a place which is more open in these maps (rails on Himmel, East on Ensk, North-West on Karkhov, etc)
I bet you are tomato or yellow in xvm at best. Enjoy your no brain needed city maps poor ape.
I didn’t say that I prefer these maps.
And I’m green for overall, and blue (1800wn8) with 57% for past 1k
I tell you why…. some tanks are just good at opened maps….. scouts….. paper tanks…. they suffer from corridor shit maps like severogorsk…
Hey man, even on Himmelsdorf I manage to do miracles with a lowdog scout.
But if you get more corridors, then you can wait till you know one of them is empty and rush through it, ideal for light/med, isn’t it?
Because the ONLY tanks that are good/at home in crappy corridor maps are HTs & TDs with good/very good frontal armor.
Basically, in corridor maps any support-class tanks are getting shafted big time.
Not to mention tanks that rely on not getting spotted
P.S.: Don’t want to get “nuked by TDs at 400m”?! Don’t drive out in the open!
P.P.S.: Corridor maps are tailored for idiot kids who just want to drive 10m, meet the enemy, shoot 2-3 times, die then rinse & repeat… without having to worry about stuff such as view range, camo rating, flanking, etc. You know, those elements that actually comprise more than half of being a good WoT player
Both are different gameplays for different tanks, and if you play like you say, so I think you need some training in cities.
I like cities for sidescrapping etc, even on scouts.
But that doesn’t mean I don’t like open maps (because I prefer them).
I can be good at sidescrapping AND in open maps where I do worry about what you say.
“Both are different gameplays for different tanks, and if you play like you say, so I think you need some training in cities”
I’m sorry, but when you’ll learn to actually play, maybe THEN you’ll try to school me
“I like cities for sidescrapping etc, even on scouts” – U WOT M8?
These are also the useless parts of these maps that nobody important goes to and the action is not decided on for the most part, with some exceptions.
corridor maps are fine, aslong as there ain’t too many of em.
City maps are fuhn and make arty cry, which is a bonus.
open maps can be fuhn if u are better at the hide/spot stuff than your oponent(be it you, your teams scouts or juyst plain dumb enemy).
But latly there is a trend towards corridor maps, which has to be stoped before it gets really anoying.
Looks to me like more players despise corridor maps than open/city maps combined.
Only thing more behated is arty..
mfg eX
I don’t know why, but that map doesn’t look like a WoT map…
(I guess the bug yellow boxes are unmodelled things)
So another corridor map? LOL
This doesnt even deserve to call it a “shitty map”
Also, I’m almost certain that its a low-mid tier stuff
Another trash corridor map. Arty is cancer.
Yea, World of Canyons… Also, this river looks worse than in the worst times of Erlenberg.
Needs more corridors…
Nice Bavarian castle. I never noticed one of them during my time in Peru.
Peru has a few European style castles, built by local tycoons in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Ah well, I must have spent too much time looking around the ancient places like Cusco and Machu Picchu, rather than the colonial towns :) I’d be surprised if WG didn’t put in features that are found in Cusco sacred valley area because it would really make it stand out from other maps.
They could do the same for the Mexico map and add in Mayan/Aztec ruins and pyramids which would give hard cover. Maybe that’s asking too much of them though :s
Pingback: Ścieżka Inków - nowa mapa prosto z supertestów
Although I like the new map, and the new region, I wish they’d do more desert maps. Maybe re-do the terrain type and call it “African Canyon” or something.
Heavy armoured tank + tunnel =tears of the enemy
That duck……………………………………………
Its watching me!!!!!!
I knew it!!!!!
It doesn’t look like shit because it’s not finished, it looks like crap because it’s yet another generic corridorish piece of shit that WG likes to call map. And stronk rashan patriotism in the video. Katyusha representing apparently central/south american map.
Its not really any patriotism going on its just music that was used in the Girls und Panzer anime during the time when the main characters were fighting the Russian team of tanks.
You’d be surprised at how often the crappy orchestral stuff from WoT is used along with the catchy music from the Girls und Panzer anime when people upload some WoT vids.
Looks fine to me so lets jam it between Dragons Ridge and Port and never think worry it ever again.
PS. I prefer and and they will fit muck better in the game.
2 flanks, middle filled with No-Man’s Land.
Haven’t seen this formula before.