Check out the Chieftain’s article on why quoting B.Cooper’s Death Traps is not a good idea…
Anyway, not much today:
- a player stated that the new high-caliber (152,170mm) sounds in 9.4 sound like a combination of three successive sounds. Storm confirmed that, stating that it’s a trick, done in movies to improve the “power” of the sound.
- Storm does not know exactly, but it’s possible the developers are experimenting with transferring WoT to WWISE (new sound engine)
- IS-7 will not be buffed: “the HD IS-7 became stronger than the old one”
- IS-6 penetration buff is not planned
- the famous Stalingrad fountain with kids playing will not be present on the ingame map, as it did not fit the segment that was modelled
- developers are still working on XP for tanking
- T-34-3 will not be buffed more than it is in round 1 in 9.4
- remember that Igromir video host? Russian players found out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say.
- regarding the “Recruitment” program, it will not be usable to train your twinks due to limitations
- Stalingrad will appear in the game without Havok at first
- +/-1 MM will not be introduced
HD is-7 stronger?
I think they buffed the turret armor slightly, don’t quote me…
Angles of the front changed slightly, thus adding some effective armor.
Looks more stronkish and the enemy doesn’t know, where your turret is pointing at because of the missing machinegun.
Did they change the armor maybe?
They removed the only real weakspot. The IS-7 turret has gone from “Once in a Blue Moon” to “Lolnope.avi”
Its more bad an T 57 heavy come we were face to face actually his gun couldn`t shoot the hull only turrent and then that son of a …started to shoot it like it was paper all 4 shots penetrated the front of IS 7 turrent down left i was like WAT and i could kill that shit if i he would reload with 0.02 faster
Turret is stupidly strong now. Too strong.
Lower plate is a bigger target though.
- remember that Igromir video host? Russian players found out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say.
Movie or didnt happen
Yes, share the link pls!
I am specifically interested in her acting performance.
Srsly: At least WG is hiring professionals :DDD
Mi want link nuw! Mi like russian slats :).
I’m at a meeting so I cant watch any videos, but did a quick google-fu and found this name: Татьяна Стройная
Can somebody follow-up and do a visual confirmation with the igromir vid if its her and perhaps find some pre-WG vids? :D
nope that is another girl from the same photo-shoot she did for maxim Алена Корниенко is her and posing once fro a photo-shoot (didn’t even show anything ) is hardly being an adult actress.
She is the last of the girls there.
That’s… not what they discovered. To put it mildly.
Some links please :))
I looked around those comments from WG igromir video and many speak nice of Alena girl/host/lead.
Did some googling and found this
Could it be her? and they also talk about the host, that her girlfriend is Sasha Grey (porn actress). Original comment : +SerzhTiger она подружка Саши Грэй, вот её и все знают :D
So what is her “actress” name then? quit teasing! :D
dude, links or it didn’t happen….
we need those vids chop chop, start the torrents…
Yeah. That will be the final proof that WG employees suck. ;)
How is it even relevant?
Hypothetically, would you be this interested if you discovered that the male voice-over guy was a huge pornstar?
Somehow I doubt it…
Well, no, since he’s probably a heterosexual male… Why do people like you always have a problem?!
Oh….I don’t know….maybe because I’m not a 14 year-old porn addict that fixates on finding new shit to whack off to?
Random woman in WG video? Time to hit Google and see if she’s a porn-star!
Random woman on the side of the street? Time to stalk her and see if she’s a porn-star!
Cute anime girl? Time to go digging for hentai!
Honestly, it’s just kind of pathetic.
So what you’re saying is just because you have twisted view of porn and/or are frigid we should not be curious and interested of how this cute chick looks naked?
Duly noted.
I find it weird that you have such an issue with pornography. I’ve never thought of stalking anyone or googling every girl I see, that’s your mind and its unpleasant.
Anyhoo, boobies :-)
Random person on FTR blog talking about whacking
! Time to find out if he is she and if he-she is a pornstar !
Links nao or I kill this kitten right here
My (short) search somehow ended up differently:
*link is only mildly NSFW
Then again I am lousy at these searches.
Though the result is… damn…
- IS-6 penetration buff is not planned
Is6 dont need pen buff, that tank need roof amor buff
AHAHA, why the fuck does the IS6 need a buff anyways? It has the highest global WR of all tier 8 heavys. Roof “armor buff”, lol that is the only place you can shoot it if you face if frontaly with lower pen guns. It alreaddy has the best armor out of all tier 8 heavys currently.
*cough cough* KV4tress and KV5 say you’re full of shit regarding armor *cough cough*
And you can shoot it in the drivers hatch, in the front sprocket, in the turret hatches
KV-5 has R2D2 on the front which is easely penetrable
Are they going to fix the damn “ghost shot” bug? Or are they not going to fix it?
Yes, they’ve already stated that they are.
I will not be happy until the IS-7 has an 7s reload, 0.32m accuracy, 1.8s aim time and 2000 horsepower. Buff it.
Seriously, while the gun on the IS-7 (even with APCR) is absolutely horrible, the chassis it’s mounted on is easily tier 11 material. Decent speed combined with incredible front and side armour on both the hull and turret. Not sure why people are asking it to be buffed.
amen sistah!
Btw, SS, regarding the WWise – it’s already used in some games and Audiokinetic makes it available to modders (after talking to developers and establishing some EULA, which shouldn’t be hard for WG).
Just regarding the “no more sound mods” info you gave earlier.
IS7 and IS6 buff? Who asks these questions ffs.
Tomatoes that died through the tech tree only to find yout they still suck in tier 10 tanks and even don’t make profit with their tier 8 premiums.
trolls or probably “rusek tenks not stronk enuf!” people…
- regarding the “Recruitment” program, it will not be usable to train your twinks due to limitations
Sorry, what does it mean?
An attractive, boyish-looking, young gay man. The stereotypical twink is 18-22, slender with little or no body hair, often blonde, dresses in club wear even at 10:00 AM, and is not particularly intelligent. A twink is the gay answer to the blonde bimbo cheerleader.
So, what does that mean?
he most likely means the reroll accounts many people do so they have better stats.
- remember that Igromir video host? Russian players found out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say.
typical russian girls!
now everybody is probably searching for movies with her!
ye, damn you SS! :D
anyone found a link ? I need it for research and academic purpose !
Let me guess, home office?
Russian players found out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say.
Link pls for research …and stuff
Just go to pornhub, type “sell your gf” and go through the list.
Instructions unclear. Dick stuck in the keyboard.
Made my day! :D
Field experience tells me this will be a long, long list of vids in russian with bad english subtitles.
I believe the dood is right the one named “Night club hookup pays off” from “sell your gf” definitely looks like her. I have to say she is … well talented :)
- +/-1 MM will not be introduced
Again? Seriously? And you wonder why the devs troll them…
- +/-1 MM will not be introduced
I think there is no point to translate that part until they say the opposite.
i agree…
if they want +1/-1 mm, go play tier 1 and tier 10′s, they already got that.
actually tier 10s have +0/-2 but nice try
When buff T34?
There is nothing to buff on the nigh-invulnerable Tier 10 gun. Play it as a gun, not a tank.
-remember that Igromir video host? Russian players found out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say.
So did she leave WoT because RNG wasn’t giving her enough penetration? ;)
Lolz! Good one.
is-7 with that machine gun removed seems stealthier, it seems smaller, even though it isn’t.
And with every nerf, they introduce a buff to random russian tank. How cool is that@!!!@
- remember that Igromir video host? Russian players found out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say.
I bet the recruiter who hired her got a very professional blowjob :D
- +/-1 MM will not be introduced
I have the feeling that SS puts this in Q&As sometimes just for trollz :D
Tune in tomorrow for breaking news:
Arty won’t be removed from game.
Look up this guy in-game and sort his tanks by average XP per battle,
Funny how stuff like this happens in-game, first thought was cheat but I’m not sure.
Tadays FTR special !
We need link :D
So those stories on IGN are true. About QA testers veterans left in the dust while a newly hired HOT vagina gets promoted “someway” to LEAD after 3months.